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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,如何接触海外客户,本教程为APT CORPORATION LIMITED所有,,1,洗脑,读万卷书不如行万里路,行万里路不如阅人无数,阅人无数不如成功人士指路,2,前言,准确的客户信息是开展国际贸易的起点,是足球场上的发球。,接触客户就是出口营销的真正开始,是足球场上组织进攻。,3,现状一,现代人力资源管理认为:,没有经过培训的业务员都是在谋杀客户,是企业最大的成本。,销售经理最大的过错就是把工作交给不胜任的业务员,同时又不加指导。,4,现状二,给客户的留言或者邮件没有回音。,发了100份邮件,却只有1-2个客户回复,而且一回复就是报价和寄送样本。,打电话过去,还没有说完自我介绍 ,前台小姐匆匆挂断电话。,5,问题,难道这些客户真的不需要我们的产品吗?,难道这些客户真的觉得他们已经找到了世界上最好而且一直会是最好的供应商吗?,难道客户对上门“打扰”的供应商都是这种态度吗?,不要忘记:,有无数个竞争对手同时在跟你竞争同一个客户!,6,商业信函写作技巧,Accept原则:,引起注意(Attention),买家兴趣(Customer-care),让买家轻松(Ease),专业原则(Profession),信任原则(Trust),7,买家兴趣(Customer-care),一切从客户角度出发!,写客户想知道的事情,而不是你想说的事情!,要有吸引客户的内容!,如果一味强调你销售的产品,将失去获得客户兴趣的机会。,客户只关心自己的需求和愿望,而不是你的销售。,应该让谈论客户的内容占到一半以上,哪怕是用提问题的方式,而不要过多介绍自己的产品、公司。,8,买家兴趣(Customer-care),对客户的业务 有一定的了解,对客户行业的不利问题有一定的了解,对客户在行业中的地位有一定的了解,9,让买家轻松(Ease),首次不谈产品销售,文字不宜太多,配图片效果好,客户也是人,需要音乐和啤酒,多用短句,用简单的词汇,不要有错别字,语法也不能错,10,专业原则(Profession),信函组织:标题、称呼、引言、正文、结尾,标题:May I help you optimize*sourcing?,Free*report; To save 20%money on*,Do you know*?,11,专业原则(Profession),称呼:,Dear Sir/Madam,Dear Sourcing Manager,12,专业原则(Profession),正文:,使你的信让人感觉是为了提供帮助,而不是一味地卖东西,结尾:,建议客户立即采取行动。比如留给客户一个网址,鼓励客户到网站上了解更多的信息或者下载某些免费资料。,13,信任原则(Trust),值得信任的网站,第三方认证,14,引起注意(Attention),主题吸引,15,古董开发信,Dear Sirs,Welearnfrom*thatyouareinthemarketofFruit.Wewouldliketotakethisopportunitytointroduceourcompanyandproducts,with,thehopethatwemayworkwithBrightIdeasImportsinthefuture.,WeareajointventurespecializingintheAgricultureandexportof,Fruit.Wehaveenclosedourcatalog,whichintroducesourcompanyindetailandcoversthemainproductswesupplyatpresent.You,mayalsovisitouronlinecompanyintroductionatHttp:/whichincludesourlatestproductline.,Shouldanyoftheseitemsbeofinteresttoyou,pleaseletusknow.Wewillbehappytogiveyouaquotationuponreceiptofyour,detailedrequirements.,Wearelookingforwardtoyourpromptreply.,Sincerely,16,改进版,No one got fired for choosing our company(主题),Dear Purchasing manager,Yes, like IBM, no one got fired for choosing us, in China, we are known for our services, we are proud to be the safe choice among our customers since1983.,WeareajointventurespecializingintheAgricultureandexportof,Fruit.Wehaveenclosedourcatalog,whichintroducesourcompanyin,detailandcoversthemainproductswesupplyatpresent.,Youcan read what other buyers say about us atHttp:/whichincludesourlatestproductline.,Shouldanyoftheseitemsbeofinteresttoyou,pleaseletusknow.Wewillbehappytogiveyouaquotationuponreceiptofyour,detailedrequirements.,Wearelookingforwardtoyourpromptreply.,Sincerely,17,试试这封,If the earth breaks, what should we do?(主题),Dear Purchasing manager,If the earth breaks, we can bond it using our adhesive, actually we are bonding more and more stones which are being used to for all kinds of buildings.,Just like you know, all the stones will be rubbish if the glue used for bonding is not good enough.,Wehaveenclosedourcatalog,whichintroducesourcompanyin,detailandcoversthemainproductswesupplyatpresent.,Youcan read what other buyers say about us atHttp:/whichincludesourlatestproductline.,Shouldanyoftheseitemsbeofinteresttoyou,pleaseletusknow.Wewillbehappytogiveyouaquotationuponreceiptofyour,detailedrequirements.,Wearelookingforwardtoyourpromptreply.,Sincerely,18,再试试这封,If you care about the stone quality, you have to read this(主题),Dear Purchasing manager,With 20 years combined experiences in designing and making adhesive, we have shipped thousands of containers overseas in last decade. And there was 10 containers load of adhesive shipped to Canada last month alone.,Just like you know, all the stones will be rubbish if the glue used for bonding is not good enough.,If you want to know how we can help you to improve the quality of stone you are making, click Http:/ For more information.,Sincerely,19,老外的邮件看看,Do you know whos reading your fax?(主题),Stone,Did you know that your current eFax Free account offers these amazing benefits?,Faxes are delivered privately to your email, not lying around a fax machine, or worsegetting lost.,You automatically receive 20 free faxes every month.,You can keep prying eyes out of your communications and prevent unwanted people from reading your private faxes.,Want to send faxes?,Try eFax Plus for FREE,Forgot your password?,Click here,More info about eFax?,Click here,eFax Quick Tip:Add your free number to your business card and email signature so others can fax to your email.,20,老外的邮件看看,Stone,HowhighisyourFinancialI.Q.? (主题),How high is your financial IQ?,Dear Stone, My years of experience have shown me that the difference between the Rich, Middle Class and the Poor is almost always tied directly to their financial IQ.,How high is your financial IQ?,Please think about your answers to the following 4 basic questions:,1. (True or False) Your house is your greatest asset. 2. (True of False) Mutual funds are one of the easiest ways to save money. 3. (True or False) The US dollar is worthless.4. (True or False) Real Estate and Gold are risky investments.,Click here to see Rich Dads answers and how you scored,Robert Kiyosaki,P.S. Stone,Click Here,to receive your FREE introduction to my coaching program.,21,老外的邮件看看,Stone,doyouknowthenewrulesofmoney? (主题),Dear Stone,The rules of money have changed and its time for you to get smart with your money!The old rules said go to school, get a good job, work hard, get out of debt and save in a portfolio of well-diversified mutual funds. With the economy in,recession,and constant turmoil, people who followed the old rules are facing foreclosure and wondering why they cant seem to stay afloat financially. What happened is that the rules of money changed and they didnt have a high enough financial IQ to keep up.,How high is your financial IQ?,A while ago you signed up to learn about my,Rich Dads Coaching program, but you decided not to move forward.,Id like to ask you,why,?I know the value of working with a coach. My rich dad was my first coach and he worked with me for more than 30 years.I still have many coaches that help me with all aspects of my business and life.Why do I have coaches?Because they help me win and I want to win at everything that matters.,The reason I created Rich Dads Coaching is because I want you to have the benefit of working one-on-one with a certified coach who will teach you, hold you accountable, and help you reach success you never thought possible. There was a reason why you signed up to learn about my programs. Does that reason still exist?My guess is that its probably even stronger now than before.,If you are serious about becoming financially secure, call,1-800-240-0434, ext.1110 today,to get started working with your own certified Rich Dads Coach.Dont put it off any longer.,22,保险推销信,承诺孩子一辈子的爱 (主题),友邦“黄金未来”保险计划 承诺孩子一辈子的爱,爱孩子,想在心里,说在嘴上,更要落在行动上。,让孩子在未知的岁月里拥有一笔可知的教育及健康保障,保护他健康成长和受教育的权利,一家人从容面对未来任何情况,只需每月强制储蓄几百元,就能确保这一切,让孩子赢在起跑线上吧!他会感恩一生的。友邦“黄金未来”保险计划,就是您爱孩子一辈子的承诺。此保险计划专门为少年儿童设计。首先,该产品保险期间相对较长,保证孩子在人生成长的几个关键阶段能够获得生存现金作为有力支持,充分体现家长对孩子的关爱;其次,该产品在保险期间届满时,增值红利可以起到一定的抵御通货膨胀的作用,增加了客户满期金金额,满期金可以购买年金产品,用稳健的方式帮助客户来积累持续的现金流。此外,该产品可以作为一种强制性储蓄。 请查阅附件,欢迎进一步了解,友邦保险顾问:尹忠强 真诚为您服务电话: QQ:387643846,23,开发信的原则WII FM,1,清晰明确和醒目吸引人,2,讲述客户自己的故事,3,使用客户听的懂的语言,而不是你技术部门或营销部门的语言,24,强调自己的USP,What is USP?,Is There a Middle Man Standing Between You and Your adhesive?(主题),Get rid of the useless middle man! Especially in this fast changing information age.,We finally cut them 5 years ago, with less complicated communication, our clients are doing great now, 5 years ago, almost all the adhesive we made were exported through those so-called import&export companies, today, we sell directly to the importers like you 100%.,First, you can save about 10% to 50% of the cut those middle man taken in the past,Second, the service you are getting is better,Third, the products youll see,Last, but not least,25,强调自己的USP,Can you reach your current Chinese suppliers at 4 p.m.?,Its a global village but unfortunately we still have time zones, most of the time, if you want to reach your suppliers in China later in the day, you cant get an answer of your questions, no matter how big or small it is, until the next day, when they get up to work.,Not me!,You CAN reach me any time, here is my always-on personal cell phone. And its your 24-hour hotline, there is no question too small or too big, I will and can do whatever it takes to resolve it as soon as possible for you, after all, I am working for myself and your clients are my bread and butter.,26,假定式,You should try this before looking for quality adhesive! (title),Dear Mr. Jack,I know that youve been thinking about looking for a good adhesive supplier and moving up to a more advantageous position in your business.,That is why I am writing to you.,27,设疑式,Dear Mr. Jack,Are you getting some trouble of finding the best adhesive supplier?,If the answer is NO, I can help you out, Ive done it for many other companies, I think I can do it for you, too.,28,设疑式,Are you getting the productivity you want out of your computer network?,Are you getting the quality you want our of your last shipment?,Are you getting the convenience you want out of your import delivery?,Are you getting the purchasing power you want out of your budget?,29,贿赂式,Come to our booth in canton fair! There is a special gift for you,Dear Buyer,We treasure every opportunity to meet with you, our valued customer, therefore, we have prepared a special gift for you to take back home.,From 15th to 20th Oct 2008, we will be exhibiting at the Canton fair, our booth number is ABCD IN HALL 99,liuhua exhibition gallery Guangzhou China.,Please mark down on your calendar, also, should you have any questions, please feel free to ask: .,Best regards.,30,笑话式,出口风险预警信息,亲爱的朋友:,预祝节日快乐!,看到几条爆笑的笑话,好东西要分享:,1. 大一,一次去食堂打包子,谁知划卡机出了点毛病,一下划下去25块3,卖包子的哥哥鼓捣了半天也加不回去,于是可怜兮兮地说:“没事,我记得你,以后常来,直到把多划的钱用完。”我只好同意了。可怜我上顿包子下顿包子地吃了一学期,包子哥哥还欠我2块3最可气的是大学四年我竟然没找到一个女朋友!直到毕业,有一天我走在校园林荫路上,就听后面一帮女生指指点点小声道:“没错,就是他!以后可别找这样男朋友,天天去二食堂吃包子不给钱!”,2. 本人姓朱,管理单位机房。有次有人打我手机:“鸡科长,你在猪房吗?”当时狂骂那家伙一顿3. 中午做饭,妈妈给我一盆胡萝卜:“去,把胡萝卜切成肉丁!”4. 记得有一次去买一种叫伊丽莎白的水果,我张口就说:老板,莎士比亚多少钱?老板当场就呆了5. 和领导等众人喝酒,举起酒杯大声道:让我们同归于尽吧!当时脑子太热了.,当然,看完笑话, 重头戏要登场,,千万别忘了看附件中的风险预警信息哦!,31,创作开发信,具有引起读者注意的有力的标题,具有清楚无误地显示独特优异之处的核心内容,进一步证明你所声称的特点和优异之处,通过对事实和实例进行比较、分析、证言、证明 等,激励对方思考和回答的召唤,产生实际效果。,32,技术问题,1-字体大小:10号、12号、14号,不要全部用大写或小写。,2-字型:用Arial or Times New Roman,3-颜色:白底黑字,4-强行分行,5-段落:一段一个主题,不要太长,6-保留原件,33,标题,标题是生命,语不惊人,誓不休,标题是广告,为了吸引对方来读你的信,标题要提供给对方所期望的东西:,通过你的产品服务,他们可以节省、获得、达到、取得什么,或者:他们可以避免、降低他们的问题、风险、困难、担心、害怕等,34,标题,做出承诺:Bond your stone more tightly!,提出问题:If the earth breaks, what should we do?,引发梦想:Forget quality problem, delivery time, lay down on the sunny beach, enjoy yourself!,口吻亲切:Christmas is coming, still remember me?,用语特别:your competitors are importing glue at a lower price!,35,标题,1-the secret of making money by selling adhesive,2-a little mistake that making all your stones rubbish,3-,36,开发信的三个错误,一、大错(战略层面,一个扣30分):,1)缺失标题,或标题很弱、缺乏冲击力:对方根本没有兴趣点开2)过于自我的态度,没有突出“you:被视为没有任何价值、立即被删3)假大空文风、企业口号式宣传:令人厌恶、被当成骗子或弱智,37,开发信的三个错误,二、中错(策略层面,一个扣20分):,1)低声下气、缺乏底气:外贸开发信要写得礼貌但不要卑下。 2)缺乏行动召唤:不是报个网站链接给对方就万事大吉了,要充分说明,对方为什么要看你的网站?3)老古董文:见绝大部分外贸函电教材。4)技术资料堆砌:再便宜再高质,不与对方的想法联系起来,别人不会有兴趣。5)文体或调子随意而为:外贸开发是严肃的商业行为,要亲切自然但不是率性随便。,38,开发信的三个错误,三、小错(执行层面,一个扣10分):,1)空格错用、乱用2)s 漏用、错用3)语法错误4)拼写错误5)中式英语6)内容或事实错误7)字体、色彩出错8)其它,39,开发信的三个段位,1)先做容易的!养成反复检查所有单词、语句、标点符号的优良习惯。细小方面要坚决做到零错误!2)再做最有价值的战略研究:对方是谁?对方希望的是什么?,3)注重策略,提高回复率。,40,工作状态,积极发信,耐心等待,精心回复,规律跟进,41,广交会资料跟踪,1-名片扫描,2-EXCEL表(名称,联系人,国家,联系方式,洽谈内容,时差,跟踪记录),3-第一次邮件联系,第二天电话联系,4-精心设计标题和开发信,5-谈的不错并报了价的,建议对方尽快下单,按谈话内容落实所有细节,给潜在客户一些选择(不同的数量,交货期),让对方回应,明确订单的障碍在哪里,双方的差距有多大。,6-对泛泛而谈的,做好长期准备,开发信的目的是激起对方与你进一步联系和沟通。,7-科学系统的管理,去网站了解实际情况,加入数据库,详细记录,认真研究,8-注意人性化对待对方,开展情感营销,可以问候对方身体,时差,饮食,来中国感想,接近关系。注意当场照相合影,发送给对方,勾起回忆。,42,完,43,


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