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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The Secret Garden,英文:,The Secret Garden is a novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, first published in 1909. It is one of Burnetts most popular novels. Frightened,(受惊的,)orphan(,孤儿),Mary discovers the joyful wonders of life on the Yorkshire Moors with the help of two local boys and a mysterious, abandoned,(被抛弃的),garden.,introduction,where all things seem possible. When orphaned,(孤儿),Mary Lennox, lonely and sad, comes to live at her uncles great house on the Yorkshire moors, she finds it full of secrets. At night, she hears the sound of crying down one of the long corridors,(走廊),.,Outside, she meets,Dickon, a magical boy who can charm,(有魔力),and talk to animals. Then, one day, with the help of a friendly robin,(一只鸟的名字), Mary discovers the most mysterious wonder of all-a secret garden, walled and locked, which has been completely forgotten for years and years. Is everything in the garden dead, or can Mary bring it back to life?,Mary Lennox was horrid(,极讨厌),Selfish and spoilt,(溺爱), she was sent to stay with her hunchback,(驼背),uncle in Yorkshire. She hated it. But when she finds the way into a secret garden and begins to tend,(管理),it, a change,comes over,(过来),her and her life. She meets and be friends a local boy, the talented,Dickon, and comes across her sickly (,多病的),cousin Colin who had been kept hidden from her.,Between them, the three children work astonishing,(令人惊讶的),magic in themselves and those around them. The Secret Garden is one of the best-loved stories of all time.,诅咒被解除了,我姨夫学会了笑,而我学会了怎样哭泣。秘密花园如今一直开放着,开放着,清醒着,而且充满生机的。如果你用正确的方式看的话,你将会发现,整个世界就是一座花园。,The classic statement(,经典语句),The curse is broken,,,My uncle learned to laugh, and I learned how to cry. The secret garden is now always open,,,open ,and awake and alive. If you use the correct way to look at it,,,You will find, the whole world is a garden.,Impressions,Pain is people the most,solid,privacy, people often cant help guard. Happiness is like a garden in a slice of sunshine, also as,Dickons,magic, delivery,(传递),to people with the ancient fable:,痛苦是人心最坚固的隐秘,人们往往不由自主地坚守着。快乐犹如花园中的一片阳光,也如迪肯的魔法,向人们传递着古老的寓言:,the happy natural understanding and not,hesitate,(,犹豫),to accept. Pleasure and pain are not the same, that is to give, not reap; that is,adhered,to, rather than give up; it is courage, instead of fear; it is the sun in the winter, instead of autumn leaves.,对快乐的天然领悟和毫不迟疑的接纳。快乐与痛苦不一样,那是付出,而不是收获;那是,坚持,,而不是放弃;那是勇敢,而不是胆怯;那是冬日里的阳光,而不是秋天的落叶。,同时,成人比孩子更容易忽视快乐,甚至漠视快乐。童年是一去不复返的光阴。在孩童时代的那种对快乐的天然领悟和完全接纳的能力,更是弥足珍贵。,At the same time, adult were more likely to,neglect,(忽视),happy than children, even ignore happiness. Childhood is gone for ever. In childhood the happy natural understanding and full acceptance ability, more it is,precious,.,In this paper, after the death of Craven,Bennet,in his wife, buried in the garden key, want to take the block to the wife of the miss, but it reduced him to a sad and painful,prisoner,.,Partition,happy can not get the serenity, it can only make you sad depression, loneliness and pain of death, to the eternal darkness.,文中克雷文老爷在爱妻过世之后,埋了花园的钥匙,想借此,阻断,对爱妻的思念,但是这却使他沦为悲伤和痛苦的,阶下囚,。隔断快乐并不能换来宁静,它只能使你郁闷不堪,在孤独和痛苦中死亡,走向永远的黑暗。,Conversely, as in the past to maintain hope - you need courage. Happy is the man of life, if not happy, just like a dead-alive person general. Not happy, also have the pleasure of success; no failure of tears; without losing the,treasure,after; not all the,emotions,(情感),.,反之,一如既往地维系希望,快乐需要勇气。 快乐是人生之本,人如果没有了快乐,就如行尸走肉一般。没有了快乐,也就没有了成功的喜悦;没有了失败的泪水;没有了失去后的,珍惜,;没有了一切的情感。,Garden is born in happiness, the,tragedy,of the dust-laden, in happiness and open, it is a,dramatic,change, the key lies in happiness. As Burnett said:,a garden there is the future, a future is still alive.,花园是在快乐中诞生,在,悲剧,中尘封,又是在快乐中开启,这是一个多么,戏剧性的,转变,关键在于快乐。正如伯内特所说:,有花园就有未来,有未来就还活!,The End,


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