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Intensive Care Med 2001; 27: 978-986,Norepinephrine Requirements: HVHF vs. CVVH,Change,(,g/min),over 8 h.,Cole, Bellomo et al. Intensive Care Med 2001 ; 27: 978-986,%,Change in NorepinephrineDose: HVHF vs CVVH,%,change over 8 h.,Cole, Bellomo et al. Intensive Care Med 2001,; 27: 978-986,C3a: HVHF (6 L) vs. CVVH (1 L),ng /ml,*,*,TIME (hrs.),Cole, Bellomo et al. Intensive Care Med 2001 ; 27: 978-986,C5a: HVHF (6 L) vs. CVVH (1 L),ng/ml,Time (hrs.),*,*,*,Cole, Bellomo et al. Intensive Care Med 2001,IL-10 during CVVH,pg / ml,TIME (hrs),HVHF,Cole, Bellomo et al. Intensive Care Med 2001,CVVH,HVHF:C3a: Serum vs. UF concentration,ng/ml,TIME (hrs.),Maximum C3a Clearance = 3.3 mil/min,Cole, Bellomo et al. Intensive Care Med 2001,TNF: HVHF vs. CVVH,pg / ml,TIME (hrs.),Cole, Bellomo et al. Intensive Care Med 2001,IL-8: HVHF vs. CVVH,pg / ml,TIME (hrs.),*,Cole, Bellomo et al. Intensive Care Med 2001,Conclusions,HVHF has beneficial short term effects in human septic shock similar to those in animals,高容量血滤对感染中毒性休克病人在一段时间内是有益的,这一点与动物试验结果类似,With AN69 and molecules 8-9 kD it results in adsorptive removal, not filtration of inflammatory mediators,使用,AN69,的滤器,对于分子量89千道尔顿的物质主要是靠黏附来清除,而不是靠滤出,There is now a rationale for phase II studies,现在可以进行二期临床试验,Short Term-Very HVHF,Patrick Honore et al. (Crit Care Med 2000; 28: 3581-3587),20 patients in severe refractory septic shock,20,例严重的难以控制的感染中毒性休克病人,4 hours of HVHF (blood flow 450 ml/min, 1.6 m2 Fresenius polysulfone filter, bicarbonate buffer, post-dilution, UF rate 8750 ml/hr),4,小时,HVHF(,血流450多聚砜膜,后置换,,UF8750ml/hr),Approx. small solute clearance: 116ml/kg/hr,小分子物质的清除率116,ml/kg/hr,Results,11,responders (rapid increase in CI,MVSO2,pH7.3 and 50% reduction in adrenaline dose),11,例有反应的病人,9 of 11 responders survived,Responders weighed less : 66 vs. 83 kg,有反应的病人体重较无反应者体重偏轻,Responders got more UF: 132 ml/kg/min vs. 107 ml/kg/min,那么有反应的病人,UF,则要高于无反应者,Responders were treated earlier: 6.5 vs. 13.8 hrs,同时也发现,有反应的病人治疗要早于无反应者,Comments,注解,但这一试验本身存在问题:,No controls,No randomization,No predefined criteria of response,没有预先制定有反应组的诊断标准,However.,Provocative study,研究是具有煽动性的,Findings consistent with expectations,与期望的结果一致,Conclusions,We have no consensus definition for the term “HVHF” but we have several phase I studies suggesting that “more” UF might be better.,我们没有关于高容量血滤的一致定义,但是我们已经从一些一期临床试验报道中看到,,UF,越大,疗效越好,We have limited understanding of mechanisms, dose and duration, however, and no markers like urea,我们对于其机制的了解非常有限,剂量,时间,而且我们除了尿素没有任何可以取而代之的指标,This is a promising and exciting area of research. We now need a phase II trial.,这是一个非常有前途和令人兴奋的领域。我们现在需要进行的是二期临床试验,Why not plasma exchange?,为什么不选择血浆置换?,Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) is available in limited amounts,FFP,的数量非常有限,If done continuously, after a while one is removing the FFP given,如果持续进行,在很短的时间内就会耗竭所有的血浆,FFP contains many of the proteins we want to remove. Intermittent therapy is unlikely to be enough,FFP,中含有很多我们希望清除的蛋白。间断的治疗未必充足,No effect in Phase Ib trial (Reeves et al. Crit Care Med 1999; 27: 2096-2104),从如下一,b,期临床试验中反应的结果是无效的,Why Coupled Plasma Filtration Adsorption (CPFA)?,为什么选择联合血浆滤过黏附,All plasma becomes available for “purification”,体内所有的血浆都变得可以用于净化治疗,Therapy can be continuous,治疗可以持续,No interaction between cells and adsorptive cartridges,细胞与吸附罐之间没有相互反应,CPFA: Ex-vivo testing - Cytokine adsorption,Tetta et al. Nephrol Dial Transplant 1998; 13: 1458-64,Resin: XAD 1600,CPFA in animal models,Test whether biochemical findings translate into clinical effects,检测生化方面的发现是否在临床上产生效果,Assess magnitude of clinical effects,评价大量的临床效果,Assess nature of clinical effects,评价效果的本质,Exclude major unexpected adverse events,排除主要的负面反应事件,Deal with unexpected technical problems,处理难以预料的技术问题,CPFA in the rabbit - TNF adsorption,U/mil,Tetta et al. Crit Care Med 2000; 28: 1526-1533,CPFA in the rabbit,%,survival,p,Days,Tetta et al. Crit Care Med 2000; 28: 1526-1533,Phase I trial of CPFA,10 patients,Single ICU,MODS + ARF + high cardiac output + hypotensive + norepinephrine infusion,Random allocation to CPFA + CVVHD or to CVVHD alone each for 10 hours with cross over,按照交叉随机方案,进行10小时的,CPFACVVHD,或10小时的,CVVHD,治疗,Outcome measures,Primary: decreased need for norepinephrine and/or increased arterial pressure,主要观察终点:去甲肾上腺素剂量的下降和/或动脉血压的升高,Secondary: a) decreased levels of TNF and IL-10 b) improved monocyte response to LPS,增加了单核细胞对,LPS,的敏感性,Hemodialyzer,Blood In,100-200,ml/min,Blood Out,CVVHD (Treatment B),治疗,B,Dialysate In,30 ml/min,Dialysate Out + Uf,2-8 ml/min,Sorben,t,Sorbent,Plasmafilter,Dialysate,Out + Uf,2-8 ml/min,Dialysate In,30 ml/min,Blood Out,Plasmafiltrate,30-40 ml/min,Hemodialyzer,Blood In,100-200,ml/min,CPFA (Treatment A),治疗,A,Sampling point,Site,1,Site,2,Site,3,Site 4,Site 5,Site,6,Site,7,Ronco, Brendolan, Lonnemann, Bellomo, et al. Crit Care Med 2002; 30: 1250-1255,Change in MAP during 10 hours of CPFA,P,Ronco, Brendolan, Lonnemann, Bellomo et al. Crit Care Med 2002,这一图形显示:,AB,AB,AB,AB,AB,AB,BA,BA,BA,BA,Changes in norepinephrine requirements,P,p,Survival: 9 out 10 patients,which on died?,t0,t10,In-vitro monocyte responsiveness to LPS,单核细胞在,体外,对,LPS,的反应,t10,Crit Care Med 2002; 30: 1250-1255,Single pass,sorbent effect,体外试验证实,血液通过黏附器后,对,LPS,的反应性增加,产生,TNF ,的水平增加,0,100,300,500,700,900,TNF a (pg/ml),Post +,anti-IL-10,1100,Post,alone,Pre +,anti-IL-10,*,Pre,alone,*,*,Spontaneous TNF production by whole blood after incubation with PF,Green = t0,Black = t10,Crit Care Med 2002; 30: 1250-1255,当血液通过吸附以后对,PF,的反应明显增加了,更容易产生,TNF ,Conclusions,There is a biologic rationale for CPFA,从生物学原理的角度上讲,,CPFA,是可行的,There is ex-vivo evidence of adsorption,在体外试验中,有证据表明黏附的存在,There is animal evidence of increased survival,动物试验的证据支持其可以正加存活率,A Phase I trial shows beneficial hemodynamic effects in humans with septic shock,一期临床试验显示出其对感染中毒性休克的病人血流动力学的改善,Problems with CPFA,Plasmafilter can take limited blood flows,血浆滤器的血流速度是有限的,Limited blood flow = limited PF rate,有限的血流有限的,PF,Limited PF rate = limited clearance,有限的,PF,有限的清除率,Even with 100% adsorption, clearance can only be 30-35 ml/min,即使黏附作用是100,但清除率只能是3035,ml/min,We may need more,我们要的不止这些,Super High Flux Filters (nominal pore size = 100 kD),超高通量滤器,Easier to use,Do not need complex CPFA circuit,Cheaper,Can be used by anyone,If combined with HVHF may offer “best value”,如果结合,HVHF,,可能更据价值,Clearances (ml/min) of cytokines and albumin in 1L/hr ultrafiltration(ml/min),1L/hr,超滤量时,细胞因子及蛋白的清除,Polyamide super high-flux filter,多聚酰胺高通量滤器,Note low IL-8 clearance,Uchino, Bellomo et al. Intensive Care Med 2002; 28: 651-655,Figure 2B:,Clearances (ml/min) of cytokines and albumin in 6L/hr UF (ml/min),Polyamide SHF filter + HVHF,聚酰胺超高通量滤器,HVHF,Loss of SC with increased UF rate and time,Uchino, Bellomo et al. Intensive Care Med 2002; 28: 651-655,Figure 2A:,Clearances of cytokines and albumin in 1L/hr ultrafiltration (ml/min),Cellulose triacetate SHF filter + HVHF,三醋酸纤维素高通量滤器,HVHF,Low clearance for MW,Uchino, Bellomo et al. Int J Artif Organs 2002; 25: 27-32,Figure 2B:,Clearances of cytokines and albumin in 6L/hr ultrafiltration (ml/min),Cellulose triacetate SHF filter + HVHF,Loss of SC,Observations,观测结果,Polyamide and cellulose triacetate are different. Polyamide is better.,多聚酰胺膜效果较好,Increasing UF rate increases clearance but decreases SC,Time effect small,时间对它的影响较少,Albumin losses sustainable,蛋白的丢失是可以忍受的,Highest cytokine removal ever reported!,这是迄今为止所有报道中细胞因子清除得最多的,Can we dialyze cytokines?,我们是否真正能够对细胞因子透析?,Hemofiltration requires high blood flows,血滤要求很高的血流速,Without high blood flows, no high UF flow rates,没有高血流速度,就没有高的滤出率,High UF flows increase TMP and decrease functional pore size,高的滤出率增加跨膜压,并减低有效的膜孔径,Replacement fluid expensive,置换液很昂贵,How about diffusing cytokines?,那么是否可以考虑行细胞因子透析?,Figure 2A:,Clearances of cytokines and albumin in 1L/hr dialysis (ml/min),Polyamide filter,聚酰胺,Low clearance for MW,Uchino, Morimatsu, Bellomo ASAIO J (2002) (in press),Clearances of cytokines and albumin in 9L/hr dialysis (ml/min),Polyamide filter,Citrate,effect,Uchino, Morimatsu, Bellomo ASAIO J (2002) (in press),Conclusions,结论,Super high-flux membranes offer new opportunities to explore the usefulness of blood purification in ICU,超高通量膜为,ICU,血液净化治疗提供了新的治疗契机,Several technical optimizations may allow very high cytokine clearances,由此而生的几项新的优化技术可能大大增加细胞因子的清除率,Cytokine dialysis is possible,细胞因子透析是可行的,This is pretty exciting stuff !,这是一个相当令人兴奋的新材料和新技术!,Other technology,其它技术,Polymixin B hemoperfusion (Nemoto et al. Blood purif 2001; 19: 361-369),多粘菌素,B,血液灌流,New sorbents (Betasorb,) for hemoperfusion (Blood Purif 2002; 20: 380-88),用于血液灌流的新黏附剂,New bioreactors with macrophages,使用巨噬细胞的新型生物反应器,New bioreactors with tubular cells,使用肾小管细胞的新型生物反应器,The future looks very interesting !,未来充满新奇和希望!,谢谢观赏,


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