翻译 (Translation)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,翻译 (Translation),1,第一节 题型介绍,改革后的大学英语四级考试,翻译题型转为考查汉译英,做题时间缩减到5分钟,分值也仅为5分,占总成绩的5%。,2,翻译题的出题形式,一般是补充英语句子,即按照要求把括号中的汉语部分译成英语,与所给英语部分构成一个完整的句子,主要考察学生对英语的,综合运用能力,包括语法、惯用搭配、词汇,等。,翻译的句子必须,符合英语的语法结构和表达习惯,用词准确,3,第二节 真题分析,四级翻译的题目以句为单位,考查五个短语或从句的英语表达。,统计结果表明,,固定搭配,考查最多,其次是各类,从句,虚拟语气,比较倍数,被动语态,倒装结构,等。情态动词以及祈使句早年也都有出现过。,4,翻译的解题步骤及技巧具体如下:,1. 快速浏览英语句子、确定考点。(经典考点通常是虚拟,从句,倒装,被动及搭配),2. 快速浏览括号里面的汉语句子,以动词为切入点,找准主谓宾、分清定状补,3. 确定时态,语态及修饰成分(根据句子已给出的英语部分确定汉译英的时态,并根据句子主谓的逻辑结构来确定语态。)。,3. 检查。(检查单词拼写是否正确,单复数及介词、副词的位置是否无误等,同时也检查书写是否规范),5,四级考试翻译真题归类及分析,虚拟语气,各类从句,(,主语从句,、,定语从句,、,状语从句,),倒装句,被动语态,情态动词,比较级,祈使句,固定搭配,常用句型,6,虚拟语气,Linda _(,不大可能收到我的电子邮件,),;,otherwise, she would have replied.,(,2011.12,),Jane is tired of dealing with customer complaints and wished that she _(,能被分配做另一项工作,)(2011.6),They requested that _(,我借的书还回图书馆,) by next Friday.,(,2010.12,),It is suggested that the air conditioner _(,要安装在窗户旁,),(,2010.6,),You would not have failed if you _(,按照我的指令去做,),(,2009.12,),If she had returned an hour earlier , Mary _,(,就不会被大雨淋了,),(2009.6),The victim_(,本来有机会活下来,) if he had been taken to hospital in time.,(,2006.12,),The professor required that _(,我们交研究报告,).,7,虚拟语气,1. Linda _(不大可能收到我的电子邮件);otherwise, she would have replied.(2011.12),参考答案:Couldnt have received my e-mail,解析:本题考查,与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,,could have +过去分词是此题使用的结构。这个结构非常经典,基本两次考试就可能考到一次。,2. Jane is tired of dealing with customer complaints and wished that she _(能被分配做另一项工作)(2011.6),参考答案:could be assigned to another work,解析:本题考查,wish从句的虚拟语气用法,(cancould)和“,分配某人做某事”的词组搭配,,assign sb. to sth. 或者assign sb. sth.,8,3. They requested that _(我借的书还回图书馆) by next Friday. (2010.12),参考答案:books I borrowed (should) be returned to the library/ I (should) return the book I borrowed to the library,解析:本题考查,request的用法,。,当request表示“要求”时,引导的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气,即(should)+ 动词原形。其次定语从句“我借的书”, the book (that) I borrowed。,9,4. It is suggested that the air conditioner _(要安装在窗户旁)(2010.6),参考答案:(should) be fixed / installed by the window,解析:本题考查,It is suggested that结构中主语从句中要用虚拟语气,的用法,即should + 动词原形,should可以省略。,5. You would not have failed if you _(按照我的指令去做)(2009.12),参考答案:Had followed my instructions,解析:本题考查,if引导的虚拟语气,。主句用would have done,从句应该是had done。,10,6. If she had returned an hour earlier , Mary _(就不会被大雨淋了)(2009.6),参考答案:,wouldnt have been caught by the heavy rain,解析:,本题的考点为两个:第一个是考查对,虚拟语气,的掌握,情态动词+完成时的结构。第二是考查对短语,be caught by,的掌握,意思为“,被所困,”, 另外注意对雨这个概念的修饰,一定要用heavy rain 而不是big rain,11,7. The victim_(本来有机会活下来) if he had been taken to hospital in time. (2006.12),参考答案:would/could have survived.,解析:此题主要考查虚拟语气。在,与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,中,从句用过去完成时,主句用would/could+have+动词过去分词形式。其次,本题还考查了重点词汇survive“幸存”的用法。,8. The professor required that _(我们交研究报告).,参考答案:we hand in our research report(s). (2006.6),解析:此题主要考查虚拟语气的用法。,require 表示“要求、命令”后接从句用虚拟语气,,即require that sb. (should) do sth.,should 可以省略掉。其次还考查学生对短语hand in“上交”是否熟悉。,12,主语从句,1_(给游客印象最深的) was the friendliness and warmth of the local people. (2010.12),参考答案:,What impressed the tourists most,解析:,本题主要考查,what引导的主语从句,用法;其次,impress sb给留下印象,2. _(很多人所没有意识到的)is that Simon is a lover of sports , and football in particular .(2009.6),参考答案:,what many people dont realize,解析:,本题主要考查,主语从句,,核心词“意识” realize,3. _(大多数父母所关心的) is providing the best education possible for their children. (2008.12),参考答案:,What most parents care about / are concerned about或The concern of most parents,解析:,很显然本句缺主语,有两种方法处理:主语从句或名词短语,核心词汇“关心”可以用concern或care about。,13,定语从句,1. Medical researchers are painfully aware that there are many problems _(他们至今还没有答案)(2008.12),参考答案:,which/that they havent found answers to,解析:,本题主要考查,定语从句,,可以选择,that或which,做关联词,核心动词搭配是have answers to,另外“至今还”提醒我们句子是现在完成时的时态。,2. The prevent and treatment of AIDS is _ (我们可以合作的领域)(2007.6),参考答案:,the field (where) we can cooperate / the field in which we can cooperate,解析:,本题主要考查,定语从句,。在这个定语从句中,先行词field(领域)出现之后,在定语从句的关系代词前必须有,介词in,+which,的用法,或者用,where,引导。,14,状语从句,Scientists agree that it will be a long time_(,我们找到治疗癌症的方法,).,(,2009.12,),Youd better take a sweater with you _(,以防天气变冷,) (2008.12),The anti-virus agent was not known _ (,直到一名医生偶然发现了它,) (2008.12),Please come here at ten tomorrow morning _ (,如果你方便的话,).,(,2007.6,),Some psychologists claim that people _ (,出门在外时可能会感到孤独,).,(,2006.12,),Though a skilled worker, _(,他被公司解雇了,).,Leaving ones job, _,(,无论是什么工作,),is a difficult change, even for those who look forward to retiring.,(,2008.6,),I am going to pursue this course, _(,无论我要作出什么样的牺牲,).,(,2007.12,),15,1. Scientists agree that it will be a long time_(我们找到治疗癌症的方法).(2009.12),参考答案:before we find the cure for cancer,解析:本题主要考查,时间状语从句,,it will be a long time before.只要考生把语法先判断正确,在翻译出“治疗”treatment或cure,“癌症”cancer即可。,2. Youd better take a sweater with you _(以防天气变冷) (2008.12),参考答案:in case it turns/should turn cold或lest it should turn cold,解析:大家平时做题的时候应该养成“警觉性”,一看到“以防”,马上要反应出“in case”或“lest”这类的连词。如果用“,in case,”,后面的从句常用,一般现在时或should+动词原型,;如果是用,lest,,一般是用,should+动词原型,。,16,3. The anti-virus agent was not known _ (直到一名医生偶然发现了它) (2008.12),参考答案:until it was accidentally found/discovered by a doctor,解析:本题考点是,until引导的状语从句,和,被动语态,的结合。“偶然”可以处理为by accident/chance或accidentally。,4. Please come here at ten tomorrow morning _ (如果你方便的话). (2007.6),参考答案:if it is convenient for you / at your convenience,解析: 本题所考查的是,if引导的条件状语从句,。也可以用短语at your convenience。来表示。,17,5. Some psychologists claim that people _ (出门在外时可能会感到孤独). (2006.12),参考答案:may/might feel lonely when they are away from home.,解析:此题主要考查从句,宾语从句里还包含一个时间状语从句。“出门在外”,学生们应该表达出来,即be away from home。其次考查词汇lonely“孤独”的用法,学生们应注意lonely“孤独”和alone“独自”的辨析。,6. Though a skilled worker, _(他被公司解雇了).,参考答案:he was fired by the company.,解析:此题考查,让步状语从句,。与汉语中的“虽然但是”不同,英语中的though, but不能同时出现在主从句中。其次考查被动语态,根据句意,“他被公司解雇”应发生在过去,故应用一般过去式的被动语态。,18,7. Leaving ones job, _(无论是什么工作)is a difficult change, even for those who look forward to retiring. (2008.6),参考答案:no matter what job it is / whatever job it is,解析:no matter意为“不管;不论”,是从属连词,其后常接疑问词what、who、which、whom、where、whose、when、how等,用来引导让步状语从句,“无论如何”,07年12月刚考过。,8. I am going to pursue this course, _(无论我要作出什么样的牺牲). (2007.12),参考答案:no matter what sacrifice I am going to make/ whatever sacrifice I will make/ no matter how much I would sacrifice,解析:此句的难点在于“无论”的翻译,no matter/ whatever 是重点。,19,倒装句,1. The university authorities did not approve the regulation, _ (也没有解释为什么)(2011.6),参考答案:nor did they make any explanation/nor did they explain why,解析:本题考查两个知识点。,nor的倒装句,用法,后半句表示“也不”的否定意义,注意助动词的时态与上半句保持一致; 对某事做出解释的表达,考察了汉译英中动词转名词的技巧,explain explanation,或者nor did they give the reason for doing so同样可以。,2. The manager never laughed; neither _(她也从来没有发过脾气)。(2010.6),参考答案:did she become angry / did she lose her temper,解析:本题考查,neither的倒装用法,,以及发脾气这个短语,发脾气可以说become angry,也可以用lose ones temper。,20,被动语态,1.The magnificent museum _(据说建成于) about a hundred years ago. (2010.12),2.We look forward to _( 被邀出席开幕式)。(2010.6),3. Our efforts will pay off if the results of the research_(能应用于新技术的开发)(2008.6,),4._(与我成长的地方相比)this town is more prosperous and exciting. (2008.6),5. Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life _ (是用他们能够借到多少来衡量的,而不是他们挣了多少) 。,21,1.The magnificent museum _(据说建成于) about a hundred years ago. (2010.12),参考答案,:is said to have been built,解析,:本题重点考查:,被动语态,。主语museum与动词build之间为被动关系; 且bulid这一动作发生在过去。,据说 be said to,;be said to+ 动词不定式的完成时,表示不定式表示的动作已经完成。,2.We look forward to _( 被邀出席开幕式)。(2010.6),参考答案,:Being invited to attend the opening ceremony,解析:,本题考查,look forward to的用,法,后面要跟名词或者动词的ing形式,而且要注意后边是被邀请所以要用被动语态。,3. Our efforts will pay off if the results of the research_(能应用于新技术的开发)(2008.6),参考答案:,can be applied to the exploration of new technology,解析:,本题考查,被动语态can be,以及核心短语“应用于开发”apply to the exploit/development。,22,4._(与我成长的地方相比)this town is more prosperous and exciting. (2008.6),参考答案:Compared with the place in which/where I grew up,解析:本题考查,非谓语动词的被动语态,。 与相比-compare with,由于后面已经出现完整的句子,所以这里需要用分词compared with,“成长的地方”place where I grow up。,5. Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life _ (是用他们能够借到多少来衡量的,而不是他们挣了多少 ),参考答案:is measured by how much they can borrow, not how much they can earn.(被动语态、宾语从句)(2007.12),解析:此句翻译时一定要注意和后面how much they can earn 的呼应。,23,情态动词,1. I cant boot my computer now. Something _(一定出了毛病)with its operating system. (2008.6),参考答案,:must be wrong,解析:本题考查情态动词用法,表示肯定的推测用must,出了毛病可以直接用be wrong。,24,比较级,1. In my sixties, one change I notice is that _ (我比以前更容易累了). (2007.12),2. I would prefer shopping online to shopping in a department store because _(它更加方便和省时). (2007.12),3. The more exercise you take, _(你越不大可能得感冒).(2009.12),4. Since my childhood I have found that _(没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力). (2006.12),5. The more you explain, _(我愈糊涂). (2006.6),25,1. In my sixties, one change I notice is that _ (我比以前更容易累了). (2007.12),参考答案:,I am apt to 或 inclined to be more easily /tired than before /I feel/get tired more easily than before,2. I would prefer shopping online to shopping in a department store because _(它更加方便和省时). (2007.12),参考答案:,it/ the former is more convenient and time-saving,解析,:注意开始的“它”如果简单翻译成“it”会有指代不清的嫌疑,而改用the former(前者)会更好一些。另外要注意convenient一词的拼写。,26,3. The more exercise you take, _(你越不大可能得感冒).(2009.12),参考答案:,the less likely you catch a cold.,解析,:本题又是一道真题复现的例子,其中我们见到了两道真题的影子,分别是:2006年6月的The more you explain, _ (我愈糊涂)。和2009年6月的It is said that those who are stressed or working overtime are _ (更有可能增加体重)。另外,“感冒”catch a cold,27,4. Since my childhood I have found that _(没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力). (2006.12),参考答案:nothing is more attractive to me than reading.,解析:此题考查句型nothing is more+形容词+ than“没有什么比更”的用法。这个句型在大学英语学习中经常使用,如nothing is more important/happy than等。,5. The more you explain, _(我愈糊涂). (2006.6),参考答案:the more confused I am.,解析:此题考查比较级the more, the more “越越”句型。其次考查词汇confused“糊涂”,很多学生对这个词汇不熟悉而导致失分。,28,祈使句,1. To make donations or for more information, please _ (按以下地址和我们联系). (2007.6),参考答案:,contact us at the following address,解析:,本题语法考点是大多数考生比较熟悉的祈使句,其次考查固定用法contact sb. at address。,29,Practice,1. 虚拟练习:,1)Its high time that _(采取措施解决交通堵塞的问题).,2)We are going to discuss his suggestion that _(取消期中考试).,3)It is essential that _(每个人都为紧急情况做好准备).,4)But for his help, _(我们就不会以这么低的价格租到房子了).,5)Had it not been for their opposition, _(这项法案早就通过了).,6)He walked lightly _(以免惊醒婴儿).,30,1)measures were taken to solve the problem of traffic jams,(考点:Its (about/high) time 后的that从句中用过去式,表示“该是的时候了”),2)the mid-term exams (should) be canceled,(考点:表示“建议、命令、要求、想法”的名词所接的同位语从句通常用“(that) sb. (should) do”的虚拟形式),表示“建议、命令、要求、想法”的动词及其名词常见的有:,advise (advice), agree (agreement), decide (decision), decree, demand, determine (determination), grant, indicate (indication), insist (insistence), order, prefer (preference), propose (proposal), request, require (requirement), resolve (resolution), stipulate (stipulation), suggest (suggestion), urge, vote;常见的这类动词还有:allow, arrange, ask, beg, concede, demonstrate, ensure, intend, move, pledge, pray,等,31,3)everyone (should) be prepared for emergency,(考点:在,It is/was +形容词后的that从句,中常用“sb. should do”的形式表示建议惊奇等。这类形容词常见的有:,advisable, anxious, appropriate, compulsory, crucial, desirable, eager, essential, fitting, imperative, important, impossible, improper, natural, necessary, obligatory, preferable, proper, urgent, vital, willing,等),4)we could not have rent a house at such a low price,(考点:but for经常作为非真实条件句中if的代用语),5)this act would have been passed much earlier,(考点:在非真实条件句中如果有were, had, should这三个词,可以省去if,采用主谓语倒装的形式来表示条件,6)lest he should awaken the baby,(考点:lest (以免)引导的从句通常用sb. should do的形式表示虚拟),32,2. 倒装练习,1)Hardly had she fallen asleep when_(一阵敲门声就把她吵醒).,2)No sooner had Anne arrived than_(就生病了).,3)The husband was not hospitable to the visitor. _(他妻子也没说一句欢迎的话).,4)Only then _(那个医生才意识到他的病人需要手术).,5)Only when you adjust down your price _(我们才能做成这笔买卖).,33,1)when a knock at the door awakened her,(考点:Hardlywhen结构),2)than she fell ill,(考点:No soonerthan结构),3)Nor did the wife say a word of welcome.,(考点:nor表示“后者与前者一样地不”),4)did the doctor realize that his patient needed surgery,(考点:only引导的状语位于句首,句子倒装),5)can we conclude the business,(考点:同上),34,3. 比较练习,1)Does she dance _(跟她姐姐一样地优美)?,2)The buildings look _(在伦敦比在这儿难看得多).,3)This is _(他画的最好的画之一).,4)The higher you climb, _(空气就越稀薄).,5) If only I could do _ (有你一半好).,35,1)as gracefully as her sister,(考点:同级比较),2)far uglier in London than here,(考点:用副词或词组来修饰比较级),3)one of the best pictures that he has ever painted,(考点:最高级),4)the thinner the air becomes,(考点:“越越”结构),5)half as well as you (have done),(考点:倍数 + as + 形容词/副词 + as),36,4. 从句练习,1)_(最让我不解的) was that he spoke English so well.,2)It is not clear yet _(谁应该为这件事负责).,3)Some of the roads were flooded, _(这使我们的旅程更为艰难).,4)He introduced me to his students, _(他们大部分是英语专业的学生).,5)_(不管我们谈论什么), Jim brings polities into the discussion.,6)The problem was so complicated _(花了我们两个周才解决).,7)You can go out _(只要你答应晚上11点以前回来).,8)_(直到我告诉她) Mrs. Williams knew anything about it.,37,1)What confused me most,(考点:主语从句),2)who should be responsible for this matter,(考点:较长的主语从句可以后置,用it作形式主语),3)which made our journey more difficult,(考点:非限制性定语从句),4)most of whom were English majors,(考点:同上),5)Whatever we talk about,(考点:让步状语从句),6)that it took us nearly two weeks to solve it,(考点:结果状语从句),7)as long as you promise to be back before 11 at night,(考点:条件状语从句),8)It was not until I told her that(考点:强调状语从句),38,固定搭配,1.Charity groups organized various activities to _(为地震幸存者筹款)。(2011.12),参考答案: raise money for the survivors of the earthquake,解析:本题主要考查动词raise的用法,raise money/funds 表示“筹款”。,2.The publishing house has to _(考虑这部小说的受欢迎程度) (2011.12),参考答案:consider the popularity of this novel,解析:本题主要考查“考虑”的表达,可以用动词consider,也可以用词组take into account/ consideration.,3. The finding of this study failed to _ (将人们的睡眠质量考虑在内).(2007.6),参考答案:take peoples sleep quality into account,解析:本题主要考查固定搭配take into account/takeinto consideration以及 fail接动词不定式 fail to do的用法。,39,4.It is absolutely wrong to _(仅仅以金钱来定义幸福)(2011.12),参考答案: define happiness only by money,解析:本题主要考查“下定义”的表达,为define/measure sth by.也可以使用in terms of 替换by.,5. John rescued the drowning child _(冒着自己的生命危险) (2011.6),参考答案:at the risk of his own life,解析:本题主要考查“冒着的危险/风险做某事”的搭配,可以用at the risk / expense of ones own life(冒着某人的生命危险做某事),6. Although he was interested in philosophy, _ (他的父亲说服他) majoring in law.(2011.6),参考答案:his father persuaded him into / talked him into,解析:本题主要考查“说服某人做某事”的表达,persuade / talk sb. into doing sth.,40,7. _(为了确保他参加会议),I called him up in advance.(2010.12),参考答案:in order to ensure him to attend the meeting / to ensure his attendance at the meeting,解析:本题主要考查由to/in order to引导目的状语,及ensure sb to do 确保某人做某事的搭配。,8. There would be no life on earth _(没有地球独特的环境) (2010.12),参考答案:without its unique environment/ but for its unique environment,解析:本题主要考查without的用法。 without是介词,后接名词;,除without外,表示“没有”还可用but for;,41,9. Because of the noise outside, Nancy had great difficulty _(集中注意力在实验上)。(2010.6),参考答案:(in) concentrating on the experiment / focusing her attention on the experiment.,解析:本题主要考查两个短语:一是have difficulty (in) doing sth, 第二个是集中注意力,与此对应的有多个短语,如:focus/fix ones attention on, concentrate on。,10.Soon after he transferred to the new school, Ali found that he had _(很难跟上班里的同学) in math and English.(2009.6),参考答案:difficulty (in) catching up with his classmates,解析:本题主要考查考查have difficulty in doing sth (做某事是有困难的)和keep up with sb (跟上某人)。其中have difficulty in doing sth (做某事是有困难的)在2010年6月的四级翻译题中也出现过。,42,11. Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble_(找到去历史博物馆的路).(2006.6),参考答案:finding the way to the history museum.,解析:此题主要考查have (no) trouble + (in) doing sth.的用法。其次考查“找到去的路”的英语表达:find the way to+名词。have trouble/ difficulty in doing sth意为做某事有困难,这个短语在2010.6,2009.6都分别出现过。,12. We look forward to _( 被邀出席开幕式)。(2010.6),参考答案:being invited to attend the opening ceremony,解析:本题主要考查look forward to的用法,后面接名词或者动词的ing形式,且要注意是被邀请所以要用被动语态。,43,13. The 16-year-old girl decided to travel abroad on her own despite _(她父母的强烈反对) 。(2010.6),参考答案:(of) the strong opposition of her parents / her parents strong opposition,解析:本题主要考查despite的用法。despite是介词,后边应该跟名词或者名词短语。,14. Despite the hardship he encountered, Mark never _(放弃对知识的追求) (2009.12),参考答案:参考答案:gave up the pursuit of knowledge,解析:本题主要考查“放弃”和“追求”两个固定搭配。“放弃做某事”是give up doing或quit doing;“追求”既可以写成动词pursue,也可以写成名词pursuit.,44,15. Production has to be increased considerably to_(与消费者不断增长的需求保持同步).(2009.12),参考答案:keep pace with the consumers growing demands.,解析:本题主要考查表目的的动词不定时引导的短语“与保持同步”,可以表达为keep pace with。其次,核心词汇“消费者”,“需求”也是考查的重点。,16. It is said that those who are stressed or working overtime are _(更有可能增加体重)(2009.6),参考答案:more likely to put on weight,解析:本题主要考查be likely to “有可能做某事”和“增加体重”put on weight ,除此之外,还要特别注意一点,就是题目中表达的是“更有可能”,注意加上more ,除此之外,我们还应该掌握其相关表达,比如说lose ones weight (减肥),go on diet(节食)等。,45,17. The study shows that the poor functioning of the human body is _(与缺乏锻炼密切相关)(2009.6),参考答案:closely linked to the lack of exercise / closely related to the lack of exercise,解析:本题主要考查 “与有关”be linked to 或者 be related to以及缺乏锻炼the lack of exercise两个固定搭配。,18.Through the project, many people have received training and _ (决定自己创业) (2008.12),参考答案:decided to start their own business,本题主要考查不定式decide + to do和短语“自主创业”start ones own business。,46,19. Our efforts will pay off if the results of the research_(能应用于新技术的开发)(2008.6),参考答案:can be applied to the exploration of new technology,解析:本题主要考查短语“应用于开发”apply to the exploit/development,定语“新技术的”new technology; 以及情态动词can be被动用法。,20._(直到他完成使命)did he realize that he was seriously ill. (2008.6),参考答案:Not until he had finished the mission,解析:本题主要考查not until用法以及短语“完成使命”fulfill the mission。另外由于表示发生在过去的过去,所以用过去完成时。,47,21. _(多亏了一系列的新发明), doctors can treat this disease successfully. (2007.12),参考答案:Thanks for/Due to series of new inventions/ Owing to (或 thanks to) a series of new inventions,解析:本题主要考查“多亏了”这个短语,翻译成thanks to 或owing to 要比 because of 或due to 更恰当。,22. Because of the leg injury, the athlete _ (决定退出比赛). (2007.6),参考答案:decided to quit the match,解析:本题主要考查


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