The Happiness Hypothesis幸福假说

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,9/21/2012,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,9/21/2012,#,Harnett County Schools,Continuous Improvement,2012-13,Coats-Erwin, Dunn, and Harnett Central Middle Schools,HB 200 Day #1, September 21, 2012,2,Our goal (and the new accountability models goal) is to,improve student outcomes,increase graduation rates, and,close achievement gaps.,Purpose,Align and Clarify . . .,expectations,and,actions,!,Objective for October 4, 2011,District and school teams,will begin building a,problem-solving,culture,for continuous improvement.,3,4,7,Step 7,Analysis of the,Intervention Plan,make a team decision on the effectiveness of the,intervention,1,Step 1,Define the,Problem,Develop a behavioral,(observable) definition,of problem,2,Step 2,Develop an,Assessment Plan,Generate a hypothesis and assessment questions,related to the problem,3,Step 3,Analysis of the Assessment Plan,Determine if problem is correctly defined,4,Step 4,Generate a Goal Statement,Specific Description of the changes expected in student,behavior,5,Step 5,Develop an Intervention Plan,Base interventions on best practices and research-proven strategies,6,Step 6,Implement the Intervention Plan,Provide strategies, materials, and resources: include,progress monitoring,Data,5,Concerns from the field . . . ?,For example . . .,What are our barriers to success?,Insufficient Rigor,Non-collaborative Relationships,Inadequate Time-on-Task,Failure to shift daily paradigm to,more,“student talk” (move from,Sage on the Stage,to,Guide on the Side,),Weak Learning Targets/ Formative Assessment,Limited Student Engagement,Dont recognize the need for change (uncomfortable),.,6,What do,we,expect?,Know our students.,Make learning relevant.,Align,(clear, standards-based learning targets),design,(differentiation, higher-order questions, technology), and,deliver,(SIOP, wait time) lessons and assessments (formative, benchmarks, summative) to point of student mastery.,Know our data to apply appropriate interventions; share our results.,Holmes (for C&I team at Summer Leadership),Mr. Frye:,Ensure, Expect, Monitor, Measure, Communicate,SIP,Expectations,Principal,Expectations,Classroom,Student,Outcomes,School Culture,Mindset,Mindset,Carol Dweck,Motivation is often more important than your initial ability in determining whether you succeed in the long run.,In fact many creative geniuses were not born that way. They were often fairly ordinary people who became extraordinarily motivated.,Mindsets,Expectations,Beliefs,Values,Attitudes,All students can,learn.,Do you believe?,-from Carol S. Dwecks “Mindsets and Equitable Education” in,Principal Leadership,(January 2010).,Achievement Gap,Low,Time,High,Low,Achievement,High,Majority,Minority,Expectation Gap,Mindsets,Habits,Instruction Big Changes,Rigor,Grade Level Shift,Text Complexity,Schoolwide Literacy,Close Reading,Writing,Student Engagement,Instructional Time,Approaches to teaching,Professional Development,Six Instructional Shiftsin Math,Focus, Fewer and Deeper,Coherence, Connect across grades,Fluency, Speed and Accuracy,Deep Conceptual Understanding,Application -,to real-world situations,Dual Intensity ,Fluency + Understanding,Six Instructional Shiftsin ELA,Text Narrative vs. Informational,Cross-Content,Text,Complexity,Text-Based Response,(,“,Close Reading,”),Writing from Sources,Academic Vocabulary,Text Complexity Bands,Revised August, 2012,The Happiness Hypothesis,-from Dr. Mel Riddiles,r,egional presentation,Rigor in the Classroom (9.18.2012),Effective reform is a problem-solving culture (Plan/Do/Study/Act):,Productive teams yield:,Teaching Bell-to-Bell,Defined Beginning,Essential Question and Agenda,Whole class instruction,Engaged,Students,What to “look for” in a rigorous,standards-based classroom:,What to look for in a rigorous, standards-based classroom:,Close Reading and Writing,Higher Order Thinking and Questioning,Frequent Checks for Understanding,Real-World Application,Closure - Formative,Assessment,What Are SMART GOALS?,S,pecific, strategic,M,easurable,A,ttainable,R,esults-oriented,T,ime-bound,Backward Design,To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination.,It,means you know where youre goingso the steps you take are always in the right direction!,What is backward design?,Its thinking about,assessment,before,Deciding,how,you teach,BEFORE Planning instruction,How will the student prove he/she understands.?,35,Effective use of Revised Blooms Taxonomy increases the probability of improved validity of assessment and improved quality of instruction through the,alignment,of standards, instructional activities/materials, and assessments.,Standards help teachers,Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education, SCHOOL & COLLEGE, :/schoolandcollege /articles/2006/03/01a00901/index.html#views.,Percentage of teachers who said their instruction has been helped by having clearly specified learning goals for students,82%,37,Essential Questions,Example:,How does fear threaten freedom?,Sets the focus of the lesson,No single right answer,Raise other questions,Ids what student will able to do/know at the end of the lesson,Identify desired results,#1,#2,Determine acceptable evidence,#3,Plan learning experiences,& instruction,Culminating Project or Performance task,New Accountability Model Indicators,Performance Composite,from End of Course/Grade Assessments,Post-Secondary Readiness,Student Growth,from End of Course/Grade Assessments,Graduation,Rates,Math Course Rigor,Post-SecondaryReadiness,Graduation,Rates,Math Course Rigor,Absolute Performance Index,Growth Index,40,How well does this school prepare students?,Are they getting better over time?,Are students,learning,important things?,Are students,graduating,?,Are students taking and passing,challenging classes?,Overview,41,Understanding New AMOs,2010-2011 Baseline,2011-2012 Targets,2012-2013 Targets,2013-2014 Targets,2014-2015 Targets,2015-2016 Targets,2016-2017 Targets,Reading,Reading,Reading,Reading,Reading,Reading,Reading,Subgroup,GS,HS,GS,HS,GS,HS,GS,HS,GS,HS,GS,HS,GS,HS,Total (All students),72.8,84.2,75.1,85.5,77.3,86.8,79.6,88.2,81.9,89.5,84.1,90.8,86.4,92.1,Native American,57.7,72.8,61.2,75.1,64.8,77.3,68.3,79.6,71.8,81.9,75.3,84.1,78.9,86.4,Asian,79.1,81.0,80.8,82.6,82.6,84.2,84.3,85.8,86.1,87.3,87.8,88.9,89.6,90.5,Black,54.0,74.7,57.8,76.8,61.7,78.9,65.5,81.0,69.3,83.1,73.2,85.2,77.0,87.4,Hispanic,57.6,75.6,61.1,77.6,64.7,79.7,68.2,81.7,71.7,83.7,75.3,85.8,78.8,87.8,Multiracial,73.3,86.6,75.5,87.7,77.8,88.8,80.0,90.0,82.2,91.1,84.4,92.2,86.7,93.3,White,81.7,90.4,83.2,91.2,84.8,92.0,86.3,92.8,87.8,93.6,89.3,94.4,90.9,95.2,Economically Disadvantaged,57.9,75.6,61.4,77.6,64.9,79.7,68.4,81.7,71.9,83.7,75.4,85.8,79.0,87.8,Limited English proficent,37.2,32.1,42.4,37.8,47.7,43.4,52.9,49.1,58.1,54.7,63.4,60.4,68.6,66.1,Students With Disabilities,39.5,45.9,44.5,50.4,49.6,54.9,54.6,59.4,59.7,63.9,64.7,68.4,69.8,73.0,100 - 57.6 means,42.4%,are not proficient.,Decrease by half in equal increments over 6-years means,point improvement over 6 years,21.2/6 ,3.5 point increase every year,42,Wednesday, February 2, 2012,Reading -,3 through 8,Gap Closure,Gap Closure over time.,43,Wednesday, February 2, 2012,Reading -,3 through 8,Gap Closure,The furthest behind must improve at the fastest rate.,Steeper targets mean accountability for closing gaps.,44,Wednesday, February 2, 2012,Assessment,How do I get READY for the new summative assessments?,Getting Ready,Step 1:,Dig into the Standards.,Where do I go to do that?,For Common Core,For Essential Standards /,Getting Ready,Content Specifications,Step 2:,Internalize Content Specifications,Where do I go to do that?,Content Specification,Important Notes:,The weightings shown in the content specifications are developed based on the relative importance of the content.,Particularly in literacy, there are skills that we value and you will teach but we will not assess in the current assessment system (e.g. speaking and listening).,Content Specification,Literacy,Grade 3,Grade 4,Grade 5,Grade 6,Grade 7,Grade 8,Eng II,Reading for Literature,3237%,3034%,3640%,3236%,3438%,3135%,3034%,Reading for Information,4145%,4549%,37-41%,4145%,4145%,4246%,3238%,Writing,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,1418%,Language,2024%,1921%,2125%,2125%,1923%,2024%,1418%,Reading Foundations and Speaking and Listening Skills will not be assessed on the 2012-13 and 2013-14 assessment.,SMARTER Balanced does plan to assess both of the above in 2014-15.,*Field testing can influence the weighting slightly,Content Specification,Math,Grade 3,Grade 4,Grade 5,Operations and Algebraic Thinking,3035%,1217%,510%,Number and Operations in Base Ten,510%,2227%,2227%,Number and OperationsFractions,2025%,2732%,4752%,Measurement and Data,2227%,1217%,1015%,Geometry,1015%,1217%,27%,Grade 6,Grade 7,Grade 8,Ratios and Proportional Relationships,712%,2227%,NA,The Number System,2732%,712%,27%,Expressions and Equations,2732%,1823%,2732%,Functions,NA,NA,2227%,Geometry,1722%,2530%,2025%,Statistics and Probability,712%,1520%,1520%,Content Specification,Math,Algebra I/Integrated I,Number and Quantity,3035%,Algebra,510%,Functions,2025%,Geometry,2227%,Statistics and Probability,1015%,Getting Ready,Item Types,/,Step 3:,Review New Item Types, Items and Released Forms,Where do I go to do that?,Released Forms,Coming in Fall of 2012,Tutorial of New Assessments :/,Getting Ready,New Item Types and Items,Constructed-Response and Technology-Enhanced Items,Mathematics: gridded response items,Grades 5-8 and Math I (Algebra I/Integrated I,),Calculator Inactive: Grades 3-8 and Math I (Algebra I/Integrated I),One-third to one-half of grades 3-8,One-third of Math I (Algebra I/Integrated I,),English II: short constructed,response, technology-enhanced,and multiple choice,Grade 5 Science TE Item,5.P.1.2 Infer the motion of objects in terms of how far they travel in a certain amount of time and the directions in which they travel (RBT = Conceptual/Understand; DOK = 2),This distance/time graph shows the distance covered by an insect crawling across a table. Using the information on the graph, place (click and drag) the remaining distances to complete the table below.,Distance traveled in 10 seconds,Distance traveled in 20 seconds,Distance traveled in 25 seconds,20 cm,30 cm,40 cm,50 cm,Distance Time Graph,Grade 8 Science TE Item,8.L.4.1 Summarize the use of evidence drawn from geology, fossils, and comparative anatomy to form the basis for biological classification systems and the theory of evolution (RBT = Conceptual/ Understand; DOK = 2),List of Species and Their Characteristics,Estuarine species inhabit coastal areas; they are adapted to a mix of salt and fresh water,Desert species are adapted to hot, arid areas which have large temperature fluctuations,Very rare tree species inhabit the Amazon basin,Reef-building coral inhabit coastal areas; their health and growth are negatively affected by,pollutants,Salamander species in the southern U.S. depend on flowing water to keep oxygen levels high,enough for survival,If the changing conditions in the chart below occur, which species listed above will likely go extinct? Drag and drop the species that will most likely go extinct for each changing condition.,Changing Conditions,Species Likely,to Go Extinct,Sea levels rise rapidly,Estuarine,Prolonged,drought,Deforestation in South America,Catastrophic oil spill in a coastal region,Amazon rare tree,Desert,Reef-building coral,Salamander,Grade 6 Constructed Response Item,Calculator:,Inactive,DOK:,Skill/Concept,Domain:,Expressions and Equations,Standard:,6.EE.7 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of the form,x + p = q,and,px = q,for cases in which,p, q,and,x,are all nonnegative rational numbers.,A company ishaving a picnic. The expenses will be for music and refreshments.,The music will cost $150.,The refreshments will cost $125.,Tickets will be sold for $2.50 per employee.,What is the minimum number of tickets that must be sold to pay for the picnic expenses?,Note that students receive instructions and practice for gridding answers.,Math I Constructed Response Item,Calculator:,Inactive,DOK:,Skill/Concept,Domain:,Interpreting Functions,Standard:,F.IF.4,For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret key features of graphs and tables in terms of the quantities, and sketch graphs showing key features given a verbal description of the relationship. Key features include: intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and minimums; symmetries; end behavior; and periodicity.,The daily profit,P, of a business that sells,x,units of a product each day is given by the function,P,=,2,x,2,+ 200,x,+ 3,000. The number of units sold on Tuesday was 10 less than the number needed for maximum possible profit. What is the difference between the actual profit on Tuesday and the maximum possible profit?,Enter your response here:,Only 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ., -, and / are allowed.,25% and Retesting,A score for EOCs (0-100 scale) will be provided to schools to be used in calculation of student grade (before achievement levels are established),No retesting in 2012-2013 because of the establishment of new achievement levels,2012-2013 School,Calendar -,Draft,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,New,State Tests (3-8 ELA and Math; 5 3 High School Exams),ACT, PLAN, EXPLORE, WORKKEYS,SMARTER Balanced (Development Work),PLAN,EXPLORE,ACT,March 5, 2013March 19, 2013 (make-up)March 5-19 (accommodations testing),WorkKeys,New Assessments,Compilation of New Data,Standard Setting,READY Report to SBE,2012,2013,Teacher teams write field test items,Last ABCsReport,Pilot test of summative and interim assessment items and performance,tasks,2,nd,Tech Readiness Tool Collection Windows,59,WorkKeys for Early Graduates in Dec,Hattie Effect Size Table (2011),Hattie says effect sizes are the best way of answering the question what has the greatest influence on student learning?,62,


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