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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,被动语态,一:英语的谓语动词有两种语态,We speak English.,主语,谓语,宾语,English is spoken,by,us.,主语,谓语,宾语,宾变主,主变宾,前加,by,动变被,看清,be,结构分别,be+ pp,主动语态,被动语态,主变被解题步骤,:,1.,找宾语,-,即动作的承受者,They,make,shoes,in that factory,.,Shoes,2.,判断宾语的单复数,-,即,be,动词的单复数,.,are,were,3.,判断动词的时态,-,即,be,动词的时态,.,4.,修改谓语的时态,-,即原句动词改为过去分词,made,5.,修改原句的主语,-,即,by+,主语,/,宾语,.,by them.,Tom,broke,the window,.,The window,was broken,by Tom,.,Tom,broke,the windows,.,The windows,were broken,by Tom,.,He,broke,the windows,.,The windows,were broken,by,him,.,一般现在时:,am / is / are done,一般过去时:,was / were done,现在进行时:,am / is / are,being,done,过去进行时:,was / were,being,done,现在完成时:,have / has,been,done,过去完成时:,had,been,done,一般将来时:,shall / will be done ;,be going to be done,当句中含有情态动词时,句子结构为,can / must / have tobe done,1.,They,make,shoes,in that factory.,主语,+,及物动词,+,宾语,Shoes,are made,(by them) in that factory.,一般现在时:,S(,主语),+am/is /are +,过去分词,变为被动语态,He,rides,the motorbike to his factory every day.,The motorbike,is ridden,to his factory every day,.,We,call,the snowman,Mr,Strong.,The snowman,is called,Mr,Strong.,We usually,hear,him,play,in the next room,.,He,is,usually,heard,to,play,in the next room.,2.,They,bought,ten computers,last term,Ten computers,were bought,(,by them,) last term.,一般过去时:,S+was/were +,过去分词,He,bought,his friend some fruits yesterday.,His friend,was bought,some fruits yesterday.,Some fruits,were bought,for his friend yesterday.,4,Aby,can take good care of,Tina,Tina,can be taken good care of,by,Aby,.,情态动词:,S+ can/may/must/should + be+,过去分词,He,can carry,the basket easily.,The basket,can be,easily,carried,by him.,They,can sing,some beautiful songs.,Some beautiful songs,can be sung,by them.,“We,must put,them in the fridge.”The dogs thought .,“They,must be put,in the fridge.”The dogs thought.,3.,They,will finish,the work,in ten days.,The work,will be finished,(,by them,),in ten days.,一般将来时:,S+ will+be+,过去分词,They,are going to have,an evening party tomorrow.,An evening party,is going to be had,tomorrow.,Some workers,are painting,the rooms,now,The rooms,are being painted,by some workers,now.,现在进行时:,S+ am/is/are + being +,过去分词,They,are holding,a sports meeting now.,A sports meeting,is being held,(by them) now.,We,have made,twenty more keys,Twenty more keys,have been made,by us,.,现在完成时:,S+ have/has + been+,过去分词,Workers,have built,the house since two years ago.,The house,has been built,since two years ago.,We,had received,many letters by the end of last week.,Many letters,had been received,by the end of last week.,They,would have,a party the next day.,A party,would be had,(by them) the next day.,1.People use knives for cutting things.,Knives _ _ for cutting things.,2.The students clean the windows of their classroom twice a month.,The windows of their classroom_ _ twice a month.,are used,are,cleaned,(,变被动语态),七嘴八舌,3.I found the ticket on the floor.,_,_ _ _ _,on the,floor.,4.I told her to return the book in time,.,She _ _ to return the book,in time.,The ticket was found,was told,3. We found the ticket on the floor .,5. His doctor made him have only two meals a day.,He _ _ _ _ only two meals a day.,6.Now people can use computers to help them.,Now computers _ _ _ to help them.,was made to have,can be,used,7. Did you plant many trees at this time last year?,_ _ _ _ at this time last time?,8.Must we finish our work today?,_ our work_ _ today?,Were many trees planted,Must be finished,9. The foreign friends gave us some wonderful stamps.,1) _ _ _ some wonderful stamps.,2) Some wonderful stamps _ _ _ _.,we were given,were,given to us,10.The teacher asked Tom to turn on the computer.,Tom _ _ to turn on the computer.,11.In this factory women do most of the work.,Most of the work _ _ by women in this factory.,was asked,is done,12.He can mend the bike in two days.,The bike _ _ _ in two days.,13.You must take this medicine three times a day.,This medicine _ _ _ three times a day.,can be mended,must be,taken,14.The students in this school study German.,German _ _ by the students in this school.,15.Do they often talk about this question?,_ this question often _ about _ _?,is studied,Is,talked,by them,Answer right or wrong,1.,必须照看好孩子们。,The children,must be taken good care,.( ),The children,must be taken good care of,.( ),2.,这本书是鲁迅写的。,This book,was wrote,by Lu,Xun,.( ),This book,was written,by Lu,Xun,.( ),3.,昨天那支笔是他给我的。,That pencil,was given me,by him yesterday.( ),That pencil,was given to me,by him yesterday.( ),W,R,W,R,W,R,4.,这辆自行车能修吗?,Can this bike,mended,?( ),Can this bike,be mended,?( ),5.,街道已由他们清理了。,The street has been cleaned by,they,.( ),The street has been cleaned by,them,.(,),W,R,W,R,必背!,动词短语的被动语态,take care of,be taken care of,cut down,be cut down,laugh at,be laughed at,look after,be looked after,They,made,shoes,in that factory.,They,will make,shoes,in that factory.,They,would make,shoes,in that factory.,They,can make,shoes,in that factory.,They,have made,shoes,in that factory.,They,had made,shoes,in that factory.,They,are making,shoes,in that factory.,They,were making,shoes,in that factory.,四几种值得注意的被动语态变化,带复合宾语的被动语态结构,(),make,sb,. do,sth,.,sb.,be made to do,sth,.,Mr,Green,made,Jim,do,his homework at home.,Jim,was made to do,his homework,by,Mr,Green,at home.,watch let have,hear see notice,(2) see sb. doing,sth,. sb. be seen doing,sth,.,I,saw,him,playing,football at that moment.,He,was seen playing,football at that moment.,hear / watch /.,We often,hear,them sing this song.,They,are often heard,to sing this song (by us).,This song,is often heard,(by us) to be sung (by them).,Bob,sent,Kate,a letter,last year.,=Kate,was sent,a letter,by Bob,last year.,=,A letter,was sent,to Kate,by Bob,last year.,tell ask bring write,give teach pass lend,to,He told Jim a story.,Mum,made,me,a new dress,.,I,was made,a new dress,by Mum.,A new dress,was made,for,me by Mum,.,make,buy,draw,for,I bought my brother a book.,注意,:,约翰打开了收音机。,John,turned on,the radio.,The radio,was turned on.,奶奶照看我姐姐。,Grandma,takes care of,my sister.,My sister,is taken care of,by,Grandma.,注:千万不要遗漏介词或副词。,We,must speak to,old people politely.,Old people,must be spoken to,politely.,They said,that he would come back soon.,It was said,that he would come back soon.,类似的还有:,It is reported /,believed /,hoped /,supposed that .,We report,1).,不及物动词没有被动语态。,如:,belong,happen, take place, last, come true, remain, succeed, fall, die, arrive,等。,*,Great changes,have taken place,in this city.,*,That bike,doesnt belong to,Mike.,不用被动语态的几种情况:,不用被动语态的几种情况:,2),表示静态的及物动词不用被动语态,have / fit,I,have,a TV set.,The coat,fits,me well.,3,),祈使句一般没有被动语态。,【,正,】Look at the blackboard,,,please,【,误,】The blackboard is looked at by you,不用被动语态的几种情况:,4.,系动词没有被动态和进行时态,这鱼,味道很好。,这条,围巾摸上去很软。,The fish,tastes,good.,The scarf,feels,soft.,5.,反身代词在句中作宾语时,不能用被动语态。例如:,【,正,】You must look after yourself,【,误,】Yourself must be looked after,4.,某些动词形式是主动,但含有被动的意思。,这书,很好卖。,这种布很好洗。,The book,sells,well.,This kind of cloth,washes,very well.,这,书卖完了。,The book,is sold,out.,这块表需要修理一下。,The watch,needs mending .,=The watch,needs to be mended,.,=We,need to mend the watch.,want,Did,he,finish,the work yesterday?,Were the books taken away by the girl?,Did,the girl,take,away the books,?,Was the window broken by Tom?,_ Tom_ the window?,Did break,Was the work finished by him yesterday,?,Do they often talk about this question?,_ this question often _ about _ _?,Is,talked,by them,Doesnt Bob clean the street every day?,_ the street _ by Bob every day?,Isnt cleaned,He told us to get to school early.,Our parents ask us to stay at home at night.,We were told,to get to school early by him.,We are asked,to stay at home at night.,-Did you go to the party?,-No, I _(invite),wasnt invited,The bridge _,in three weeks,.,(finish),You can go out if your homework _(do),will be finished,is done,This is one of the things that _(see) that day.,were seen,When was PRC _(found)?,was seen,This is,the only,one of the things that _(see) that day.,founded,You should get your shoes _(wash),washed,


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