【外研版】七下英语备课:Module 12 Western music Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.课件

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【外研版】七下英语备课:Module 12 Western music Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.课件_第1页
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【外研版】七下英语备课:Module 12 Western music Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.课件_第2页
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【外研版】七下英语备课:Module 12 Western music Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.课件_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 2,Vienna is the,centre of,European,classical music.,Strauss,Vienna,Vienna is,the,centre of,European,classical music.,Mozart,Strauss,the elder,Strauss,the younger,The Blue Danube,Para.1 Strauss family,Para.2 B. Mozart,Para.3 C. Vienna,Read quickly and match,Answer the questions.,Where is Vienna?,Vienna is on the River Danube in the,centre of Europe.,Activity,5,:,Read again,and check (,) the,true sentences.,1. Many musicians came to study and,work in Vienna.,2. Strauss the younger played the piano,the violin and thedrums at the age of six.,3. Mozarts family took him around Europe.,4. The father, Johann Strauss, died in 1791.,5. Mozart wrote,The Blue Danube,.,Answer the questions.,2. What music did Johann Strauss the,elder write?,Johanna Strauss the elder wrote and,played music for traditional dances,called the waltz.,3. How many waltzes did Johann Strauss,the younger write?,He wrote over 150 waltzes.,1.elder,older,elder,用于家庭成员之间的长幼关系,不能与than连用。,older,指新旧、老幼或年龄的大小关系,是old的比较级。,(3)His _ brother is two years _ than him.,elder,older,elder,older,2. His dance music,made,him,famous,all over,Europe.,他的舞曲使他享誉全欧洲。,make,的常见用法:,(1),make sb. do sth.,使某人做某事,make sb. not do sth.,使某人不做某事,父母总是使他们的孩子学习很多东西。,Parents always make their children learn many things.,(2),make sb./sth. +adj.,使某人,/,物,The bad news made him very sad.,这个坏消息使他很伤心。,(3),make sb. +n.,使某人成为,We made Wang lizhen our music monitor.,我们选了王立振当我们的音乐委员,。,m,e happy,m,akes European,e,xcited,believe,3.be famous for,因(著作,/,地名,),出名,潍坊因风筝而出名。,Weifang is famous for kites.,be famous as,以,(,身份,/,职业,),出名,周杰伦以歌手而出名。,Jay Chou is famous as a singer.,4.all over,遍及,all over the world,全世界,all over the country,全国,all over China,全中国,We have friends all over the world.,我们的朋友遍天下。,5.The son, Johann Strauss the younger, was also very successful and popular.,儿子,小约翰,.,施特劳斯也很成功,很受欢迎。,popular,的常见用法:,be popular with sb.,受到某人的喜爱,刘德华非常受中国人的欢迎,Andy Lau is very popular with Chinese people,.,a,popular writer,popular songs,popular music,popular,Activity,5,:,Read again,and check (,) the,true sentences.,1. Many musicians came to study and,work in Vienna.,2. Strauss the younger played the piano,the violin and the,drums at the age of six.,3. Mozarts family took him around Europe.,4. The father, Johann Strauss, died in 1791.,5. Mozart wrote,The Blue Danube,.,4. When was Mozart born?,He was born in Austria.,5. How old was Mozart when he died?,He died in 1791 when he was only 35.,6,Mozart was another very impotant composer.,莫扎特是另一位重要的作曲家。,another,的常见用法:,(1),another,形容词“,另一个,又一个,”,后接可数名词单数形式或代词,one,。,在喝杯茶?,Have another cup of tea,?,(2),another,代词“,另一个,再一个,又一个,”,泛指前面提到的同类人或事物中的另一个,。,我不喜欢这些衣服,请再那另一个给我看看。,I dont like these coats,please show me another.,(3),another+,数词(,2,个或,2,个以上),+,复数名词,表示,“,再几个,.,”,,相当于“数词,+more+,复数名词”。,他们还需要五个乐手。,They need another five musicians.,=They need five more musicians.,D,dont like,show,another,7.,he played,not only,the piano but also,the violin,.,他不但能弹奏钢琴,而且还能演奏小提琴。,not onlybut also“,不但,而且”,是一个表并列,关系的连词,用来连接两个并列关系的句子成分。,我不但会讲英语,而且还会讲法语。,I can speak not only English, but also French.,如果,not onlybut also,连接的是主语,谓,语动词应该遵循,就近原则,。如:,Not only I but also Tony,likes,playing basketball.,Not only Tony but also I,like,playing basketball.,Activity,5,:,Read again,and check (,) the,true sentences.,1. Many musicians came to study and,work in Vienna.,2. Strauss the younger played the piano,the violin and thedrums at the age of six.,3. Mozarts family took him around Europe.,4. The father, Johann Strauss, died in 1791.,5. Mozart wrote,The Blue Danube,.,4 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.,another elder European perfect poor popular,Both Strauss the _ and Strauss the younger wrote some very _ music. _ successful composer from Vienna was Mozart, but he became very _and died at the age of thirty-five. Many people think Mozarts music is _.All three were great _musicians.,elder,popular,Another,poor,perfect,European,( )Xian Xinghai,( ) famous for the song,The Yellow River,( ) wrote it in 1939,( ) one of the great composers of classical and,traditional music,( ) born in Macao,China,1905,( ) died young,1945,( ) called the “Peoples Musician”,( ) used traditional Chinese music,( ) studied in Paris,( ) songs are still popular today,Xian Xinghai is one of the great composers of classical and,traditional music. He was born in.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Activity,6,:,Use the notes to write a passage,about the Chinese composer Xian Xinghai,Put the notes in order,Xian Xinghai,born,die,experience,his music,Macao, China 1905,famous for the song,The Yellow River,wrote it in 1939,used traditional Chinese music,one of the great composers of classical and traditional music,called the “Peoples Musician”,songs are still popular today,died young, 1945,Xian Xinghai,studied in Paris,Xian Xinghai is one of the great composers of classical and traditional music. He was born in,appreciation,(评论),He was born in,in,He,He is,He,He,He,in,He is,He is,His,Xian Xinghai,Xian Xinghai,is one of the great composers of classical and traditional music. He was born in Macao, China in 1905 and studied in Paris. He was famous for his song,The Yellow River,. He used traditional music, and the music describes China to the rest of the world.,Unfortunately, Xian Xinghai died young, in 1945. But he is called the “Peoples Musician” and his music is loved by every one.,Mozart,was born,in Austria in 1756. Before he,was six,he played not only the,piano,but also the,violin.,His family,took him around Europe,and he,gave concerts,in many cities. He wrote,hundreds of beautiful pieces of music,. But he became very poor and,died,in 1791when he was only thirty-five.Like Johann Strauss , father and son, he was a great European musician, and many people still think his music is perfect.,experience,经历,his music, his birth, his death,Appreciation,(评论),7. You dont like this song, _?,8. They have never been to any concert,_?,9. This music isnt very popular, _?,10. He has a lot of CDs, _?,1. You like rock music, _?,2. They sing well, _?,3. He has written ten new songs this year,_?,4. He wrote traditional music, _?,5. She was a musician, _?,6. We can practise after school, _?,dont you,dont they,hasnt he,didnt he,wasnt she,cant we,do you,have they,is it,doesnt he,完成下面的反意疑问句。,1. I like playing _violin but my sister likes to play _ chess.,A. the; the B. the; /,3. My mother asks me to make my room _ every day.,A. clean B. cleanly,4. I have a pen friend _ Betty. A. call B. called,5. Do you like CDs _ Na Ying? A. with B. by,6. My _ brother is two years _ than me.,A. elder, older B. older, elder,7. _ you _ I am going to the party.,A. Both; and B. Not only; but also,8. -What _ beautiful baby!- You are right.,A. a B. the,9. -Xian Xinghai didnt write traditional music, did he?,- Yes, _.A. he did B. he didnt,Homework:,1.Write a passage about Xian Xinghai.,2. Try to remember something about,Strauss and Mozart.,


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