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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2011/10,#,Case,:,Mr White, a 65 years old man ,unlucky got the disease of cirrhosis .Now his wife wants to make some food for him , what kinds of food should she make?,1,2011/10,Diet for Cirrhosis of the Liver,Lecturer:,Cynthia,From: Guangzhou Medical college,2,2011/10,Knowing the importance of the diet for cirrhosis,Master the principles of cirrhosis diet,Comprehend the,matters need,ing,attention for cirrhosis diet,Learning objectives,3,2011/10,Learning Contents,Overview,Principles of cirrhosis,diet,Matters need,ing,attention for cirrhosis diet,4,2011/10,Definition,:,Cirrhosis is a consequence of chronic liver disease characterized by replacement of liver tissue by,fibrosis,scar tissue,and,regenerative nodules,leading to loss of liver function.,Overview,Video,5,2011/10,O,verview,Data reported that 38.9% cirrhosis patients had upper-digestive tract bleeding for unsuitable diet,.,Researches showed that 60% cirrhosis patients,died of the complications causing by unsuitable diet .,6,2011/10,Reasonable diet guidance is necessary for cirrhosis , in order to prolong their lives and improve their lives quality.,So,7,2011/10,Principles of the diet,High energy,High protein,High vitamin,Low fat,Three high one low,8,2011/10,High Energy,Reason :,Energy can prevent protein decomposing as well as provide energy to compose protein.,Source,:,C,arbohydrate,(50%55%),Amount,:,About 20002500cal,a day,9,2011/10,High Protein,Reason :,High protein diet not only can protect the function of liver cells but also promote the damaged liver cells to repair and regenerate .,Besides , high protein diet,is good for the patients who have low plasma protein and,ascites .,Source :,Lean meat , fish , eggs , milk , bean products and so on,.,Amount :,1.8 g /kg a day ,20%30%,。,10,2011/10,11,2011/10,High Vitamin,Reason :,Vitamin can protect the liver.,VitC takes part in the liver s,metabolize,directly, promoting,hepatic glycogen,(,肝糖原),compose .,VitK,is connected with the compose of,prothrombin,(,凝血酶原),.,Lipid solubility,VitA,、,D,、,E can help to protect the liver in a way.,Source :,Vegetables and fruit,Amount,:,A large number,12,2011/10,Low Fat,Reason :,The function of the liver cells is becoming very weak when cirrhosis happened.,Bile synthesis and secretion become little,.,The digestion and absorption of fat meet block,then too much fat intake would heaven the burden of the liver , finally, fatty liver happen.,Source :,Plant oil is the best , such as peanut oil ,sesame oil,(芝麻油)。,Amount :,About,40,50g/day ,20%25%,13,2011/10,No alcohol,14,2011/10,No thrill,food,mustard,curry,shallot,ginger,cayenne pepper,15,2011/10,No rough and hard food,celery,芹菜,bamboo shoots,竹笋,chives,韭菜,and those hard to digest food,etc.,16,2011/10,digestive tract bleeding,Fasting temporary,Intravenous nutrition,Esophageal varices,No hard food,Liquid or half-liquid,Swelling or with ascites,Little salt,Or no salt,hepatic coma,Limit protein intake,When,17,2011/10,What are the principles of cirrhosis diet?,Could you make a diet for the cirrhosis?,Thinking,18,2011/10,References,1,叶任高,陆再英,刘厚钰,.,内科学,M.5,版,.,北京,:,人民卫生出版社,2002:460.,2,孙哗宏,乔秋阁,.,跟踪干预对门脉高压上消化道出血患者再出血的影响,J.,护理学杂志,,2005,,,20(4):68,一,69.,3,孙兆翠,.,肝硬化患者的营养评估及饮食护理,J,中国民康医学,2010,(01).,4Lochs H, Plauth M. Liver cirrhosis: rationale and modalities for nutritional support the European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition consensus and beyond .Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care, 1999,2, 2 :345-349 .,19,2011/10,Thank you,!,Thats all .,20,2011/10,


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