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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,开放英语1课件,辅导教师:杨鹏鲲,1,Unit 1 Talking About People,一.学习有关职业的词汇,工人 worker 推销员 salesman 医生 doctor,职员 clerk 售货员 shop assistant 士兵 soldier,护士 nurse 接待员 receptionist 官员 officer,编辑 editor 邮递员 postman 主管 director,主厨 chef 公务员 civil servant 面包师 baker,教师 teacher 经 理 manager 秘书 secretary,侍者 waiter 警 察 policeman 工程师 engineer,首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer (CEO),2,二.语法及各语言点,1.动词to be,(1)在肯定句中,介绍自己和他人可以用动词to be,其形式随主语变化而变化.,I am from England. (Im),She is,a,teacher. (Shes),The deputy manager is Chinese.,We are workers. (Were),It is,a,book. (Its),He is,an,officer. (Hes),3,(2)否定句直接在to be后面加not.,I am not from England.,She is not (isnt),a,teacher.,The deputy manager is not Chinese.,We are not (arent) workers.,Its not,a,book.,He is not,an,officer.,4,(3)将be动词放在句首构成一般疑问句.,Are you from England? Yes, I am. No, Im not.,Is she,a,teacher? Yes, she is No, she isnt.,Is the deputy manager Chinese?Yes, she (he) is.,No, she (he) isnt.,Are you workers? Yes, we are. No, we arent.,Is it,a,book? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.,Is he,an,officer? Yes, he is. No, he isnt.,5,(4)将,who, what, when, where, how,等特殊疑问词放在句首,构成特殊疑问句.,Where are you from? I am from England,What is her job? She is a teacher.,Where is your mother? She is in China.,How old is your brother? He is 15.,What is your name? My name is Tom.,6,2.不定冠词aan,在名词前一般要用冠词aan,表示 “一个”或者“一”.如果名词以元音音素开头(a, e, i, o ,u),需要用冠词an,其它用a.,a teacher an egg,a book an apple,a policeman,an hour,a worker an accountant,a company an engineer,7,3. 与work连用的介词,I work,with,Tom in the same factory.,Tom works,for,an IT company.,My mother works,at,a school.,I work,in,Shanghai.,8,4.代词,9,(1)人称代词:,代替人或事物的代词叫做人称代词。人称代词有主格和宾格之分.主格一般在句中作主语,宾格则常作动词或介词的宾语。,I,work in China.,We,are students.,He,is 10 years old.,She,teaches,me,English.,I,told,him,the whole thing.,They,took,it,with them.,10,(2)物主代词:表示所有关系的代词称为物主代词.有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种.,a.形容词性物主代词一般用作定语.表“的”,My name is Tom.,Her mother is a teacher.,Their home is in England.,Its name is Rex.,His sister is very beautiful.,11,5.名词的所属关系:,(1)表示有生命的东西(人或物),一般在名词后加s.,Johns father.,mothers friends.,the doctors home.,注:名词的复数(以s或es结尾)只要在后面加,the teachers reading room.,the workers rest-home(疗养院),(2)表示无生命东西的名词一般与of构成词组,表示所有关系,the cover of the book the contents of the novel,12,6.名词的单数和复数:英语中名词有单复数之分,一个以上为复数其形式变化如下:,(1)名词复数一般是在名词后面加s.,jobs parents workers banks bags,(2)以字母结尾s,sh,ch,x和少数以o结尾的词后面加es.,buses watches heroes,boxes brushes tomatoes potatoes,但,radio,s,photo,s,piano,s,例外,13,(3)以字母f, fe结尾的名词,改f, fe为v加es,lifelives leafleaves,shelfshelves wifewives,(4)以辅音字母y结尾的名词,去y改i加es,factoryfactories,babybabies,countrycountries,boys days,14,(5)不规则变化:,不规则变化的名词复数在英语中只是少数,需逐个记忆,man-men woman-women mouse-mice foot-feet tooth-teeth goose-geese child-children ox-oxen sheep-sheep deer-deer fish-fish,15,7. 学习一般现在时,( 一)一般现在时的意义:,(1),表示包括“现在”在内的一段时间内经常发生的动作或存在状态或日常习惯,We eat rice every day.,I have a book.,They sometimes go to see the films.,He always complains about the weather.,16,(2)表示主语的性格、能力、特征,He speaks very quickly.,The students like English very much.,She has long hair.,(3)表示客观真理或普遍真理:,The earth goes round the sun.,The sun rises in the east.,Facts speak louder.,17,(4)在故事叙述中,有时用一般现在时来叙述情节,可增加生动性和真实感。,一般现在时常与every day, often , usually,always,sometimes等时间状语连用.,18,(二)一般现在时的构成:,(1)Be 动词:,肯定式:,I,am,a student,You,are,He,She,is,We,You,They,are,students,19,否定式:在be动词后加not,I,You,am not,are not,a student,He,She,is not,We,You,They,are not,students,20,(2),行为动词:,肯定式:,I,You,We,They,sing,He,She,sings,21,否定式:由do not(dont), does not(doesnt)+动词原形构成,口语中常用缩略形式.,I,You,We,They,do not,(dont),sing,He,She,does not,(doesnt),22,(三)当主语是第三人称单数的时候,动词需要作下列几种变化:,(1)一般动词在词尾加-s.,likes works tells plays wants,(2)以字母s,x,ch,sh或o结尾的动词加-es.,passes washes goes fixes teaches,(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加-es.,flyflies crycries carrycarries,hurryhurries study-studies,23,8.动词like的用法:,表示喜欢做某事,用动词like+V-ing的形式.,I like playing football.,They like watching TV.,动词-ing形式的变化:,(1)大多数动词是在其后面直接加-ing,如果动词以辅音加不发音的e结尾,去e再加-ing.,arriving leaving,24,(2)如果动词以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写最后一个辅音字母再加-ing.,putting sitting stopping,(3)动词以l结尾,双写l再加-ing.,travelling,25,Unit 2 Meeting and Greeting,一.表达问候的方式:,1.Hi! (熟人之间很随便的问候),Hello!(中性的问候语,认识或不认识的人都可以用),2.Good morning!-Good morning!(中午12点前),Good afternoon!- Good afternoon!(午后6点前),Good evening!- Good evening!(约下午6点后),Good night!- Good night!(晚上告别时),3.How do you do!- How do you do!(第一次见面,正式场合),26,4. A: How are you!(不常见的熟人之间的问候语),B: Im fine! Thank you! And you?,A: Very well, thanks!,5.Nice to meet you!- Nice to meet you!(第一次见面,不那么正式,可用于熟人朋友之间),6.A.How is everything going on with you?,B. That is good! / Just so-so,27,称呼的使用,Ms |miz| (女士) 常用于社交,公务场合,与婚姻状况无关.,Miss |mis| (小姐) 用于未婚女性.,Mrs |misiz| (太太) 用于已婚女性.,Mr (先生) 用于男性,与婚姻状况无关.,公共场所 男性称Sir 女性称 Madam,28,二.频度副词,常见的频度副词有:never, sometimes, often, usually,always.,频度副词在句中的位置:,1.在be动词之后,She is often late for school.,Im usually at home on Sunday.,He is often unhappy.,29,2. 在实意动词之前,He usually goes to bed at about 12.,I sometimes think that it is a great mistake.,I never drink wine.,3.在含有助动词的句子中,置于助动词之后,实意动词之前.,They dont often eat meat.,He doesnt usually go to work on foot.,行前Be后,助动之间,30,sometimes是个特殊的频度副词,既可以放在be动词,助动词之后,行为动词之前,也可以放在句首,还可以,放在句尾。,Sometimes I help my mother in the house.,I sometimes help my mother in the house.,31,三.动词have,主要有三种含义:,1.具有什么特点,I have long hair.,She has big eyes.,2.拥有什么东西,I have a car.,He has two brothers.,当表示以上两点含义时,have与have got可以互换.,32,3.吃,喝,She has a hamberger for lunch.,I have breakfast at 7:00.,have 数的变化:,I/we/they/you have,she/he/it has,33,四.介词,1. at,a. 在时刻,I have tea at breakfast time.,(at lunchtime/dinnertime),at noon at night at weekend,b.表示在某点的时间,She arrived at 8 oclock.,I get up at 7 oclock every morning.,34,2.for,a.为,She works for a company.,b. 作为,She eats fish for dinner.,c. 表阶段时间,I have learned English for 10 years.,35,3.in,a.早、午、晚要用in,in the morning 在早上,in the afternoon 在下午,in the evening 在晚上,in the day 在白天,但在具体的某天早、午、晚要用on,on Monday morning.,36,b.,年、月、季节,in 1986,in April,in spring,4.on,a.表星期、日期,on Monday on the 5th of May,b.具体的某天早、午、晚,on Sunday morning,37,星期,星期日Sunday,星期一 Monday,星期二Tuesday,星期三Wednesday,星期四Thursday,星期五Friday,星期六Saturday,38,月份,January 一月 July 七月,February 二月 August 八月,March 三月 September 九月,April 四月 October 十月,May 五月 November 十一月,June 六月 December 十二月,39,5.fromto,a.表示从某点到另一点的持续时间.,He works from 8 in the morning to 6 in the evening.,b.表示从某点到另一点的距离.,I ride bike from my home to school everyday.,40,五.12小时表达法,1.表示整点过1-30分用past(过).,11:10 It is ten past eleven.,10:30 It is half past ten.,2.表示离整点还差1-29分用to(在之前).,9:40 It is twenty to ten.,3:50 It is ten to four.,3.表示“一刻钟”可以用a quarter.,5:15 It is a quarter past five.,5:45 It is a quarter to six.,41,4.表示“半小时”常用past.,7:30 It is half past seven. (seven thirty),5.表示“午前”用am,“午后”用pm,“在中午”用at noon.,It is 10 am.,It is 5 pm.,I usually take a nap at noon.,What is the time?,42,六.提出请求,表达提议.,1.提出请求:could you do sth.?,Could you tell me your phone number?,Could you help me with the housework?,Could you pass the salt to me?,应答:,肯定:Yes, of course. Certainly,否定:No, sorry.+解释原因,43,2.表达提议:would you like sth.?,would you like to do sth.?,Would you like an apple? Yes, please.,Would you like to have a cup of tea? No, thank you.,44,七:行为动词的疑问句构成,一般疑问句: 句首加Do/Does, 动词用原型,Do,you work in a factory?,Yes, I do. No, I dont.,Does,he,live,in Beijing?,Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.,特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句,Where,do,you have lunch?,When,does,he,start,work?,45,Unit 3 What Do You Do?,一.学习一些食物的名称. P27,二.学习如何介绍自己和他人,1.介绍自己可以用I am My name is来表达。,Hello, my name is Tom. I am a student.,2.介绍他人常用的表达法是“This is(后接名字),my(后接与讲话人的关系)。,Tom, this is Polly, my sister.,Polly, this is Xiaoyan, my classmate.,46,三.表达提议和应答。,1.,Would,you like,a cup of coffee? Yes, please.,Would you like to,come to the party tomorrow?,No, thanks. I will have a meeting.,2.,What,would you like,? Id like a glass of wine.,3.主动提出自己做某事,Ill do sth.,I will clean the room.,47,四.序数词的表达法,1.多数序数词由基数词加th构成,sixth eleventh eighteenth fifty-ninth,2.以下词例外,one-first two-second three-third,five-fifth (ve改f,加th),eight-eighth (t结尾,直接加h),nine-ninth (去e,加th),twenty-twentieth, thirty-thirtieth(第二十,三十等将基数词的y改ie加th),48,序数词的简写形式,first 1,st,second 2,nd,third 3,rd,fourth 4,th,fifth 5,th,22,nd,31st,49,五.楼层的表达法:on,the,+楼层数(序数词)floor,英国人: ground floor 一楼 first floor 二楼 second floor 三楼,.,美国人: first floor 一楼 second floor 二楼 .,50,日期,today is the 5th of July,20,th,of October,51,六.不定冠词a/an和定冠词the的区别,不定冠词:,与可数名词的单数搭配,相当与汉语中的“一”用于“非特指”,“泛指”.即指某类人或物中的任何一个或某一个.,定冠词:,与任何名词搭配,主要功能为“特指”,表示独一无二的事物或者已经被提到的人或物。,I am an accountant.(我是一名会计),I am the Chief Accountant for that company.(我是那家公司的主任会计师,唯一的一名),52,七.指示代词this, these, that, those,1. 指示代词分单数(this / that)和复数(these / those)两种形式,通常this / these指离说话人较近的物品, that / those指离说话人较远的物品.他们既可作限定词又可做代词,例如:单数复数限定词:This girl is Mary.Those men are myteachers.代词:This is Mary. Those are myteachers.,53,2 指示代词的句法功能;,(1)指示代词可以用于表达对比的意义(说话时伴随用手指点的动作),This is my bike and thats yours,These people are my friends. Those are my husbands friends.,(2)指示代词可以用于强调,That is really beautiful.,Those are no good at all.,54,八.There be句型,1.用法:,表示”在某处有存在”,there是引导词,本身没有词义,be为谓语动词,be后的名词为主语.句中常带有表示地点或时间的状语. 如果名词为复数,动词用are,名词为单数,动词用is.,There is a picture on the wall.,There are 24 hours in a day.,55,2.构成,肯定句:There+be+名词+(表时间或地点的状语) There is a dog under the tree.,There are two pens on the desks.,否定句:There+be+not+名词+(表时间或地点的状语),There is not a book on the table.,There are not any pens on the desk.,(注:is not 可缩写为isnt, are not可缩写为arent),56,一般疑问句:Be+there+名词+ (表时间或地点的状语),Is there any water in the cup? Yes, there is.,No, there isnt.,Are there any plants in the room?-Yes, there are,No, there arent,(注释:动词be必须与后面的主语在数上取得一致.如果句中有若干个名词作主语,动词be常与后面的第一个名词在数上一致:,There is a book, two pens ,and three pencils on,the desk.,57,Unit 4 Families and Occupations,一.谈论工作,1.在表示工作的名词前要用a或an.,He is a worker.,2.在谈及工作领域的时候,要用介词in.,They work in computers,She lectures in English.,3.涉及工作地点的时候,要用冠词.aan指众多中的一个;the特指一个.,She works in the school near my home.,He works in a big company.,58,4.询问别人的工作,Whats yourhisher job?,What do youthey do? What does heshe do?,二.复习have和have got 的用法. P45,三.some和any的用法,some通常用在肯定句当中,any通常用在疑问句和否定句当中.,I have some apples.,Do you have any apples?,I havent got any sisters.,59,四.学习表示家庭关系的词汇.p45,五.学习现在进行时态,1.结构:,肯定句:主+be+动词-ing形式,He is watching TV at home.,否定句:主+be+not+动词-ing形式,He isnt watching TV at home,一般疑问句:Be+主+动词-ing形式,Is he watching TV at home?Yes, he is.,No, he isnt.,60,特殊疑问句:疑问词+ be+主语+动词-ing形式,What is he doing? He is watching TV.,2.,现在进行时的意义:,(1)表示此时此刻现在进行的动作。与之连用的时间状语有“now” “at the/this moment”等(现在、正在):,The students are having an English class.,The teacher is teaching them English.,61,(2)表示现阶段正在进行的活动,但说话的此刻可能不一定正在进行。与之连用的时间状语有“recently” “these days”(最近/这些天):,Im studying English these days, but I am reading newspaper now.,He is translating a novel, but right now he is sleeping.,62,Unit 5 Flat Hunting,一、学习有关住房的词汇p53,二、学习有关租房的词汇缩写形式p54,三、询问一个词是什么意思用动词mean,回答时主语可以用代词it:,-What does “sml” mean?,-It means small.,还可以用一般疑问句,Does “avail” mean available? Yes, it does.,Does “pm” mean morning? No, it means afternoon.,63,四、表达提议和应答。,1.,Would,you like,a coffee? Yes, please.,Would you like to,come to the party tomorrow?,No, thanks. I will have a meeting.,2.,What,would you like,? Id like a glass of wine.,3.主动提出自己做某事,Ill do sth.,I will clean the room.,4.,What about +V-ing,?,What about watching TV? Yes, its a good idea.,64,5.,How about +V-ing,?,How about doing some shopping?,Well, I dont know.,6. Why dont you + V-原形,Why dont you go with us?,Why dont you take a holiday?,65,五、询问价格,询问价格时要用How much 开头,动词用be或者cost.,How much is the coat? It is 50 yuan.,How much are the apples? They are 90p.,How much does the coat cost? It costs,How much do they cost? They cost 50.,at cost of,cut the cost,I spend 10 yuan on the book.,The book costs me 10 yuan.,66,Unit 7 Making Appointments,一、复习如何表达提议和提供建议(参Unit 5),二、询问花多长时间,用动词take,句型1:It takes +时间+to do sth 表示“花费时间”,It takes me one hour to get to school by bus.,句型2::sth takes +时间 表示“某事花费多长时间”,The flight will take three hours.,疑问句: How long does the journey take?,否定句: The flight doesnt take three hours.,67,三、如何表达批评,表达批评性评论常用的句型是“too+形容词”或者“not+形容词+enough”.意为“太”,“不够”,The coat is too small to wear.,The coat is not big enough to wear.,Youre too young to get married.,The kitchen is too dark.,The kitchen is not light enough.,68,四、打电话用语,接电话,在家里,拿起电话常用hello开头,相当于汉语中的“喂”。在办公室,接电话的人通常要自报家门,如单位的名称。,Hello!This is Dr.Smiths office. Tom speaking.,打电话,1.Hello,Can I speak to xxx, please?,2.Hello, I would like to speak to xxx.,3.Good morning, is Sally in?,69,在比较正式的场合,打电话的人会先介绍自己。,Good afternoon, This is Lin Xiaoyan speaking.,询问打电话的是谁,Whos calling, please?,Whos that?,接听找人电话时,可以说,1. One moment, please.,2.Hold on, please. Ill get him/her for you.,3.Just a minute, please.,70,如人不在,由别人转接或打错了可以说:,1.Sorry,Wrong number. 2.Sorry,he/shes out. (not in).,3.Sorry,Im afraid he/she is out.,4.Sorry,he/shes busy at the moment.,请接电话转达口信,可以说:,CouldCan I leave a message, please?,Could you give him/ her a message, please?,Can you take a message for me?,71,主动提议为别人记录口信,可以这么说:,Can I take a message?,五、安排约会,1、建议日期,Are you free on Monday?,What about Friday?,2、建议具体时间,How about 5 oclock?,Is 5 oclock ok?,72,3、表示同意约定的时间、地点,Yes, Friday is fine ok.,Yes, thats ok.,4、表示不同意约定的时间、地点,No, Im afraid Im not free.,No, Im sorry, Im busy.,5、确认时间,Ok, see you at 5 oclock on Friday.,73,Unit 8 Moving In,一、情态动词can的用法,1、表示能力:,I can lift this stone.,Can you use chopsticks?,I can speak a little English.,2、表示请求(一般疑问句),Can I sit here?,Can I use the cooker in the kitchen?,.,74,3、表示允许(肯定句)和不允许(否定句),You can use the phone in the living room.,You cant /cannot smoke in the classroom.,二、一般现在时和现在进行时的区别,1、一般现在时表示经常发生的事情,而现在进行时表示现阶段或者说话的时候正在发生的事情。,比较1:,I cook for my family everyday.,I am cooking now.,75,比较2:,I often start work at 8 oclock.,Im working now.,2、英语中有些词通常只用于一般时态,而不用进行时。这些词表示相对静止的物质、心理及情感状态,被称为状态动词.,如:like, love, hate, think(认为), havehave got,I like English songs.,I hate my job.,I think its cheap.,76,注意:,1、have 作实意动词,不表示拥有的时候,可以用进行时,We are having dinner.,2、think 做“想,思考”时也可以用进行时态。,Im thinking about him now.,Im thinking of the question.,77,三、如何描述天气,1、描述当前的天气可以用一般现在时和现在进行时。,询问天气状况:Whats the weather like in+某地,回答:Its +形容词,或者Its + -ing,-Whats the weather like in Beijing?,-Its rainy. Its raining.,-Its sunny. Its shining,78,描述天气的词,hot 热 cold 冷 warm 温暖 cool 凉爽,rainyraining 有雨的,sunny shining 晴朗的,snowing snowy 下雪的,foggy 有雾的,cloudy 多云,windy 有风的,79,2、当谈论一个地方的气候时通常只用一般现在时而不用现在进行时。,It often rains in summer in England.,Its often sunny in autumn.,80,四、描述城市,询问城市状况,用句型Whats +城镇名称+like?,描述城市的状况,用be+形容词,Whats London like?,Its busy, noisy and exciting.,描述城市情况的形容词p93,五、on in under above next to,in front of behind,81,五、祈使句:表示请求和指令,1、肯定句用动词原形,Put it on the table.,Come in, please.,2、否定句用dont+动词原形,Dont smoke here, please.,82,Unit 9 Things and People,一、学习表示各种店铺的词汇.p99,店铺名称的表达:英语中有些店铺的名称由经营商加s构成,相当于s shop,表示经营者的处所。这类的店铺名称还可以直接写经营商的职业。,如:the butchers, the butcher,the chemists, the chemist,二、学习表示方位的介词及描述店铺的位置。P100,next to near between and opposite,on the corner outside,83,三、问路与指路,1、Where is (the nearest) +场所?,Where is the supermarket? Its over there, opposite,the bank.,2、Is there aan +场所?,-Is there a bank near here?,-Yes, the bank is on the corner.,-I am sorry, I dont know.,84,3、How do I get to +场所?,How do I get to the post office? You can take,number 10 bus.,另外:get on上车,get off下车,where do I get on? You can get on at the chemists.,where do I get off? You can get off at the bus station.,85,四、学习短语动词.p106,五、谈论人的外貌和性格特征,学习描述人外貌的词p109,学习描述人性格的词p110,1、What does heshe look like?指一个人的外貌特征,What does he look like? He is tall and hes got,short ,brown wary hair.,fat 胖 (贬义) overweight quite big,thin 瘦弱 slim,86,2、Whats he like? 既可以指性格特征,也可以指外貌特征。P110,Whats he like? He is very nice and kind.,whats the weather like?,87,Unit 10 An Invitation,一、表达提议,1.,Would,you like,a coffee? Yes, please.,Would you like to,come to the party tomorrow?,No, thanks. I will have a meeting.,2.,What,would you like,? Id like a glass of wine.,3.主动提出自己做某事,Ill do sth.,I will clean the room.,4.,What about +V-ing,?,What about watching TV? Yes, its a good idea.,88,5.,How about +V-ing,?,How about doing some shopping?,Well, I dont know.,6.,Why dont you (we) + V-原形,Why dont you go with us?,Why dont you take a holiday?,7.,Shall I + V-原形,Shall I help you? No, thanks.,8.,Lets,+ V-原形,Lets listen to music and have a good rest.,89,二、可数名词和不可数名词,1、可数名词: apple是可数名词, 复数形式是apples, 如:an apple,some,apples,lots of,apples.,2、不可数名词:water 是不可数名词,可以说,some,water,lots of,water.,3、无论是可数名词还是不可数名词,如果用一个表示量的词来修饰时,要用of.,a can of peas a tin of,a kilo of rice,a cup of tea,90,4、当不可数名词用容器来计量,容器的个数超过一个时,这时候的复数形式要在容器上体现。,two cups of tea,two cans of milk,91,三、动词need 需要,1、need名词:结构为“主语need名词”,She needs a cup of coffee.,We need some apples.,They need a car.,2.need+动词不定式:结构为“主语+need+to+动词”,I need to see a doctor.,She needs to get her shoes back.,We need to buy some water.,3. dont need doesnt need,92,四、How many?和How much?的用法,1. How many?用于可数名词,How many sisters you have?,How many oranges would you like?,How many birds are there in the tree?,2. How much?用于不可数名词,How much rice do we need?,How much milk in the bottle?,另外:询问价格时,用How much?,How much is it, please?,93,五、some和any的用法:,1 、some 表示不确定的量,意思是“一些”,用于肯定句当中,可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词。,I would like some oranges.,She wants to buy some water.,2 、any多用于疑问句和否定句中,可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词。,Have you got any family?,I dont want any tea.,注:表示提议、请求的疑问句中用some.,Would you like some apples?,94,六、表达提出请求,1、Could +主语动词,Could you open the door?,Could you buy some oil for me?,2、Can +主语动词,Can you open the door?,Can you get some water?,3、I would like +宾语+不定式,I would like you to buy a can of peas.,I would like you to clean the floor.,95,Unit 11How are you settling in?,一、why和because的用法,询问原因的问句why以开头,答句以because开头,Why do you want to go back to China?,Because the weather here is often depressing.,Why are you going to the shops?,Because I want to buy a T-shirt.,96,二、询问他人的意见、提出自己意见,询问他人的意见可以用以下两种结构,意思是“你认为怎么样?


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