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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Techniques of English-Chinese Translation,Shift of perspective,1,As there are many differences between English and Chinese grammer and expressions. It is necessary to convert in translation to make TL smooth and readable.,Shift of perspective:,conversion of parts of speech,conversion of sentence elements,conversion of expression modes,conversion of natual order and inverted order,conversion of affirmative and negative expressions,conversion of active and passive voice,conversion of clauses,2,I. Conversion of parts of speech,-Certain parts of speech in English is converted into another kind of parts of speech in Chinese.,1.1 Conversion from noun to verb.,1),nouns relate to psychology and expression,My,suggestion,is that he should quit smoking at once.,我,建议,他立刻戒烟。,e.g. opinion thought objection refusal declaration proposal,3,2) Seven sense and its derivation,sight hearing touch smelling taste feeling,hunch/intuition spectator audience,For millions of immigrants, the Statue of Liberty was their first,sight,of the promising land.,数百万移民一踏上这块希望的土地,第一眼,看到,的是自由女神像。,Large numbers enjoy the,spectator sports.,许多人喜欢,观看,比赛。,4,3) Verb derivation with er/or suffixnot represent identity or career, but with the meaning of strong action. a fast runner 跑得很快a smart learner 学得很快a good liar 你真会说谎You are such a loser! 你真逊!,5,4) Nouns which reflect four major trends and dynamic change,increase decrease stabilization fluctuation,The American airline industry has enjoyed,significant expansion,in the last twenty years.,在过去的 20 年当中,美国航空业,迅猛发展,。,extension concentration growth boom prosperity,6,1.2. Controversion from preposition to verb,The classroom is beyond its maximum seating capacity.,这个教室坐不下那么多人。,Through the airport, into the cab and then into the clients office, Pyles struggle while the men forged ahead.,几个男同事一路轻松自如地走在前面,而派尔却十分吃力地,穿过,机场,,钻入,出租车,,走进,客户的办公室。,7,2.Conversion from verb & adv.to noun & adj.,(,1) The inflammation is characterized by red, swelling, fever, and pain.,炎症的特点是红、肿、热、痛。,(2) The visiting guests were escorted to the Yellow Crane Tower last Sunday.,上星期天,来访的客人和陪同人员一起参观了黄鹤楼。,8,2.Conversion from verb & adv.to noun & adj.,(3),Our government shows great concern for the Chinese residents abroad.,我国政府十分关心 海外华侨。,(4) Formality has always characterized their relationship.,他们之间的关系,有一个特点,就是以礼相待。,9,3.Conversion from noun to adj. & adv.,(1) He added: I understand and respect those views, but I deeply believe in the correctness of my decision.,他还说:我理解并尊重他们的看法,但我深信我的决定是正确的。”,(2) They came back game and glee.,他们兴高采烈地回来了。,10,II.,Conversion of sentence elements,-Certain sentence element in English is converted into another kind of element in Chinese.,Mainly between subject, predicate, object,attribute, adverbial modifier and complement.,、,Converstion between subject and object,Animate verb: followed by animate subject,Inanimate verb: followed by inanimated subject,(1) American education,owes a great debt to,Thomas Jefferson,.,托马斯杰斐逊对美国的教育事业做出了巨大贡献。,11,(2) Her presence of mind,had not completely deserted,her,; but she could not have trusted herself to speak.,她虽没有完全失去镇静,可是却又找不出话可说,。,(3) Brussels fell to him on September 3 and Antwerp the next day.,他于 9 月 3 日攻克了布鲁塞尔,次日又拿下了安特卫普。,12,. Converstion between attribute and object,Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty.,自建国以来,每一代美国人都被要求宣誓效忠于祖国。,3.,Conversion between attribute and adverbial modifier,He will give an immediate reply.,他会立即答复。,13,III Conversion of expression modes,Measure words,e.g. score, dozen, decade, quarter,Four score and seven years,ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation.,87,年,前,我们的先辈在这个大陆上创建了一个新的国家。,During the first part of his life,Watt studied weather and storm.,瓦特年轻时研究天气和风暴。,She will be back in,the last ten days,of June.,她将于,六月下旬,回来。,14,2. Different expression perspective.,His father is in his sixties. 年逾花甲,Our mens wear 25% discount. 七五折,You are quite a stranger here.这里的人不认识你,There used to be a river here two centuries back of this.,两个世纪以前,这里曾有一条河。,Im low IQ, you know.我很笨; low EQ(吃不开);,There is always a place for you at your table.,请你随时来吃便饭。,15,IV. Conversion of natual order and inverted order,Natural order: Subjectpredicate,Inverted order: Predicate subject,English use inverted order to emphasize,highlight and balance sentence structure. While in Chinese we dont use it as frequently as in English.,(1) Away ran the boy. 男孩跑开了.,(2) Slowly climbs the summer moon.,夏天的月亮慢慢地爬上来了。,16,Sometimes not necessary,Then came wind, hail and frost.,接着又是风灾,雹灾和霜冻。,In came an old man with a black hat.,进来了一位带黑帽子的老人。,Sometimes partially inverted.,They played chess in high spirits at the club yesterday.,他们昨天在俱乐部高兴的下棋。,17,V. conversion of affirmative and negative expressions,based on different expresstion habits.,1. From affirmative expresstion in English to negative,expresstion in Chinese.,frost-free,refrigerator,无霜冰箱,He yelled “,Freeze,!”,他大喝一声:“不许动!”,carefree,无忧无虑的,18,Her husband hates to see her stony face.,她丈夫不愿意见到她那张面无表情的脸。,The naughty boy is far from honest and his excuse is pretty thin.,这个调皮的男孩很不老实,他的借口一点也站不住脚。,The proposal was carried by a very narrow margin.,这项建议差点通不过。,19,2. From affirmative expresstion in Chinese to negative expresstion in English.,The United Nations Organization has not, so far, justified the hopes which the people of the world set on it.,到目前为止,联合国辜负了世界人民寄予的希望。,For three weeks I held both jobs, working from eight in the morning until midnight. Never in my life have I been happier.,三周来我身兼两职,每天从早上八点一直工作到午夜。我的一生中以那段时光最为快乐。,20,VI .Conversion of active and passive voice(shift of voice),1、From passtive to active voice,1) Kinds of passive words,“受”、“遭”、“由”、“给”、“为所”、“予以”、“加以”,(1) In a moment he will turn and see us, and his face will be lighted by a smile so radiant youll feel warm all the way through.,过一会儿他会转过身来看着我们,那时他脸上会泛出灿烂的微笑,让你全身都感到温暖。,(2) He was released immediately after Oct 7.,一过十月七号,他获释了。,21,2) Omit passive verbs ( could be vt. & vi. at the same time),The risk of global nuclear conflict has been greatly reduced.,全球核冲突的危险性已经大大减小了。,(Note: “been” could be deleted, same as the words indictate four major trends),3) Exchange of active and passive voice,a) subject +predicate+adverbial modifier,adverbial modifier,+,predicate,+object(original subject),Movies,were first made,in Hollywood before WWI,.,一战前好莱坞首次制作了电影。,22,b) subject(受动者)+ predicate +(by)施动者,施动者+,predicate,+受动者,The mobile phone boom is driven by the young adults.,年轻人推动了移动电话市场的繁荣。,4) Anticipatory subject 形式主语,“据”,It is said that 据说,It is reported that 据报道,It is calculated that 据统计,indefinite pronoun不定代词,“有人”、“大家”、“人们”,It is believed that 有人(我们、人们)相信(认为),It is generally considered that 大家认为,It is well-known 众所周知,It is rarely known 鲜为人知,23,2、From active to passive voice (although not so frequently in E-C translation),His acceptance,into the club is a quite natural thing.,他,被吸收到,俱乐部里来是自然而然的事情。,(2) The young man,was under sentence of death,because of murder.,年轻人因为谋杀,被判处死刑。,24,VII.,Conversion of clause,(1) They felt that it was much easier and safer to rob their own people, for they knew that white policemen never really searched diligently for Negroes who committed crimes against other Negroes.,他们觉得抢劫他们的同种人要安全得多,因为他们知道,如果黑人侵犯的是黑人,白人警察便从来不认真搜捕。(,attributive clause,定语从句clause of condition条件状语从句),25,(2) Her great grief in this relation was that her only child, on whose education no expense had been and would be spared, was now old enough to perceive these deficiencies in his mother.,这一方面给她造成了极大的苦闷,也就是有关她的独生子的问题。虽然过去和今后在儿子的教育费用上既不曾也不会省掉什么钱,然而如今他的年纪已经不小,能注意他母亲的这些缺点了。(,attributive clause,定语从句,concessive adverbial clauses,让步状语从句),26,


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