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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chinese Traditional Wedding,Chinese wedding has several process.,The process begins with an,elaborate,(精心制作的,详尽的),marriage proposal(提亲) and acceptance,.,This process is placed in the hands of a,go-between,.,Present gifts,(candy, sugar,salt, tea),If the proposal is well-received, the go-between will obtain the,date and hour of the girls birth,recorded on a formal document. The grooms family would,place this document on the ancestral,altar for three days,.,Reason:asking whether the ancestors allow them marry each other.,Only after both outcomes are favorable,would the two families arrange to meet. Finally face-to-face.,Focus: appearance, education, character, and social position,.,Extensive bargaining (about money and goods that would make up the gift to the girls family ) . Then the bride family will,chose among several auspicious (吉兆的) wedding dates from a geomancer(风水先生).,Wedding Day,Bride is well dressed, and someone help her make up.,She will start off at a lucky time with an apple in her hand.,Sedan chair is usually used.,Groom is waiting for her wife in his house, when bride arrive, the first thing groom need to do is kick,ing,the curtain of the sedan chair,.,Then, bridegroom will take his wife into central room. Bride should stride a fire pan when enter.,Obeisance,拜堂,一拜天地,1,bow to the heaven and earth,二拜高堂,2 bow to their parents,夫妻对拜,3 bow to each other,Go to,the bridal chamber,Stir up the red veil,cross-cupped wine,Someone will prepare something for them,Chinese date,Peanut,Longan,Lotus seed(melon seeds,),West,2024/9/22,11,The brides wedding veil is generally white.,the groom is black dress, so that the whole wedding was the solemn,seriousness,.,Something Old,:,veil or jewelry of brides mother, to show gratitude to parents care and upbringing,Something New,:,the brides cloth, its stand the new life,Something Borrowed:,the bride borrows handkerchief(,婚礼手帕,) from her friend, to show sincere friendship,Something Blue,:,blue belt the bride used in wedding veil or wedding bouquet(,捧花,), to show brides pure,Something Old,Something Blue,A west wedding will typically take place in,a church, the most beautiful church.,2024/9/22,15,But sometimes, it can also be held at the familys home, a private club or somewhere special like a beautiful beach, a botanical garden, and so on.,2024/9/22,16,Bachelor Party,The bachelor parties were the invention of the Spartan Soldiers. It became customary for the groom to feast with his friends the night before the wedding, often celebrating his last night of freedom by getting severely drunk (not much has changed it seems).,In modern times, women have decided they also want their night of fun, so now it is traditional for women to have Bachelorette parties as well.,The Proper Position of Everyone,The family and friends of the bride.,Bridesmaid,The family and friends of the groom.,Best man,Take Vows,VOW,XXX, do you take this woman,XXX, to be your lawful wedded wife, to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love her, honor her, comfort her and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be true to her as long as you both shall live?,I,XXX, take you ,XXX, as my lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.,Handing the Ring,The,Wedding,Kiss,It is said that anyone who,seize the flower bunch from,the bride will get the fortune,to be the next bride.,Wedding,Cake,Different Culture, different wedding,color,red,V,S.,white,Joyous,Chinese traditional wedding customs in China thousands of years of cultural accumulation, Chinese like red, red is a symbol of good luck.,Romantic,Western traditional color is white, which is stand for pure, clean, and loyalty.,Wedding location,-,home VS. church,At Home or Restaurant,Inviting relatives and friends to their wedding ceremony .,Getting more blessing.,A boisterous scene,happy and auspicious.,In a Church,A quiet and rigorous atmosphere.,Wedding march,(,婚礼进行曲,),


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