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Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#,Chuandongbei Gas Project,川东北天然气项目,Click to edit Master title style,CDB SecurityFacility Gate OverviewCDB,安全大门概述,Monday, September 12, 2010,2,Introduction,介绍,This presentation seeks to achieve the following:,本材料目的如下:,Review the security design requirements for the gates to be installed at the Sulfur Plant and Gas Plant,说明新、旧净化厂各个大门的安保设计要求。,Outline the infrastructure improvements that need to be added to the Gas Plant Bridge road entrance apron.,对新净化厂大桥的进入通道,坪台,需要进行的基建改造进行概述。,1. Review of security gate design,安全大门设计描述,The following slides are not to scale sketches of the main gates for the Gas Plant and Sulfur Plant. The components shown in the drawings need to be included in an engineer design of the gates.,下列幻灯片所展示的新、旧净化厂的主大门草图并非按照比例绘制。图中显示的部分需要附上各个大门的工程设计资料。,3,4,Security Gate Design Sulfur Plant Gate 2 (For Sulfur Truck Access),5,6,Electronic Access Control Infrastructure,电控通行设施,The access Control system will be based on Chevrons Access Control System. LENEL ONGUARD.,准入控制系统将参照雪佛龙通行控制系统:,LENEL,ONGUARD,。,Both vehicular and pedestrian access control readers will require an underground conduit pathway for the installation of a 12-core 22 AWG shielded cable between the reader and the access control controller. The maximum distance between the reader and the controller is 150 meters. The controller will be equipped with reader modules and an output control module for opening gates or locks.,车辆准入和人行准入控制读卡器都要求安装,12,芯的,22AWG,屏蔽电缆,并且在读卡器和通行控制器之间贯穿铺设地下的套管。读卡器和控制器之间最大距离为,150m,。控制器须配备读卡器模块和输出控制模块用于打开门或锁。,Vehicular readers can successfully read a card from a distance of 600mm.The LenelProx LPMR-1824 will be used on all vehicle gates for incoming and outgoing traffic.,车辆读卡器的有效读卡距离应能达到,600mm,。,所有车辆进,/,出的大门将采用,LenelProx LPMR-1824,型号。,Pedestrian readers will utilize the LenelProx LPMM-6800 mounted at the V-gates for both entry and exit.,人行通道读卡器将采用,LenelProx LPMM-6800,型号,安装在,V,型大门进,/,出口处。,7,EZ, Well Pad and Secondary / Emergency Vehicle Gates,禁区、井场和次要,/,紧急车辆大门,8,Pedestrian V Gate Design Example,人行通道,V,型大门设计例,9,3. Proposed infrastructure improvements for Gas Plant Bridge Road Entrance Apron,3,、,新净化厂大桥的进入通道,坪台,建议,改造项目,The following slides show the infrastructure improvements that would provide increased levels of control, safety and site security.,下列幻灯页显示的是需要改造的各项内容 ,以增加控制级别、安全级别和安保级别。,It is requested that these improvements be installed.,以下各项改造内容都必须实现。,10,Gas Plant Bridge Site - Proposed Security Control Office,新净化厂大桥现场,-,计划中的安保控制室,11,Existing,building adjacent to bridge entrance,桥梁入口附近的现有建筑,Gas Plant Bridge Proposed Access Control Measures,计划中的新净化厂的桥梁准入控制措施,12,Proposed location of chain link swing gates,计划的链接旋转闸门地点,Proposed location of 2 x manual boom gates,计划的两个手动栏杆门地点,Lighting for driver safety and security identification,为驾驶安全和安保识别设置的照明,Gas Plant Bridge Entry to Apron,新净化厂桥梁入口坪台,13,View from bridge entrance apron to road to Nanba,从桥梁入口坪台观察前往南坝的公路,View from bridge entrance apron to road to Xuan,Han,从桥梁入口坪台观察前往宣汉的公路,14,15,Bridge Access Control Concept of Operations,桥梁准入控制的操作理念,Routine Operations,例行操作:,chain link gates open,链接大门开启,access controlled utilizing boom gates,使用路障栏杆大门进行准入控制,vehicles stopped and processed through preliminary ID / clearance / authorization check,通过初步的身份,/,识别,/,授权检查对车辆进行叫停和处理,vehicles and driver / pax still report to main access control point at gas plant,车辆和司机,/,通过行人仍然需要报告新净化厂的主要准入控制点,unauthorized vehicles can be turned around on bridge apron by installing boom gates that can swing out as well as up as well as being able to be removed easily if required,未安装可以外摆,/,上摆,/,易卸(如必须)的路障栏杆式大门,以便未经许可的车辆在桥梁入口平台调头,In,the event of low tempo operations or as required the bridge can be better secured by closing and locking chain link gates,在慢节奏操作中或者必要的情况下,桥梁可以用关闭和链接大门上锁的方式进行更好的保护,In the event of an emergency / incident,在紧急情况,/,事件中,Chain link gates can be closed and secured,链接大门可以关闭或保卫起来,Security can deploy to staff and operate emergency / secondary egress point at the north western corner of gas plant as required,安保部门可以根据要求部署人员并操纵位于净化厂西北角的紧急,/,次出口,16,Summary of Requirements for Gas Plant Bridge,净化厂大桥要求小结,Refurbish existing structure for utilization as a security control office:,翻新现有的建筑用作安保控制室,Power,电力,Lighting,照明,Install external lighting system for motor vehicle safety and security identification,为机动车辆的安全和安保识别安装外部照明系统,Install boom gates adjacent to security building for routine processing of vehicular entry to bridge:,在安保建筑的附近安装栏杆门,用于例行的机车上桥手续:,Removable,可拆卸,swings up and through (4 way),上下和内外摆动(,4,向),Install chain link double gated cantilever gate system at bridge entry point to secure the bridge after hours,在大桥上桥点安装链接式双扇悬臂大门系统以用于下班时间的大桥安保工作,


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