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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,托福议论文写作,关于审题,跑题,偏题,漏题,There is an increasing number of juvenile,delinquents,. Analyze the possible causes of this phenomenon, and offer some recommendations.,Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world.,Unfortunately,it creates,tension,rather than,understanding,between people from different cultures. Do you agree or disagree?,审题练习,To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?,Always,telling the truth,is,the most important,consideration in,any,relationship.,托福议论文结构,托福写作一般采用,三段论,(,Three parts,),,即:,Introduction,Main Body,Conclusion,之所以采取这种结构,是因为目前三段论仍然是最安全,最合理的作文结构,内部紧密相连,构成统一和谐的整体!各段逻辑关系如下:,Introduction,:,To say what you are going to say;,Main Body,: To say what you want to say;,Conclusion,: To say what you have said.,这种写作结构和中国诗文的章法(起承转合)有异曲同工之妙!,“,起,”,是开端;,“,承,”,是承接上文加以申述;,“,转,”,是转折,从正面,或,反面立论;,“,合,”,是结束全文。,“,起,”,即,Introduction,;,“,承,”,,,“,转,”,即,Main Body,,,“,承,”,即从正面进行描述,,“,转,”,,即转说开去,大致分两种情况:一种从另一面或反面说,讲不同的意见,第二种是采用推进一层的写法;,“,合,”,即,Conclusion,。,议论文,Body,部分的基本结构,单边支持(一边倒):,1.,完全型单边支持:,1,+,1,+,1,2.,修正型单边支持:,1,+,1,-,1,双边中立(对等型):,1,-,1,1-1,+,1-1,分析解决:,C,+,E,+,S,完全型单边支持,TOPIC,Idea 1,Idea 2,Idea 3,Detail,1,Detail,1,Detail,1,Detail,2,Detail,2,Detail,2,Detail,3,Detail,3,Detail,3,修正型单边支持,TOPIC,Concession,Idea 2,Idea 3,Detail,1,Detail,1,Detail,1,Detail,2,Detail,2,Detail,2,Detail,3,Detail,3,Detail,3,具体各部分写作详解,How to write the introduction,Introduction,的核心任务是,To say what you are going to say,可以分成,3,个步骤来完成:,Introducing the topic,(,导入句,),My opinion of the topic,(,中心句,),Layout of the main body,(,展开句,),导入句的,2,种写法,导入句的作用:指出文章所要讨论的问题,达到,spontaneous overflow,的效果,1.,标准化写法,:,situation,或,/,和,opinion,2.,个性化写法,举例,Some people think fittest and strongest individuals and teams could win the game in sports. Others believe better mental attitude is the key.,What is your opinion?,标准化写法:对立,opinions,陈述,No one can deny that the strongest or the most powerful athletes often win the sports games. However, some people tend to believe that mental attitude plays a vital role.,The sports world is often characterized by keen competition of the fittest and strongest athletes or teams. Others, however, claim that mental attitude plays a vital role.,标准化导入句常用句型,1,.,Nowadays, there is a great concern about,among people.,2.,The importance,/,influence of,is a matter for debate.,3.,In recent years, much more attention than ever before has been paid to,4.,There is much controversy over whether to do sth. or not.,5.,Sth is a magnet for controversy.,Cliche,With the progress of centuries speeding up by leaps and bounds,With the development of society and technology,Every coin has two sides.,There is no garden without weeds .,个性化导入句,个性化写法:追根溯源,亲身经历,下定义,举例子(新闻故事),提问式,做引用等,举例子导入句,When Jamaican sprinter, Usain Bolt blazed into the Olympic history books becoming the first man to break world records while winning both 100m and 200m races at a single game, the whole world was shocked by his lightening speed and explosive force. Is it always true that physical strength helps win the game in sports?,师者,所以传道授业解惑也,It is teachers who shoulder the responsibility to spread philosophy, impart knowledge and clear up confusions for students.,提问式导入句,Write about the following topics:,Happiness is considered very important in life.,Why is it difficult to define?,What factors are important in achieving happiness?,Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.,提问式的,3,种思路,1.,设问,+,中心句,(自问自答式),2.,设问,+,评论,+,中心句,(评论铺垫式),3.,设问,+,普遍观点,+,中心句,(曲折入题式),What is essential for happiness?,Our world is complex and full of many diverse people. So different people may have different opinions.,In my opinion, happiness lies in the service that you give other people.,常用句型,What is,? Have you ever,?,Have you ever taken a part-time job? What are the advantages of college students,doing part-time jobs? As to these questions, different people may hold totally different ideas.,引用式导入句,谚语或名言,+,对此谚语格言的评价,+,中心句,There is an old English saying which goes “No pains, no gains.”,It illustrates the importance of hard work in the process of success.,In other words, diligence is a key factor to success.,Thesis Statement,写作的,3,大原则,中心句:,Thesis statement,Being straight forward may be a terrible thing when you try to get a young woman interested in you, but it works in writing essays!,一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭,1.,明确,简单,一句话表达中心。,The argument may be true.,The argument contains some truth.,2.,具体。,Think of the thesis statement as an,umbrella,shielding your whole paper. If a portion of your paper falls outside the umbrella,either,cut it out,or,extend the breadth of your umbrella.,Company Logo,Thesis,Point,Point,Point,3.,揭示作者观点和态度的强烈程度。,I,absolutely,agree to,/,with it.,I,can not,agree,more,to,/,with the opinion.,常用经典表达,引入话题:当谈到,When it comes to,As far as,is,/,are concerned,In such a case,In the case of,As we consider that,If we were to consider that,正面提出自己观点:,我认为,I would point out that,It is quite clear to me that,In,/,to my opinion,/,judgement,/,knowledge,Others as well as me, hold the opinion that,Personally, personally speaking,speaking for myself,as for me,As far as I am able to judge,As far as I am concerned, as far as I know,From my angle,/,perspective,/,point of view,评价观点:,我同意,I absolutely agree to,/,with it.,I can not agree more to,/,with the opinion.,I would go along with this point of view.,I am for that solution.,I vote for this suggestion.,评价观点:,我不同意,I disagree to,/,with it.,I am against that solution.,I doubt whether the argument can bear closer analysis.,I doubt whether the argument can hold water.,评价观点:,我同意某一方,I absolutely agree to,/,with the former opinion.,I can not agree more to,/,with the latter opinion.,I would go along with the former one.,I am for the latter solution.,I vote for the former,/,latter.,评价观点:,我基本认为,Globally, I believe, although several individual cases should be considered.,Universally, I hardly believe, although several merits can be observed in some cases.,It is in part beneficial to some people or group, but I still insist,/,assert,表示提出解决措施,One possible solution to be,taken,/,adopted,is that,In order to,tackle,this pressing problem, we have no choice but to adopt some effective measures.,Three,feasible,solutions can be outlined as following.,People from different backgrounds assume different attitudes to,dealing with,this problem. From my point of view, the three following ones do work.,写作练习,Popular events like the Football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing patriotic emotions in a safe way.,Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?,审题练习,Popular,events,like the Football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing,patriotic emotions,in a,safe,way.,Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?,Introduction,练习,When sports events are getting popular worldwide, whether it is significant to ease the patriotic emotions in a safe way is comprehensively debated.,In my opinion, it is quite effective on this case, while bringing some negative influence.,The question can be made clear from the following 3 aspects.,Nowadays, sports events are increasingly popularizing among the people throughout the world. Many believe that it is vital in easing patriotic affections in a safe way.,However, I totally disagree with this opinion,because sporting events have so many negative impacts on society, family and individuals.,个性化写法:个人经历式,The most unforgetable moment is when I cheered and cried for the Chinese sports team in the Bird,s Nest in 2008, Beijing. When we are immersed in the sea of patriotism, nobody can deny that international sports events indeed can help us to express the love for our motherland.,While I have to say that getting involved in sports competition is not necessarily a safe way to release such emotion.,The following are the explanations and examples.,How to write the main body,这一部分主要是,思路拓展,,使内容逐渐从无到有,从有到多,从多到精。,备考过程中要善于寻找话题的共性,并进行有针对性的练习。,六大层次分析法,+,八面玲珑拓展法,传统的方法,: Brainstorming,关于论据,(evidence),Wild animals have no place in the 21st century and trying to protect these animals is a waste of resources.,Do you agree or disagree?,We can hardly imagine what our life will be like without wild animals. For example, if there is no,cat, there will be more mice. The increase in the number of mice will result in the reduction of food resources and the spread of diseases. Thus, it is very important to protect,animals,.,关于论证,(argument),常用的论证手法:,explanation,(解释说明),emphasis,(强调论证),exemplification,(举例说明),cause and effect,(因果论证),facts and statistics,(事实和统计数据),comparison and contrast,(比较与对比),concession and refutation,(让步与反驳),classification,(分类),definition,(下定义),analogy,(比喻),段落写作初级版,Topic sentece + supporting sentences,There are many ways through which we can improve our English.,Above all,we should read as many English books, newspapers and magazines as possible.,Next,we may listen to English programs on the radio or watch English programs on TV every day.,Besides,it is necessary for us to seize every opportunity to speak English both in and after class.,Finally,it is equally important to form the habit of taking notes and keeping a diary in English.,段落写作升级版,Topic sentence,+,2,/,3 Supporting sentences,+,Minor example,+,Flow-back,段落写作练习,相对而言,单独学习可以节省时间,然而在团队中学习,可以节省金钱。通常情况下,学生单独学习,可以更好地集中注意力,因为没有人打扰他,但是他的花费也更高。 比如说,一个学生参加,VIP,课程,花费肯定大大高于集体授课。这就像打的和坐公交车的区别一样。,Comparatively,studying alone can save,time,while,studying in a group can save,money,.,Usually,if a student studies alone, he can concentrate better, because nobody can disturb him, but he must pay more money.,For example,when some students take a one-to-one VIP course, the expense is much higher than that of big class.,It is just like,the difference between taking a taxi and catching a bus.,Thesis statement,vs,Topic sentece,Thesis statement:,宽泛,范围大,,unifying force of the essay,Topic sentence:,具体,范围小,,unifying force of the paragraph,Topic sentences often act like,tiny thesis statements,.,Topic sentence,的,2,个作用,It,relates,the paragraph to the essays thesis, and thereby acts as a,signpost,for the argument of the paper as a whole.,It also,defines the scope,of the paragraph itself.,结尾段的写法,常言道:,“,编筐编篓,全在收口,”,。一篇优秀的文章其结构和气势应为,:,“,虎头,牛身,豹尾。,”,Just as every essay has a clear beginning, it should have a clear ending. The last paragraph, also known as the,conclusion,should make your essay sound finished.,考生所写文章往往由于时间紧张而导致,“,虎头,蛇尾,”,。,Summary statement,论点,论据,论证,结尾段的作用,1.,突出主要论点,强化主题。,Overall,my life on campus is really colorful and meaningful.,2.,总结概括全文,得出结论。,All in all,traveling on one,s own has both advantages and disadvantages.,3.,表达自己观点,阐述立场。,From what have been discussed above,I take the position that a test of spoken English is extremely necessary and it should be included in TOEFL.,Conclusion,的构成,The concluding paragraph typically has,two parts:,1.,The,summary statement,is one or two sentences which restate the thesis in a fresh way to reinforce the essays main idea.,2.,The,clincher,is a final thought which should create a lasting impression on the reader.,结尾段的常用写作方法,总结结论,summary statement,+,举例子,clincher,反问结尾,clincher,引言结论,clincher,提倡号召,clincher,Summary statement,Thesis Statement:,Many Americans are buying the Toyota Corolla because of its competitive price, fuel economy, and high resale value.,Summary Statement:,Reasonable pricing, more miles per gallon, and an attractive resale value have all contributed to the popularity of the Toyota Corolla in todays market.,Thesis Statement:,San Francisco is a stimulating place to visit because of its magnificent location, its theaters and art galleries, and its many fine restaurants.,Summary Statement:,If you love beautiful surroundings, world class theater and art, and an exquisite meal, then San Francisco is the place for you to go.,总结结论句,常用句型,All things considered, personally, I think,/,believe, I hold,/,take the attitude,/,position that,举例,To sum up,the advantages of,far outnumber,/,outweigh the disadvantages.,All things considered,the benefits of,are more than the problems.,Having taken all the factors into consideration,we can see that doing something does more good than harm to the society.,举例子法,只要我们每个人都意识到毒品的危害性,学校和家长给予正确的引导和教育,媒体进行正面的宣传,我相信青少年吸毒问题一定可以得到解决,我们也就可以挽救更多的像马拉多纳那样的足球天才。,As long as everyone is aware of the great harm of drugs, school and family give teenagers correct guidance and media conducts positive advertising, I do believe the problem of youngsters,drug addiction will be solved soon.,Consequently, more talents like Maradona can be saved.,反问结尾法,常用句型:,Don,t you think it is necessary for us to,?,Don,t you think it is high,/,about time that we did sth.?,Don,t you agree with my idea,/,opinion that,?,举例:,Don,t you think it is high time that we took effective actions to fight against fake commodities in the market?,Don,t you agree with my idea that a test of oral English should be included in TOEFL?,引言结论法,举例:,True friendship cannot be bought with money.,The proverb,“,A friend in need is a friend indeed,”,is really true.,Nothing can compare to a dog,s dedication, intelligence and friendship.,Because a dog offers all these wonderful qualities, I realize once again why people say that,“,A dog is man,s best friend.,”,提倡号召法,常用句型,Let,s join in the efforts to do,Let,s spare no efforts to do,Let,s take effective measures to do,Let,s take immediate actions to do,Let,s take practical steps to do,举例:,Let,s join in our efforts to fight against the fake commodities and protect the interests of people.,Let,s spare no efforts to protect our environment from being further damaged and save our planet.,高分作文语言要求,1.,准确,用词,和,句式,多样,使用能够吸引考官目光的闪光词。用形象,具体的,下义词,替换宽泛的,上义词,。,举例:,It is, therefore, high time that some,applicable,approaches,were,implemented,by the service industry. By doing so, its competitive edge will be,sharpened,effectively.,Applicable,替换,proper,Approaches,替换,ways,Implement,替换,carry,out,sharpen,one,s,competitive,edge,替换,enhance,one,s,competitiveness,2.,连贯,流畅,通顺,思路(内容):,Organizing ideas before starting to write,语言(形式):,1.,文连:,linking words,2.,意连:,伏笔,照应,3.,修辞:,对仗,排比,押韵,(No pains, no gains. Smell smelly and taste tasty.),3.,新颖,生动,地道,倒装,虚拟语气,长句(主从句)短句(简单句)交叉应用,是否经典句式等!,使用插入语,把副词、连接词,比如,:,however,/,therefore,/,for,example,/,I believe,等,作插入语放在中间,一般放在主语、动词或者助动词后,两边分别加上逗号。,举例:,Other,individuals,however,take,the,attitude,that,如何闪光,Smoking is harmful to people,s health.,There are,3,295,000,people who die of smoking every year in the world.,The number,of people who died of smoking,increased,from 3,295,000 to 8,750,000 between 1990 and 2005.,The number of people who died of smoking,increased sharply,from 3,295,000 to 8,750,000 between 1990 and 2005.,According to,a survey,conducted,by,WHO,the World Health Organization, the number of people who died of smoking increased sharply from 3,295,000 to 8,750,000 between 1990 and 2005,which equals to the total population of Iraq.,4.,精炼,简化并列句,复合句,非谓语动词,,with,的复合结构,独立主格结构的应用!,1.,简化并列句:并列句简化成含有复合主语,复合谓语,复合宾语或插入语的简单句,Jim is a salesman, and he is also an amateur photographer.,Jim is a salesman and an amateur photographer.,He complains much, but he works little.,He complains much but works little.,My neighbor has been working as a salesman for three years; he is 24 now.,My neighbor, now 24, has been working as a salesman for three years.,2.,简化复合句:用名词或动名词代替名词性从句,The president finally realized that he had made a mistake.,The president finally realized his mistake.,That the student knew English helped him learn German faster.,Having learned English helped him learn German faster.,I remembered that I had closed the window last night.,I remembered having closed the window last night.,2.,简化复合句:用形容词,名词词组插入语,介词短语,不定式,分词或独立主格代替形容词性从句,The nurses took good care of those soldiers who were wounded.,The nurses took good care of those wounded soldiers.,Our neighbor, who was the mayor of the town, was always friendly to us.,Our neighbor, the mayor of the town, was always friendly to us.,The old woman, who did not have a penny, refused to accept my gift.,The old woman without a penny refused to accept my gift.,She has a paper that she must write.,She has a paper to write.,The car which is loaded with furniture is mine.,The car loaded with furniture is mine.,The young girl whose cheeks flushed ran out of the room.,Her cheeks flushing, the young girl ran out of the room.,2.,简化复合句:用副词,分词,介词短语,不定式或独立主格代替副词性从句,Because I had a stomachache last night, I was unable to sleep.,Having a stomachache last night, I was unable to sleep.,As it was parked in front of our house, the truck was a great nuisance to me.,Parked in front of our house, the truck was a great nuisance to me.,While we were having dinner, he started an argument.,At the dinner he started an argument.,Open the window so that you get in some fresh air.,Open the window to get in some fresh air.,As the sun set, we went home.,The sun setting, we went home.,


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