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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,剑桥少儿英语1级A的Unit4课件,Warm up,Magic,What can you see?,turtle pig,fish baseball,clock apple,bag pen,Whats in my bag?,Its a pen.,mouth candy,Whats in my mouth?,Its a candy.,book pen,Whats in my book?,Its a pen.,pencil-case eraser,Whats in my pencil-case?,Its an eraser.,shoe watch,Whats in my shoe?,Its a watch.,desk ruler,Whats in my desk?,Its a ruler.,box turtle,Whats in my box?,Its a turtle.,car fan,Whats in my car?,Its a fan.,hat orange,Whats in my hat?,Its an orange.,hand pencil,Whats in my hand?,Its a pencil.,baseball(棒球),hand(手),doll(布娃娃),Walking walking,游戏规则:,一组同学围成圈,伴随音乐抢玩具,老师说孩子抢,偷偷放入自己口袋里,比赛谁抢的多。注意不要暴露并且藏好。,两只老虎(调),On 在上面,Under 在下面,in 在.里面,介词:,in (在里面),on(在上面),句型:,Whats in the .?,Whats on the .?,Whats on the table now?,A turtle,A pig,A fish,A bird,An apple,A clock,A baseball,Whats in my bag?,Ask and answer,A pen.,Whats in my mouth?,A candy.,Ask and answer,Whats in my plate?,Its an eraser.,Whats in my book?,Its a pen.,Whats in my shoe?,Its a watch.,Ask and answer,Whats in my desk?,Its a ruler.,Whats in the box?,Its a turtle.,Whats in the car?,Its a fan.,短语辨析A,a shoe,a watch,a desk,a fan,a hand,a hat,a mouth,a candy,一只鞋一块手表一张书桌一台电风扇一只手一顶礼帽一张嘴一块糖果,两只鞋三块手表四张书桌五台电风扇六只手七顶礼帽八张嘴九块糖果,two shoesthree watchsfour desksfive fanssix handsseven hatseight mouthsnine candies,短语辨析B,1.in my bag,2.in my hat,3.on my desk,4.in my hand,5.in my mouth,6.in my pencil-box,7.in my shoe,8.in my box,9.in my car,在我的书包里在我的帽子里在我的书桌里在我的手里在我的嘴里在我的铅笔盒里在我的鞋里在我的盒子里在我的小汽车里,Letter,Ii,i- hi-hid藏,i- li- lid盖子,i- ni-nib钢笔尖,i- hi-hit打击,i- si-sit坐,i-fi-fit适合,i- di- did 做,i- ki- kid小孩,i- ni-nit卵,i- pi- pit坑,hid,hit,lid,nib,nit,kid,did,fit,sit,pit,nib,six,dig,hit,lip,hid,pin,kit,bid,zip,lid,pit,bit,sit,5.Listen and write.,Write the missing sounds.,l,d l,t b,d b,d,k,d k,n s,t s,t,f,d f,t M,g m,d,p,t p,t w,t w,t,i,O,e,a,i,i,i,i,e,e,e,a,a,a,O,i,This is a big _.you can -many toys in it .you can find a toy- in this big hat .you can find a toy- in it ,too.,hat,see,car,dog,Homework:,1.单词两英一汉,听写。,2.熟读小册的内容,重点句型要背过。,3.学校课本单词第二单元两英一汉。,4.万圣节报名火爆进行中。,


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