7A Unit5 Let’s celebrate reading课件(共51张)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,7A Unit 5,Lets celebrate!,Reading,Do you like Chinese New Year?,How many different festivals do you know in China or in the world?,the Spring Festival,get red pockets,Z x x k,play fireworks,watch the Spring Festival Gala,wear new clothes,eat dumplings,have lots of nice food,get together,Say Happy New Year to each other,a pumpkin lantern,a special costume,trick or treat,a mask,a halloween party,a special day-Halloween,dress up as,(,装扮,),a,ghost,dress up,Z x x k,play “trick or treat”,have a party,make pumpkin lanterns,Part B1:What do you know about Halloween,?,Date: 31 _,Activities:,_ up,wear _ or paint their_,make _,play_,have a _in the evening,October,dress,masks,faces,pumpkin lanterns,trick or treat,party,Reading,From,Wendy,To,Millie,Read quickly and answer:,When do people usually have a party to celebrate?,Z xx k,On the evening of 31 October.,1. What does Wendy thank Millie for?,2.How do children feel about this festival?,3. What activities do they do on the festival?,She thanks Millie for telling her about the,Mid-Autumn Festival .,They have lots of fun on that day.,They dress up, wear masks, paint their faces, make pumpkin lanterns, play “trick or treat”,and have a party.,4.What do people give children as a treat?,5. How do they play the game?,6. What do they enjoy at the Halloween party,?,They usually give the children candy as a treat.,They knock on peoples doors and.,They enjoy nice food and drinks.,1.People in the USA celebrate Halloween in October.,2. Halloween is not much fun for children.,3. People make lanterns out of oranges.,4. Children play “trick or treat” with their parents on Halloween.,5. People have a party on the morning of 31 October.,6. People enjoy nice food and drinks on Halloween.,F,T,T,F,F,F,Part B2: (T/F) questions,Language points,1. Thank you for. = Thanks for,Thank you/ Thanks,for,your help,.,Thank you/ Thanks for,helping,me with my work.,-Thank you for,telling,me about the,Mid-Autumn Festival .,Z xx k,-,You are welcome.,Its my pleasure.,Not at all.,感谢某人做某事,for,是介词,,介词后的动词要用动名词形式。,2. tell sb about sth,tell us about your school,tell you about your life,告诉某人某事,3.,on,October 31,on,Sunday,on,a cold morning,on,the evening,of,November 1,in,the morning,at,.,在周日,on,November 1, 2012,在,2012,年,9,月,1,号,在一个寒冷的早上,在,9,月,1,号下午,在早上,在,10,月,在,6,点,在早饭时间,at,breakfast,in,October,4.,How,do we celebrate it?,How,表示方式,He goes to work,on his bike,.,=He goes to work,by bike,.,How,does he go to work?,have (a lot of ) fun,have a good time,5. have lots of fun,doing,We _ a good _ _kites in the park.,We have _ _ fun _ kites in the park.,have time fly,ing,Millie _ a lot _ _ _pumpkin lanterns.,lots of fly,ing,has,of fun mak,ing,我们在公园里放风筝玩的很开心,米莉做南瓜灯玩的很开心。,6. dress up,我们在万圣节装扮。,We,dress up,at Halloween,.,我想在万圣节装扮成了鬼。,I want to,dresses up as,a ghost,at Halloween,.,7.wear sth,穿着衣服,表“穿着的,状态,”。,She is wearing a red T-shirt today.,强调,动作,:,强调,状态,:,put on,wear,8. paint,用颜料涂,painting,画画,=drawing,9. make pumpkin lanterns,=,make,lanterns,out of,pumpkins,make-out of-,看的出材料,看不出材料,makefrom-,We,make,a desk,out of,the wood.,We,make,bottles,out of,glass.,We,make,paper,from,the wood.,We,make,clothes,from,silk.,用,-,制成,-,10. pumpkin lantern,s,football field,s,basketball court,s,classroom building,s,女老师,男医生,wom,e,n teacher,s,m,e,n teacher,s,双复数,woman, man,11.Its,wonder,ful,.,真是精彩!,How many activities do people usually have at Halloween?,dress up, masks, paint,12.,When,the evening come,s, we,visit houses,and,play a game with,the people inside.,when,当,-,时候,I want to be a player,when,I grow up.,visit,拜访,visit his parents,play a game with sb.,在里面的人,在外面的树,the people,inside,the trees,outside,在我们学校附近的玩具店,at the toy shop,near our school,13. knock on their doors,knock on = knock at,敲黑板,knock on / at,the blackboard,14. shout “trick or treat”,shout,大声叫、嚷,When,I talk with my desk mate secretly,the head teacher always,shout,my name in class.,trick,treat,诡计,招待,give sb. sth.,“,给某人某物,”,give,后跟的是,双宾语,=give sth. to sb.,My mum,gives me some presents,.,= My mum,gives some presents,to,me,.,妈妈给了我一些礼物。,Give me these books, please.,= Give these books to me, please.,15.Usually, they give us,some candy,as a treat,.,请给我这些书。,16. If they do not give us a treat,we,play a trick on,them.,if,从句:引导条件状语从句,If,it rain,s, we,will,not go out.,If+,一般现在时, 主句(,一般现在时,/,一般将来时,),If,I,am,happy, I,do,my homework fast.,play a trick,on,sb.,捉弄某人、对某人使诡计,Simon often,plays a trick,on,his classmates,on April fools day,.,Trick or Treat,What else do people do at Halloween?,Trick or treat,knock on,shout,giveas a treat,play a trick on sb,How do people,play “trick or treat”?,17. We always,have a party,on the evening,of October 31,and,enjoy nice food and drinks,.,on,the evening,of,October 31st,have a party,在,10,月,31,号的晚上,We will go to school,on,the morning,of,September 5th.,She often reads English,in,the morning.,她经常在早上读英语。,我们,9,月,5,号的上午要去学校。,18. enjoy nice food and drink,s,enjoy,享受,She enjoys the weekend.,I enjoy the birthday party.,drink,指饮料的,种类,时,为,可数名词,指饮料的,量,时,为,不可数名词,19. Its really a,special,day.,这真的是特别的一天。,have a party,enjoy delicious food and drinks,What else do people do at Halloween?,Can you say something about Halloween?,dress up,wear masks,paint faces,make pumpkin lanterns,play trick or treat,knock on,shout,give as a treat,play a trick on,People_ Halloween on 31 October.,Children dress up and _masks.,Sometimes they _their faces.,People also make pumpkin lanterns.,They _on peoples doors and _ “trick or treat”.,People often give the children some _as a treat.,If they do not give us a treat, we play a trick on them.,celebrate,wear,paint,knock,shout,candy,Part B3,We always _ _ _ (,举行一个晚会,),_the evening _ October 31,and enjoy nice _and _.,It is really a _ day.,have a party,on of,food drinks,special,Andy: Millie, I have some questions. Do people in the USA celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival?,Millie: No, they seldom celebrate it. They celebrate _.,Andy: When do they celebrate it?,Millie: They celebrate it on _.,Andy: Do children have fun on that day?,Millie: Sure. They have _.,Andy: Do they play any games?,Millie: Yes, they _and play “trick or treat” with the people _.,Andy: Do they have a party on that day?,Millie: Sure. They always have a party in the evening. They enjoy nice _.,Andy: Does Wendy think the day is interesting?,Millie: Yes. She thinks it is really a _.,Halloween,31 October,lots of fun,knock on peoples doors,inside,food and drinks,special day,Part B4,(,)1. _ the evening of 31 October, we usually have a big party.,A. In B. On C. At D./,( ) 2.Thank you for _ me the good news.,A. giving B. giving C. give D .gives,( ) 3.Can you _ me _ your family?,A. tell; about B. tell; in,C. say; about D. talk; about,B,B,A,1.,美国人庆祝万圣节。,The people in the _,_ _,Halloween.,2.,孩子们和里面的人玩“不招待就使坏”。,Children play _ or_ with people _.,3.,人们给他们一些糖果作为招待。,People give them _ _ as a _.,4.,孩子们可以捉弄别人。,Children can _ _ _ _ people.,5.,他们装扮,戴面具,还做南瓜灯。,They _ _ and _ _ ,they,also make _ _.,翻译下面的句子,USA celebrate,trick treat,inside,some candy treat,play a trick on,dress up wear masks,pumpkin lanterns,1. People in the USA _ Halloween every year.,2. You can make a _ out of a pumpkin.,3. Our monitor often,_ _,as Father Christmas at the party.,celebrate,lantern,dresses up,Complete the following sentences,4. Wendy wears a _ costume at Halloween.,5. You should _ the door if you want somebody to open it.,6. Dont _,that small boy.,special,knock on,play a trick on,1. on October 31,2. have lots of fun,3. dress up,4. wear masks,5. paint our faces,6. make pumpkin lanterns,在,10,月,31,日,玩的高兴,装扮,戴面具,用颜料涂我们的脸,做南瓜灯笼,1.,当夜晚来到的时候,2.,拜访左邻右舍,3.,玩一个游戏,4.,与里面的人,5.,敲他们的门,6.,不招待就使坏,7.,给我们一些糖果做为招待,8.,捉弄某人,when the evening comes,visit houses,play a game,with the people inside,knock on their doors,trick or treat,give us some candy as a treat,play a trick on sb.,thank you for,tell me about ,the Mid-Autumn Festival,in the USA,on October 31,on that day,have lots of fun,谢谢你,告诉我关于,中秋节,在美国,在,10,月,31,日,玩的高兴,在那天,play a game with,the people inside,give us some candy,as a treat,have a party,on the evening of October 31,st,enjoy nice food and drinks,a special day,和,玩游戏,里面的人,给我们一些糖果,作为招待,开一个派对,在,10,月,31,号晚上,享受美食和饮料,特殊的一天,


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