8.inspection of goods(自学)

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Part 8: Inspection of Goods,1,Inspection of Goods,Inspection of Goods (Commodity Inspection),In international trade, inspection institutions must usu. examine the quality, quantity, packing, etc. of the goods delivered by the seller to make sure whether the goods are in conformity with the stipulations of the contract and L/C,Or inspect safety and sanitation conditions (,卫生条件,), environmental and labour protection conditions as to the goods, or quarantine plants and animals (,动植物检疫,) in accordance with the relative laws and decrees of the country.,2,Inspection of Goods,Time and Place of Inspection,Commodity Inspection Institution,Inspection Certificate,Inspection Clauses in Sales Contract,3,Chapter 1 Time and Place of Inspection,Buyers are entitled to have the right to inspect the goods before acceptance of the goods.,The realization of delivery of the goods will go through 3 steps:,Delivery,Inspection or examination,Acceptance or rejection,4,Once the buyer accepts the goods, he will lose the right to reject the goods.,But if the quality of the goods is found not in conformity with that of the contract, the buyer still has the right to ask for compensation for losses or to take other remedial measures (,补救措施,).,Chapter 1 Time and Place of Inspection,5,The buyer,s right to inspect the goods not only becomes an international practice, but also is protected by relative laws and international commercial conventions.,“,The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods,”,联合国国际货物销售合同公约, stipulates that the buyer shall make inspection by himself or by the appointed agencies within the shortest reasonable period.,Chapter 1 Time and Place of Inspection,6,Basically three ways to stipulate the time and place of inspection:,To make inspection before shipment, i.e., to make inspection,in the export country.,To make inspection after the goods have been discharged, i.e., to make inspection,in the import country.,To make,inspection in the export country,and make,reinspection in the import country.,Chapter 1 Time and Place of Inspection,7,three ways to stipulate the time and place of inspection:,To make inspection before shipment, i.e., to make inspection,in the export country.,To make inspection at the factory,To make inspection at the port of shipment,To take shipping or shipped quality or weight as final,以,“,离岸品质和离岸数量,”,为准,8,three ways to stipulate the time and place of inspection:,To make inspection after the goods have been discharged, i.e., to make inspection,in the import country.,To make inspection at the port of destination,To take landing or landed quality or weight as final,以,“,到,岸品质和,到,岸数量,”,为准,To make inspection at the user,s residence,Such as sealed packing goods, heavy machinery or precision instruments (,精密仪器,),9,three ways to stipulate the time and place of inspection:,To make,inspection in the export country,and make,reinspection in the import country.,“,出口国检验,进口国复验,”,The main advantage of this method is that,The inspection certificate provided by the seller is regarded as one of the effective documents to be presented for negotiation,And gives the buyer the right to make reinspection as well.,10,Chapter 2 Commodity Inspection Institution,Some Famous Inspection Institution in International Trade Area:,瑞士日内瓦通用鉴定公司(,SGS),日本海外货物检验株式会社 (,OMIC,),美国保险人实验室(,UL,),英国劳合氏公证行(,Lloyd,s Surveyor,),法国船级社(,B.V,),香港天祥公证化验行等。,11,The,“,Commodity Inspection Law,”,stipulates,“,商品检验法,”,that the China Exit and Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (CEEIQB),“,中国出入境检验检疫局,”,(,“,中华人民共和国商品检验局,”,),is the competent authority (,主管当局,) which supervises the work of inspection of the whole nation.,It also stipulates that all export and import commodities should be inspected.,Chapter 2 Commodity Inspection Institution,12,The Main Duties of the Inspection Bureau:,Making legal inspection,法定检验,Supervision and administration,监督管理,Authentic attesting business,公证鉴定业务,Chapter 2 Commodity Inspection Institution,13,Chapter 3Inspection Certificate,商检证书,The Inspection certificate is a,written document,issued by the commodity inspection institution, bearing witness to the result of inspection.,14,Kinds of the Inspection Certificates,Inspection Certificate of Quality,品质检验证书,Inspection Certificate of Weight,重量检验证书,Inspection Certificate of Quantity,数量检验证书,Veterinary Inspection Certificate,兽医检验证书,Sanitary Inspection Certificate,卫生检验证书,Inspection Certificate of Health,健康检验证书,Chapter 3Inspection Certificate,商检证书,15,Kinds of the Inspection Certificates,Disinfection Inspection Certificate,消毒检验证书,Inspection Certificate on Damaged Cargo,残损检验证书,Inspection Certificate on Tank/Hold,船舱检验证书,Inspection Certificate of Origin,产地证明书,Inspection Certificate of Value,价值证明书,Chapter 3Inspection Certificate,商检证书,16,Chapter 4Inspection Clauses in Sales Contract,Inspection Clauses in Sales Contract,Inspection clauses in export contract,Inspection clause in import contract,17,Inspection Clauses in Export Contract,It is mutually agreed that the,certificate of Quality and Weight,issued by the China Exit and Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (,CEEIQB,) at the port/place of shipment shall be part of the documents to be presented for negotiation.,The buyer shall have the right to,reinspect,the quality and weight of the cargo.,Chapter 4Inspection Clauses in Sales Contract,18,Inspection Clauses in Import Contract,Before making delivery, the manufacturers shall make a inspection of the goods.,After arrival of the goods at the port/place of destination, the buyer shall have the right to,reinspect,the quality and weight of the cargo.,Within,20,days after discharge of the goods at the port/place of destination-rejection or claim,Chapter 4Inspection Clauses in Sales Contract,19,Inspection Clauses in Import Contract,Within the guarantee period stipulated in clause,Any and all claims shall be regarded as accepted if the sellers fail to reply within,30,days after receipt of the buyer,s claim.,Chapter 4Inspection Clauses in Sales Contract,20,


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