变色龙英文 契诃夫

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,二级,三级,四级,五级,14-4-30,#,A Chameleon,By Anton Chekhov,Author,The story,The chameleon,The puppy,The overcoat,The darkness Russia,Outline,The Otchunyelov,The news,report,Goldsmiths,apology,The story theme,The end,Anton Pavovich Chekhov(1860-1904),Author,Russian novelist, dramatist, short story artist, and,criticism,realist writer,of the late 19 century Russian.,He and French Maupassant, American O. Henry are three famous short story masters.,“The Lady,W,ith,T,he,D,og”,“A Chameleon”,The Story,A puppy bites the goldsmiths finger, the police superintendent Otchumyerov solves this case, he recognizes the puppy whether belongs to the General . At the end, the cook of the general recognizes the puppy and take it away.,THE chameleon,THE CHAMELEON,The Chameleon In Nature:,Chameleon is a kind of reptiles, chameleon can change,skin color,as the surrounding environment to protect themselves safely.,The Chameleon In Society:,A kind of person who is,changeable,or,inconstant,. They change different,attitudes,to different people.,The puppy,The dog must be strangled (Unknown),Its a little dog( belong to General),They would strangle it in a twinkling(not belong to General),A dog is a delicate animal(belong to General),Its a stray dog! It must be destroyed (not belong to General),Its not bad pup. A lively creature(belong to Generals brother),Who,se dog?,The overcoat,Take off-3 times,Wear up-2 times,Otchumyelov is nervous when he feels he is wrong.,Hypocritical,Ugly lackeys,The darkness russia,Otchumyelov,He is the symbol of all police,He is the czars lackeys.,He represents the darkness society,He is selfish,Weak and easy swayed people as chameleon.,News report,Goldsmiths apology,Goldsmith,Hrykin: “I did not know that it was the Generals dog, I am sorry for the General, It may be a valuable dog, I stuck a cigar in its mouth, and hope general does not blame me for what I did”. Hrykins finger was not very seriously injured, and he paid the medical bill himself. He is prepared to buy some sausage to let cook Prohor bring to the Generals dog.,Story theme,This is an ironic short story. Chekhov wants to show the darkness society at last century, he satires czars lackeys and normal people who are living as chameleon.,The end,Thx ur attentions,


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