施心远主编《听力教程》3 (第2版)Unit 11课件

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Women, the elderly, the young, the single parent, the widowed and the unemployed are most at risk.,Young mothers at home with children under five are particularly vulnerable to loneliness and depression because of the transition from working wife to housebound mother. Elderly people, particularly those who move toa new area on retirement, may be isolated from their families and friends. Illness, disability and fear of going out alone also combine to turn many pensioners into prisoners in their own homes. Teenagers natural shyness and self-consciousness may make them awkward in the company of their peers and the opposite sex. Single parents feel cut off from a couple-orientated society. Divorce can be shattering to the self-esteem. With so many social contacts being made through work, unemployment can also lead to loneliness.,Section Two,Listening Comprehension,Part 1 Dialogue Deputy Editor,Focus:,Recognizing facts,Understanding colloquial speechaccent, link-ups, etc.,Removing redundancy,Vocabulary:,entail,inteil make (sth) necessary; involve,使(某事物)必要,;,牵涉,:,This job entails a lot of hard work.,这项工作需要十分努力,.,sub-editor,助理编辑,stand in,:,代替,代表,lead,: lead story,(报纸或新闻广播的)头条,distasteful,disteistful unpleasant; disagreeable,使人不愉快的,;,不合意的,unethical,ne,ikl adj.,不道德的,缺乏职业道德的,sort out,弄清楚,解决,eccentric,iksentrika.,古怪的,异乎寻常的,tedious,ti:dis a.,乏味的,单调的,correspondence,krispndns n.,信件;通信,(,联系,),errand,ernd n.,差使,差事,跑腿,day-release,adj.,白天半脱产进修的,chief reporter,首席记者,His,responsibilities as a Deputy Editor,_the reporters, sports writers and sub-editors;,_ for the Editor sometimes.,Ray Jones typical working day,Starts at about _, and finds out whats going on in the _, what are the _ of the day, and whats going to be the _. Gets on with the Deputy Editor tasks.,Mailbag column,Takes care of _. That can be great _. Of course, dealing with the correspondence has its _ side as well.,Leader column,Each day there will be an article about _ words on some matter of _, which expresses the newspapers _.,Supervises,Stands in,7:15,newsroom,best stories,front page lead,readers letters,fun,tedious,300,public concern,opinion,Newspaper,Time,Work,Liverpool Echo,At the age of _,Worked as _, making _, polishing _ and so on.,After _,Became a _, gained some experience as a reporter by _.,Birmingham Mail,Became a _, and then a _.,(A couple of other papers),Became _ on the last paper.,_,Deputy Editor,15,an errand boy,tea,floors,a year,junior reporter,attending day-release classes,sub-editor,chief reporter,News Editor,Evening Post,Part 2 Passage,Building Friendships with Your Young Children,Sentence Dictation,Vocabulary,:,footing,futi n.,立脚点;基础,cement,siment n.,水泥,pier,pi n.,建,支柱;桥墩,桥柱,physical affection,身体爱抚,verbal affirmation,f:mein,口头肯定,manipulate,mnipjuleit vt.,操纵,控制,影响,consciously,knsli adv.,有意识地,自觉地,savings bond,n.,储蓄债券,1. Footings are cement piers upon which the entire building rests. They are crucial to the strength of the finished structure.,2. In a similar way in these brief early years, parents of young children have the challenging job of laying the foundation that will support family friendships in later years.,3. Physical affection and verbal affirmation are necessary in laying a strong foundation for friendship. Kids need the warmth of physical contact and so do you.,4. A young child will try to manipulate and be in charge. While the child may not be consciously trying to control, this is what he is doing.,5. These early years are similar to taking out a savings bond. We put much into our childrens lives, but we dont see much return on our initial investment for several years.,Sentence Dictation,Exercise C: Detailed Listening,1._ 2. _,3. _ 4._,5._ 6._,7._ 8._,A,D,B,C,B,A,A,D,Exercise D After-listening Discussion,1)It is a metaphor. Laying a solid foundation is crucial to building a church. The author compares the process of building friendships with children to that of constructing a new church building. If the foundation is strong since inception then when storms hurricanes and earthquakes hit it will surely hold and the building will be safe and sound.,2)(Open),Section Three News,Focus,:,Recognizing facts; Outlining;,Summary.,Vocabulary:,donor,dun n.,捐赠人,fraught,fr:t a.,充满的,be fraught with sth=be filled with sth,bolster,bulst vt.,支持,鼓励,Horn of Africa,非洲之角,非洲东部地区。位于印度洋和亚丁湾之间的非洲陆地最东端,范围包括埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚、索马里和吉布提。,rampant,rmpnta.,猖獗的,肆虐的,piracy,pairsi n.,非法翻印,海盗行为,strapped,strpt adj pred,作表语, (for sth) not having enough (of sth, esp money),短缺(尤指钱),beef up,v.,加强,增援,充实,understaffed,ndst:ft adj.,人员不足的,News Item 1,This news item is about,the donors conference on Somalia.,Exercise A: Summary,Ex. B Listen to the news again and answer the following questions.,They are worried about,the rampant piracy off Somalias shores,.,2. The UN hopes to raise,about $166 million,to beef up Somalian security.,3. They,are financially strapped from fighting the global economic crisis,.,4. The UN expects,representatives at the conference to come up with a 100-day plan to rebuild stability in Somalis,.,5. They are,Somali President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, along with the heads of the African Commission and Arab League and representatives of nearly three dozen nations,.,News Item 2,Vocabulary:,fuel,fjul vt.,刺激;,加燃料,(,油,),eligible,elidbl adj.,有资格的,合适的,foreclose,f:kluz v.,取消抵押品的赎回权,排除,foreclosure,f:klu foreclosing a mortgage n.,抵押品赎回权的取消,elusive,ilu:siv adj.,难懂的,难捉摸的,Exercise A:,Listen to the news and complete the summary,This news item is about,the improvement of the U.S. housing market.,Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.,1. F,2. F,3. F,4. T,5.T,6.F,News Item 3 Immigrant Remittances,Vocabulary:,remittance,rimitns,: the sum of money sent; the sending of money,汇款,汇款额,ironically,airnikli ad.,具有讽刺意味地,haphazard,hphzd a.,杂乱的,anthropology,n,rpldi n.,人类学,Exercise A:,Listen to the news and complete the summary,Its about,the effects of immigrant remittances on Latin American countries,.,Ex. B. Listen and fill in the blanks.,The Immigrant Remittances,Effects,Influence on local economy,Method,to their families, but also,Additional contributions,giving governments their,generally beneficial,changing the nature of a local economy,sending money,funding community-wide projects,a free welfare system,


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