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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,互文性与翻译研究,1,互文性理论,在本质上是一种文本理论,产生于结构主义和后结构主义大潮之中。,主要的代表人物:,克里斯蒂娃,(,J.T Cristeva),、,巴特,(,R. Barthes),、,热奈特,G. Genette),和,里法泰尔,(,M . RifFaterre,)等。,2,互文性,源于拉丁文中的intertexto,词源意义为混合编织.,德里达认为语言最主要的特性不是结构主义所强调的符号,而是萦绕在符号周围的那些复杂的联想、意味、潜台词,或者说是踪迹.因此不存在任何独立的文本,任何文字作品都建立在其它文本的基础上,包括每个单词都不是封闭的孤岛,文本是一种遍布互文性的网状结构.,3,“互文性是指任何文本与赋予该文,本意义的知识、代码和表意实践之总和的关系,这些知识、代码和表意实践形成了一个潜力无限的网络。,4,1.,文本意义理解与翻译,文本的意义在翻译理解时非常重要,任何的偏离都会使翻译离题万里,根据互文性原理,此文本与彼文本是相互依存的, 忽略互文性是导致误译和机械翻译的重要因素,。,5,e.g 1: 不以物喜,不以己悲。,A 不因客观环境好而高兴,不因自身遭遇不好而悲伤。,B 他们不因外物的美好而高兴,不因个人的得失而悲伤。,C 他们不因环境的好坏而高兴悲伤,也不因自己的得失而愉快痛苦。,D 不因外物(好坏)和个人(得失)而或喜或悲。,6,e.g 2: “ Catch-22”(title of a novel),误译:“抓住22”,正译:“左右为难”、“尴尬”,7,e.g 3:,The broken Sedley would have acted well as the boarding house land- lady s husband, the,Munoz,of private,life, the titutor lord and master, the,carver, house-steward and humble husband of the occupier of the dingy throne.,名利场,Munoz,是西班牙女王凯撒玲的丈夫,没有任何政治权力,。,8,e.g 4:,Many a Chinese city has tried,to ban auto horns, but unsuccessfully,for every driver in China has a motive,a minute for joining the raucous ranks,of honkies. Rut Mayor Hong decreed, “ No horns”. And it was Silent Night,overnight.,魅力厦门,Silent Night 圣诞平安夜“,因此蕴涵了平安祥和的意思;也因此间接地对政府的决策带来的良好社会效应子以褒扬,。,9,2.,互文性与上下文,文本的相互联系给翻译带来了双重性,一方面在理解文本时能触类旁通,借用乃至套用已有的表达方式,另一方面又增加了译者的困难,因,为与另外的文本发生联系,需要译,者更高程度上的知识水平和背景知,识。,10,e.g 1: “牛山之木尝美矣。以其郊于大国,也, 斧刀伐之,可以为美呼?此岂山之,性也哉?虽存乎人者,岂无仁义之心也,哉?其所以放其良心者,亦犹斧斤之于,木也; 旦旦而伐之,可以为美乎?”,-( 孟子牛山濯濯),11,Text 1,: There was once a time when the,forest of the Niu Mountain were beautiful.,But can the mountain any longer be regarded as beautiful,since being situated near a big city,the woodsmen have hewed down the trees? . Is this the true nature of the mountain? And is there not a heart of love and rightness in man ,too?,But how can that nature remain beautiful,when it is hacked down every day,as the woodsman chops down the,trees with his axe?,12,Text 2: The trees on the Ox Mountain were once luxuriant, but as they are on the outskirts of a great capital, they are often subject to axe fallings,can we wonder at the loss of their beauty,? Is,it in the nature of the mountain? Is it in the nature of man to be entirely barren of benevolence and rightness? He has lost these virtues because he is like the trees under the stroke of the axe every day.,How can he flourish in these virtues,?,13,3.,互文性与跨文化翻译,尤金奈达,指出:语言和文化并不真的那么不同。(它们)有许多的共同性。,14,e.g Talk of the devil and he is sure to,appear.,说曹操,曹操到,e.g 春风杨柳万千条,六亿神州尽舜尧.,(毛泽东送瘟神七律),Spring winds move willaw wands,in tens of trillions;,Six hundred million we shall all be Sage-kings .,15,e.g,The question was like the Sphinx s riddle to them.,译:这个问题对他们来说就像斯芬克斯之谜一样是个难题。,16,e.g,Had I now had the sense to have gone back to Hull,and have gone home , I had been happy,and my father, an emblem of our blessed Saviors parable,had even killed the fatted calf for me.,D. Defoe,:,Robinson Crusoe,),译:,假如我当时有一点头脑,肯回到赫尔,回到家里,我一定会很幸福,我的父亲也一定会像耶稣喻言中的父亲一样,宰杀肥牛,热情款待,17,典故:,圣经 “新约路加福音“ 第15章耶稣讲道时用的一个比喻:某,人有二子,幼子不肖,把分得的,财产在远方耗尽,沦为牧猪奴。,后醒悟,到父亲面前请罪,父亲宽,恕了他,宰杀肥牛以庆浪子回头。此语故用来表示“热烈的款待;用最好的东西待客”。,18,圣经的典故还有很多,如:,the writing on the wall,(灾祸将临的预兆;凶兆);,sell one s birthright for,a mess of pottage,(为一碗红豆汤出卖了长子权,,因小失大);,Judas,(犹大;叛徒),19,


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