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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,她 比 我 高。,She is taller than I am.,She runs faster than I do.,much many more the most,Ive got many books.,Ive got much money.,Lucy has got more books than I have.,Tom has got more books than Lucy.,Tom has got the most books of us all.,形容词的比较级,一般由than引导后面的比较对象。,例:I am younger than you are.,变化规则:,1.一般形容词后直接加er,(taller),2.以元音加辅音结尾的,双写最后一个字母,再加er,(bigger),3.以辅音加y结尾的,变y为i,再加 er. (heavier).,4.以e结尾的,直接加r. (larger),形容词的最高级,需有一个比较范围。,eg:I am the youngest in the class.,(注:最高级前要加the),变化规则:,1.一般形容词后直接加est,(tallest),2.以元音加辅音结尾的,双写最后一字母,再加est,(biggest),3.以辅音加y结尾的,变y为i,再加est. (heaviest).,4.以e结尾的,直接加st. (largest),language point :形容词的比较级和最高级,不规则变化:(多少、好坏),many/much-more-most,few/little-less-least,good/well-better-best,bad/ill/badly-worse-worst,far-farther/further-farther/furthest,old-older/elder-oldest/eldest,idea n. 主意,a little 少许,teaspoonful n. 一满茶匙的,less adj. 较少的,更少的,a few 几个,pity n. 遗憾,instead adv. 代替,advice n. 建议,忠告,idea n.,1) 主意,eg.Thats a good idea.,我有个主意,你打扫房间,我来洗车。,eg.I have an idea,:,you clean the room and,I,ll wash the car.,2)意见,见解,想法,关于这件事你的意见如何,eg.What is your idea about it?,我不喜欢金钱就是一切的想法,eg.I dont like the idea that money is,everything.,a little 少许,(,置于不可数名词之前,),eg.,你要吃点蛋糕吗?,Will you eat a little cake?,little,几乎没有,很少的,(置于不可数名词之前,),我几乎没有时间看书,eg.I have little time for reading.,a little 与little,a little,表示,“少,”,,但是还有一点,即重点放在有,,而,little,则表示“有但是极少”,即重点强调“几乎没有”,eg.There is,a little,wine left in the,glass,.,eg. There is,little,milk,left in the,glass,.,a few 几个,few,和,a few,(通常置于可数名词之前,),f,ew,是“几乎没有”的否定性意见,a few,是“有一些”的肯定性意见。,eg.,He has few friends.,eg.,He has a few friends.,in a few days 过几天,eg. She will come back in a few days.,many & a few,2024/9/21,a little & much,not a few 不少的,相当多的,eg.,不少人犯过这种错误。,Not a few people have made that mistake.,only a few 仅少数,只有几个,eg.,房间中只有几个男性。,Only a few men were in the room.,quite a few (口语中)相当多的,eg.,你必须等上好几个礼拜。,You will have to wait quite a few weeks.,a little,a few,little,few,肯定,否定,不可数,可数,less adj.,adj.,(,little的比较级,),较小的,更小的,我明天的工作就更少了。,eg:,I will have less work to do tomorrow.,2)作不定代词,对此我了解甚少,而他知道的更少。,eg:,I know little about it, but he knows even,less.,3)adv. 更不(与more相对),这个故事更没意思。,eg:,This story is less interesting.,考试以后,他学习更不努力了。,After the exam, he works less hard.,teaspoonful n.,一满茶匙,tea+spoonful,a teaspoonful of sugar 一茶匙的糖,mouthful n. 一满嘴,eg. Dont talk with a mouthful of food.,pity,n.遗憾,eg,:真遗憾,他又失败了,Its a pity that he failed again.,真可惜,实在可怜。,What a pity!,What a pity (that)! .的真是遗憾!,eg: 她不能来真是遗憾。,What a pity (that) she cannot come!,我因她的无助而觉得她可怜,I pity her for her helplessness.,2)v. 令人觉得怜悯,同情,feel pity for =take/have pity on,同情,eg: I pity her for her helplessness.,tea,spoon,ful,ti:spu:nfl n.,一满茶匙,a teaspoonful of salt,less,les adj.,(,little,的比较级),较少的,更小的,I have got,little,money.,I have got,less,money.,I have got,the least,money.,instead adv. 代替,eg.,我不喜欢喝啤酒,给我可乐好了。,I dont like beer; give me CocaCola instead.,instead of 代替,而不,eg.,我要去看的是她而不是你。,I will go to see her instead of you.,eg.,她宁可买书而不愿到图书馆去借。,She prefers buying books instead of borrowing them from the library.,eg.,我必须完成工作,不能出去,I have to finish my work instead of going out.,pity piti n.,遗憾,What,a pity!,instead insted adv.,代替,I dont have any beer.,I would like to have a cup of coffee,instead.,advice dvais n.,建议,忠告,U,一条建议,a piece of,advice,advice n. 建议,忠告,ask for advice 寻求建议,eg. I asked my teacher for advice,on,my English.,give sb a piece of advice / offer sb a piece of advice 给某人忠告,eg. Let me give you a piece of advice.,take ones advice 听取某人的忠告,eg.Take my advice and stay away from him!,advise v. 忠告,劝告,建议,advise sb to do sth 劝告某人做某事,eg.,我请老师对我的英语学习给些建议。,The doctor advised me to take a weeks rest.,advise that,eg. I advised him to stop smoking.,= I advised that he stop smoking.,give sb a piece of advice / offer sb a piece of advice 给某人忠告,eg.,让我给你个忠告。,Let me give you a piece of advice.,take ones advice,听取某人的忠告,eg.,听听我的劝吧,离他远点。,Take my advice and stay away from him!,What does Jane have with her coffee?,Watch the video and then try to answer the question:,1.Shall I make some coffee, Jane?,Shall I .? 我. 好吗?,shall 构成疑问句,表示征求对方意见或请求 对方指示。,eg.,我们出去喝一杯好吗?,(征求意见),Shall we go out for a drink?,eg.,让那个人在外面等吗?,(请求指示),Shall the man wait outside?,2.make some coffee 煮咖啡,eg.,我给你煮点咖啡。,I will make some coffee for you.,some通常用于肯定句,而在疑问句中要变成any,但是在征询意见的问句中仍用some,。,夏洛特:咖啡好了,你要放点奶吗?,CHARLOTTE,:,Its ready. Do you want any milk?,简:请稍加一点。,JANE,:,Just a little, please.,Its ready = The coffee is ready.,a little,一点,用于修饰不可数名词。又如:,a little money/ water/coffee,一点儿钱水咖啡,a little & little,There is a little coffee in the cup.,There is little coffee in the cup.,a little,表示“少”,但是还有一点点,即重点放在“有”(乐观),little,表示“有,但是极少”,即强调“几乎没有”(悲观,),4.,What abou,t some sugar,?,(1),What about _ (they)?,(2),What about _ (any) bananas?,(3),What about _ (play)basketball?,(1)人称代词宾格(2)在征询意见的问句中仍用some,(3)doing sth.,5.No, less than that.One and a half teaspoonfuls,please.,less是little 和few 的比较级“更少的“在此处是 little的比较级。,less than 少于.,more than . 多于.,夏洛特:加些糖怎么样?两茶匙行吗?,CHARLOTTE,:,What about some sugar?,Two teaspoonfuls?,简:不,再少一些。请放一勺儿半。那对我已足够了。,JANE,:,No, less than that.,One and a half teaspoonfuls, please.,Thats enough for me.,teaspoon,茶匙,a teaspoonful of sugar,一茶匙的糖,handful adj.,一把,a handful of sand,一把沙子,a mouthful of food,一满嘴饭,little,- less the least,less than,少于,一勺儿半,be enough for sb.,对某人来说足够了,6.,one and a half teaspoonfuls one and a half,一个半,在英语中,一般比1大的东西,即使比2小,也需要用复数形式。,eg.I ate one and a half apples as breakfast.,7.Thats enough for me.,be enough for sb 对某人来说足够了,eg. Three pens are enough for me.,enough to do 足够做,我有三只笔就足够了。,eg.I am old enough to live alone.,我己经够大了,可以自己生活了。,I am old enough to live alone.,not enough to do . 可与too.to.互换,她长得不够高,拿不到架子上的书。,She is not tall enough to reach the book on the shelf.,她太矮了,拿不到架子上的书。,She is too short to reach the book on the shelf.,8,. instead adv. 作为替代,eg. She didnt have bread, instead,she had,biscuits.,eg. Peter was ill, so I went instead.,Lets play cards instead of watching TV.,eg.She would like a computer instead of a piano.,夏洛特:那就吃块饼干吧。多吃点,少抽点!,CHARLOTTE,:,Have a biscuit instead.,Eat more and smoke less!,(,禁烟广告,),简:这是极好的忠告啊!,JANE,:,Thats very good advice!,have = eat,instead,替代,She had a cup of tea instead.,instead of,代替,而不是,她想要牛奶,而不是果汁。,She wants some milk instead of juice.,more,是,much,的比较级,less,是,little,的比较级,advice U a piece of advice,给他一个忠告,give him a piece of advice,9,.Eat more and smoke less!,eat more 多吃点,more是副词,修饰eat, 是much 的比较级,smoke less 少抽点,less 是little 的比较级,修饰smoke,10.,Thats very good advice!,advice on关于的忠告,eg. Can you give me some advice on losing,weight?,名词数量的比较,much/little+,不可数名词;,many/few+,可数名词,Ive got much/little coffee.,Ive got many/few books.,more+n.+than,less/fewer+n.+than,Ive got more coffee than you have.,Ive got less coffee than you have.,a,few, few, a little, little,1. Will you eat,_,cake?,2.,_,people live to be a hundred.,3,. Unluckily, I,have_,money.,4,. There are,_,students in the class.,5. There is _ wine left in the bottle.,2024/9/21,a few,Few,little,a few,a little,反义疑问句,1. It is a nice day,?,2. You arent a doctor, _?,3. He will write soon,?,4. They went to the zoo yesterday,?,5. She often gets up early,?,6. He doesnt like to eat vegetables,?,7.,Close the door,?,8. He can play the guitar very well,?,2024/9/21,isnt it,are you,wont he,didnt he,doesnt she,does he,dont you,cant he,将下列句子改为感叹句,1. He is a clever boy.,What a clever boy he is!,2. This is a lovely dress.,What a lovely dress this is!,3. It is an interesting film.,What an interesting film it is!,4. They are wonderful actors.,What wonderful actors they are!,2024/9/21,翻译句子,我走的比你远。,我们明天进一步讨论。,这是我看到的最好的汽车,在全班当中,你答错的题最少,我有的巧克力是我们三个人中最少的。,我们吃早饭吧!,你想来根烟吗?,我认为打印机里没有多少纸了。,我恐怕今天早上得迟到了。,我没去看电影,而是去逛商店了。,你能替我去开会吗?,多运动,少吃东西,否则你是不可能减掉,肉的。,


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