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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,对比性标记词语,1,But,但是,You know but too yell to hold your tongue.,你知道保持沉默的好处。,Nothing is so bad but it might have been worse .,塞翁失马,焉知非福。,2,However,然而,However, there are a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this case.,然而很多人对此有不同的看法。,However, he smothered, as best he was able, these feelings.,然而,他尽其所能抑制住了这些感情。,3,On the other hand,另一方面,用于提出两个相反的事物和看法。,On the one hand, if the body doesnt have enough cholesterol, we would not be able to survive. On the other hand, if the body has too much cholesterol, the excess begins to harden the arteries.,一方面讲,如果身体没有足够的胆固醇,我们不可能生存。从另外一方面讲,如果身体的胆固醇过高,血管可能硬化。,4,Nevertheless,然而,Nevertheless, they deserve notice and respect.,然而,他们应该受到重视和尊敬。,To be sure, it is no longer winter; neverthless, it is quite cold.,现在固然已不是冬天了,可是天气还是相当冷。,5,Yet,但是,It is well on in May, yet, it is almost as cold as midwinter.,现在进入5月分已经好长时间了,然而天气还象仲冬一样冷。,The judge was stern, yet completely fair.,法官很严峻,却完全公正。,6,By contrast to (with),对比(与 . 相反),It seems quite warm today by contrast with yesterdays icy wind.,与昨天凛冽的寒风一比,今天可算相当暖和了。,By contrast tohis own work, Mr. Calvino ridiculed commercial fiction, including American novels.与他作品相反的是,卡尔维诺先生嘲笑包括美国小说在内的商业上的虚构小说。,7,Contrary to,与相反;违反,The result is contrary to our expectation,结果与我们的预料相反。,Contrarytopopular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite. 与通常的看法相反,适度的运动事实上会降低食欲。,8,Instead of “,代替”、“而不”,They must make up their own minds instead of our making their minds for them.,他们应当自己下决心而不是我们替他们下决心。,That increased instead of decreased our courage.,那不但没有减弱反而增强了我们的勇气。,9,Rather than,不愿,而不是,She would rather die than lose the children.,她宁愿死也不愿失去孩子们。,I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. 我决定写信而不打电话。,10,Compare to,把 . 比作,异类相比较,Children are often compared to happy birds. 孩子常常被比喻成幸福的小鸟。,Theheartisoftencomparedtoapump.,心脏常被比作水泵。,11,Compared with,比较,跟相比,同类相比较。,Walking cant compare with flying.,步行无法与飞行相比。,He involuntarily compared her with Miss Wood word.,他无意中将她和伍德沃德小姐比较了一下。,12,Conversely,相反地,另一方面,Conversely, when Earth and Mars are near each other, Mars looms large and bright.相反地,当地球和火星距离较近,火星看上去就显得很大很明亮。,Conversely, of efficiency raise unwarrantable inevitable meeting to achieve fairness.,反之,效率的提高并不能保证必然会实现公平。,13,


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