八上 Unit 5 Period 2

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show ?,Period 2 section A (2a-2d),talk show,soap opera,sports show,sitcom,game show,Memory challenge,Say TV shows,Tell it like it is,Legal Report,CCTV News,News in 30 Minutes,Man and Nature,Chinese Cooking,Around China,Sports news,Lucky 52,Animal World,Culture China,人与自然,中国饮食,新闻联播,今日说法,中国各地,新闻,30,分,实话实说,幸运,52,动物世界,中国文化,体育新闻,Look and Match,Sports shows,Game,shows,Soap,operas,sitcoms,Talent,shows,Dale,Alan,A: What does,Dale,think of ?,B: He,.,.,Pair work : ask and answer according to the table,Do you like to watch,gameshows,? Why,?,Yes, I do. Because they are interesting. I can try to guess the answers to the questions,Do you like to watch,talkshows,? Why ?,Yes, I do. Because they are educational, I can learn much from them.,Do you like to watch news ? Why ?,Yes, I do. Because it is useful, I can know what is,going on around the world!,Do you like to watch sitcoms? Why ?,Yes, I do. Because they are interesting.,It is a great way to relax!,What do you like to watch ? Why ?,Discussion,talk show,soap opera,sports show,sitcom,game show,Lin,Hui,and Sallys are talking about TV shows, listen and answer the following question.,Lin,Hui,Sally,What TV shows are they talking about ?,sitcoms,2a,talk shows,news,game shows,soap operas,2a,Listen to Lin,Hui,and Sallys conversation. Number the TV shows 1-5,sitcoms,news,game,shows,talk shows,soap operas,1,2,4,3,5,1. Sally likes to watch _.,2. Lin,Hui,thinks she can learn _ _ from sitcoms.,3. Sally thinks _ are more educational than sitcoms.,4. Sally loves _. She plans to watch,Days of Our Past,_.,news or talk shows,some,game shows,soap operas,Listen again. Complete the sentences,.,tonight,great,jokes,2b,TV shows,Opinions,Lin,Hui,Sally,Sally,Sally,Watching sitcoms is a great way to relax! You can learn some great jokes,sitcoms,I dont like sitcoms. I think even game shows are better than sitcoms,sitcoms,I know you cant expect to learn,much from soap operas, but I have,to say I love watching them,Soap,operas,the news,or talk,shows,I like to watch the news or talk shows,I like shows that are more educational,Read and fill,2b,Sally:,Hi, Lin,Hui,. What are you watching ?,Lin,Hui,:,Hey, Sally. Im watching a really funny sitcom.,Sally:,Oh, I dont like sitcoms. What can you expect,to learn from them ? I like to watch the news,or talk shows,Lin,Hui,:,Watching sitcoms is a great way to relax!,You can learn some great jokes, too.,Sally:,Well, I like shows that are more educational.,I think even game shows are better than sitcoms.,You can try to guess the answers to the questions,Lin,Hui,:,Then what do you think of soap operas ?,Sally:,Oh, Umm, well, I know you cant expect to,learn much from soap operas, but I have to say,I love watching them ! I plan to watch Days,of Our Past tonight.,2a,Lin,Hui,Sally,Hi, Lin,Hui,. What,are you watching ?,Hey, Sally. Im watching,a really,sitcom,Read and fill,funny,2b,Lin,Hui,Sally,Oh, I dont like sitcoms.,What can you expect to,them ? I like to,watch the news,talk shows,sitcoms is,a great way to relax!,You can,some,great jokes, too.,learn from,or,Watching,learn,Read and fill,2b,Lin,Hui,Sally,Well, I like shows that are,educational. I think,even game shows are,.,than sitcoms. You can try,to,the answers to the questions,Then what do you,think of soap,operas ?,more,better,guess,Read and fill,2b,Lin,Hui,Sally,Oh, Umm, well, I know you cant,to learn much from soap operas, but I have to say I love,them ! I,to watch Days,of Our Past tonight.,expect,watching,plan,Read and fill,2b,Ask and answer questions about the TV shows in 2a. Use information that is true for you.,2c,A: Do you plan to watch the,news,tonight ?B: Yes. I like watching the news. I watch,it every night.,A: Why ?B: Because I hope to find out whats going,on around the world.,sitcoms game,shows talk shows soap operas,1.,What cant Grace stand?,What does she love?,2.,What are Sarahs favorite TV shows?,Why?,2d,Read and answer questions,Grace,Sarah,Graces classmates,2d,Read and match,soap operas,game shows and sports shows,news and talk shows,Grace,: What did you do in class today, Sarah?,Sarah:,We had a discussion about TV shows. My,classmates like game shows and sports shows.,Grace,: Oh,I cant stand,them.,I love soap operas.,I like to,follow the story and see what,happens,next.,Sarah:,Well,I dont mind,soap operas,. Bu my favorite,TV shows,are the news and,talk show,Grace,: Theyre boring!,Sarah:,Well, they may not be very exciting,but you can,expect to,learn a lot from them.,I,hope to,be a TV reporter one day.,2d Role-play the conversation.,Grace: What _ you do in class today, Sarah?,Sarah: We _ _ _ about TV shows.,My classmates like game shows and sport show.,Grace: Oh, I _ _them. I love soap operas.,I like _ follow the story and see _,happens next.,Sarah: Well, I _ _ soap operas. But my,favorite TV shows are _ _ and _ _,Grace: They are _,Sarah: Well, they _ not be _, but you can,_ _ _ a lot _ them. I hope,to be a TV reporter _ _.,2d,Read and fill,TV shows,What can people expect to learn?,News,Sitcoms,soap operas,game shows,find out whats,going on,around the world.,we can learn some,joke,s,.,guess the answers to the questions,follow the story and see what,happens,next,What can you expect to learn from the following TV shows ?,Discussion,Writing task,用所学的句型就电视节目话题编一组对话,A:,B:,A:,B:,1.,游戏节目,2.,脱口秀,3.,体育节目,4.,肥皂剧,5.,电视节目,6.,电视记者,7.,在班上,8.,跟着故事走,9.,希望做某事,10.,总有一天,11.,进行讨论,game shows,talk shows,sports shows,soap operas,TV shows,TV reporter,in class,follow the story,hope /expect to do,one day,have a discussion,3.,你们今天班上做什么了?,我们进行了一次有关电视剧的讨论,.,What _ you _ in class today, Sarah?,We _ _ _ _TV shows.,did do,had a discussion about,I like to _ _ _and see,_ _ next.,2.,我喜欢跟着电视剧走,看看下面发生了什么事,follow the story,what happens,3.,他们可能不太刺激,但是我希望从中学到很多,东西,我希望有一天会成为一个电视记者,They _ _ _very exciting, but,you can expect _ _a lot _ them.,I hope _ _a TV reporter one day,may not be,to learn,from,to be, 你想看新闻吗?,Do you want to _ _ _?,你觉得谈话节目怎么样?,What do you _ _ _ shows?,我不介意看。,/,我不能忍受。,/,我喜欢看。,I dont _ them. I _ _ them.,I _ _ them.,你计划今晚上看什么节目?,_ do you_ _watch tonight?,根据汉语,完成句子,watch the news,think of talk,mind,cant stand,dont like,What plan to, 我计划看,我们过去的时代,。,I _ _ watch,Days of Our Past,.,你期望从情景喜剧中学到什么?,What can you _ _ _ from sitcoms?,你能学到一些很好的笑话。,You can _ some great _.,你为什么喜欢看新闻呢?,Why do you like _ _ _?,因为我希望查明在世界各地发了什么事情?,Because I _ _ _ _ whats _ _ around the world.,plan to,expect to learn,learn jokes,watching the news,hope to find out,going on,1. want to ,2. expect to ,3. hope to ,My sister wants to join a music club.,Mr. Li expects to visit America next year.,My cousin hopes to get good grades in math.,Exercises,用下列词组来造句。,4. plan to ,5. find out,We plan to help Mr. Li clean his office tomorrow.,Can you find out when the train will leave?,常见的跟动词不定式做宾语的动词,:,想要,_,期望,_,希望,_,计划,_,决定,_,开始,_,开始,_,尽力,_,要求,_,动词不定式的形式:,to +,动词原形,e.g. Jack,wants to buy,some flowers for Mr.,Wu.,杰克想给吴老师买些花。,want,expect,hope,plan,decide,begin,start,try,动词不定式做宾语的用法,ask,1.,进行一次关于,.,的讨论,_,2.,从,.,学到,_,3.,期待做,._,4.,期待某人做,._,5.,一天,有朝一日,_=_,6.,喜剧节目,_,7.,查明、弄清,_,8.,你能期待从新闻中学到什么?,_,9.,我喜欢跟随着故事,看看接下来会发生什么。,_,用适当的介词填空,What do you think _the news?,We can learn a lot _the TV.,Lets go _reading the words .,How _playing basketball with me ?,Thank you _helping me with my English.,根据汉语意思完成句子,1.,我父亲不介意看体育节目。,My father _ _watching sports shows,2.,我从不想看游戏节目。,I _ _ to watch a game show.,1).-What _,you think of soap operas?,-I _ stand _,.,2).-What _,your classmates think of sports shows?,-They _ mind _.,3).-What _ she think of my new shirt?,- She _ like _,.,4).-What_,Tony think of the food?,-He likes _,.,5).-What _,they,think of the cat?,-They love _,.,do,cant,them,do,dont,them,does,doesnt,it,does,it,do,it,根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词,1,、,-What do you,t_of,Ann ?,-She is a good girl.,2.My sister likes watching talents_,Yesterday I saw an,e_film,.,My sister wants to be a _(,记者,)one day .,We all _(,期待,) to watch a football match.,两人一组,编写对话。,A: What do you want to watch tonight? B: I want to watch.,A: Why? B: Because.,Host: Welcome to 9 oclock Weekend Talk. Were talking to Alan,a thirteen-year-old,boy. Welcome to the show, Alan.,Alan: Thank you.,Host: Do you like to watch TV/,Alan: Yes, I do.,Host: What do you think of Sports News?,Alan:_.,Host:I do,too,How about,Healthy Living?,Alan:_.,I like it.,I dont like it.,Host:Really?What do you think,of,_?,Alan:I love it.,Host: And Culture China?,Alan:_,Host:How about Chinese Cooking?,Alan: Oh, I cant stand it. Cooking is for moms!,Host: OK! Thanks for joining us, Alan!Next were talking to,English Today,I like it.,【,拓展,】,省略,to,的不定式,有些动词后面跟动词不定式时,应将不定式符号,to,省去。常见的动词有,let, make, feel, help, watch, hear,等。,e.g.,让我来帮助你。,Let me,help,you.,你能帮助我打扫房间吗?,Can you,help me,clean,the house?,【,拓展,】,后面跟,do,ing,的动词,常见的动词有,enjoy, finish, practice, mind keep,等。,你喜欢看电视吗?,Do you enjoy,watching,TV.,你完成作业了吗,?,Did you finish,doing,your homework,【,拓展,】,后面跟,do,ing/ to do,都可以的动词,常见的动词有,like, love, start, begin,等。,你喜欢看电视吗?,Do you like,watching/,to watch,TV.,1. want to ,2. expect to ,3. hope to ,My sister wants to join a music club.,Mr. Li expects to visit America next year.,My cousin hopes to get good grades in math.,Exercises,用下列词组来造句。,4. plan to ,5. find out,We plan to help Mr. Li clean his office tomorrow.,Can you find out when the train will leave?,1. She expects _ (arrive) tomorrow.,2. Lets _ (watch) talk shows tonight.,3. They hope _ (visit) the Great Wall next year.,4. Do you plan _ (find) a part-time job?,5. When do you want _ (go) swimming?,6. My uncle often helps me _ (learn) English.,to find,to go,to visit,watch,learn,用动词的适当形式填空。,to arrive,堂堂清,A: Why do you like watching,News,?,B,: Because I,hope to,find out whats,going on,around the world.,game shows,talent shows,cartoons,sitcoms,soap operas,they are fun to watch,.,they are a bit interesting.,.,we can guess the answer to the questions,.,we can learn some,joke,s,.,they are a great way to relax.,.,talk shows,they are,education,al,.,We,expect,to learn from them,.,d,u,k,edkenl,ikspekt,1.,你想看新闻吗?,Do you want to _ _ _?,2.,你觉得谈话节目怎么样?,What do you _ _ _?,3.,我不介意看。,/,我不能忍受。,/,我喜欢看。,I dont _ them. I _ _ them. I _ _ them.,4.,你计划今晚上看什么节目?,_ do you _ _ watch tonight?,think of talk shows,watch the news,mind,cant stand,根据课本内容,完成下列句子。,love watching,plan to,What,堂堂清,5.,我计划看,我们过去的时代,。,I _ _ watch,Days of Our Past,.,6.,你期望从情景喜剧中学到什么?,What can you _ _ _ from sitcoms?,7.,你能学到一些很好的笑话。,You can _ some great _.,8.,你为什么喜欢看新闻呢?,Why do you like _ _ _?,9.,因为我希望了解在世界各地发生了什么事情。,Because I _ _ _ _ whats going on around the world.,plan to,expect to learn,learn jokes,watching the news,hope to find out,堂堂清,


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