九年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 Wise men in history Grammar课件 (新版)牛津深圳版

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九年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 Wise men in history Grammar课件 (新版)牛津深圳版_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit1,Question tags,Sentence types,We use question tags to check if something is true, or when we want others to agree with us.,Archimedes was a famous scientist,wasnt he,?,He didnt make the crown with gold,did he,?,The train has left,hasnt it,?,Youll forgive him,wont you,?,Work out the rule,-We use the right form of the verbs be, do, _ or modal verbs+subject pronouns in the question tags.,-We use (the same/a different) tense for the statement and the question tag.,have,Things to remember,-When we answer tag questions, we use,yes,or,no,according to the facts.,The runner didnt win the race, did he?,Yes, he did. (He won the race.),No, he didnt. (He did not win the race.),Things to remember,Pay attention to the following special question tags.,Take out your books, will you?,Lets get out of here, shall we?,Youre never late, are you?,- We put a comma,(,),before a question tag.,King Hiero showed the crown to the queen later. Complete their conversation with question tags.,Queen: You arent happy, _?,What happened.,King: Its my new crown. Take a look at it,_?,Queen: It looks beautiful, _?,Whats wrong with it?,are you,will you,doesnt it,King: It isnt made completely of gold.,Thats why Im angry.,Queen: The crown maker tricked you,_? How did you find out?,King: Archimedes told me. Lets have,dinner with him tonight, _?,Queen: OK.,didnt he,shall we,1)His wife is a teacher,_?,2)Bob wasnt a driver,_?,3)There were lots of questions,_?,4)Tom has made a model plane,_?,5)He usually drives carefully,_?,6)He wont be late,_?,7)They cant leave now,_?,8)No one received a present, _?,9. Thats my book, _?,10) Shes never been there before, _?,Practice and find out the rule,isnt she,was he,werent there,hasnt he,doesnt he,will he,can they,did they,isnt it,has she,Sentence types,There are four types of sentences.,Statements,A statement talks about a certain person or thing. It usually ends with a full stop(.).,Positive statement,One day in ancient,Greece, King Hiero asked a crown,maker to make him a golden crown.,Negative statement,It was not a real,golden crown.,Questions,We use questions to ask for information. A question ends with a question mark(?).,Yes/No question,Is it made completely,of gold?,Wh-question,What should I do?,Alternative question,What is the crown,made of, gold or something else?,Tag question,Its a nice crown, isnt it?,Imperatives,When we want to give commands or make requests or suggestions, we use the imperative. An imperative sentence ends with a full stop (.) or an exclamation mark (!).,Look at this. Keep quiet! Watch out!,Please give me some gold of the same weight.,Exclamations,When we want to express strong feelings, we use exclamations. An exclamation usually ends with an exclamation mark (!).,How excited Archimedes was!,What a bad man the crown maker is!,Add a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark to the end of the following sentences.,How can I find out _,The crown is nice _,How wonderful _,The king was not happy _,?,.,!,.,5. Please close the window _,6. What a nice crown _,7. This is difficult, isnt it _,8. Leave me alone _,.,!,?,.,Look at the sentences below and label the sentence types.,tag question,statement,exclamation,Yes/No question,statement,imperative,_ danger it is to ride fast on a busy road!,A. How B. What C. What a D. How a,2. Dont forget to put the book back on the shelf, _?,A. do you B. dont you,C. will you D. wont you,3. Bill had nothing for breakfast this morning, _? -_, he got up too late.,A. had he; Yes B. had he; No,C. did he; Yes D. did he: No,4. Would you like tea or milk? -_.,A. Help yourself B. Milk, please,C. Yes, please D. I dont like it.,5. -_ can you be ready, Andy?,-In ten minutes.,A. How much B. How soon,C. How long D. How often,6. -_ fun it is to swim at the beach!,A. How B. What C. What a D. How a,7. _ out your love. The world will become a nicer place to live in.,A. Speak B. To speak,C. Speaking D. Spoke,8. -_ hard work you have done!,-Its very kind of you to say so.,A. What a B. How,C. What D. How a,9. -_ is your math teacher?,-The one in red.,A. What B. Where C. Which D. How,10. Its hardly rained for ten months in the area, _?,A. isnt it B. is it,C. hasnt it D. has it,


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