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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Cultural Awareness in Interpreting,Kongjie,1,Israel and Palestinian militant groups in the Gaza Strip have reached a,cease-fire agreement,to end eight days of fighting, Egyptian Foreign Minister announced in the Egyptian capital of Cairo on Wednesday afternoon.,埃及外长周三下午在开罗宣布,以色列和加沙地带的巴勒斯坦武装派别已达成停火协议,持续,8,天的冲突得以结束。,Cease-fire agreement,就是“停火协议”,也可以用,truce,来表示,两个表达均有“暂时停止”之意。此次巴以停火主要由埃及从中斡旋,“斡旋”一词在英语中可用,broker,或,mediate,来表示,比如:,The truce, brokered/mediated by Egypt, takes effect at 09:00 pm Gaza time on Wednesday,(由埃及斡旋的此次停火协议于加沙当地时间周三晚九点开始生效)。,以色列方面同意停止陆海空三方面的,military action,(军事行动)以及,targeted killings,(定点清除);巴勒斯坦方面同意停止向以色列境内,launch missiles,(发射导弹),并停止对边境地区士兵的袭击。,2,Eight people, including government officials and school principals, have been disciplined over the deaths of five,street children,last week in Southwest Chinas Guizhou province.,包括政府官员和学校领导在内的八人因贵州五名流浪儿童死亡事件受到处分。,Street children,或,street kids,都指“流浪儿童”。据报道,这五名男童死于,carbon monoxide poisoning,(一氧化碳中毒),其中四人已经,drop out of school,(辍学)多时。,因家长外出打工而出现的,left-behind children,(留守儿童)成为很多地区的一个特殊人群,他们长期与父母分离,家中的,guardian,(监护人)多半是,grandparents,(祖父母)或者,distant relatives,(远亲)。,3,The auction for,advertising slots,in 2013 held on Sunday by Chinas top TV broadcaster earned a total of 15.88 billion yuan ($2.55 billion), up 11.4 percent year-on-year.,2013,年中央电视台广告时段招标拍卖总额达,158.8,亿元,比上年增长,11.4%,。,Advertising slot,就是指“广告时段”,,新闻联播,等高收视率节目前后的时段都是,prime slot,(黄金时段)。,Slot,这个词平时常见的意思为“投币口”,在这里指“时段”,如:,peak evening viewing slot,(晚间高峰收视时段)。央视每年的,advertising bidding,(广告招标)都能引来大批企业竞争,并产生广告,top bidder,(标王),。,企业在电视上做广告除了放在,commercial break,(广告时段)以外,还可以购买某个节目的,exclusive naming right,(独家冠名权),或者在电视节目中添加,product placement,(植入式广告),。,4,Foreigners who live in China for 10 consecutive years may be eligible for a ,green card, according to a proposed draft regulation.,一项提请审议的规定草案显示,在华连续居住十年的外籍人士将有资格申请中国“绿卡”。,Green card,(绿卡)是一种给外籍人士的永久居住许可证(,permanent residency permits,)。获得中国“绿卡”后,外籍人士在中国居留期限不受限制,出入中国国境无需再办理签证手续,凭护照和“绿卡”即可出入境。,草案规定,申请中国“绿卡”的外籍人士需符合以下几个条件:,living in China for 10 consecutive years,(在华连续居住十年)、,having spent at least nine months each year in the country,(这十年中每年在华时间不少于,9,个月),,being employed,(在职)、,having accommodation and a good tax record,(有固定住所及良好的纳税记录)。,绿卡这个词起源于美国,因为最早美国的永久居留许可证是一张绿色的卡片。其他国家沿用美国的说法,也会将本国的永久居留许可证俗称为绿卡。,5,China can easily avoid what is known as the,middle income trap,given its still rapidly growing productivity, said Frank Gong, managing director of JP Morgan Securities (Asia Pacific) Limited.,摩根大通亚太区董事总经理龚方雄表示,中国凭借其依旧快速增长的生产力可以轻松避免所谓的“中等收入陷阱”。,Middle income trap,就是“中等收入陷阱”,指当一个国家的人均收入(,per capita income,)达到中等水平,由于不能顺利实现经济发展方式(,economic development model,)的转变,导致经济增长动力不足,最终出现经济停滞的一种状态。,专家分析认为,将中国的经济发展模式转变为,sustainable pattern,(可持续发展模式)是避免这一问题的关键,其中包括,the reform of the income distribution mechanism,(收入分配制度改革)。,6,The parents of Jin Ling, a Shanghai hiker who died of,altitude sickness,in Lhasa on Friday, have flown to Tibet to bid a final farewell to their daughter.,上海驴友金玲的父母已飞往拉萨与女儿的遗体告别,金玲上周五因高原反应在拉萨病逝。,Altitude sickness,就是“高原反应”,是一种,acute high altitude disease,(急性高原病),是人到达一定海拔高度后,身体为适应因海拔高度而造成的气压差、含氧量少、空气干燥等的变化,而产生的头疼,(,headache,),、头晕,(,dizziness,),、耳鸣(,drumming in the ears,)、全身乏力(,malaise,)等自然生理反应。,这一事件也引发了网友们对于,travel safety,(旅游安全)的热议。有人认为,旅游过程中要尊重大自然,不能,pushing the limit,(挑战极限)逞英雄。医生也表示,去高海拔地区旅游之前应进行全面的,medical examination,(医学检查)。,7,Cultural Tip 1,R.O.C,中华民国,Laser printer,台湾:通用拼音体系,高,: Kao,冯:,Fung,李:,Lee,张:,Cheung; chang,香港地区的官方语言是粤语,所以香港地区的拼音体系也自然是粤语言的描述,陈,Chan(Hongkong),刘,Lau,金,Kam(HK), Chin(Taiwan), Kim, king(Korea),宋,Sung(,台,香港,), Soong,宋庆龄,Soong Ching Ling,孙中山,Sun Yat-Sen,中山大学,Sun Yat-Sen University,8,Exercise,臺北市厚愛區戶政事務所出生證明書,出生證厚字,36/28653,號,父,姓名:柯明良,出生日期:民國,贰拾捌,年,玖,月,陆,日,本籍:高雄縣,身份證號碼:,W257883455789,職業:會計部核計員,母,姓名:戴英美,出生日期:民國,拾伍,年,柒,月陸日,本籍:高雄縣,身份證號碼:,職業:教師,出生者指性別:男,產婦所產之活產數:三個,懷孕周數:滿,43,周,出生時指體重:,3,500,公克,胎別:單胎,出生時間:民國,陆拾贰,年,捌,月,伍,日下午,柒,時,伍拾,分,接生者:醫師,9,出生地點:臺北市中山南路三十六號高明紀念醫院,以上事實,事屬無訛,特此證明。,院名:高明紀念醫院,地址:臺北市中山南路三十六號,醫師(助產士或其他)姓名:王濟人,醫師(助產士或其他)證書:台醫,開業執照,字,號:,10,Reference,ousehold Registration Office, Houai District, Taipei City,Birth Certificate,Certificate no.: Hou 36/28653,Father,Name: Ke Ming-Liang,Date of birth: 6th September, 1939,Place of Birth: Kaohsiung Province,I/D no.: W257883455789,Occupation: Auditor,Mother,Name: Dai Ying-Mei,Date of Birth: 6th July, 1946,11,Place of birth: Kaohsiung Province,I/D no.: Q746984536860,Occupation: Teacher,Sex of newborn: Male,Number of live births by mother: 3,Term of pregnancy: Full 43 weeks,Birth Weight: 3,500 grams,Type of birth: Single,Date and time of birth: 7:50 p.m., 5th August, 1973,Delivered by: Doctor,Place of birth: Gao Ming Memorial Hospital, 36, Jhongshan South Road, Taipei,This is to certify that all the above information is true.,Name of hospital: Gao Ming Memorial Hospital,Address: 36, Jhongshan South Road, Taipei.,Name of doctor (midwife or other): Wang Jii-Ren,Certificate no. of doctor (midwife or other): Tai Yi 3467752,License no.: YA688981135,12,Differences in Values,文化差异,衷心感谢你们的盛情邀请,Heart-felt thanks for your warm invitation,Thank you for your invitation,ips:,译员必须根据情况掌握分寸,既要充分表达中方的诚挚谢意,又不能完全直译,以免让西方人听了过分,结果适得其反。,“Thank you so much for what you have done for me and I really appreciate your kindness.”,“,不客气,这是我应该做的”,Interpreter: “You are welcome. This is what I should do.”,Misunderstanding:,中方的谦虚被外方误解为“他们为我做事是不得已而为之或是由于工作而并非心甘情愿为我做事”,“,My pleasure.I am glad I could help,”,13,(在某国际学术会议的开幕式讲话中),中方领导:“祝大会圆满成功!祝与会代表身体健康,家庭幸福”,Interpreter: “I wish the conference great success and may you enjoy good health and have a happy family”,Misunderstanding: “,身体健康,家庭幸福,”,作为一种美好祝福经常在领导人讲话的结尾作为会议致辞中的,“,客套话”出现,反映了领导人对他人的关爱与祝福。英美人认为在严肃的国际学术会议上祝愿,“,身体健康,家庭幸福”未免不合时宜。,I wish the conference a great success and wish you a happy stay here. Thank you.,14,中方记者在采访某美资企业公关经理时问道:“你这个经理年薪得有5万美元吧?”,间接猜测该行业经理人收入,I guess a public relations manager working for big companies would get paid around 50,000 dollars per year, am I right?,15,迎接远道而来的外宾,“,一路辛苦了,累不累”,“You must be tired after the long flight, arent you?”,Are you tired after the long journey?,Misunderstanding:,外宾可能会误解,认为他看上去,“,疲惫不堪”,外国人不喜欢在别人面前显得身体虚弱,或者疲惫。,How was the flight? Did you have a pleasant flight? I hope youve had a pleasant journey.,16,前总统卡特卸任后从事社会公益活动的报道,The two presidents exchange sirs and madams in the venerable southern style. After 25 minutes, Carter slowly disengages. “I am grateful for this meeting”,,,he says. On his way to the car, he talks about his next visit, then tells Davis “I love you. I am proud of you”.,Interpreter: “,前总统称居民协会主席,“,夫人”,居民协会主席称前总统,“,先生”,客客气气,一派南方人的风度。二十五分钟过去了,卡特不慌不忙起身告辞,说道 ”感谢你今天来同我会面“迈步上车的当儿,他对戴维斯太太说:,”,我爱你,我为你感到骄傲”。,“,我爱你,”,是不能传递出“敬重”之意的,“我敬重你,”,17,荷兰首相,Coke,访华,中方陪同团团长即席致答谢词时,有一句话说:“首相阁下刚抵达北京,我和首相就一见钟情了。”,一见钟情:,love at first sight,When His Excellency Prime Minister set foot on Beijing, I liked him greatly at first sight.,18,Special Situations,情境因素指可能影响口译表达合宜性或恰当性的因素。,Sidney Simon has called the college grading system “an archaic, bureaucratic invention”, adding that it is “about as accurate as police estimates of crowds of peace marches”,西蒙尼,.,西蒙称这种大学评级制度“是过时的,缺乏科学验证的,是官僚主义的产物”,“简直同警察估计和平示威人数一样准确”,Misunderstanding:,上半句是对大学评级制度的批判,后边用“,accurate”,这样的褒义词,简直同警察估计和平示威人数一样不准确。,19,This sort of situation highlights a critical weakness in the ANC (African National Congress)leadership:accountability.,这种情况突出了非洲人国民大会领导层一个极为严重的弱点:有责任心。,“有责任心”和“弱点”逻辑相悖。,“这种情况突出了非洲国民大会领导层一个极为严重的弱点:玩忽职守”。,20,George W. Bush,在,2002,年,“9.11”,恐怖袭击一周年时发表的演说中说道,We have no intention of ignoring or appeasing historys latest gang of fanatics trying to murder their way to power.,对最近发生的一群狂热分子企图以谋杀来夺权的事,我们绝不会姑息容忍。,21,词汇因素,重复表达,语言本质原因:中文里以代词开始的从句,没有英文里使用的那么普遍,经常需要重复来明确动作的始发者。,与口译相关的重复有两大类型:,A,:后边两个字说的意思和前面两个字差不多。,刻苦勤奋,Diligent,兢兢业业,dedicated,22,多才多艺,talented,不断扩大,expanding,更新,更高的要求,higher demand,有些字是用来强调语气的,实际上并没有增加新的意思,中文中,强调语气的另一种表现是修饰词加修饰词,层层相叠。,无数仁人志士苦苦探索救国救民的道路,Numerous good and ambitious people tried again and again and very hard too, to find a way to save the country and the nation.,We searched hard for a way to save the nation.,坚决,彻底,全面的改善,Firm, thorough and comprehensive improvement.,Thorough improvement,23,多余字词,中文中一句话中的最后一个词,似乎是在总结概括前面已经描述过的情况。译为英文时,最后这个总结词经常可以扔掉。,应该考虑经济发展情况,Should consider economic development,形成了人人谈世界贸易的状况,Everyone is talking about world trade,产生了没有希望的想法,Beginning to feel hopeless,逐渐形成了不愿意上学的心情,Feeling increasingly reluctant to go to school,我国经济发展势头良好,Our economy is developing really well,24,复杂语句,越是感觉难翻译的表达法,就越需要从简处理。,抛开原文,看清意思,白话白出,A,:成语和谚语,应对方法:如果不确定对应的英文说法,就争取用英语中能听懂的话说出来,一箭双雕:,killing two eagles with one arrow,胸有成竹,having a complete picture in ones mind,东施效颦,an ugly woman cant look better by imitating the smile of a beautiful girl,B:,正式概念,某个单位的口号,三个代表:,the Three Represents,四个第一:,the Four Firsts,五个重点:,the Five Focuses,五讲四美:,the Five Promotes and Four Beautifuls,六个全面:,the Six All-rounds,25,Exporting to some countries is greatly complicated by all of the red tape.,Origin:,英国的律师和政府官员惯用红带子(,red tape,)捆扎文件,后来,“red tape”,就引申为 ”公事手续“上的形式主义。,政府部门的繁文缛节使得向某些国家的出口贸易困难重重。,26,中方说:我们不会给你们打白条子,我们会按时付款的。,We shall not issue blank paper to you, we will pay you on time.,欠条:,I owe you,We shall not give you an IOU. We will pay you on time.,27,商务活动,“我们已建立起“一条龙”服务中心,为外国投资者提供审批业务。”,We have set up the “one-dragon”service center to provide a coordinated process service for foreign investors in obtaining approval.,龙;,one-dragon,We have set up the “one-package service center to provide a coordinated process service for foreign investors in obtaining approval.,28,Larry Ellision(,甲骨文公司,CEO),在对耶鲁大学毕业生的演讲中说道:,“For I can tell you that a cap and gown will keep you down just as surely as these security guards dragging me off this stage are keeping me down”,“,我要告诉你,一顶帽子,一套学位服必然使你们沦落,就像这些保安马上要把我从这个讲台上撵下去一样必然”,A cap and gown,大学教育,29,Is cloning technology becoming the sword of Damocles to human beings?,The sword of Damocles:,达摩克里斯之剑(,达摩用来表示时刻存在的危险。源自古希腊传说:迪奥尼修斯国王请他的大臣达摩克利斯赴宴,命其坐在用一根马鬃悬挂的一把寒光闪闪的利剑下,由此而产生的这个外国成语,意指令人处于一种危机状态,“临绝地而不衰”。或者随时有危机意识,心中敲起警钟等。,克隆技术是否正日益成为人类安全无时不在的威胁呢?,30,While other universities and colleges offer accredited online courses, Jones International University is currently the only accredited university that exists completely online without accompanying traditional “brick and mortar”classroom.,Brick and mortar:,砖瓦,虽然其他大学也提供经认证的在线课程,但是琼斯国际大学则是目前完全存在于网上,完全没有传统教室形式的唯一一所所获得认证的大学,31,Assembling do-it-yourself furniture is Childs play as long as you correctly read the instructions.,安装,DIY,家具如同儿戏,只要正确看清图样就可以了。,Childs play:,非常容易做的事情;不大重要的事情。儿戏:对重要的工作或事情不负责,不认真。,安装,DIY,家具非常容易,只要正确看清图样就可以了。,32,2004年,为了使拳头产品尽快投入市场,雅芳化妆品公司在研发上增加了46%的预算。,拳头产品:有竞争力的主打产品。,In 2004, Avon added 46% to its R&D budget to get blockbuster products on to the market faster.,33,现在合同已签了,真是木已成舟,生米煮成熟饭,只好如此了。,As the contract has been signed, whats done is done and cant be undone.,34,Listening and note-taking Practice 1,Denmark has been a pioneer in showing the world how a nation can succeed both in creating a strong economy and a good society that provides opportunity for all its citizens and support to those in need, one that is bound together by shared values and respect for differences. We can all learn from your efforts to educate your people for a lifetime, giving them the tools necessary to make the most of their own lives in this time of global economic and technical integration.,Second, you have shown the power of a nation to act with compassion and humanity. During World War II, Denmarks rescue of its Jewish citizens from deportation and death camps set a standard for moral courage that will stir the hearts of men and women forever.,35,2,Our GDP rose from 7.4 trillion yuan in 1997 to 10.2 trillion yuan in 2002, an average annual increase of 7.7%, when calculated in constant prices.,36,3,More than 3 million children have health insurance now, and more than 7 million Americans have been lifted out of poverty. Our economy is breaking records, with more than 22 million new jobs, the lowest unemployment in 30 years, the highest home ownership ever, the longest expansion in history.,已有,300,多万儿童在享受着医疗保险,,700,多万人民已经脱离了贫困线。我们的经济正在破着一个又一个的记录。我们已创造了,2200,万个新的工作岗位,我们的失业率是,30,年来最低的,老百姓的购房率达到了一个空前的高度,我们经济繁荣的持续时间是历史上最长的。,37,4,Our families and communities are stronge. Thirty-five million Americans have used the Family Leave Law; 8 million have moved off welfare. Crime is at a 25-year low. Over 10 million people receive more college aid, and more people than ever are going to college.,38,5,Institutions of higher learning have enrolled more students every year since 1999, and the admission rate for those taking the college entrance exams increased from 36% to 59%. In 2002, the student population in institutions of higher learning was 16 million, 2.3 times the 1997 figure. In these five years, 13 million junior and regular college students and 310,000 graduate students graduated. Important progress was made in outsourcing college services to independent service providers. A total of 48 million square meters of college dormitories were built or remodeled, more than the total built in the 1950-1997 period.,39,6,四年来,国家财政用于科技的投入累计,2500,亿元,比前四年增长一倍多。全国研究与试验开发经费,从,1998,年的,509,亿元增加到,2002,年的,1161,亿元,占国内生产总值的比重从,0.64%,提高到,1.13%,。,The central government spent a total of 250 billion yuan on science and technology, more than double the figure for the previous four years. Spending on research and development nationwide increased from 50.9 billion yuan in 1998 to 116.1 billion yuan in 2002, an increase from 0.64% to 1.13% in terms of the GDP share.,40,


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