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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,How to get published in a Western Journal,Prof. Dr. Malcolm W. Kennedy,Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences,University of Glasgow,UK - Glasgow, Scottland, G12 8QQ United,Kingdom,1,Immunisation against smallpox,Moveable type printing,Circumnavigating the world,Science and discovery in China,2,Chinese science in ,Nature,Palaeontology,Virus evolution,Food plant genomics,Anthropology Han migrations,Science in China,3,“,The annual National Geographic Survey discovered the sad fact that only 23 out of 56 young A*s knew the whereabouts of the Pacific Ocean,”,What you are up against ,4,Choosing a journal,Language does it have to be in English?,Appropriate to your field does it matter?,Impact factors who cares?,Who will find my article?,5,Getting published,Do something new and interesting,Do something challenging get noticed!,If you think some (Western?!) ideas are wrong dont be afraid to do the experiments to show it!,Design and analyse experiments rigorously,Do the proper controls,Remember, technology is a tool, not science itself,First, do good science!,6,Choosing a journal,Who are your intended audience?,Multidisciplinary journal?,Specialist?,Related field with more widely read journals?,Be safe but who will read it?,Be brave you might get lucky, you will learn something, and will make yourself write better.,Balance time expended with the potential reward.,7,Choosing a journal - Will it be found and read widely?,What institutions will have it in their libraries?,- Paper,- Online,Will electronic databases list it?,- ISI - selective,- Medline, etc.?,- Google,8,The impact factor is calculated by dividing the number of current citations to articles published in the two previous years by the total number of articles published in the two previous years.,ISI Science Citation Index,Only 2000 journals selected per year for citation analysis.,Choosing a journal impact factors - multidisciplinary,9,Choosing a journal impact factors - specialist,10,Writing the paper,Make yourself familiar with the target journal,Follow the submission guidelines precisely- manuscript format- good quality figures- clear tables- correct reference style and use- electronic submission requirements,11,Writing the paper the usual structure,Authorship list,The convention who did the work, who has overall responsibility, who else was involved, who is answerable?,Title,Brief and to the point,Summary,Clear, concise, informative,Introduction,Why is the work important? Background, focus state importance hypothesis under test how tested summarise achievement,Material and Methods,Repeatable by reasonably informed researchers. Sections. Use of references carefully.,12,Writing the paper the usual structure,Results,Break into sections. Logical flow explain the reasons for doing the next experiment. Make clear what controls were done.,Discussion,Brief statement of achievement discussion of the implications of the result speculation (but not too much) and hypothesis final concluding short paragraph and killer sentence.,Acknowledgements,Who else helped? Who provided special facilities? Who paid?,References,Correct format. EndNote/Reference Manager,Supporting material, Tables, figures and figure legends,Covering letter,13,Language problems.,Not following submission guidelines.,Confusing technology with science.,Repeated or no real advance on previous published work.,Titles, summaries, or abstracts that make no sense or fail to represent the subject matter adequately.,Introductions that give inadequate background or do not say why the paper is worth reading.,Repeating data in tables and figures/graphs.,Reiterating results in Discussion.,References wrongly formatted, incorrect or too old.,Figures and tables without supporting legends or not cited in text.,Seeing the same failings twice referees mostly wish to help.,Things that referees and editors love to hate,14,Seeking help,For now ,Ask colleagues (first language or fluent) to pre-review.,Ask someone younger!,Create a writing and checking team.,Ask your institute to employ a writer-helper.,Make friends abroad who will help correct manuscripts.,For the future the next generation ,Scientific writing in English courses in undergraduate degrees.,Dissertations and (some?) examinations in English.,Lectures (some?) and tutorials in English.,English speaking guest lecturers and tutors,15,Good luck!,2004,The Year the World Discovered China,16,


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