九年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 8 Surprise endings Period 3课件 (新版)牛津深圳版

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九年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 8 Surprise endings Period 3课件 (新版)牛津深圳版_第1页
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九年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 8 Surprise endings Period 3课件 (新版)牛津深圳版_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit,8,Oxford English,Module 4,A taste of literature,Listening,Talk time,Speak up,Surprise endings,Period 3,1,Show time,Tell the main idea of the story “The gifts” and act the story out.,2,A,Listen to a lecture about O. Henry and complete the notes below. Write one word or,figure in each blank.,newspapers,money,dying,prison,short,New York,career,47,Listening,City,stories,B,Listen to the recording again and circle the correct answers.,When was O. Henry born?,What did he begin writing for at the age of 25?,Why did he run away to Central America?,Why did he return to the US in 1897?,Where did he move after he left prison?,How was his writing career?,How old was he when he died?,In 1862.,New York City.,Newspapers and magazines.,Because he was accused of stealing money and afraid of going to prison.,Successful.,47.,Answer the questions below.,Because his wife was dying.,3,Talk time,Compare the two responses and choose the one that is more polite.,A:,I like O. Henrys stories. All of the endings are surprising.,B1:,I dont agree. Some of them are,unbelievable.,B2:,Perhaps you are right, but I think some of,them are unbelievable.,Disagreeing in a polite way,Disagreeing in a polite way,Disagreeing with people in a polite way is a very important skill. In discussions, we need to be able to disagree and present our own opinions in a friendly way.,How should we express our disagreement?,In a polite and friendly way.,Read the conversation after the recording.,Read the conversation below and practise it in pairs. Pay attention to the words in blue.,Choose one of the situations below and make a conversation.,S1 thinks Maths and Science are the most important subjects at school. S2 thinks Music and Art are.,S1 thinks Della is the most important character in “The gifts”. S2 thinks that Jim is.,S1 likes Western opera. S2 likes Beijing Opera.,S1 thinks that all operas are old and boring. S2 thinks that operas are fun and interesting.,Im sorry, but Im afraid .,Im sorry, but I dont agree.,Perhaps you are right, but I think ,Im sorry that you feel that way.,4,Speak up,In groups, talk about the kinds of gifts you usually give on special days. Use the pictures and the questions below to help you. Follow the example.,Use the questions below to talk about the gifts you give on special days. Then complete the table.,What kinds of gifts do you usually give on Mothers Day/at the Mid-Autumn Festival/on Christmas Day/?,Who do you give the gifts to?,What do you say when you give the gifts?,Special day,Gift,To whom,What to say,S1,S2,In groups, do a survey on your group members favourite gifts. Then complete the table below.,S1,S2,S3,What is your favourite gift?,When did you get it?,Who gave it to you?,Why do you like it?,Make a report according to your survey.,H,Homework,将,Speak up,部分的,讨论结果整理成一篇发言稿。,2.,结合上一单元中所了解的马克,吐温的有,关信息,仿照,Listening,板块练习,A,中,有关,欧,亨利生平的笔记,为马克,吐温写一份,生平简介。,完成,综合,练习册第,130,至,132,页,Listening and speaking,的练习。,


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