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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Useful Expressions &Difficult Sentences,第二册复习,Unit 1 Text A,阐述对,的看法,give thoughts to ,繁华的中国东部城市南京,the bustling eastern Chinese city of Nanjing,一点也不在意,be not bothered in the least,被系在,上,be attached to,探索行为,ones exploratory behavior,初试成功,the initial success,偶尔,on occasion,没有尽父母的责任,neglect ones parental duties,与,直接相关,be directly relevant to ,儿童早期教育,early childhood education,揭示,throw light on,独自;靠自己,on ones own,希望的结果,a desirable outcome,在适当的时候,in due course,弥补,补偿,make up for,回想起来,in retrospect,善意的中国旁观者,well-intentioned Chinese observers,前来帮助某人,come to sbs rescue,极其熟练地,with extreme facility,适用于,apply to,发展到,evolve to,把着手交,teaching by holding ones hand,重视创新与自立,value originality and independence,一方面,另一方面,on the one hand,on the other hand,站在巨人肩膀之上,standing on the shoulders of giants,值得追求的目标,worthwhile goals,接某人;不经意间习得,pick up sb. / sth.,But one of the most telling,lessons,Ellen and,I,got,in,the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education,came,not in the classroom but,in,the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing.,He probably got,as much,pleasure,out of the sounds the key made,as,he did those few times when the key actually found its way into the slot.,他能吃多少,我就给了他多少。,I gave him as much,as,he could eat.,他赚的钱都给了他的女朋友。,As much,as,he earned was given to his girlfriend.,关系代词,用以引导定语从句,I soon realized that this incident,was,directly,relevant to,our assigned tasks in China: to investigate the ways of early childhood education (especially in the arts), and to,throw light on,Chinese attitudes toward creativity.,我的中国同行,除了少数几个人外,对此事的,态度,与金陵饭店工作人员,一样。,With a few exceptions my Chinese colleagues,displayed,the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.,但,关键在于,,在这个过程中,我们试图让本杰明懂得,一个人是能够,很好地,自行,解决,问题的。,But,the critical point was that, in the process, we were trying to teach Benjamin that one can,solve a problem effectively,by oneself.,回想起来,,当时,我就清楚地意识到,,这件事正是体现了问题的关键之所在,而且不仅仅是,一种意义上,的关 键之所在。,In retrospect,it became clear to me,that this incident was indeed key and key in,more than one sense,.,Unit 2 Text A,动身前往某处,be off to ,冷冷清清的市政广场,the sleepy town square,一个偏远小镇,a remote town,一辆旧的轻便货车,an old pickup truck,做某事未被发觉或惩罚,get away with sth.,弯弯曲曲的乡间小道,these windy back road,人人都说,by/from all accounts,融洽,十分协调,blend in,盛气凌人,throw ones weight around,专座,a reserved seat,开门,打开,open up,遵守,不改变,hold firm to,奔波,逃避,(be) on the run,避开,避免,steer clear of ,组成,构成,make up,有可能做某事,be liable to do sth.,制定,设立,lay down,学院奖学金,a college scholarship,灾难救助金,a disaster relief fund,加盟,入伙,come aboard,Unit 3 Text A,新校区的位置,the location of the new campus,中心地带,a central location,(电影)外景拍摄地,movies on location,齐声歌唱,sing in unison,一起行动,/,努力,act in unison,把,作为例外,make an exception (of sb./sth.),无例外,一律,without exception,永不枯竭的主题,an unexhausted subject,社会服务,community service,学术界,the community of scholars,用一物换取另一物,trade sth. for sth. else,绚丽的日出,glorious sunrise,光荣的历史,glorious history,愉快的周末,a glorious weekend,多才多艺的人,a talented person,音乐天才,a gifted musician,Unit 4 Text A,虚拟世界,a virtual life / world,电视制片人,a television producer,某事借助电脑系统维系,sth. be computer-assisted,有时,at times,吸收,汲取,take sth. In,感到对,.,厌恶,feel an aversion to sth.,一种逃避,a form of escape,缺乏自律,a lack of discipline,面对,be confronted with,然而,但另一方面,but then,及时了解或跟上,keep up with,对某人毫无用处,be of possible use to sb.,可看到的,临近的,be in sight,脾气暴躁的,be bad-tempered,某人刻薄的言辞,ones wounding remarks,情感暗示,线索,emotional cues,日常生活,daily routine,吸毒,drug abuse,恢复平衡,restore balance,使分离,使分开,set apart,约会,make an appointment,安排采访,面试,arrange an interview,I start to feel as though Ive,become one,with,my machine, taking data in, spitting them back out, just another link in the Net.,军队必须和人民,打成一片。,The army must become one with the people.,And once you start,replacing,real human contact,with,cyber-interaction, coming,back,out,of,the cave can be quite difficult.,“二重介词”,他从树后面跳下来。,He jumped from behind the tree.,I began to,understand,why,long-term unemployment can be so damaging,why,life,(,without an externally supported daily plan,),can lead to higher rates of drug abuse, crime, suicide.,Understand the reason why,Explain the reason why,电视节目中的说话声让人,感到宽慰,,可那些广告,又叫我心烦,。,The voices of the programs,are comforting, but then,Im jarred by,the commercials.,此外,,近来她每天花两个小时时间与电脑,厮守,在一起。,On top of that,she has lately started spending some two hours,in intense communication with,a computer.,她们深知你的,弱点,,知道如何,乘虚而入,。,They always know where,your weak points,are, just where to,slip in under your guard,.,我脑子里,虚构,出来的最可怕的,场景,就,像一部恐怖片,。,The worst scenes my mind,dreams up,play like a horror movie.,Unit 5 Text A,某人职业生涯中最具挑战的一天,the most challenging day of ones career,任何田径赛中最精彩的一项,the highlight of any track and field competition,将,A,和,B,相结合,combine A with B,某事对某人来说仅仅是个幻想,sth. be a mere fantasy to sb.,鸟瞰,a birds eye view,深呼吸,take a deep breath,像雄鹰一样翱翔,soar like an eagle,专注的目光和自由的精神,a keen eye and the free spirit,一个彻头彻尾的现实主义者,a hardcore realist,对,.,的回报,a reward for .,对,沾沾自喜,be vain about ,打破个人最好成绩,beat ones personal best,是做,.,的时候了,it is/was time for.,驱逐紧张感,shake the tension,舒展双臂和上体,stretch out ones arms and upper body,自豪的泪水,tears of pride,祝贺某人,congratulate sb. on sth.,创造新的世界纪录,set a new world record,The pole vault is truly the highlight of any track and field competition. It,combines,the grace of a gymnast,with,the strength of a body builder.,迈克尔一下子被,围住,了,人们,拥抱,他,,祝贺,他所取得的一生中最辉煌的成就。,Michael was immediately,surrounded,by people,hugging,and,congratulating,him on the greatest accomplishment of his life.,我认为在这整个世界里,,就我一个人,被选中去受苦受难。,I believed that in this whole world,I alone,had been chosen to suffer.,刹那间,时间凝固了,,我感到万分的羞愧和震惊。我从来没有这么难受过。,In the next few frozen seconds, the shame and horror of that moment penetrated, and I was sick with an intensity I had never felt before.,Unit 6,把改,convert into,对一无所,dont know the first thing about,把区分开来,distinguish from,渴望独立,be craving independence,不禁不寒而栗,cant help shuddering,处于劣势,at a disadvantage,在方面,when it comes to,偶然闯进,stumble into,轻而易举地把它学,极有可能,theres a strong chance that,把成绩提高到 A,pull the grade up to an A,恐惧的时,moments of panic,基于,be based on,文化熏陶,cultural cues,人不是孤岛。,No man is an island,毫无疑问, 不可否,Theres no denying that,与相关联,be relevant to,不容改变的结,hard and fast conclusions,生来就懂,be born knowing,it comes easily to somebody,咬紧牙学好它,grit your teeth to get good at it,And its,not so much,the results of the action that have reshaped me,(although thats important, too),as,it is the realization that I have within myself what it takes to do what I set out to do.,Not so much as,与其说是,不如说是,“,It wasnt so much the clothes as the man himself who impressed immediately,我所喜欢的,与其说是他的外表,不如说是他的个性。,It wasnt so much his appearance I liked as his personality,此外,给我带来新的生活的,与其说是自己努力取得的结果(虽然这也很重要),不如说是由于意识到自 己具有潜在的能力可以做自己想做的事。,某一门课程难学,并不意味着你就不擅长它。你得咬紧牙加倍努力干,才能学好它。一旦你学好了,你就很 可能喜欢上它,从中得到无与伦比的乐趣。,Just because a subject is difficult to learn, it does not mean you are not good at it. You just have to,grit your teeth,and work harder to get good at it. Once you do, theres a strong chance you will enjoy it more than anything else.,但有时,每当意识到,别人对自己的期待,时,,我,又会由于自我怀疑和对未来捉摸不定而,感到心情沉重,。,But sometimes, after realizing what was expected of me, I would,be weighed down,by self-doubt and uncertainty,


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