A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom

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A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom_第1页
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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom,Objectives,At the end of this period you should know:,1.,General information about the UK,(geographical and historical,information about 4 parts),2.,The significant role of London,Warming up,1,.,The full name of the United Kingdom is _,2.,The island of Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.,True or False?,False. Because Northern Ireland is on the neighboring island of Ireland.,3. The national flag of the UK is called _.,The Union Jack,4. Whats its national anthem?,God Save the Queen /King,5. Commonwealth of Nations,英联邦,New Zealand and Australia,6.,Group of Seven (G7),An international organization officially established in 1985 to facilitate economic cooperation among the worlds largest industrial nations. The leaders of G7 nations meet annually in member countries.,G8, consisting of the G7nations plus Russia, was officially established in 1998.,G20 in 1999.,7. British Empire,日不落帝国,8. London,The largest city in the country, with about one seventh of the nations population.,The seat of the government-,-10 Downing Street,.,The cultural center, home to all the major newspapers, TV stations, galleries, theaters and museums.,Business center.,Financial center.,Besides, therere so many beautiful sites in London.,9.Distinguish the following terms:,British,English,Scottish,Welsh,Irish,10. Distinguish :,Great Britain,The United Kingdom,The British Isles,England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland,-,Countries within a country.,England,The,largest,of the four nations,The,largest,population,The,dominance,in size is reflected in a cultural and economic dominance.,Its capital, London, is,dominant,in UK in all fields: government, finance and culture.,British history has been,a history of invasions,Before 1,st,century AD, Celtic people,400 years,43AD, Roman Empire,(England & Wales),Britain fell into small kingdoms,Germanic invasion: Angles & Saxon,(King Arthur),King Arthur,The sword in the stone,石中剑,& Excalibur,王者之剑,Round table knights,: equality & friendliness,Anglo- Saxons,succeeded in invading Britain.,Forefathers of the English,Founders of “Angle-land” (“England”),8 AD Scandinavia raiders (Vikings),(King Alfred the Great),cultural divide between northerner sand southerners in England,1066 William of Normandy,300 years,Marking the last time an army from outside the British Isles succeeded in invading.,Robin Hood,Robin Hood,What are the influences from those invasions upon English language?,Latin language,Anglo-Saxon language,3 sources of Modern,(ancient English ),English Language,French language,Scandinavian influences,:,12,进位制计数法,Jack,son, John,son, Thomp,son, Steven,son,Rain cats and dogs,雨 风,French influences,:,Take the French leave,French letter,Return to ones mutton,英语,bull,牛,calf,小牛,pig,猪,法语,boeuf,牛,veau,小牛,porc,猪,英语,beef,牛肉,veal,小牛肉,pork,猪肉,4. On the qui vive,Scotland,Second largest nation in population and in geographical area,Most confident of its own identity,Long history as a unified state independent of the UK,Official Language:,English,Scottish,Gaelic,Not conquered by Rome or Anglo-Saxons,British Celts,occupied Glasgow (west),6AD people from northern Ireland invaded south east.,Scots,9AD Viking raids led to a unified Scottish state.,Constant conflicts between Scotland and England (,Macbeth,Brave heart,William Wallace,),14 AD, Robert the Bruce 300 years of full independence,Shakespeares,Macbeth,is set in Scotland.,Elizabeth I died childless.,James I of Stuart family united Scotland & England.,Charles I , the first king executed,Charles II of Stuart family succeeded.,James II, brother of Charles II,Oliver Cromwell controlled English parliament.,Mary II and William III,(Glorious Revolution),constitutional monarchy,Queen Anne died childless.,George I of Hanover ruled Britain with clumsy English.,The Scotland Act of 1998,Great tradition of innovation in the arts, philosophy and science.,Scot,Walter Scott,Robert Burns,Robert Louis Stevenson,Duel nature of Scotland,Superficially fully integrated into the UK,Concealed beneath is a still-strong Scottish identity,Wales,Capital: Cardiff,Key industry: coal-mining,The smallest nation on British mainland, though larger than Northern Ireland.,Language: English, Welsh (Celtic tongue),Celtic people,Conquered by Rome though with difficulty.,Not invaded by Anglo-Saxons.,Always under the pressure from England,Edward I, castles,1536, Wales was brought,legally,administratively, and,politically,into the UK by the act of the British parliament.,Summary,1. Official name,: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.,2.The Definition of The UK., Great Britain and England,.,England,Scotland,Wales,Northern Ireland.,Great Britain,Ireland,hundreds of small ones.,The UK,Great Britain,3.The British Isles:,Summary,England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.,Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. Capital:,Edinburgh,Wales is in the west of Great Britain. Capital:,Cardiff,Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital:,Belfast.,the British Isles, Great Britain and England,the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,加的夫,Cardiff,贝尔法斯特,Belfast,North Sea,North,Atlantic,Ocean,English Channel,Strait of Dover,north and west:,highlands,east and southeast:,lowlands,Geographical Features,maritime climate,plenty of rainfall,prevailing south-west winds and west wind,North Atlantic Drift,(,北大西洋暖流,),Humidity & fog,The climate of UK,Administrative Division,Population(mid 2004),Area Size(sq km),Population density (people per sq km),England,50,093,800,130,281,383,NorthernIreland,1,710,300,13,576,125,Scotland,5,078,400,77,925,65,Wales,2,952,500,20,732,142,United Kingdom,59,834.900,242,514,246,unequally distributed population,1. The British Isles are made up of_,A. two large islands and hundreds of small ones,B. two large islands and Northern Ireland,C. three large islands and hundreds of small ones,D. three large islands and Northern Ireland,2. There are three political divisions on the island of,Great Britain. They are_,A. Britain,,,Scotland and Wales,B. England,,,Scotland and Wales,C. Britain,,,Scotland and Ireland,D. England,,,Scotland and Ireland,Exercise:,4. About a hundred years ago, as a result of imperialist expansion, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the worlds people and,_,of the worlds land area.,one third B. one fifth,C. one fourth D. two fifths,3. The capital city of Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland,are _, _, _.,5. What are the three natural zones in Scotland,?,The three natural zones in Scotland are: the,Highlands,in the north; the Central,lowlands, and the south,Uplands,Northern Ireland,Often called,Ulster,The smallest of the four nations in area and population.,Belfast, the capital, is much the biggest city.,Political significance to Britain,Northern Ireland,Queen Elizabeth I, granted land, position and privileges to loyalists and Protestants, hence depriving the rights of the indigenous Roman Catholic population.,British colonial administration over the hundreds of years resulted in massacre, exile, systematic repression and deprivation.,Systematic and ingrained resentment of British, which is almost endemic.,Political problem,Before 1921, “,the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,”,Late 19,th,century, a campaign in parliament for “home-rule” Irish political control of Irish affairs,Violent fighting: guerrilla, terrorist activities,(,The Easter Rising of 1916,),Organizations: IRA, Sinn Fein party,Factors that affect the conflicting situation,:,The majority of Irish people, descendants of original Celtic people who inhabited the British long before Romans came.,Ireland was not invaded by Romans or Anglo-Saxons ethnically different from British.,Religion: Irish Catholics;,British Protestants,17,th,century, the English government encouraged people from Scotland and Northern England to emigrate in the north of Ireland.,Protestants,Solutions:,1921 partition of Ireland: 26 countries in the south Vs. 6 countries in the north,Northern Ireland has its own,Parliament,to deal with its internal affairs.,mainly controlled by “Loyalist” or “Unionist”,(60% of the northern population,),hard for Catholics in getting jobs and benefiting from social programs,3. 1969 British soldiers were sent to Northern Ireland for security issues.,4. Cities in Northern Ireland are “ghettoised” into exclusively Protestant and exclusively Catholic areas, in which the two communities hardly mix at all.,5. 1973, Power-Sharing mechanism to allow the minority Catholic population political influence., failed finally,6. “Direct-rule” from London,7. Involving the Southern Irish in Northern Irish affairs, 1985,the Anglo-Irish agreement,gave the Irish a right to consult on Northern Irish matters.,8. 1993 the Downing-Street Declaration,9,. 1998 the Good Friday Agreement,changes afterwards,


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