Final Presentation (Liz Pillay) - The Coca-Cola Company

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,PAMRO Country Reports,- August 2009 -,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Presented by:Monica Kambo Universal McCann Kenya,Kenya,Tanzania,Uganda,Kenya,Country Overview,Source: Phrase , International Monetary fund, Kenya Economic Survey,Media Overview - Channels & Media Reach,Medium,TV channels,Radio channels,Newspapers,Magazines,Cinema screens,REACH,(Past Week*),56%,91%,43%,No.,15,96+,8,45+,21,2%,24%,Growth of about 33% in electronic media driven by radio explosion over the last 1 year.,TV and Radio are big in Kenya with penetration growing daily.,Cinema still growing however currently more of,retail networking,happening there than movie watching.,High incidence of Mobile telephony with expected growth due to entry of the 2,new,networks.,Source: Steadman and Assoc. KARF,Media Overview at a Glance.,Radio is key medium of choice for advertisers due to a low production cost, low costs of,flighting, immediacy and regional flexibility.,Print is losing ground due to its high insertion cost and stagnant circulation figures.,Television numbers growing (reach, penetration & ad spend), key is to dominate the media to try and rise above the clutter in the Kenyan advertising market. Local productions on the rise which has increased,viewership,in certain timeslots.,OOH media being forced to innovate to be able to drive growth.,The rise of digital media (internet & SMS) cited due to growth in Cellular usage.,Changes in Market on Research,Key changes in research market in the past 2 years:,Millward,Brown expand its footprint in Africa by opening offices in Kenya & Ghana,Synovate,buy off Steadman,Research International merged with TNS,Living Standard Measures,How big is affluence in Kenya?,The Initial KARF survey established that the LSMs are distributed as follows:,A: 2%,C1:9%,C2:19%,E:35%,D:32%,B:3%,Source: KARF Data,LSM: by Rural/Urban,Source: KARF Data,Kenya Advertisers Research Foundation (KARF),Last Survey,Released,Type of Interview,Sample Size,Scope of Survey,(Universe),Media Covered,Brands covered,Survey Funding,Cost of Survey,Next Survey,September / October 2007,6003,Adults, aged 15+,Urban and Rural Kenya,Print / Internet / Broadcast / outdoor,Most Products Categories,Industry Funding: Advertisers/Agencies,July 2009,Tanzania,Country Overview,Source: Phrase , , AMPs, BOS,Media Overview - Channels & Media Reach,Medium,TV channels,Radio channels,Newspapers,REACH,(Past Week*),52%,92%,39%,No.,15,47,15,There about 5 big players on national TV with smaller regional players in the scene causing clutter.,Radio has over 60 stations, planning regionally important however partnerships are key to drive ROI.,Poor quality in Print reproduction has caused a preference for electronic & OOH media.,Digital media is also growing however they key players partner with the Cellular companies and are not fully independent. Internet ads have still not penetrated the digital scene,High incidence of Mobile telephony at about 8.8mio subscribers.,Source: Steadman and Assoc. AMPS,Media Overview,TV penetration still growing currently at 52% across the country, 89% of the,viewership,is urban areas with Dar having the highest penetration (97%).,Lower percentage in the rural areas due to lower electrification rate and purchasing power dissimilarity to the urban areas.,Main Broadcast language is Swahili with a mix of English on Radio,The poor quality of reproduction and newsprint has driven preference for OOH and electronic media.,Few Magazine titles which are inconsistent with regards to production and timelines.,OOH highly cluttered as with all East Africa markets. Main players in the market are regional e.g. INM, Alliance and A1.,Tanzania AMPS (TAMPS),Last Survey,Released,Type of Interview,Sample Size,Scope of Survey,(Universe),Media Covered,Brands covered,Survey Funding,Cost of Survey,Next Survey,July/ August 2008,4972,Adults, aged 15+,Urban and Rural Tanzania,Print / Internet / Broadcast / outdoor,Most Products Categories,Self Funding,September 2009,Uganda,Country Overview,Source: Phrase , , AMPs, UBOS,Media Overview - Channels & Media Reach,Medium,TV channels,Radio channels,Newspapers,REACH,(Past Week*),21%,94%,31%,No.,15,120+,10,Source: Steadman and Assoc. AMPS,Market has over 120 operational radio stations with about 144 licenses have been issued.,Radio has maintained a considerable share of revenue even with the growth of TV. This has been driven by the vibrant mobile telephony /communication sector.,Print is getting less spend while outdoor continues to grow at a considerable rate.,Cellphone,usage has increased to about 9m subscribers,Media Overview,TV penetration lower than other 2 East African markets currently at 21%, 83% of the,viewership,is urban areas specifically in Kampala.,Growth in reality shows as well as brand creating their own programming e.g.,Celtel,Africa challenge, Idols and the Apprentice.,There has been no major development within the radio industry over the last year, Most players still run of the mill.,Due to the new telecommunication entrants and unavailability of airtime the most radio stations have rejected time band blocking and recommended brands to own hourly segments instead.,Poor Repro has been the order of the day. The 2 big players have however heeded step change and are now using a new printing press.,Launch of new gloss magazines a thing to watch out for, they are predominately female titles.,Uganda AMPS (UAMPS),Last Survey,Released,Type of Interview,Sample Size,Scope of Survey,(Universe),Media Covered,Brands covered,Survey Funding,Cost of Survey,Next Survey,Sept/ Oct 2008,4972,Adults, aged 15+,Urban and Rural Uganda,Print / Internet / Broadcast / outdoor,Most Products Categories,Self Funding,September 2009,Presented by:Liz Pillay Starcom Worldwide SA,Namibia,Senegal,Ghana,Zimbabwe,Namibia,Information supplied by:,Country Overview,Media Overview - Channels & Media Reach,2007,REACH,(Past Week*),Medium,1 316 405,TV channels,1 513 450,Radio channels,665 317,Newspapers,1 071 355,Magazines,N/A,Cinema screens,REACH,(Past Week*),1 316 405,1 513 450,665 317,1 071 355,N/A,No.,100+,27,12,80,5,No.,100+,24,9,80+,5,REACH,(Past Week*),No.,Not yet available August 2009,2008,2009,Media Overview,Very little change in the local media market.,Other Pay TV services gained some momentum with the advent of G-TV, however with the sudden demise of the company in Africa, Free to air TV gained and to a lesser extent DStv,TV has come more to the fore with Namibian companies with the likes of,Trustco,signing deals with CNBC.,Very little changes in printed media with a few local magazines and lesser known newspapers closing down.,MediaMetrics,TM,Includes Radio and Consumer diaries,Last Survey,Released,Type of Interview,Sample Size,Scope of Survey,(Universe),Media Covered,Brands covered,Survey Funding,Cost of Survey,Next Survey,August 2008,2400,Adults, aged 15+,13 regions, Urban and Rural,Print / Internet / Broadcast / Radio,Most Products Categories,Self Funding: Media Owners / Clients,USD 100,000 pa,Data to be released August 2009,Changes in Research Market,Research market stable,3 main research houses with smaller consultants in the market,Vision Africa Research Services,Survey Warehouse,Business Intelligence Africa,Corporate companies mainly responsible for majority of research work,Market Segmentation,Sngal,Information supplied by:,Ocan Ogilvy Sngal,Country Overview,Media Overview - Channels & Media Reach,*Newspapers and magazines have not been differentiated,*No study exists in the cinema,Medium,TV channels,Radio channels,Print*,REACH,(Past Week*),92,5%,93,6%,N/A,N/A,Internet,REACH,(Past Week*),91,5%,88%,53,1%,30,5%,REACH,(Past Week*),98,5%,95,4%,58,5%,N/A,2007,2008,2009,Media Overview,The Senegalese audiovisual landscape is very dynamic.,Between 2006 and 2009, the number of private channels has increased from 1 to 5, in addition to the number one public channel RTS1.,Consumption patterns have also varied, with a predominance to foreign soaps or sports.,All Media Survey,Last Survey,Released,Type of Interview,Sample Size,Scope of Survey,(Universe),Media Covered,Brands covered,Survey Funding,Cost of Survey,Next Survey,May 2009,1346,Adults, aged 15+, Face to face,Dakar, Pikine, Rufisque,Print / TV / Radio,None,Self Funding: Private agency,300 000 FCFA pa,TBC,Market Segmentation / Dakar,Urban/Rural,Ghana,Information supplied by:,Lintas - Ghana,Country Overview,Living Standard Measure LSM Distribution,Media Channels,REACH,MEDIA NO,83%,TV channels 9,99%,Radio channels 136,60%,Newspapers35,25%,Magazines10,69%,Outdoor 8,Source: Steadman & Associates,Cinema screens 5,4%*,Innovations (SMS & Internet),PRIVATE/,GOVERNMENT,OWNERSHIP,COVERAGE,45%,PRIVATE,PRIVATE/GOVERNMENT/,COMMUNITY/,EDU INSTITUTIONS,PRIVATE,GOVERNMENT,PRIVATE,PRIVATE,PRIVATE,NATIONAL,NATIONAL,NATIONAL,NATIONAL,REGIONAL,CAPITALS,REGIONAL,CAPITALS,NATIONAL,Last Survey,Released,Type of Interview,Sample Size,Scope of Survey,(Universe),Media Covered,Brands covered,Survey Funding,Cost of Survey,Next Survey,May 2008,3000,Adults, aged 15+, Face to Face Pen & Paper interviews,Urban and Rural Population 5 000+,Print / Internet / Broadcast / Radio,Most Products Categories,Self Funding,TBC,All Media Survey,Print,This medium has seen less usage from advertisers lately.,Periods that we see dramatic increase in usage are promotions, new theme campaigns and event sponsorships.,Strip banner advertising is tactically used to remind the target market of special products.,Radio,Radio is a major vehicle for promotional campaigns for most products.,Types:,Program sponsorship: Talk shows and Sports.,Sponsorship of events and live broadcasts: Soccer matches.,Spot buying for promotions and theme advertising,General Usage of Media,Television,Medium is very vibrant with new and innovative programs being introduced.,All major advertisers in the industry are active on TV as this creates a “BIG BRAND” feel.,Sponsorships and Spot Buying are common.,Outdoor,There is a serious street battle for visibility among advertisers.,Conventional formats are commonly used by all advertisers. Clutter is a major problem.,Wall branding has gained prominence and the battle for space is rife.,Most street poles in busy suburbs have been,utilised,.,The impact of this medium cannot be overlooked as it reinforces television messages and provides daily continuity of exposure and contact.,The use of Vehicle Branding is limited to short term campaigns, launches and promotions.,General Usage of Media Cont.,Zimbabwe,Information supplied by:,Research International for Zimbabwe Advertising Research Foundation,Country Overview,Media Overview - Channels & Media Reach,REACH,(Past Week*),Medium,74%,TV channels,77%,Radio channels,34%,Newspapers,20%,Magazines,8%*,Cinema screens,REACH,(Past Week*),68%,81%,28%,10%,7%*,No.,1,4,26,5,2,No.,1,5,19,3,2,2007,2008,REACH,(Past Week*),68%,81%,28%,10%,7%*,No.,1,5,19,3,2,2009,Media Overview,Television,ZTV and DVDs/,VCDs,viewership,have reduced while Satellite TV,viewership,enjoyed an increase over a 12 month,period(free,to air decoders ),Peak TV Times - Although TV,viewership,has dropped, peak,viewership,times on ZTV remain between 18h30 and 21h30 with the highest number of viewers being recorded between 20h00 and 20h30 (Main news time),Radio,Listenership,Past day,listenership,of local radio stations decreased considerably across most of the radio stations except National FM which remained stagnant,Media Overview,Newspapers,Daily Newspapers,-,Readership of daily newspapers have declined, with both The Herald and The Chronicle recording reduced readership. However, The Herald still remains the most widely read daily paper among the urban residents.,Business Weeklies,-,Financial Gazette recorded a slight increase in readership levels while that of Zimbabwe Independent has dropped slightly.,Other Media,All other media realized decreased patronage or visibility, except for internet which remained stagnant over a 12-month period,Zimbabwe All Media & Products Survey (Zamps),Last Survey,Released,Type of Interview,Sample Size,Scope of Survey,(Universe),Media Covered,Brands covered,Survey Funding,Cost of Survey,Next Survey,Quarter 4 2008,2008,Adults, aged 15+,Urban Zimbabwe,Print / Internet / Broadcast / Radio,Most Products Categories,Self Funding: Media Owners / Clients,USD$15 000,4,TH,Quarter 2009,THANK YOU,South Africa,Information supplied by:,SAARF,Country Overview,Basic Country Statistics,Population 2008,31 305 000 adults 16+-BMR,GDP growth rate in 2007/8,3.1%-BMR,% living below poverty line,48%-BMR,Functional Literacy in Adults over 16yrs,89%-AMPS 2008B,% of population below 16yrs,33.1%-BMR,No.of Working Televisions (HH filter),11 556 000-AMPS 2008B,No. of Radio (HH filter),13 602 000-AMPS 2008B,No. of Languages,11 official,Current Political Environment,Current President,Jacob Zuma,Ruling Party,ANC,No. Of Cell Phones(own,rent,use)16+(Pop filter),21 244 000 -AMPS 2008B,No. Of Landlines at home (HH filter),2 032 000-AMPS 2008B,Media Overview - Channels & Media Reach,Medium,48 25 931 000,TV channels (past 7 days),29 081 000,Radio channels (past 7 days),14 572 000,Any AMPS,Newspapers (past 6 months),12 239 000,Any AMPS,Magazines (past 6 months),559 000,Cinema (past 7 days),26 214 000,29 467 000,15 222 000,12 537 000,453 000,146,50,139,2,REACH,No.,measured,57,168,51,147,2,Currently in field,2007,2008,2009,REACH,No.,measured,Media Overview,Media fragmentation,Growth in readership,Community media upliftment MDDA funding,Community TV: Soweto, Cape Town & soon Tshwane,DTTv,Fiber optic network,All Media & Products Survey (AMPS) -2008B,Last Survey,Released,Type of Interview,Sample Size,Scope of Survey,(Universe),Media Covered,Brands covered,Survey Funding,Next Survey,AMPS 2008B (Released March 2009),n=21 000, CAPI,Jan-Jun (National),Jul-Dec (Large Urban),16+ adults (15+ from 2009),Cinema, Print, TV, Radio, Outdoor, Internet & Cell phone,approx 1500 FMCG Brands,Funded by industry,AMPS 2009 A (October 2009),Radio Audience Measurement Survey (RAMS),Last Survey,Released,Type of Interview,Sample Size,Scope of Survey,(Universe),Media Covered,Brands covered,Survey Funding,Next Survey,12 Aug 2009 (Release 3 of 6),n=+/- 18 500 per release, self completion diary,Adults 16+ (15+ from 2009),All licensed stations (incl. community),Funded by industry,27 Oct 2009 (Release 4 of 6),Changes in Market on Research,For AMPS 2009 moved from CAPI to DS-CAPI,For AMPS 2009 now 2 national samples (Jan-June & Jul-Dec),For RAMS flooding of diaries 2009 (place diary with all adults and not just main AMPS respondent) nationally and not just in Large Urban,Age lowered for AMPS and RAMS 2009 to 15+,AMPS 2009 now sample of 25 000 per annum and not 21 000,End of 2008 did Teen RAMS study (13+),TAMS now includes kids 4+ as from April 2008(down from 7+),Market Segmentation,Adult 16+ Provincial Profile (AMPS 2008B),Market Segmentation (3),Adult 16+ Urban/Rural (AMPS 2008B),Broad Media Consumption for adults AMPS 2007/2008 (%),


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