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(Level of Evidence: B),CLASS IIa,In men 50 years of age or older or women 60 years of age or older with LDL cholesterol less than 130 mg/dL; not on lipid-lowering,hormone replacement, or immunosuppressant therapy; without clinical CHD, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, severe inflammatory conditions, or contraindications to statins,measurement of,CRP canbe useful,in the selection of patients for statin therapy . (Level of Evidence: B),Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C),CLASS IIb,1. Measurement of hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) may be reasonable for,cardiovascular risk assessment in asymptomatic adults without a,diagnosis of diabetes . ( Level of Evidence: B ),A Report of the American College of Cardiology2010 ACCF/AHA Guideline,for Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk in Asymptomatic Adults,Microalbuminuria,CLAS,S IIa,In asymptomatic adults,with hypertension or diabetes, urinalysis to detect microalbuminuria is reasonable for cardiovascular risk as-sessment . ( Level of Evidence: B ),CLASS IIb,In asymptomatic adults at intermediate risk,without hypertension or diabetes, urinalysis to detect microalbuminuria might be reasonable for cardiovascular risk assessment .,(Level of Evidence: B,Lp-PLA2,CLASS IIb,Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) might be reasonable for cardiovascular risk assessment in intermediate-risk,asymptomatic adults .,( Level of Evidence: B ),ECG,CLASS IIa,A resting electrocardiogram (ECG) is reasonable for cardiovascular risk assessment in asymptomatic adults with hypertension or dia-betes . ( Level of Evidence: C ),CLASS IIb,A resting ECG may be considered for cardiovascular risk assessment in asymptomatic adults without hypertension or diabetes,(Level of Evidence: C ),Resting Echocardiography Transthoracic Echocardiography,CLASS IIb,Echocardiography to detect LVH may be considered for cardiovascular risk assessment in asymptomatic adults with hypertension,(Level of Evidence: B ),CLASS III:,Echocardiography is not recommended for cardiovascular risk assessment of CHD in asymptomatic adults without hypertension.,(Level of Evidence: C ),Carotid Intima-Media Thickness on Ultrasound,CLASS IIa,Measurement of carotid artery IMT is reasonable for cardiovascular risk assessment in asymptomatic adults at intermediate risk,Published recommendations on,required equipment, technical approach, and operator training and experience for performance,of the test must be carefully followed to achieve high-quality results . (Level of Evidence: B ),Carotid Intima-Media Thickness on Ultrasound,Pulse Wave Velocity and Other ArterialAbnormalities: Measures of Arterial Stiffness,CLASS III:,Measures of arterial stiffness outside of research settings are not recommended forcardiovascular risk assessment in asymptomatic adults.,(Level of Evidence: C ),Recommendation for Measurement ofAnkle-Brachial Index,CLASS IIa,Measurement of ABI is reasonable for cardiovascular risk assessment in asymptomatic adults at intermediate risk .,(,Level of Evidence: B,),Recommendation for ExerciseElectrocardiography,CLASS IIb,An exercise ECG may be considered for cardiovascular risk assessment in intermediate-risk asymptomatic adults (including sedentary adults considering starting a vigorous exercise program), particularly when attention is paid to non-ECG markers such as exercise capacity .,(Level of Evidence: B ),Duke Treadmill Score (DTS),The angina index had avalue of 0 if no angina occurred during exercise, 1 if nontest-limiting angina occurred, and 2 if test-limiting angina occurred. A score of 5 or greater was considered low risk; between 5 and -10, intermediate risk; and less than -10,high risk.,ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC STRESS TESTING FOR SILENT MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA,ECG stress testing has an approximate 50% sensitivity and 80% specificity .,The positive predictive value for detecting CAD using coronary angiography as the gold standard ranges between 60% and 94% and was higher in men than women .,Recommendations for exercise stress testing for risk assessment do not appear to be different in patients with diabetes and patients without diabetes.,Recommendation for Stress Echocardiography,CLASS III: NO BENEFIT,Stress echocardiography is not indicated for cardiovascular risk assessment,in low- or intermediate-risk asymptomatic adults.,(Exercise or pharmacologic stress echocardiography is primarily used for its role in advanced cardiac evaluation of symptoms suspecte of representing CHD and/or estimation of prognosis in patients with,known coronary artery disease or the assessment of patients with known or suspected valvular heart disease.),(Level of Evidence: C ),Myocardial Perfusion Imaging,CLASS IIb,Stress MPI may be considered for advanced cardiovascular risk assessment in asymptomatic adults with diabetes or asymptomatic adults with a strong family history of CHD or when previous risk assessment testing suggests high risk of CHD, such as a CAC score of 400 or greater. (Level of Evidence: C ),Computed Tomography for Coronary Calcium,CLASS IIa,Measurement of CAC is reasonable for cardiovascular risk assess-ment in asymptomatic adults at intermediate risk (10% to 20% 10-year risk) . (Level of Evidence: B ),CLASS IIb,Measurement of CAC may be reasonable for cardiovascular risk,Assessment in persons at low to intermediate risk (6% to 10% 10-year risk) . (Level of Evidence: B ),CLASS III: NO BENEFIT,Persons at low risk ( 6% 10-year risk) should not undergo CAC,measurement for cardiovascular risk assessment .,(Level of Evidence: B ),Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography,CLASS III: NO BENEFIT,Coronary computed tomography angiography is not recommended for cardiovascular risk assessment in asymptomatic adults .,(Level of Evidence: C ),Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Plaque,CLASS III:,MRI for detection of vascular plaque is not recommended for cardiovascular risk assessment in asymptomatic adults.,(Level of Evidence: C ),缺血性心血管疾病,(ICVD)10,年发病危险度评估表,(,男,),缺血性心血管疾病,(ICVD)10,年发病危险度评估表,(,女,),强调重视心血管疾病危险评估,40,岁以上个体应至少每,5,年进行一次危险评估,有,2,个以上危险因素的个体,应每年进行一次危险评估。,对绝对风险低的个体推荐使用“心血管疾病相对危险评估量表”,一级预防,改善生活方式,降压,调脂,抗栓治疗,降糖,有效的心血管事件一级预防措施,规律运动,改善生活方式,合理膳食,戒烟,控制体重,保持心理平衡,女性卒中风险下降,55,男性冠心病风险下降,27,生活方式干预,1.Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:1403-1409,2. Circulation,2006;114;160-167,改善生活方式,平衡膳食:多项研究证实,饮食中降低盐摄人,减少饱和脂肪,增加蔬菜水果、海鱼和谷类纤维素,可显著降低已知心血管危险因素的发病率。,戒烟:吸烟是心血管疾病的重要致病因素,原则上也是惟一能够完全控制的致病因素。,规律运动:主要通过 降低血压、控制血糖和体重以及改善心血管功能实现。美国疾病控制和预防中心以及国家健康学院公布的运动建议中推荐:每周至少,5 d,、每天进行,30 min,以上中等强度的有氧运动。,控制体重:控制肥胖症是减少慢性病发病率和病死率的一个关键因素,,Calle,对,100,万例健康人随访,16,年显示,超重使心血管病死亡增加,1,5,倍,肥胖使心血管病死亡增加,2,3,倍。,心理平衡:,血糖控制,空腹血糖检查,OGTT,筛查,积极干预,IGT,HbA1c,每降低,1,心梗发生率下降,14,卒中发生率下降,12,BMJ,2000;321:405-412,降压治疗,收缩压每下降,10mmHg,治疗目标值,冠心病风险下降,20,1,卒中死亡风险下降,30,2,1.European Heart Journal,(2002),23,286293,2.Lancet,; 360 : 1903-12.,普通高血压:,140/90mmHg,老年人的收缩压降至,150mmHg,以下,,有糖尿病或肾病的高血压:,130/80mmHg,调脂治疗,低危:,TC,6.22mmol/L,,,LDL,4.14mmol/L,中危:,TC,5.18mmol/L,,,LDL,3.37mmol/L,高危:,TC,4.14mmol/L,,,LDL,2.60mmol/L,冠心病发生风险下降,20,LDL-C,每降低,1mmol/L,卒中发生风险下降,20,Lancet. 2005 ;366(9493):1267-78.,治疗目标值,特殊人群:一级预防不容忽视的角落,糖尿病,无症状外周动脉狭窄,肾功能损害,肾脏疾病,高龄老年人,女性,儿童,39,谢谢!,


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