人教版英语必修三UNIT3英语语法-名词性从句--宾语从句 表语从句

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人教版英语必修三UNIT3英语语法-名词性从句--宾语从句 表语从句_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,语法名词性从句,noun clause,英语句子的种类,简单句 (simple sentence),并列句 (compound sentence),复合句 (complex sentence),英语句子概论,简单句的五种,基本,句型,The weather,is,very cold.,主语+谓语(连系动词)+表语,He,laughed,.,主语+谓语(vi.),I,like,Chinese food,.,主语+谓语(vt.)+宾语,She,taught,them,physics,.,主语+谓语(vt.)+间接宾语+直接宾语,We must keep the room,warm,.,主语+谓语(vt.) +宾语+宾语补足语,并列句,把两个或几个简单句用,并列连词,连接起来。,I turned on the TV. My sister and I watched it.,I turned on the TV,and,my sister and I watched it.,I bought my sister a present. She didnt like it.,I bought my sister a present,but,she didnt like it.,并列句,并列句,复合句:主句+从句,名词,性从句,定语从句,状语从句,1.The boy,who is standing over there,is Tom,2.Because it is raining,we have to stay at home,定语从句,状语从句,3.I know,(that)he is from America,(宾语从句),名词,性从句-,Noun Clauses,(名词性从句),Subject Clause,(主语从句),Appositive Clause,(同位语从句),Object Clause,(宾语从句),Predicative Clause,(表语从句),名词性从句在功能上相当于名词,在复合句,中能担任,主语、宾语、表语、同位语,等。,主语,His job,is important,.,What he does,is important,.,表语,This is,his job.,This is,what he does every day,.,宾语,I dont like,his job,.,I dont like,what he does every day,.,同位语,I dont know about the man, Mr. White,.,I dont know about the fact,that he is a teacher.,Who will win the match,is still unknown.,I want to know,what he has told you,.,The fact is,that we have lost the game,.,The news,that we won the game,is exciting.,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,名词性从句,的作用相当于名词,因此主语从句、表语从句 、宾语从句和同位语从句分别作主句的主语、表语、宾语和同位语。,同位语从句,Object Clauses 宾语从句,I know him .,2. I know who he is .,主语,谓语,宾语,(简单句),主语,谓语,宾 语 从 句,连词,从句主语,从句谓语,主 句,(复合句),句子做宾语就是宾语从句,,跟在,及物动词,或,介词,后,句子结构:,主句 +连词(引导词)+ 宾语从句。,Conjunctions of Noun Clauses,(,引导名词性从句的关联词),:,从属连词,(不作成分),连接代词,(作成分),连接副词,(作状语),what, who, whom, whose, which, wh+ever,that, whether, if,when, where, how, why,一、连词(引导词),1.,that,1.当宾语从句是由,陈述句转变而来,时(包括肯定句和否定句),连词,由,that,引导,,因为that在从句中,不作任何成分,,也,没有任何具体意思,,因此在口语或非正式文体中,常省略,。,Lin Tao feels,(that) his own team is even better.,2.宾语从句中的连接词that在以下三种情况下,不能省略:,(,1)当that 从句与另一名词性从句并列作宾语时,,第二个that,不能省;,(2)当that从句作,介词宾语,时,that不可省掉。,(3)用,it,做,形式宾语,的宾语从句。,(1),Everyone knew what happened,and,that,she was worried.,(2),The reason lies,in,that,she works harder than the others do.,(3),I think,it,necessary,that,you should read English aloud.,3.在主句为动词be加某些形容词(如,sorry, sure, afraid, glad,等)作表语时,后面所跟的省略that的从句也可算是,宾语从句。,Im sorry,(that),I dont know .,Were sure,(that),our team will win .,Im afraid,(that),he wont pass the exam .,当宾语,从句是由一般疑问句变来时,时,由连词,whether,或,if,引导,,“,是否,”,不能省略。,(1).Lily wanted to know_,_,her grandma liked the handbag .,(2). Lets see_,_,_,we can find out some information about that city .,(3).She asked me,_,she could borrow these books .,注意,whether和if的使用区别:,1).whether和if都可以引导宾语从句,a.当有or not时就用whether,不用if.,I dont know,whether or not,I will stay.,b.,介词,后面的宾语从句不能用,if.,I worry,about whether,I hurt her feeling.,2. whether/if,if /whether,if /whether,if /whether,Practice time,if / whether,1. I asked her _ she had a bike.2. Were worried about _ he is safe.3. I dont know _ he is well or not.4. I dont know _ or not he is well.5. I dont know _ I should go.,if / whether,whether,whether,whether,whether/if,3.,当宾语从句是由,特殊疑问句转变而来,时,由,疑问词,(,what, who, whom, which, whose,when, where, how, why等,)引导,因为疑问词在从句中担任一定的句子成分,具有一定的意义,所以,不可以省略。,Do you know,_,he said just now ?,I dont remember,_,we arrived .,I asked him,_,I could get so much money .,Please tell me,_,we have to see .,Do you know,_,time the plane leaves ?,what,when,where,who whom,what,二、时态,1. 如果,主句是现在的时态,(包括一般现在时 ,现在进行时,现在完成时),,从句的时态可根 据实际情况而定,,(包括一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在完成时等)。,I,know,he,_,here .(live),I,know,he,_,here ten years ago .(live),I,have heard,that he,_,tomorrow,.(come),2.,如果主句是过去的时态,(包括一般过去时,过去进行时),,那么从句的时态一定要用相对应的过去的某种时态,(包括一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时, 过去完成时),I knew who,_,here.(live),I saw she _,_,her mother. (talk),He asked whether his father _tomorrow. (come back),He said that he _it .(see),3.,当从句是客观真理,定义,公理,定理时用,一般现在时,。,The teacher said that the earth -around the sun.(travel),lives,lived,will come,travels,lived,was talking with,would come back,had seen,三、语序,宾语从句的语序用,陈述语序,:连接词+主语+谓语+其他成分。,1.I dont know,what is the matter the troublewrong,with him.,2 .I dont know who did it.,3. I dont know who is he,1. When will he go to the library?,1 His brother asks when,he will go to,the library .,2 His brother asks when,will he go to,the library .,2. What does he want to buy ?,1 I dont know what,he wants to,buy .,2 I dont know what,does he want to,buy .,We thought,it,strange,that,Xiao Wang did not,come yesterday,.,2. He has made,it,clear,that,he will not give in,.,注意:,it常可以放在动词think, find, consider, believe, feel, make等后作为,形式宾语, 真正的宾语-that从句则放在句尾.,*_(我们觉得很怪)she didnt go to school today.,We think,it,strange,that,Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.,1. -Can you tell me _ the man is ?,- He is my brother.,2. I didnt know _ he was coming until yesterday.,3. The doctor asks _ medicine you have taken.,4. I want to know _ they solved the problems in the city.,who,when,what,how,when,Whether/if,1.,The young man asked _ its summer or winter.,A. either B. that C. weather D. whether,2.,We dont know _ they did it .,A. how B. who C. what D. which,3. The teacher asks us _ Jim can come back on time .,A. that B. if C. when D. what time,4. Does anybody know _ we will have a sports meeting this weekend or not .,A. if B. where C. whether D. that,D,A,B,C,5. Could you show me _ ?,A. how can I get to the station,B. where is the station,C. how I could get to the station,D. how I can reach the station,6. Please tell me _.,A. what does he like B. what he does like,C. what he likes D. what he like,7. My sister told him _ .,A. what day was it B. when the train arrived,C. who she was waiting D. where did you live,C,B,D,8. Someone is ringing the doorbell . Go and see _ .,A. who is he B. who he is,C. who is it D. who it is,9. Could you tell me how long _ ?,A. you have bought the watch,B. you have kept this science book,C. have you been away from China,D. have you been a member of Greener China,10. He says that if it _ tomorrow , he _ fishing .,A. will rain , wont go B. rained , wasnt go,C. rains , wont go D. rain , will go,B,C,D,宾语从句的难点突破,注意一:,虚拟语气在宾语从句,中的应用,insist;,order,command;,advise,suggest,propose;recommend;,require,request, demand,ask,desire,(一坚持,二命令,四建议,五要求),1.The leaders of the battle ordered _all of,us_the work on time.,A. if; finished B. that; finish,C. whether; finished D. what; finished,注意二:,宾语从句中的强调句结构,2.I just wonder_that makes him so excited.,A.why it does B.what is it,C.How it is D.what it is,3.The companies are working together to create _ they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century. (08北京),A. whichB. that C. whatD. who,注意三:,宾语从句中插入语现象,4.You can hardly imagine _when he heard the news .,A. how he was excited,B. how was he excited,C. how excited he was,D. he was how excited,注意四:,宾语从句中的感叹句,5. I couldnt understand _ with me.,A.the matter was what,B.what the matter was,C.what was the matter,D.that was the matter,注意五:,宾语从句中的特殊语序,what, who在宾语从句中作主语,时,,语序不变,6.This kind of plant grows best,in_we think is warm and rainy.,A.what B. which C.that D. where,注意六:,what,在宾语从句中的活译, 可译为“的事情,的东西,的样子,的地方,等,。,高考链接,(2013山东)1. Its good to know _ the dogs will,be well cared for while were away.,A. what B. whose C. which D. that,(2013新课标I卷)2. Police have found_ appears to be the lost ancient statue.,A. which B. where C. how D. what,(2012福建)3. We promise _ attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star.,A. who B. whom C. whoever D.whomever,(2012陕西)4. As many as five courses are provided, and you are free to choose _ suits you best.,A. Whatever B. whichever,C. whenever D. wherever,5. Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me _?,A. where the bank nearest,B. where is the nearest bank,C. where the nearest bank is,D. the nearest bank is where,(2011北京卷)6. The shocking news mad me realize _ terrible problems we would face.,A. whatB.howC.thatD. why,(2011安徽卷)7. His writing is so confusing that its difficult to make out _it is he is trying to express.,A. thatB. howC. whoD. what,Predicative Clauses 表语从句,从属连词,(不作成分),连接代词,(作成分),连接副词,(作状语),what, who, whom, whose, which, wh+ever,that, whether,as if/as though,when, where, how, why.because,表语从句,是在复合句中作表语的名词性从句,放在,系动词,之后,一般结构是“,主语+系动词+表语从句,”。可以接表语从句的系动词有,be, look, remain, seem,表语从句,The question is _,_,we can rely on him.,Thats _,_,_,we were in need of money at that time .,He looked _,he was going to cry .,Thats _,I was late .,whether,because,as if,why,注 意:,在表语从句中,表“是否” 时,只能用 “,whether,”不能用“if”。,一般情况下,“,that,”不能省。,It is /was,because,.,It is /was,why,.,3. The reason (,why/for),is /was,that,.,4 The reason is,because /why,that .,1. Thats _ the Party called on us to do.,A. why B. what C. how D. that,2. The reason is _ he is unable to operate the machine.,A. because B. why C. that D. Whether,3 .That is _ they separated.,A. that B. what C. which D. where,4.Jane is no longer _ she was four years ago.,A. what B. which C. that D. when,注意1:that / what的辨用,1._ he wants is a book.,2. _ he wants to go there is obvious.3.We should pay attention to _ the teacher is saying.,4.He told us _,_,he felt ill.,5.The result is _,_,_ we won the game.6.This is _,_,_ we want to know.7. I have no idea _,_,_ he did that afternoon.,8.The fact_ she works hard is well known to us all.,What,That,what,what,what,(that),(that),that,Rules,1.that在名词性从句中不充当任何成分,只起连接作用,2. what除起连接作用外,还在名词性从句中充当成分,可做从句的主语、宾语、或表语。,注意2:whether与if的辨用,1.Whether it is true remains a problem.,2.It remains a problem whether/if it is true.,3. He asked whether/if Mary would attend the ceremony.,4.It depends on whether we have got enough money.,5.The question is whether you should accept it.,6.The question whether hell attend the meeting is important.,7.I didnt know whether to laugh or to cry.,8.I dont know whether/if it is right or not.,Rules,1.在由形式主语,it,引导的主语从句及在,vt,动词后面的宾语从句中,表“是否”, whether/if 都可以用;,2.在前置主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句和跟在介词后面的宾语从句中,表“是否”,,只能,用whether;,3.在,whether or not,和,whether to do,中whether,不能,换成if,Practice time,if / whether,1. I asked her _ she had a bike.,2. I dont know _ he is well or not.,3._ we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather.,4.It hasnt been decided_ we shall,attend the meeting.,5.Were worried about _ he is safe.,6. The question is _ he should do it.,7.The doctor can hardly answer the question _ the old man will recover soon.,8. I dont know _ to go or to stay at home.,whether/ if,whether,whether,whether,whether,whether,whether,whether / if,1. _made the school proud was _more than 90%of the students had been admitted to key universities .,A What / because B What / that,C That / what D That / because,2._she couldnt understand was _ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons .,A What / why B That / what C What / because D Why / that,B,A,B,3,.,He is absent from school . It is _ he is seriously ill.,A. why B. because C. that D. the reason,4 _has helped to save the drowning girl is worthpraising .,A Who B The one C Anyone D Whoever,5. Information has been put forward _ more graduates will be admitted into universities .,A that B how C where D what,D,A,6 - I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week .,- Is that _you had a few days off ?,A why B when C what D where,7 -Are you still thinking about yesterdays game ?,- Oh ,thats _.,A what makes me feel excited,B whatever I feel excited about,C how I feel about it,D when I feel excited,A,A,._ fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect .,A What B That C This D Which,10. When you answer questions in a job interview ,please remember the golden rule : Always give the monkey exactly _ he wants .,A what B which C when D that,11. We made the suggestion that he _ his work .,A continues B continue,C continued D had continued,B,A,B,12.There will be a special price for _ buys things in large number here.,A. who B. whom C. whoever D. Whomever,13. Mary wrote an article on _ the team had failed to win the game .,why B. what C. who D. that (05),14.The poor young man is ready to accept _ help he can get. (05),A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whenever,14.Many newspaper printed the governors statement _ would support a tax cut.,and he B. was that he C which he D that he,15._ man must fear when traveling in space is radiation from the sun.,A.,Which B. How C. What D. That,16.It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.,A. However B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever,16. She received the message _ he would come by plane.,A. that B. which C. what D. when,17. Energy is _ makes things work.,A. what B. something C. anything D. that,18.Our city has changed a lot ,and now it is quite different from _ a few years ago.,A. what it used to be B. that it used to be,C.which it used to be D. what was it,19. We all know the truth _ there are air ,water and sunlight,there are living things.,A. wherever B. where C. that D. that wherever,20.The true value of life is not in _ , but_.,A. how you get ;that you give,B.which you get;what you give,C.what you get ;what you give,D. what do you get ;what do you give,21._ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.,A. There B. This C. That D. It,


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