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安徽外研版九年级下,写作能力提升练,Module 2,Education,同学们,你喜欢什么样的学校生活呢?在学校里你又喜欢哪门课程呢?哪个老师的课堂让你难忘呢?试着写下来和同学们分享吧。,安徽外研版九年级下,课堂是教育我们做人、教授我们知识、启迪我们的智慧、传授我们方法、培养我们能力、发展我们个性、促进我们成长的重要场所。在初中三年的课堂学习中一定有许多令你难忘的瞬间。请以,“An Unforgettable Class”,为题写一篇英语短文,讲述令你难忘的一节课。,写作要点提示:,1.,令你难忘的这节课发生的时间、涉及的学科等;,2.,这节课中令你难忘的活动、事件的发生过程;,3.,你的感受或评价。,注意:,1.,词数,80,100,;,2.,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,【,思路构建,】,步骤,构思,列纲,1,首先,开篇点题,点明是在什么课堂你有难忘的经历。,In that Art class last Monday, I had a wonderful experience.,2,描述事件,是什么事情让你难忘,说出你的感受。,The Art teacher took me to the park which was just beside my school. He told me to draw the fantastic views on the picture.,3,总结全文,点明主旨。,In general, it is one of the most unforgettable classes that I have ever had.,An Unforgettable Class,In that Art class last Monday, I had a wonderful experience. And I was greatly impressed. The Art teacher took me to the park which was just beside my school. He told me to draw the fantastic views on the picture. The sun was shining brightly and I sat in a good position and began to paint the picture.,【,精彩范文,】,With the nice grass, the running river and the colorful flowers, I couldnt help feeling happy. Nevertheless, I had to go back to school when the time was up. I had to wave goodbye to the park.,In general, it is one of the most unforgettable classes that I have ever had. That day, I was on the top of the world.,wonderful,绝妙的,fantastic,极好的,unforgettable,难忘的,paint,绘画,take sb. to someplace,带某人去某地,tell sb. to do sth.,告诉某人做某事,couldnt help doing sth.,情不自禁做某事,【,常用词汇,】,go back,回来,in general,一般来说,on the top of,在,顶部,1. The Art teacher took me to the park which was,just beside,my school.,美术老师带我去了学校旁边的公园。,2. With the nice grass, the running river and the colorful,flowers, I couldnt help feeling happy.,有美丽的草地,奔流,的河水和五颜六色的花朵,我忍不住感到高兴。,【,常用句型,】,3. I get on well with my teachers and classmates.,我与我的老师和同学们相处得很好。,4. My friend Tom often encourages me to work hard at maths and he often helps me with it.,我的朋友汤姆经常鼓励我努力学习数学,并且他经常帮助我学习数学。,【2021,重庆,A,卷,】,教育部近日印发通知,要求控制中小学生的书面作业总量,合理布置不同类型的作业。为此,某英文杂志社正在开展以,“My Creative English Homework”,为主题的征文活动。请你写一篇征文,讲述自身经历,提出合理建议。,要求,1. 80120,词,开头已给出,不计入总词数,;,2.,文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。,参考信息,1.,做过的最有创意的英语作业(内容、收获,),;,2.,更多有创意的英语作业建议(形式、理由,),;,3. ,My Creative English Homework,Doing English homework helps us to practice and,use what,weve learned in class,._,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,My Creative English Homework,Doing English homework helps us to practice and use what weve learned in class. Doing creative homework makes us more interested in English.,Once our teacher asked us to write a letter to a foreigner. We were told to introduce the Spring Festival in the letter. It not only helped me improve my written,skills,_,_,_,_,_,_,but also provided a good chance to spread traditional Chinese culture.,In my opinion, its also a good choice to draw mind maps. It helps us to have a better understanding of the lessons. Besides, we can learn to sing English songs, since most of us love singing. In this way, our English as well as hobbies develops.,_,_,_,_,_,_,I hope well have more creative English homework in the future.,


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