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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,I. The headline(,标题,),Two types,:,1,、,主标题,(headline),,,usu. Larger printing or sometimes colorful printing to attract the readers attention,2.,次标题,(sub-headline), usu. under the headline, to provide further information or to explain the headline,headline,the title of a newspaper story that is printed in large letters:The Sydney Morning Herald carried the headline: Sorry Maam, Most Australians Want a Republic.,the headlines1,the most important stories in the news:The fuel crisis continues to dominate the headlines.,2,make/hit/grab the,headlines-to,become famous by being reported in the news,Features of the headline,I. Omission(,省略,),1.Function words (,虚词,)such as articles, prep, conj, auxiliary v. or,pron,are often omitted in the headline. “To be ” is also often omitted,Eg,. 1). Italian Ex-mayor Murdered,= (An ) Italian Ex-mayor (Is)Murdered,2) Married Women (Are)to Get Care Allowance,3). Rail Chaos Getting Worse,=(The) Rail Chaos (Is) Getting Worse,4) Journalist fired in spy debate=(A Journalist is fired in spy debate),5),Irish group kills ex-chief,= (,An,),Irish group kills,(,its,),exchief,2. “And” is often replaced by “,”,Eg,. 1). Thailand , Malaysia Ink Sea Treaty,=Thailand (and)Malaysia Ink (a)Sea Treaty,2)Woman Kills Husband , Herself,=(A) Woman Kills (Her)Husband (and)Herself,3. Link verb “be ”or some other verbs like “say, show/reveal,etc.”are,replaced by “:” or “,”,Eg,. 1),Chinese acrobats,:,masters of stunts (=The Chinese acrobats are masters of stunts),2) Mao : We Should Support Third World Countries,= Mao (Says) (That) We Should Support (the )Third World Countries,(3) Little anti-US feelingdiplomat,=(A diplomat says there is little anti-US feeling),(4) Economy Grows Slowly as Unemployment, Inflation RiseEconomists,(Economists Say that Economy Grows Slowly as Unemployment and Inflation Rise),II. Simplification of the tense,(,动词时态简化),1.,“Present tense”,(,一般现在时),is used very often,1). Things which happened in the past (,过去发生的事情,),eg,. 13,die,as crowded Van Crosses M4,2) Things which are happening.,Eg,. Schools,Ask,Parents for Money toward Books,3) Things which are going to happen,Eg,. Swedish Oil Deliveries,Halt,as Strike Spreads,4) Things which have happened,Eg,. EU,Plans,to Boost Frances Recovery,2. “to do ”,(,动词不定式),is used to stand for “future tens”,(,将来时态),Eg.1) Peking to Fire Test Rocket to South Pacific,2) At Least 4 to Leave Cabinet as Clinton Begins New Transition,III. Acronyms(,首字母缩略词,) / abbreviations (,缩写词,),1. Initial names/acronyms of proper names (organizations / agencies/disease) and common names (professions/ranks) are often used in headlines.,Eg,. 1). EUs Future : The Vision and the Slog,EU= European Union,2) IMF to recruit new members,(IMF=International Monetary Fund),3,),RAFs New Jet Makes Debut,(RAF=Royal Air Force),CIA= Central Intelligence Agency,GOP=grand old party/Republican,NATO=north Atlantic Treaty Organization,APEC,OPEC, WHO, IOC, MIT, FBI, NASA etc.,ABM=anti-ballistic missile,反弹道导弹,ICBM=Intercontinental Ballistic Missile,SALT=strategic arms limitation talks,限制战略武器会谈,WMD=weapons of mass,distruction,EST=Eastern Standard Time,GMT=Greenwich Mean Time,PR,UFO,World Shocked as Top Soccer Star Gets,AIDS,(AIDS,acquired immune deficiency syndrome),PC,fax,sales expected to soar,1 Aussie PM sacks gentle treasurer,(Aussie PM,Australian Prime Minister),2 Rally calls for more black MPs,(MPs,members of parliament),US Refuses,ME talks,date change,WASHINGTON-The US administration on Thursday turned down Arab request for setting a new starting time for the,Middle East peace talks.,-The Guardian, Dec.6, 1991,2. Abbreviations,are also often used in headlines to save space and make headlines,1). No Hope for 118 Crew of Russian Sub,Sub =submarine,2) University Entry Hard for Would-be Vets,Vet=veteran,3) New Groups to Boost Hi-tech Research,Hi-tech =high technology,4) 0verseas co-op to get boost (co-op-co-operations),5). EEC warns Nuke Arms Spread,(Nuke,Nuclear weapon),6),Reagan VS,Right wing on Ballistic Missile,Defence,(VS,Versus),IV. Midget words(,小字,),-midget words or single-syllable words are often used in headline,Eg.1) the Gems of War (gems =jewels,宝石,),2). TV,Airs,“Facts” on Arms Delivery,Air= to make known,3) Soviets,Assail,US on A-tests,Assail = to criticize strongly,4) Governor to,Axe,Aid?,Axe= dismiss from a job, to cut ,take away,5) Unions,Back,Peace Move,Back= support,6) Bus,Ban,on Pupils after Attack on Crew,Ban= prohibition,7) Club Faces Shutdown for,Barring,Women,Bar=not to allow, exclude,8) Man,Claims,Ghost sighting,Claim= to declare to be true,9) Bombs,Claims,40,Claim =to kill,10) Peace,Drive,Succeeds,Drive = campaign, efforts,11) Womens Groups,Eye,Court Vote,Eye = to watch with interest,12) Fuel Strike,Hits,Hospital,Hit = to affect badly,13) 7,held,for Gambling,Hold = to keep in police control, detain,14) Thailand, Malaysia,Ink,Sea Treaty,Ink = to sign,15) Post Office Profits,Top,$40 million,Top =to exceed,16) Reagan,weighs,Tax Increase,Weigh =to consider,简短小词,标题除偏爱使用短小动词外,还常常选用简短、字母数少的名词或名词词组。如,accord,与,agreement,,,aide,与,assistant,,,aim,与,purpose,,,rally,与,amass assembly,,,drive,与,campaign,,,talk,与,negotiation,等。例如:,QUAKE DEATH TOLL MAY TOP 2000(,THE DEATH TOLL IN THE EARTHQUAKE MAY EXCEED 2000),地震死亡人数估计已逾两干,NEW GROUPS BOOST HITECH RESEARCH(,NEW GROUPS PROMOTE HIGH TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH),新兴集团推动高新技术研究,BAKER,,,JAPAN VISIT OFF,,,ARMS ISSUE HOT(,BAKERs,JAPAN VISIT IS OFF AND THE MILITARY WEAPONS ISSUE IS HOT),军备问题争论激烈贝克取消访日之行,Classifications of the headline,(,标题分类),According to the form and the content :,1. Summary(,摘要式,)/statement(,陈述式,),:,the main points are summarized,stated in the headline, easy to understand,Eg,. Taiwan Recognizes Mainland Currency,2. Question(,设问式,):,1),Sth,is likely to happen in future,Eg,. Oil price to Rise?,OPEC to Raise Oil Output?,2) doubts about something,Eg,. A Europe “With One Voice”?,3. Quotation (,引语式,):,Eg,. “We Have to Save Our People”, “We Wont Quit”,Lead(,导语,),-it is usu. located in the first paragraph or first few paragraphs, and summarizes the news/information usually including 5 Ws & 1 H (When, Where, Who, What, Why, How),Forms of lead(,导语形式,),:,1). Summary lead(,概括式,),,,一般放在开头,以一个完整的句子总结出新闻的诸要素。这种导语主要用于重大新闻硬新闻(,hard news,),包括了,5 Ws & 1 H,的,信息。句法上常常带有较长的分词短语同位语从句,). Narrative lead(,叙述式,),,常用于特写文章(,features,),或时间性不强的一般新闻软新闻,(soft news),。,叙述性导语一般分为段,合起来成为导语区(,lead block,),.,3) Comparative lead,(,对比照式,),把两个人或两件事情进行对比对照,用以强调现在的变化。,Eg,.,When Buster Jones took over the little bar on Main Street in Wellston, his hair was the color sometimes referred to as “fire in the woodshed,木棚,”.,Now theres “snow on the rooftop, ”and next January Buster will celebrate his 40,th,year in business at the same little bar. He took a little time Wednesday to reflect on some of the changes in Busters Old Inn since Jan. 1,1946,when he went into business for himself,4) Quotation lead(,引语式,),,引用新闻中主要人物的话,使人觉得好象他她在直接与读者对话。,Eg,.,As Yogi Berth would say: “It,aint,over till its over .”But yesterday it was over-at least for now.,(,aint,= wont be),内容提要,(News summary ),和,简明新闻(,news briefs,),、,内容提要,(News summary ),:,通常放在头版(,front page,),扼要介绍当天最主要的新闻,有的以索引(,index,),列出各栏目所在页码。,、,简明新闻(,news briefs,),:,一般把当天发生的非主要新闻集中在一起,只交代事情的时间、地点、人物、简单经过等,也有一个扼要的标题,让读者知道有关消息。,


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