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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,*,1,2,If you want to train leaders, you have to start early. If you want to keep kids out of prison, you have to start early, but it isnt easily done,John W. Gardner was a longtime activist who promoted the common good and improved the lives of millions of Americans by helping to implement the sweeping social reforms of the 1960s. As Lyndon Johnsons Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, Gardner played a major role in civil rights enforcement and education reform, and he was instrumental in creating Medicare and establishing the public television network.,3,Pre-reading Questions,1.,How does the narrator feel about the responses from people?,He feels surprised when he tries to exchange greetings with them and gets none.,2.,Do most people understand trash men? Why?,No. They dont understand the nature of trash mens work.,4,Pre-reading Questions,3.,What is the purpose,of quoting John Gardners words ?,All workmen should be treated equally no matter what their jobs are.,5,6,Text Structure,The narrator worked as a trash man and his work made him tired.,Introduction,(,Paras.12),Development,(Paras.311),His decision,(Paras.1214),Being a trash man was looked down upon though the narrator worked very hard.,The narrator decided to work longer to leave this country a,little cleaner because it is needed by society.,7,8,My shoulder hurt wickedly,each time,I put another full barrel on it, and my legs occasionally trembled as I was heading to the street. (Line 2),这是一个由,and,连接的并列句,,each time I put another full barrel on it,和,as I was heading to the street,作,时间,状语从句。,每次,伤风感冒,我的背就疼。,2),什么时候,你想用录音机,我就把我,的借给你。,Ill lend you my cassette recorder,each time,you want it.,Each time,I catch a cold, I have,a pain in my back.,each time:,every time, whenever,每逢,每当,9,2.,The way,most people look at you, youd think a trashman was a monster. (Line 24),e.g.,The way,he works, youd think he is a master.,看他工作的,样子,,你会以为他是个专家。,the way:,“从的方式” 在这里引导方式状语从句。,10,3.,Who are you to say,what goes? Youre nothing but a trashman.,(Line 26),paraphrase:,How dare you say I should not put the ashes,in the trashcan? You are only a trashman.,who are you to say:,what right do you have to say,你有什么权利说,你有什么权利说,我该干什么?,2),Who are you to say,that I have done,wrong?,你有什么资格说,我做错了?,1),Who are you to say,what I shall do?,11,And,contrary to,what people think, I dont get dirty on the,job. (Line 42),contrary to:,“和相反,违反,不顾” 在句中作,状语,。,还可作,定语,或,表语,。,1),He passed the examination, _.,他考试及格了,,和我预料的正相反,。(状语),2) What you wish to do _.,你希望做的,与,这些规定,相违背,。(表语),3) The boy was swimming _,_. 男孩正逆着水流游泳。(定语),contrary to what I expected,is contrary to the regulations,in a direction contrary to the,current,12,And,contrary to,what people think, I dont get dirty on the,job. (Line 42),It was cold yesterday, but,in contrast,its very hot today.,昨天很冷,,相反地,,今天很热。,Contrary to popular belief, a desert can be very cold.,The governments actions are contrary to the public interest.,13,5.,Frankly,Im proud. (Line 44),frankly:,to be honest,在句中作插入语,表示说话人的,态度或说明整个句子。,Frankly, I think you have very little chance of getting the job.,Obviously, online application for,employment has both advantages,and disadvantages.,显然,,网上求职有优点也有缺点。,说实话,,你要获得这个工作的机会,是微乎其微的。,类似的词还有:,apparently, obviously, honestly, certainly,fortunately, naturally,等,都可以作插入语。,14,15,to head to/toward ,朝/向走L3,孩子们向学校走去,身后有小狗相随。,The children were heading to/toward school, followed by their little dogs.,16,Head/be headed,head for/towards/back,etc,The ship was,heading for,Cuba.,We headed south,towards,the capital.,Where are you guys headed?,Forecasters predict the regions economy is,heading for,disaster.,17,I could not have,imagined,there would be joy in this.,Dump,.,Lift. Walk. Lift. Walk. (Line 6),dump,vt,.:,drop carelessly, throw away,倾倒,dump,n,.:,a place for dumping waste,垃圾场,他们把旧汽车,扔,到城镇的,垃圾堆,里。,2),有些人就把垃圾,倒,在河里。,They,dumped,their old car in the town,dump,.,Some people just,dump,their rubbish,in the river.,18,Dump:vt.,They,dump,tons of salt on icy road surfaces to make driving safer. (putcarelessly),Ellie,dumped,all the photos of her ex-husband. (get rid of),They were accused of,dumping,computer chips on the U.S. market.,Vicky,dumped,Neil yesterday. (jilt),19,Saturday meant most adults were at home on the,route,. (Line 8),route:,指设计好的从一地到另一地比较固定的路线,如汽车、,火车的路线。,way:,是抽象的,可指“一段路”,road:,该词大多用于指城市之间的通道,较少指市内的道路。,course:,多指水路,或用于,the course of history,等抽象意义中。,You must be tired; youve walked a long _.,Many cars, buses and lorries travel,along the _ to the town.,This truck _ is dangerous in,winter.,The ship was obliged to shift her,_.,way,road,route,course,20,Approachable,: adj.,friendly/easy to talk to,The head teacher is very approachable.,Students should be able to,approach,teachers for advice. (,与.打交道,),21,Exchange,: give and receive L9,At the end of the game players traditionally exchange shirts,with,each other.,Where can I exchange my dollars,for,pounds?,He exchanged the black jacket,for,a blue one.,exchange blows,(with somebody),22,exchange blows,23,There wasnt time for lengthy talks but enough to exchange,greetings that,go with,civilized ways. (Line 11),go with:,match; suit,与相配(协调),和一起存在,go without:,没有也行,I want to buy a new tie _.,我想买一条新领带,与,这套咖啡色西装,相配,。,2),Money doesnt always _.,有钱,不一定幸福。,3) How long can a human being _?,一个人,不,吃食物能,活,多久?,to go with this brown suit,go with happiness,go without food,24,I said hello in quite a few yards before the message,registered,that this wasnt normally done. (Line 14),register:,v.,显示,记录,登记,挂号邮寄,The earthquake,registered,5.3,on the Richter scale.,这次地震,是,里氏,级。,2),你最好还是,挂号邮寄,这封信。,Youd better,register,this letter.,3) 他没有向当地卫生院,登记,。,He failed to,register with,the local,health centre.,25,Register:,vt.&vi understand/realize/ notice,She had told me her name before, but I guess it didnt register. (was not remembered),Id been standing there for several minutes before he registered my presence,.,26,Spontaneous:,adj. natural/ not planned L23,The crowd gave a spontaneous cheer. My spontaneous reaction was to run away.,spontaneous combustion,27,and I,graduated,near the top of my high school class. (Line 28),graduate,e.g.,他,毕业于,伦敦大学英语语言文学专业。,He,graduated,with a major in English language,and literature,from,London University.,at / from,Peking University,毕业于北京大学,in,medicine,医科毕业,graduate,大学毕业生,postgraduate,研究生,undergraduate,大学本科学生,28,I dont tell anyone Im a,garbageman,. (Line 30),garbageman:,垃圾工,garbage:,垃圾,废物,C,litter:,指四下乱丢的东西和杂物。,rubbish:,指残骸、废物等普通垃圾,特意集中起来,以便清除。,garbage:,专指厨房中的残羹剩饭等必须清除掉的垃圾。,29,Put the kitchen _ in the,garbage can, please.,Pick up the _ and burn it.,3),Please do not leave _.,litter :,指四下乱丢的东西和杂物。,rubbish:,指残骸、废物等普通垃圾,特意集中起来以便清除。,garbage:,专指厨房中的残羹剩饭等必须清除掉的垃圾。,garbage,rubbish,litter,30,Im not ashamed of it, but I dont go around,boasting about,it either. (Line 34),boast about / of:,自夸,夸耀,boast that:,夸口说,吹嘘,boast sth.,以拥有而自豪(不以人作主语),Its disgusting to hear him,boasting about,his new car.,This village,boasts,three shops,.,Mary,boasted that,she would succeed,where others had failed.,玛丽,吹嘘说,她会在别人失败的地方获得成功。,这个村子,为,有三个商店而,自豪,。,听他,吹嘘,他的新车真让人讨厌。,brag,31,I had,originally,planned to stay at this,employment,for only,two days but now Im going to continue. (Line 39),origin:,n,.,起源,来源,originate:,v.,起源,创始,original:,a.,最初的,有创造性的,originally:,adv,.,最初,原先,1),谁是这座房子,最早的,主人?,2),你知道在圣诞节互赠礼品这一风俗的,来源,吗?,3),我不得不放弃我,原先,计划好的那条路线。,4),他们,萍水相逢,成知己。,32,I had,originally,planned to stay at this,employment,for only,two days but now Im going to continue. (Line 39),origin:,n,.,起源,来源,originate:,v.,起源,创始,original:,a.,最初的,有创造性的,originally:,adv,.,最初,原先,1) Who was the,original,owner of this house?,2) Do you know the,origin,of the custom,of giving presents at Christmas?,3) I had to abandon the route I had,originally,planned.,4) Their friendship,originated in,a,chance meeting.,33,I had,originally,planned to stay at this,employment,for only,two days but now Im going to continue. (Line 39),employ:,vt.,雇用,使用 unemployed,employee:,n.,雇员,受雇者 underemployed,employer:,n.,雇主,使用者,employment:,n.,雇用,使用,职业,_,has been studied intensively.,人们已经对,雇主,与,雇员,的关系进行了精深的研究。,2) _ is on Friday.,求职,面试时间定在星期五。,3) We cannot guarantee that _,_.,我们不能保证工人经常,在岗,。,The relationship between employers and employees,The employment interview,our workers,are regularly employed,34,Be in for sth:,certainly get or have L47,Im afraid hes in for a bit of a disappointment.,Not hold water,:,not seem to be true or reasonable,L47,His explanation of where the money came from just doesnt hold water.,35,He might have gone a step further and,called for,respect for,both our economists and our trashmen. (Line 48),call for:,demand, need,要求,需要,A well-written composition,calls for,good choice of words,and clear organization among other things,一篇好作文选词,必须,恰如其分,组织清晰明了。,Success in school,calls for,much,hard work.,要想功课好,,就得,多用功。,3) Your plan will,call for,a lot of money.,你的计划,需要,很多钱。,36,The End,Go to,Unit 7,37,


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