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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The man in the picture is Professor Du. His job is,teaching,psychology in the collage. /,Teaching,psychology in the collage is his job. His perfect appearance makes thousands of women,falling,in love with him. However, the handsome man,teaching,in the class is actually an alien, who is used to,living,in the earth.,表语,主语,宾补,定语,宾语,V-ing form as adverbial,Learning aims:,1. The functions of V-ing form as adverbial.,2. The testing points of V-ing form as adverbial in the collage entrance examination.,1. We sat in the classroom,listening to the teacher carefully.,2. If,working hard, we can all achieve our dreams.,3. The heavy rain lasted for a month in Xiamen,causing a lot of damage,.,4.,Having starred in,You, Who Comes from the Star,,,Mr. Kim becomes so popular.,5.,Hearing the news that Mr. Kim would come to our school, we couldnt help jumping with joy.,6. Mr. Kim came to our school,taking the helicopter,.,Function of V-ing form as adverbial,伴随状语,条件状语,结果状语,原因状语,时间状语,方式状语,V-ing,的构成,V,-ing,是由动词原形加词尾,-ing,构成,表示与主语主动关系。,V-ing,同样有时态和语态的变化,通常有下表几种形式(以,do,为例),主动形式,被动形式,一般式,完成式,doing,Being done,Having done,Having been done,V-ing,的一般式和完成式:,V,-ing,的一般式的动作表示和后面句子的动作是,同时进行,的动作;完成式的动作是,先于,后面句子的动作发生。如:,Being,a student, he was interested in books.,作为一个学生,他对书本很感兴趣。,Not having studied,his lessons very hard, he failed the examinations.,因为没有努力学习功课,他考试不及格。,-ing,V,的否定形式是由,not /never,加,V,-ing,构成,。如:,不知道他的地址,我只好在家里等着。,Not knowing,his address, I could do,nothing but stay at home and wait.,V-ing,的被动式,V-ing,的被动式表示与主句的主语是被动关系。根据,-ing,分词动作发生的时间,被动式有一般被动式,(being done),和完成被动式,(having been done),。如:,被老师批评以后,他把烟戒了,。,(,Having been,criticized,),by the teacher, he gave up smoking.,现在分词作状语,现在分词作状语往往和逻辑主语之间存在主动关系。现在分词作状语,常常用来表示,原因,、,时间,、,方式,、,结果,、,条件,、,伴随状况,等。现在分词,一般不用作表目的的状语,(通常用不定式表目的的状语)。,1,),表时间状语,V-ing,短语作时间状语,相当于一个时间状语从句。,注意:现在分词所表示的动作与主句的动作一般是,同时发生,有时可由连词,when, while,引出。如,:,While reading,the book, he nodded from time to time.,他一边看书,一边不时地点头。,看到那些画,她想起了她的童年,。,Seeing,those pictures, she remembered her childhood.,When I was walking,in the street, I came across an old friend of mine.,Walking,in the street, I came across an old friend of mine.,While he was waiting,for the bus, he read a copy of China Daily.),While waiting for the bus,he read a copy of China Daily.,2),表原因状语(相当于一个原因状语从句),Being ill, he didnt go to school.,1.(=as he,was,ill, he didnt go to school.),Being a student, you should study hard.,(=Since you,are,a student, you should study hard.,),2.,既然你是一个学生,你就应该努力学习。,3.,由于想到他或许在家,所以我就给他打了电话。,Thinking he might be at home, I called him.,(As I thought he might be at home, I called him.),3),表方式、伴随情况的状语,:作伴随状语地分词表示的动作,必须是,主语的一个 动作,,或是,与谓语所表示的动作(或状态)同时发生,,或是,对谓语表示的动作(或状态)作进一步地补充说明,。,Eg. He sat on the sofa, watching TV.,(=He sat on the sofa and watched TV.),他们笑着谈着走进了教室。,_ , they went into the classroom.,他斜靠,(lean),着墙站着。,He _the wall.,(,He stood and leaned against the wall.),Laughing and talking,stood leaning against,4),表结果,Eg. Her mother died in 1990,leaving,her with her younger brother.,(=Her mother died in 1990,and left,her with her younger brother.),全国到处在传唱这首歌曲,使它成了一首最受欢迎的歌曲。,The song is sung all over the country,_.,making it the most popular song,(表意料之中的结果),5),表条件,Using,your head, you will find a way.,(=If you use your head, you will find a way.),一直往前走,你就会看到一座白色地房子。,_, you will see a white house.,Walking ahead,1. Having not seen the film, I cant tell you what I think of it.,2. The men worked for extra hours got an extra pay.,3. Seen from the top of the hill, we find the city more beautiful.,4. Generally speak, facial expressions are helpful communications, too.,Not having,working,Seeing,speaking,单句改错,5. “ Cant you read?” the man said, angrily pointed to the notice on the wall.,6. Knocking at the door before entering, please.,7. European football is played in 80 countries, made it the most popular sport in the world.,pointing,Knock,making,(6),与逻辑主语构成独立主格,:,考点说明,名词、代词,+,-ing,形式可构成独立主格,结构作时间、条件、原因、或伴随状语,此时,-,ing,形式的逻辑主语为前面的名词或代词。,典型例题,1. The moon _, we came to the foot of the mountain.,A. appeared,B. appears,C. appearing,D. appear,析:,C,。该句意为:月亮出来时,我们在山脚下。,Appearing,和,the moon,构成独立主格结构作时间状语。,I waiting,for the bus, a bird fell on my hair.,我等汽车时,一只鸟落到我头上。,All the tickets having been sold out, they went away disappointedly,.,所有的票已经卖光了,他们失望地离开了。,Time permitting, well do another two exercises.,如果时间允许,我们将做另两个练习。,有时也可用,with (without),+,名词(代词宾格),+,分词形式,With the lights burning, he fell asleep.,他点着灯睡着了。,方法揭秘,解题时应牢记,-,ing,形式独立主格结构作状语,与,-,ing,形式作状语用法完全相同,只不过,独立主格结构中,-,ing,形式逻辑主语为,前面的名词或代词。,而,-,ing,形式作状语时,其逻辑主语是,句子的主语。,7,)独立成分:,有些分词短语可以做独立成分,用来解释整个句子,不受句子主语的限制。常见的分词短语有:,generally(frankly,honestly) speaking, supposing (,假设,), judging from/by(,从,判断,), talking of,(谈到,), speaking of,(谈到),等。,Generally speaking, girls are more careful than boys.,Supposing,you lose, what will you do?,Judging from,his accent, he must be from the north.,Talking of,travel, have you ever been to Beijing?,1,、分词,(,短语,),作状语时,前后两个动作的主语是同一个人。,(,前后主语一致),、分词短语做状语时,前面可以加上连词或介词,但是分词短语和句子之间不能用并列连词,(,如,but,,,and),,,分词和主句之间可用逗号。,Working hard,you will succeed.,使用,- ing,形式需注意的,4,个问题,.,3,、用,V+ing,一般式 还是,Having+done,完成式,要看前后两个动作有没明显的先后顺序,有先后顺序,就用,having done.,4,、分词的否定形式是在分词短语前面加上,not, never,等否定词构成。,After he heard a strong sound, he went out of the room for a look.,=,Having heard,a strange sound, he went out of .,As the girl was seriously ill, she was taken to hospital immediately.,Being,seriously ill, the girl was taken to .,be - being,As she didnt know any French, she couldnt get any one to help her.,Not knowing,any French, she couldnt get any one to help her.,Describe the pictures according to the hints.,sit on the sofa;,read a report,Professor Du sat on the sofa, reading a report at home.,reading a report at home.,V-ing作伴随状语,in danger; surper power,Using his super power,he saved Miss Qian when she was in danger.,V-ing作方式状语,shock,dance crazily,Because he saw Miss Qian dancing crazily,he was deeply shocked.,Seeing Miss Qian dancing crazily,V-ing作原因状语,cry,When he noticed Miss Qian crying, he danced funny to entertain her.,(When) Noticing Miss Qian crying,V-ing作时间状语,Consolidation,The secretary worked late into the night,_ a long speech for the president.,A. to prepare B. preparing,C. prepared D. was preparing,2. European football is played in 80 countries,_ it the most popular sport in the world.,A. making B. makes,C. made D. to make,3.,”,Can,t you read?,”,Mary said _ to the,notice,.,A. angrily pointing B. and point angrily,C. angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing,4. _ a reply, he decided to write again.,Not receiving,B. Receiving not,Not having received,D. Having not received,5,The missing singer was last seen _ the voice close to the bridge,A,exercising B,to be exercising C,exercise D,to exercise,6.The directors discussed the project that they would like to see _ the next year,A,carry out B,carrying out C,carried out D,to carry out,7._,the classroom, the students went to the playground to watch the football match.A. To clean,B. Having cleaned,C. Cleaned,D. Cleaning,8. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _Sorry to miss you; will call later.,“,A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading,9._from what he said, he must be the thief who has stolen the car.,A. Judging B. Judged C. To judge D. Judge,1. The stranger said something in a _ voice and the little girl was very much _,A. frightening, frightened,B. frightened, frightening,C. frightening, frightening,D. frightened, frightened,Choose the best answer.,2. _the piano, someone suddenly knocked at the door.,A. Playing,B. When I was playing,C. Repairing,D. Examining,3. Mother caught the boy _ in the corner.,A. smoke B. to smoke,C. being smoked D. smoking,4. _ the programme, they have to stay there for another 2 weeks.,A. Not completing,B. Not completed,C. Not having completed,D. Having not completed,5. “We cant go out in this weather”, said Bob, _ out of the window.,A. looking B. to look,C. looked D. having looked,6. Though _ money, his parents managed to send him to university.,A. lacked B. lacking of,C. lacking D. lacked in,7. The bell _ the end of the period rang, _ our heated discussion.,A. indicating; interrupting,B. indicated; interrupting,C. indicating; interrupted,D. indicated; interrupted,8. _ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.,A. Having suffered,B. Suffering,C. To suffer,D. Suffered,9. He looked around and caught a man _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.,A. put B. to be putting,C. to put D. putting,10. Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage _ the girl and took her away, _ into the woods.,A. seizing; disappeared,B. seized; disappeared,C. seizing; disappearing,D. seized; disappearing,11. _in the queue of half an hour. Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.,A. To wait B. Have waited,C. Having waited D. To have waited,12. The picture _ on the wall is painted by my nephew.,A. Having hung B. hanging,C. hangs D. being hung,13. Generally speaking, _ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.,A. when taking,B. when taken,C. when to take,D. when to be taken,


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