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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,牙痛,toothache,看起来,不舒服,牙医,病人,look,awful,dentist,patient,New,Words,牙医,dentist,牙痛,toothache,病人,patient,约时间见面,急诊,今天,今天下午,痛苦的,make an appointment,emergency,today,this afternoon,miserable,hospital,emergency,感到,希望一切都好,耳痛,feel,hope for the best,earache,胃疼,背疼,心痛,stomachache,backache,heartache,Guess what happened to them,toothache,earache,miserable,headache,stomach-ache,New Words and Expressions,toothache,牙痛,today,今天,look,看起来,this afternoon,今天下午,awful,不舒服的,miserable,痛苦的,dentist,牙医,feel,感到,patient,病人,hope for the best,希望一切都好,make an appointment,约时间见面,emergency,急诊,earache,耳痛,patient,sick,appointment,flu,dentist,emergency,awful,miserable,Try it,急诊,耳痛,牙痛,头痛,牙医,流感,胃痛,感冒,Try it,生病的,看起来,痛苦的,今天,不舒服的,病人,感到希望一切都好,约时间见面,Try it,Describe the pictures,William: Roberts not _, Karen!,Whats the _ with him?,Karen: Hes got _.,Fill in the blanks.,well,matter,toothache,well,副词,近义词:,fine healthy,Whats rong with you?,hes got=,he has got,William: Poor Robert ! He looks _. Please _ the dentist !,Karen: Yes, yes, _!,awful,call,of course,看上去不舒服,反:,look well,Karen: Hello ? My names Karen Jenkins.,We are Mr. Halls _.,Please can I _for my son, Robert,?,Its an emergency.,patients,make an appointment,约时间见面,emergency,急诊,hospital,医院,Karen: Yes, thats right. Robert Jenkins.,Hes got _ toothache Yes, ,Thats today, with Mr. Hall.,Thats at half _ four this afternoon.,Thank you very much.,terrible,past,terrible toothache,严重的牙疼,bad toothache,William: Poor Robert ! He looks _!,Karen: You look miserable, too !,William: I _ miserable .,miserable,feel,look miserable,看上去痛苦,William: Oh, well, the appointments for today.,Lets _ for the best.,Karen: Poor Robert ! Poor you !,hope,hope for the best,抱最好的希望,可怜的你,急诊室,空腹,今天下午,感觉痛苦,不太好,看上去健康,poor you,emergency room,empty stomach,this afternoon,feel miserable,be not well,look well,得了牙疼,看上去不舒服,打 给牙医,当然,为预约,严重的牙疼,在四点半,抱最好的希望,看上去痛苦,have got a toothache,look awful,call the dentist,of course,make an appointment for,terrible toothache,at half past four,hope for the best,look miserable,New words Part,天,一昼夜,星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五,星期六,day,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,星期天,Sunday,头痛,生病的,胃痛,流感,感冒,headache,sick,stomach-ache,flu,cold,cold,flu,past,分钟数不超过,30,分,half past,to,分钟数超过,30,分,oclock,Three ways to express time,1.,点钟数,+,分钟数,eg: 6: 15,7: 29,2.,分钟数,+ past +,点钟数,(,分钟数不超过,30,分,),eg: 6: 15,7: 29,8: 30,3.,差分钟数,+ to +,下一点钟数,(,分钟数超过,30,分,),eg: 5: 45,9: 39,six fifteen,seven twenty-nine,a quarter past six,twenty-nine past seven,half past eight,a quarter to six,twenty-one to ten,表示时间的 on、 at、 to、 past,on 表示“在-”, 后面加具体的某一天,如:在星期天 on Sunday,在星期六 on Saturday,at 表示“在-” 后面加具体的时间点,如:在12:15 at twelve fifteen,at a quarter past twelve,在12:45 at a quarter to one,Pattern Practice,1 A: What day is it?,B: Its Sunday.,2 A: Whens your appointment?,B: Its on Sunday.,3. A: When can he see you?,B: He can see me at four oclock on,Sunday.,4. A: How does Robert feel / look?,B: He feels / looks awful.,5. A: Who looks awful?,B: Robert does.,He has got / Hes got toothache.,6. A: Whats the matter with Robert?,B: Hes got toothache.,6,. A: When can the dentist / doctor see Robert?,B: He can see him at four oclock on,Sunday.,A: Thats good.,personal pron.,人称代词有人称、数和格的,变化,:,数,单数,复数,格,主格,(动前),宾格,(动后),主格,(动前),宾格,(动后),第一人称,I,(我),me,(我),we,(我们),us,(我们),第二人称,you,(你),you,(你),you,(你们),you,(你们),第三人称,he,(他),him,(他),they,(他们、她们、它们),them,(他们、她们、它们),she,(她),her,(她),it,(它),it,(它),Across,1. T,oothache,? See a dentist.,4. Anything e,lse, madam?,6. Is it Thursday,or,Friday today?,7. A short word for father.,dad,8. Do you want one, yes or,no,?,9. Not shut,open,10. Monday, Tuesday,?, Thursday,Wednesday,Down,1. I can see the college from t,he,w,indow,in my room.,2. Monday,?, Wednesday,Tuesday,3. Quick! Its an e,mergency,!,5. Not good boys= b,ad,b,oys,


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