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Alcoholic Beverages,含酒精饮料,Fermented Alcoholic Beverage,发酵型酒精饮料,Fruit-based alcoholic beverages Eg: Wine,水果酿制的含酒精饮料 例如: 葡萄酒,Grain or vegetable based alcoholic beverages,Eg: Beer, Chinese rice wine, Sake,谷类和蔬菜酿制的酒精性饮料,例如:啤酒,,中国黄酒,日本清酒,During the,fermentation process,yeast converts sugar,into alcohol and CO,2,在发酵期间,酵母把糖份转化为酒精和二氧化碳,Summary,摘要,Alcoholic Beverages,含酒精饮料,1) Fermented Alcoholic Beverages,发酵型酒精饮料,2) Distilled,Alcoholic Beverages,蒸馏型酒精饮料,Wine belongs to fermented alcoholic beverages,葡萄酒属于发酵型酒精饮料,2. Components of Wine葡萄酒成分,Flavor Compounds, (0.1%),含香物质,Color & Tannins,(in red wines) (0.3%),色素和丹宁,(红葡萄酒),Acids (,1%),酸,Sugar ,(0.1% dry,干,- 8% sweet,甜,),糖份,Alcohol, (,10% table wines, 20% fortified wines,),酒精 (餐酒,10%, 加强葡萄酒20%),Water ,(,80%-90%,),水份,Notes: Approximate percentages by,weight,注: 以上为重量的大约百分比,3. Types of Wine,葡萄酒种类,Types of Wine (By wine making process),葡萄酒种类(按生产工艺分),Red wine,红葡萄酒,White wine,白葡萄酒,Ros wine,桃红葡萄酒,Still wine,普通葡萄酒,Champagne,香槟酒,Cava,加瓦,Sparkling wine,汽泡酒,Other sparkling wine,其他汽泡酒,Port, Sherry,钵酒,雪利酒,Fortified wine,加强葡萄酒,葡萄酒种类 (按用餐时上酒顺序 ),餐前酒 (干雪利酒,香槟酒,干白葡萄酒),餐酒 (红,白,桃红葡萄酒),甜酒 (贵腐酒,冰酒,钵酒,晚丰收葡萄酒),餐后消化酒 (利口酒, 果渣酒 ),糖份,酒精,低,高,低,高,用餐开始,用餐结束,4. Wine Making Process,葡萄酒酿造程序,Red grapes are first crushed and de-stemmed, then placed into a container.,红葡萄先去梗破皮,然后放入容器,The alcoholic fermentation will start, at the same time maceration is taking place,接下来,酒精发酵就开始了,浸渍也在同步进行,During that time the tannins, flavors and coloring substances will dissolve into what is going to become wine (the must).,在此期间,丹宁、香味及颜色等物质逐渐溶解入即将产生的葡萄酒,(,葡萄醪,),中。,Red Wine Making Process,红葡萄酒酿制过程,Whilst red wines are fermented with the skins and pips, the specificity of white wine making process lies in the absence of maceration,红葡萄酒和籽,皮一起发酵,白葡萄酒酿制过程的特别之处在于没有浸渍,。,When making a white wine, the juice is separated from the skins immediately,酿制白葡萄酒时,果汁和果皮是压榨后马上分离的。酿酒时,只使用葡萄汁。,White Wine Making Process,白葡萄酒酿制过程,5. Grape Varieties,葡萄品种,Summary摘要,8,000 grape varieties known in the world,世界上目前已知的葡萄品种有8000种,1,000 grape varieties used for wine,around the world,世界上大约有1000种葡萄被制成葡萄酒,200 traditionally used in Italy,意大利大约使用200种葡萄,100 traditionally used in France,法国大约使用100种葡萄,50 traditionally used in Spain,西班牙大约使用50种葡萄,Grape variety is a major factor in the taste of a wine,不同的葡萄品种是影响葡萄酒品尝的主要因素,Main White Grape Varieties,主要白葡萄品种,White Grapes,白葡萄品种,Chardonnay /,霞多丽,Sauvignon Blanc /,长相思,Riesling /,雷司令,Gewuztraminer /,琼瑶浆,Pinot Grigio /,灰比诺,Viognier /,维欧尼,Semillon /,赛美蓉,White Grape Varieties,白葡萄品种,Native to Burgundy,源于法国的勃艮地地区,Now worlds most fashionable & famous white variety,当今最流行有名的白葡萄品种,Creamy and full-bodied,口感柔和饱满,Apple/Coconut/Buttery/Nutty,苹果/椰子/黄油 /坚果,Chardonnay,霞多丽,White Grape Varieties,白葡萄品种,Bordeaux, central Loire,波尔多,卢瓦尔河中部,Increasing in popularity, especially New Zealand ones,流行品种,尤其是新西兰的,Crisp, elegant, and fresh,清新,优雅与新鲜,Citrus/Grassy,柑桔及青草味,Sauvignon Blanc,长相思,Main Grape Varieties,主要葡萄品种,Red varieties,红葡萄品种,Cabernet Sauvignon /,赤霞珠,Merlot /,梅鹿辄,Pinot Noir /,黑比诺,Gamay,/,佳美,Shiraz (Syrah) /,西拉,Sangiovese,/,桑娇维塞,Nebbiolo,/,内比奥罗,Zinfandel /,金芬黛,Tempranillo,/,添普兰尼洛,Malbec,/,马尔白克,Carmenere,佳美娜,Red Grape Varieties,红葡萄品种,Southwestern France,法国西南部,Grown in nearly every major wine producing country,世界主要的产区基本都有种植,Full-bodied, very complex,酒体饱满,口味丰富,Capsicum, jammy, black currant,青椒,果酱,黑加仑,Cabernet Sauvignon,赤霞珠,Red Grape Varieties,红葡萄品种,A traditional Bordeaux grape,传统波尔多葡萄品种,The second most grown red variety,第二大红葡萄栽培品种,Medium body, supple and round,酒体平衡,口感柔顺,饱满,Blackberry, cherries, fruit cake,黑莓,樱桃,水果蛋糕,Merlot,梅洛,Red Grape Varieties,红葡萄品种,King of Burgundy,勃根蒂之王,A difficult variety to cultivate and transform into wine,是一种种植和酿造都困难的品种,A silky texture, little tannins,丝般柔滑,丹宁较淡,Cherry, raspberry, black currant,樱桃, 木莓, 黑加仑,Pinot Noir,黑比诺,Red Grape Varieties,红葡萄品种,Mostly grown in Rhone Region, Australia,主要种植于罗纳谷地区和澳大利亚,The worlds 7th most grown grape,世界第七大栽培品种,Rich and full-bodied,口感丰富,酒体饱满,Rich black, red berry fruit, plum and,spice complexity,丰富的黑色、红色浆果、李子及香料味,Shiraz/Syrah,西拉,6. Wine Tasting Techniques,葡萄酒品尝技巧,Sight: Analyze the Appearance,视觉:分析外观,Smell: Analyze the Nose,嗅觉:分析气味,Taste: Analyze the Palate,味觉:分析口感,Sight: Analyze of the Appearance,视觉:评价外观,Rim examination: it has to be glittering. A matt or cloudy rim is a very bad sign,边缘:有葡萄酒的边缘光圈应是明亮宜人的。阴暗模糊的边缘说明酒品质存在问题。,Transparency examination: use a plain white background. You can tell the age of the wine by the intensity or the clarity,透明度:用一张平滑的白纸作背景。您可以通过观察葡萄酒的色泽深浅和清澈度推测酒的年份。,Sight: Analyze of the Appearance,视觉:评价外观,White wine: green reflections indicate a young wine. Topaz, yellow golden reflections show some evolution through age,白葡萄酒:如色泽泛绿说明葡萄酒较年轻。浅黄褐色或金黄色说明葡萄酒已陈年过长。,Red wine: gets paler in color as it ages,红葡萄酒:色泽越淡,陈年时间越长。,Red wines: purple reflections indicate young wines. Orange oxidized colors show some evolution,红葡萄酒:紫色的反光说明葡萄酒较年轻。橘色氧化说明葡萄酒陈年过长。,Appearance,外观,Legs or Tears: are the traces that are left on the sides of your glasses when swirled around. The more tears the more alcohol content or a high level of residual sugar.,挂杯:摇晃酒杯时,酒壁上留下的痕迹。挂杯越重,说明葡萄酒的酒精度越高或糖度较高。,CO,2,Emission: Sometimes small bubbles may be apparent in what is supposed to be still wine. Residual Co2.,- May exists in young whites,- Faults for the reds due to unwanted fermentation (smells like yeast.),释放CO,2,:有时普通的葡萄酒中有细小的汽泡出现,这说明CO,2,的含量比较高。,- 可能存在于较年轻的白葡萄酒中,- 红酒如有这样情况说明进行了不必要发酵(有酵母味。),Smell: Analyze of the Nose,嗅觉:评价酒香,First Nose: sniff without moving the glass to get the lightest molecules,第一感觉:不晃动酒杯,轻嗅气体,感知细微的香味。,Second Nose: swirl the glass, more intense perception & evaluation of intensity,第二感觉:晃动酒杯,感知更浓烈的香味,分析香味,Third Nose: break the nose by swirling in the opposite sense, reveals excess of So2,第三感觉:捕捉葡萄酒中是否存在不好的气味,是否有SO,2,的味道。,Wine Tips,品酒小窍门,Intensity of the wine can indicate the quality of the wine. Fine wines have a more intense smell but can be closed when young,香味的浓淡可以从侧面反映葡萄酒的质量。优质葡萄酒香味浓烈。较年轻的葡萄酒香味散发不出来。,Sugar is not volatile and therefore cannot be detected by the smell,糖分不可蒸发,因此无法用嗅觉感知。,Taste: Analyze the Palate,味觉:评价口感,Sweetness: first thing detected,甜味:最先发现的味道,Acidity: strong acidy makes the mouth water, wines lacking acidity will be flabby, flat, unappealing,酸味:较浓的酸味能让口腔自然分泌唾液。缺少酸味的葡萄酒会让人感觉松散、平淡没有吸引力。,Salty: rather rare in wine,盐分:葡萄酒中含量很少,。,Taste: Analyze the Palate,味觉:评价口感,Tannins: have a drying effect on the gums and the tongue. In contrast to the salivating effect of acid,单宁:有让口腔、舌头干燥的功效。与酸味造成的效果正好相反。,Body (or mouth feel) is the impression of a wines weight in the mouth. Light or full-bodied.,酒体(或口感)是葡萄酒在口腔中造成的厚薄感。或轻淡、或厚重。,Alcohol: warming sensation in the back of your mouth,酒精度:会在口腔后部造成灼热感。,Tasting Dimensions,味觉的细分,Finish or length:,The period of time the wines flavor lingers on your palate.,回味或长度:葡萄酒的余香在口腔中停留的时间长短,。,2 seconds for a table wine, over than 10 seconds for a great wine.,餐酒一般为两秒左右,优质葡萄酒为十秒左右。,谢谢大家!,


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