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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高考英语专项语法宾语补足语课件,What is object complement, anyway?,如,: The sun,keeps,us,warm,.,I,heard,him,singing.,You must,get,your hair,cut.,We,call,her,Jenny.,They,found,him,out.,Make,yourself,at home.,They,wish,you,to go with them,.,宾语补足语是位于宾语之后,说明宾语的状,态、特征的成分,多,由名词、形容词、副词、,不定式,动名词和分词充当。,1.She heard the sound of footsteps,approaching,2. Fear held her,still,3, Polly felt a rough hand,brush her cheek,4, She could feel her heart,beating with fear,5, she had wished for someone,to come along,6. Polly found herself,staring up at the face of an old man,宾语补足语用法,:,能带宾语补足语的动词一定是,及物动词,。有以下几类:,1, 感觉动词,如:,see, observe, watch, notice, look at ,hear, listen to,smell,feel,等,这类词所接的宾语补足语常常是,-doing,being done, done,形式,也可以是动词原形省略,to,。如:,He heard a distant voice,shouting,.I saw him,play basketball,.,= He was seen to play basketball,Did you see a car,being driven away,?,A: I often hear this song _ (sing), but I have never heard him _ (sing) it.,B: Listen! I can hear him,_ (sing) it now.,sung,sing,singing,I can hear the song,being sung,now,1.I saw him come downstairs.,2.I saw him coming downstairs.,3. I noticed the classroom _( clean).,4 I saw him _(beat) by his father when I passed by.,He was seen _ downstairs,He was seen _ downstairs.,to come,coming,cleaned,being beaten,1,),. We are pleased to see the problem _ so quickly.,A. settled,B. having been settled,C. be settled,D. settling,2,),. After a knock at the door, the child heard his mothers voice _ him.,A. calling B. called,C. being calledD. to call,A,3,),.When I came in, I saw Dr. Li _ a patient.,A. examine B. to examine,C. examining D. examined,4,),. The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see _the next year.(NMET2000),A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D,to carry out,2, 含命名意义的动词,如:,call, name, appoint, elect, make(,选举,挑选,任命),等。这类词所接的宾语补足语一般是名词。如:,.,They named the child,Jimmy,.,John was elected,Chairman,of the students,union. In 1864 Lincoln was made,President,of the United States,for the second time. The queen made him,officer,of the guard,【,注意,】,用作宾语补足语的名词表示独一无二的职位、头衔、称谓时,其前不 能用冠词。例如:,She made Joe and Sue companions in Rome,宾补为名词时, 和宾语的数保持一致,3.,使役动词,make, have, get / let /help,Set, ( set the birds free),hold(her still),常用,adj, do (,省,to,),,done,介词短语,做宾补,1.His word is so ridiculous , which makes us _,2.The teacher gets all the students _( finish) the work on time,3. He was made _( roll) up his sleeves when he washed his clothes,4. Can you make yourself _( understand ) by your students ?,unhappy,to finish,to roll,understood,3.Though he had often made his little,sister _, today he was made _,by his little sister.,A. cry; to cry B. crying; crying,C. cry; cry D. to cry; cry,A, (,请人,),把某事做完。,-,被动,She had her house repaired,她请人把屋子修好了。,“have+,宾语,+done”,结构有三个含义:,遭遇某种意外情况。,(,个人遭遇),He had his hat blown away on his way home,在回家的路上他的帽子被吹掉了,完成某事,(,自己也可能参与,),I have had all my spelling mistakes corrected,我把所有的拼写错误都改正了。,have sb do/doing,The strict teacher had me _(rewrite) my essay 5time.,Don,t have your children _ (play) in the street all the afternoon.,playing,rewrite,使,让,have sth to do /to be done,1. I have a lot of work to _ (deal) with.,2,Do you have any clothes _( wash) ?,Mon asked me when she came to see me every weekend.,deal,to be washed,自己做,别人做,有,5. Ill go to Beijing next week. Do you have anything _ to your father?,A. to take B. taken,C. to be taken D. being taken,C,2.,Mrs. Brown was much disappointed,to see the washing machine she,had had _ went wrong again,A. it B. it repaired,C. repaired D. to be repaired,3.I have had my bike _, and I,m going to have somebody _ my radio tomorrow.,A. repair; to repair,B. repairing; to repaired,C. repaired; repair,D. to repaired; repairing,4.,表示心理状态或主观认为的动词,Keep, leave ,find, drive,consider, suppose ,think , believe,我们认为帮助别人是我们的职责,We think it our duty to help others,这些词常用 形容词, 介词短语,,to do , doing,,,done,做宾补,Find, think, feel, consider, make, regard it +,形,/,名,+ to do sth,1)The professor considers it,(,no good,),reading without understanding.,2)He found it,(,useless/ no use),arguing with him.,3)He thought it (senseless),attempting the impossible.,4)I don,t think it worthwhile,going to such a place.,当名词为,no good, no use,形容词为,senseless, worthwhile,时,用,it,代替动名词形式,.find +,名词,+n. /adj. /doing /done /adv /,介词短语,1. Can you find me,a book,?,2. I find Russian grammar very,difficult,.,4. If I found you,playing,games at work, you will be dismissed.,3. I found him,at home,.,B. to be abandoning,2. We found the truck _ on Highway 63.,A. to be abandoned,C. abandoned,D. abandon,C,3. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found,in the kitchen.,A,smoke B,smoking,C,to smokeD,smoked,1 The police found the child _( safe) so they tried to save him .,When they got there,the police found the child _ (cry) and _( surround) by the bomb, which made them _( panic ),unsafe,crying,surrounded,Panicky,1 keep the door,_(,关着的,/,开着的),2 work out every day and that will keep you_,(保持健康),3 Please keep us _,of,(,知道),the latest development.,4 He kept his eyes,_(,闭着),and stayed where he was.,他闭上眼睛,呆在原来的地方。,in good shape,.,informed,Keep sb/sth +,介短, 形,副,,doing ,done,closed/ open,closed /shut,5. She kept us _ (,等),all the afternoon,waiting,2. We are trying our best to attract visitors and keep them _.,A. Interested B. interesting,C. interest D. to interest,A,5.Without/ with+,宾语,+,宾补,1),孩子们堆了个雪人,手都冻红了,。,The boys made a snowman,with hands,_.,red with cold,2),他光穿着一件衬衣在那里干活。,He was working there,with only a shirt,_.,on,3),那位怀抱婴儿的妇女是汤姆的母亲。,The woman,with a baby,_ is Toms mother.,in her arms,They can interact with others,without the trouble to go out,4),有那位老人带路,他们毫不费力就找到了我的家。,With the old man,_, they had no difficulty in finding my house.,leading them,5),有许多工作要做, 他没法和看电影了,With a lot of work,_ ,he has no time to watch films,to do,6),这事一解决我们就回家了,。,With the matter,_,we went home.,settled,With +,(O),宾语,+_,名,形,介词短语,副词,to do, doing ,done,OC,1.,_ production up by 60%,the company,has had another excellent year.,A.As,B.For,C.With,D.Through,2._ everything _ , she left the,supermarket with satisfaction.,A.As, buying B.For, to buy,C.With, bought D.Because, to buy,C,C,With,宾语宾补,6.,有些动词常用动词不定式做宾语补足语,如:,warn sb to do sth , ask sb to do sth, invite sb to do sth,Persuade, tell , order, beg, require, teach, force, encourage, allow, forbid,等,1. The teacher asked us _ so much noise.,A. dont makeB. not make,C. not makingD. not to make,D,有些动词只用动名词做宾语补足语,如:,catch, keep, mind, prevent, remember, stop, start, smell, excuse, spy , send, lead to, result in,She caught,her son,smoking a cigarette,we d better keep,the fire,burning,His words started,me,thinking seriously,The earthquake sent,the china and glass,crashing to the ground,That results in,the city,being buried by sand,


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