【管理培训系列】customer service客户服务

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【管理培训系列】customer service客户服务_第1页
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Click to edit the title text format,Click to edit the outline text format,Second Outline Level,Third Outline Level,Fourth Outline Level,Fifth Outline Level,Sixth Outline Level,Seventh Outline Level,Eighth Outline Level,Ninth Outline Level,*,Who are Customers:,People who receive my output.,People who pay me.,They are the reason why I do my job.,People who want to avail my companys services.,Foundation of Customer Service:,Customers are of two types:,Internal: Group of people you may serve within the organization.,External: These are customers who come to your organization for some services or products,.,The four things the Customer wants:,Friendly, caring service:,Being interested,Giving information,Listening carefully,Answering questions,Warm friendly responses at all times especially when customers are upset or have concerns,The four things the Customer wants:,(contd.),2. Flexibility:,Customer want the person to “jiggle” the system to make it work for them.,They dont want to hear “No,”.,The four things the Customer wants:,(contd.),3. Problem resolution:,Business problems,Non-business problem,The four things the Customer wants:,(contd.),4. Recovery:,If and when mistake is made, customer wants you to take care of it quickly and to their satisfaction.,Apology,Fix it,Extra Step,Follow up,Service: Two types,Material:,Price, Quantity, Quality, Type of equipment, Routines, Working method, Manning etc.,Personal:,It is personal service which upgrades a neutral impression about a service to a good impression.,A honest smile & full personal attention will work wonders even if material service breaks down.,Moment of Truth,A moment of truth is any point in the interaction during which the customer has an opportunity to gain an impression of the service provided by the company.,Research has shown that it takes on average 12 shining moments of truth to compensate for one dull moment of truth.,Benefits of Good customer service:,Personal Benefits WIFM:,Less stress,Higher efficiency,More job satisfaction,Benefits of Good customer service:,(contd.),Organizational Benefits:,Key to survival and success.,Motivated teamwork,.,Cost effective.,Adds to the company bottom line,Benefits of Good customer service:,(contd.),Some Startling Statistics:,Only 4% of customers actually complain.,For every complaint you receive there are 26 unattended.,Around 75% of the complaining customers will do business with you again, if you act quickly.,It costs 5-6 times more to attract new customers than to keep old ones,Benefits of Good customer service: (contd.),Out of the entire customers you lost:,1%,die,3%,move away,9%,go away for cheaper prices,19%,are chronic customers,68%,leave due to bad service,So most of all,Customers go elsewhere because the people they deal with are indifferent to their needs 68%,The Ten Commandments of Great Customer Service!,Know who is the boss,Be a good listener,Identify and anticipate needs,Make customers feel important and appreciated,Help customers understand your system,Appreciate the power of “YES”,Know how to apologize,Give more than expected (Customer Delight),Get regular feedback,Treat employees well,Why are these folks angry?,On hold too long,Previous problems in,customer service,Perceived injustice,Legitimate service,complaint,How to cool them down?,Let them vent,Speak slowly in a low, resonant tone,Eg:- “That is frustrating, isnt it?” “Id probably be,upset if that happened to me”.,Calming language ,“,OK, lets start at the beginning.,Handle complaints with DEHEAT,Deal with the customers,not the problem,Exorcise your ego,Hear the customer out,Empathize,Apologize,Troubleshoot,Handling abusive customers!,Direct and assertive not combative,“,I care very much about your,problem, but when you speak,to me this way, I find it difficult,to focus on a solution”.,“I understand this is difficult,for you. Lets see what we can,do to fix the problem”.,Everybody makes mistakes,Take responsibility,Dont place blame or speak,bad about your organization,or another employee,Sincere apology,Thank customer for pointing out the problem,No Nos,“,Its against our policy”,“,Its against the rules”,Try this-,“,Oh, Im so sorry. If I could,do that for you, I would.,Let me tell you what I can,do”.,Listen:,Customer complaints create profit,Complaints are like medicine,People complain to front liners about,45% of the time for service related issues.,They complain to management about,5%, and 50% just go away!,Complaining to people who act like they,dont care ensures customer defection,Customer retention is profitable,Resolving a complaint within 24,hours results in 96% retention.,For each day of delay, about 10%,additional loss,Companies can boost profits,100% by retaining 5% more of,their customers,Circle,Of,Service,Why keep customers satisfied?,Treat them right, theyll come back because they like you,If they like you, theyll spend more money,If they spend more money you want to treat them better,If you treat them better, they keep coming back,Why do customers come back?,Give them,What was promised,K,nowledgeable,help,Prompt, willing attentio,n,Good treatment,Dont give them one of these reasons to leave,Ignore them or treat them indifferently,Know too little about your product, services,and organization,Make excuses not to help,Treat them like numbers,Are cold, rude, unfriendly, impatient or,generally unpleasant,Talk down or make them feel ignorant or,slow,Make promises that arent fulfilled,The Human Touch,Through increased automation to reduce costs, being a customer has become devoid of any emotional value,Look for excuses to chat with customers; customers crave human attention.,Organizations that take customer service seriously, and approach it with passion and zeal, are the organizations that will prosper and continue to stand out among their competitors.,


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