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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit |,One,Unit |,One,Invitation,Etiquette,Unit Goals:,What You Should Learn to Do,1. Make an oral invitation to:,invite people to join daily activities,invite people to formal occasions,2. Make a written invitation,(write an invitation card or a letter) for:,personal invitation,official occasions,3. Give a reply to:,an oral invitation,a written invitation,What You Should Know About,1. Invitation culture: Western and Chinese,2. Word order in a subordinate clause,Contents,Section ,Appreciating Culture Tips,Section,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Section,Talking Face to Face,Section,Being All Ears,Section,Trying Your Hand,Section I Talking Face to Face,Imitating,Mini-talks,Speak and Recite,Speak and Perform,Study and Imitate,Imitate and Perform,Acting out the Tasks,Studying Invitation Cards and Letters,Following Sample Dialogues,Putting Language to Use,Speak and Complete,Speak and Communicate,Speak and,Translate,1) Inviting friends to a party,Sally: Hello, William. Whatre you going to do tomorrow evening?,William: Tomorrow evening? Nothing special.,Sally: Im inviting a few friends to my daughters birthday party. How would,you like to join us?,William: Great. That would be,super,.,Congratulations,!,2) Inviting friends to a dinner,Mary: Wed love to have you over for dinner Saturday.,Robert: Oh, thank you. What time should I come?,Mary: How about eight oclock?,Robert: OK. Thank you for inviting me.,SECTION I Talking Face to Face,Imitating Mini-talks,Speak and Recite,1 Work in pairs. Look at the picture and recite the following mini-talks for making,invitations and giving responses.,Back,Unit |,One,3) Inviting friends to a movie,Paul: Whatre you doing on Saturday night?,Molly: Im not sure. Why?,Paul: Well, I was thinking of asking you to go to a movie with me this weekend.,Molly: Oh, why not?,4) Declining an invitation to go roller-skating,Mike: Would you like to go,roller-skating,with me this Saturday afternoon?,Sarah: Saturday afternoon? Im afraid I wont be able to.,Mike: What about Sunday afternoon?,Sarah: That would be nice.,5) Declining an invitation to go out to dinner,Steve: Well, thank goodness its Friday, Jean.,Cindy: Yes, it was a long week, Ken.,Steve: Would you like to go out to dinner tonight? Id like to take you somewhere,really special.,Cindy: Oh, thanks, but . maybe some other time. Im very busy tonight.,Window on Key Words,好极了,祝贺,滑旱冰,Back,Speak and Perform,Acting out the Tasks,2 Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.,1 Task:,Suggest going skiing with your friend.,2 Task:,Invite your friend to go to a concert on Friday evening.,3 Task:,Invite your friend to go to the early show of the movie “,My Fair Lady,”.,4 Task:,Decline your friends invitation to go dancing next Friday afternoon.,5 Task:,Decline your friends invitation to go out to dinner.,Back, Refer to the Data Bank in the Workbook for more relevant expressions.,Studying Invitation,Cards,and,Letters,Study and Imitate,3 Invitation cards are often used for inviting people. Now lets read the following,invitation cards and letters and try to use the information in them in your face-to-,face talks.,Back,Back,1) Inviting Friends to a Party,Wang: Hello, William. What are you doing tomorrow evening?,William: Tomorrow evening? Nothing special, I was thinking of watching TV.,Wang: Drag yourself away from television for a change. Im having a few friends to,have a dinner party tomorrow to celebrate my daughters birthday. How would,you like to join us?,William: Great. That would be super. Congratulations!,Wang: Thank you. How about eight oclock? Is that OK?,William: Oh yes, fine. Would it be alright if I brought somebody with me?,Wang: Yes, of course.,William: OK. Fine. Do you want me to bring something to drink? Red wine or white?,Wang: Um, white wine, if you feel you must bring something. But its not necessary.,William: Ill do that. Well, indeed, thank you very much for inviting me.,Wang: My pleasure.,William: Ill be along at eight. Looking forward to it.,Wang: Yeah, see you then.,Following Sample Dialogues,Imitate and Perform,4 Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks.,Back,Unit |,One,2) Declining an Invitation,Chang: Are you doing anything special on Friday, Mr. Smith?,Smith: Yes, Mr. Johnson and I have promised to call on some friends at the,embassy.,Chang: Oh, what a pity!,Smith: What did you have in mind?,Chang: We were thinking of asking you and Mr. Johnson to go to the Great Wall.,Smith: Id love to and Im sure Mr. Johnson would, too. I wonder if we could make,it some other time if it is convenient.,Chang: What about Saturday? But I need to alert you that the coach will leave,quite early at 7 oclock.,Smith: Ill ask Mr. Johnson if he has any plans, but I think itll be all right.,Suppose I give you a ring this afternoon and let you know.,Chang: That would be fine.,Back,Putting Language to Use,Speak and Complete,5 Imagine you are inviting your friend Bill to a concert tonight, but he happens to,have to finish a term paper. Complete the following conversation with him by,filling in the blanks.,You: 1 _, Bill?,Bill: Im not sure. Why?,You: Well, _ if you would like to go to a concert with me.,Bill: Tonight? 3 _. But I really have to stay in and 4 _.,You: Thats too bad.,Bill: It is. Going to a concert sounds like a lot more fun than writing a term paper.,You: Oh, maybe 5 _. We should try and do something,together soon.,Bill: 6 _. Lets talk about it together later.,You: OK. See you later.,Back,Thats right,What are you doing tonight,I was wondering,I wish I could,write a term paper,some other time then,Unit |,One,Speak and,Translate,6 Imagine you are a friend of Jennifer. Tomorrow is your birthday. You are inviting,her to come to your birthday party. Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese,version provided.,You: Jennifer,1,_,?,(,你明天晚上有什么特别的事吗?,),Jennifer: No, nothing special.,You:,2,_,_,? (,我想请你参加我的生日聚会。你愿意来吗?,),Jennifer: Yes, Id love to.,You:,3,_,? (,好的,你在七点钟来好吗?,),Jennifer: Oh, yes, fine. Do you want me to bring something to drink? Orange juice or,lemonade?,You:,4,_,.,(,如果你一定要带什么的话,就带柠檬汁吧。,),Jennifer: Ill do that. Thank you very much for inviting me.,Lemonade if you must bring something,are you doing anything special tomorrow evening,Id like to invite you to come to my birthday party. Would you like to,join us,Good. Will you come at 7:00,Back,Unit |,One,Speak and Communicate,7 Imagine you are a friend of Marys. You are asking her to go to a movie. Play,your role according to the clues given in brackets.,You:,1 (,问对方这个周末打算做什么,), Mary?,Got any plans?,Mary: Nothing special. Why?,You: Want to see a movie?,2 (,告诉对方友谊电影院正在放映,雷雨,。,),Mary: Yeah, why not?,3 (,询问看早场还是晚场。,),You: Lets go to the early show, and we could do,something afterward.,4 (,建议去肯德基或咖啡馆。,),Mary:,5 (,表示要去肯德基。,),You:,6 (,询问在什么时间和地点见面。,),Mary: Ill come to your house to pick you up at six oclock.,You:,7 (,表示同意与感谢。,),See you then.,1) What are you going to do this,weekend,2) “Thunderstorm” is on at the,Friendship.,3) The early show or the late show?,4) Maybe go to KFC (Kentucky,Fried Chicken) or a coffee shop.,5) Id rather go to KFC.,6) When and where shall we meet?,7) Thats very kind of you.,Back,Unit |,One,SECTION,II,Being All Ears,Learning Sentences for Workplace,Communication,Listen and Repeat,Listen and Match,Listen and,Translate,Handling a Dialogue,Listen and Decode,Understanding a Short Speech /,Talk,Listen and Complete,Listen and,Match,Listen and,Answer,Listen and Complete,Listen and,Answer,SECTION,II,Being All Ears,Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication,Listen and Repeat,1 Listen to ten topic-related English sentences for workplace communication,cross-referenced with their Chinese translation and try to remember them.,Back,Unit |,One,Window on Key Words,rocknroll concert,摇滚音乐会,Pizza Hut,必胜客比萨饼店,be convenient for you,对你方便,Back,Listen and Match,2 Listen again to the above sentences rearranged in sequence, and then match,them with their Chinese translation.,1) a.,我希望能去,可是我已约好去看医生了。,2) b.,听我说,我有几张星期日晚上摇滚音乐会的票,你想不想去?,3) c.,我恐怕去不了,但还是要谢谢你。,4) d.,你什么时候方便就什么时候来吧。,5) e.,非常抱歉,但是我已经有别的安排了。不过还是要谢谢你。,6) f.,你可以定个别的时间吗?,7) g.,你能否在星期五过来和我们一起吃晚饭?,8) h.,不知道你什么时候方便。,9) i.,你去过大街上新开的必胜客比萨饼店吗?今天晚上我们一起去好吗,?,10) j.,今天晚上有什么特别的事情吗?,d,h,c,b,j,i,e,g,f,a,Back,Listen and,Translate,3 Listen to ten topic-related English sentences for workplace communication and,translate them into Chinese orally.,Back,1),好久没在一起聚了,下周一起吃午饭怎么样?,2),我很想去,可是今天晚上我得待在家里写论文。,3),整个一周我都很忙,两个星期之后怎么样?,4),我们想在星期六给他们开一个告别会。,5),我没有意识到他们这么快就要搬走了。我们肯定会,想念他们的。,6),那么,我们再找时间吧。,7),今天晚上和我一起去看电影怎么样?,8),下周三我可以去。,9),今天天气真好,一起到乡村看看怎么样?,10),太好了,我需要作什么准备?,1) We havent got together for a long time. How about having lunch next week?,2) I wish I could go. But I have to stay in and finish my paper tonight.,3) Im pretty tied up all week. How about putting it off two weeks from today?,4) We are going to have a going-away party for them on Saturday.,5) I didnt realize they were moving so soon. They are really going to be missed.,6) Maybe some other time, then.,7) Would you like to go to a cinema with me tonight?,8) I can make it next Wednesday.,9) Its a beautiful day today! How about a little trip out into the country?,10) That sounds great. What should I do for preparation?,Script:,Back,Mike and Claire are discussing their plans for,1 today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow,. Mike suggests going to the,2 ball room, ball game, ball match, but Claire doesnt want to. Then Mike invites Claire to go,3 skating, skiing, skidding,. Claire loves this idea as she hasnt done it,4 for a short time, for a few years, for a long time,. But Claire seems to remember that its supposed to be,5 very wet, quite cold, very warm,tomorrow. In that case, it wont be a good idea to go skiing. So, they,6 agree, argue, arrange,to wait and see what the weather will be like tomorrow.,Handling a Dialogue,Listen and Decode,4 Listen to a dialogue and decode the message by finding out the correct choices,in the brackets according to what you have heard.,Script,Back,Mike:,What are you going to do tomorrow? Got any plans?,Claire:,Not at all. Do you have any suggestions?,Mike:,How about going to the ball game?,Claire:,Hmm. I dont really feel like going to watch the ball game. Any other,ideas?,Mike:,Would you like to go skiing tomorrow?,Claire:,That sounds great. I havent gone skiing for a long time. But wait a,minute! Isnt it supposed to be very warm tomorrow?,Mike:,Gee, I havent heard of that.,Claire:,Im pretty sure its supposed to be very warm. I heard it on the radio.,Mike:,In that case, going skiing wouldnt be a very good idea. Lets wait and,see what the weather will be like tomorrow.,Claire:,Okay. Ill call you in the morning.,Script:,Back,Listen and,Answer,5 Listen to the dialogue again and then answer the following questions orally.,Back,1) Does Claire have any plans for tomorrow?,2) What suggestions does Mike make?,3) How does Claire know its supposed to be warm tomorrow?,4) Does Mike also know about the weather condition of tomorrow?,5) What will Clair do tomorrow morning?,No, she doesnt.,Going to the ball game and skiing.,She heard it on the radio.,No, he doesnt.,She will give Mike a call.,Mike: What are you going to do tomorrow?,1,_?,Claire: Not at all. Do you have any suggestions?,Mike:,2,_?,Claire: Hmm. I dont really feel like going to watch the ball game. Any other ideas?,Mike:,3,_?,Claire: That sounds great. I havent gone skiing for a long time. But wait a minute! Isnt it supposed to be very warm tomorrow?,Mike: Gee,4,_.,Claire: Im pretty sure its supposed to be very warm. I heard it on the radio.,Mike:,5,_.,Lets wait and see what the weather will be like tomorrow.,Claire: Okay. Ill call you in the morning.,Listen and Complete,6 Listen to the dialogue for the last time and fill in the blanks according to what,you have heard.,Back,Got any plans,How about going to the ball game,Would you like to go skiing tomorrow,I havent heard of that,In that case, going skiing wouldnt be a very good idea,Unit |,One,Understanding a Short Speech / Talk,Listen and Complete,7 Listen to a short speech twice and during the second listening, put back the,missing words in the blanks.,Good morning everybody. Welcome to the 7th International,1,_ Conference. Its great to see so many of you old,2,_ and new ones! Now were going to have two very busy days, but I am sure youll,3,_ them. As soon as I finish, which wont be very long, I promise you, well begin with the first,4,_ , that is, our Sales Managers will be giving sales,5,_ for their own countries. Well stay together for that part as I feel its,6,_ for everybody to see the overall picture. Then, after weve had lunch, were going to,7,_ groups to discuss our targets for next year and how to,8,_ them.,Dinner this evening is at eight oclock. Wed like everyone to meet in the bar for drinks from about seven oclock.,9,_ we can enjoy a,drink together until the coach leaves for the,10,_ at 7:45.,restaurant,Sales,faces,enjoy,part,reports,useful,divide into,reach,That way,Back,Unit |,One,a. one day.,b. two days.,c. three days.,d. four days.,a. the chairman of the conference.,b. the guest speaker.,c. the Sales Director.,d. the General Manager.,Column A Column B,Listen and,Match,8 Listen to the short speech again and match the information in Column A,with the choices in Column B.,1) The opening speech is made by,_,2) This conference will last for,_,Back,a. the sales director giving a welcome speech.,b. the sales director giving an annual report.,c. the sales managers giving sales reports.,d. the sales managers exchanging their sales,experience.,a. it wont last too long.,b. everybody is to give a report.,c. the guest speakers topic is interesting.,d. it is good for them to see an overall picture.,a. the sales targets for next year.,b. the marketing plan for next year.,c. the employment of new sales managers.,d. the division of the market share.,Column A Column B,Back,3) The first part of the meeting is,mainly devoted to _,4) Everyone is asked to stay for the,first part of the meeting because,_,5) The major topic of this sales,conference is _,Listen and,Answer,9 Write out the general idea of the short speech in one paragraph by answering,the following questions.,1) What is the name of the conference?,2) Who makes the opening speech?,3) How long will the conference last?,4) What will the Sales Managers do after the opening speech?,5) What is to be done after lunchtime?,6) What is arranged for the evening?,The 7th International Sales Conference.,The Sales Director.,The conference will last for two days.,The Sales Managers will give sales reports for their own countries.,There will be a group discussion of the targets for the next year and how to reach them.,Dinner is arranged at 8:00 P.M. and drinks will be served in the bar from about 7:00 P.M.,General idea,Back,Unit |,One,This is the 7th International Sales Conference. The Sales Director is making the opening speech. The conference will last for two days. For the first part of the conference, the Sales Managers are to give sales reports for their own countries. Then, after lunch, there will be a group discussion of the targets for the next year and how to reach them. Dinner is arranged at 8:00,P.M. Drinks will be served in the bar from about 7:00 P.M.,Back,General idea:,SECTION,III,Trying Your Hand,Practicing Applied Writing,Write and Simulate,Write and Create,Writing Sentences and Reviewing,Grammar,Write and Correct Mistakes,Write and Translate,Write and Describe a Picture,Write and,Apply Rules,SECTION,III,Trying Your Hand,Practicing Applied Writing,Write and Simulate,1 Read the following samples of invitation cards and learn to write your own.,Back,Back,Write and Create,2 Translate the following business card into Chinese, using the data bank in the,Workbook for reference.,Back,3 Write a reply to the above letter. Your reply should include the following.,Back,4 Translate the following message into English, referring to the Data Bank in the,Workbook for reference when necessary.,Back,I wish I could attend your graduation party. I know it will be lots of fun. Unfortunately my parents have already invited several of our relatives over for a reunion. I wonder if you could come on Saturday evening so you can tell me all about the party.,Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar,Back,Word Order in a Subordinate Clause,1) “Who is he?”, “I dont know. You may ask Mary _ (who he is, who is he).”,2) “Were late. The play has started.”, “I wonder how long ago _ (did it begin, it began).”,3) He asked me if _ (I had enjoyed, had I enjoyed) the film.,4) Helen asked Roger, “Can you tell me when _ (you will have time, will you have time) to see me?”,5) The teacher asked me _ (how old was I, how old I was).,6) She asked him if _ (he would marry her, would he marry her).,7) Do you think _ (should we, we should) invite the Browns?,8) Id like to know how _ (could I, I could) improve the design.,5 Find the correct choices in brackets to make correct sentences.,Back,Write and,Apply Rules,I could,who he is,it began,I had enjoyed,you will have time,how old I was,he would marry her,we should,Write and Correct Mistakes,6 Correct the errors in the following sentences, paying attention to word order,in subordinate clauses.,1) Jane told her not to worry about where might be her son.,2) She said I am going to the cinema.,3) She wanted to know what was his job.,4) I wondered did he really mean it.,5) He asked which chair should he take.,Jane told her not to worry about where her son might be.,She said she was going to the cinema.,She wanted to know what his job was.,I wondered if he really meant it.,He asked which chair he should take.,Back,Back,6) He asked why hadnt I stopped the car.,7) He remarked what it was a lovely house.,8) He said how the garden was beautiful.,9) He asks when will they leave.,10) I dont know where is he.,He asked why I hadnt stopped the car.,He remarked what a lovely house it was.,He said how beautiful the garden was.,He asks when they will leave.,I dont know where he is.,7 Translate the following sentences into English.,1),你能告诉我在哪儿可以买到口香糖吗?,2),警察想知道她长什么样儿。,3),你知道她穿的是什么衣服吗,?,4),在报告中他们问到银行里有几个监控摄像头。,5),面试官问他已经工作几年了。,6),你想知道他什么时候去上海吗,?,7),我只是想知道你喜欢什么颜色,红色还是黄色。,Can you tell me where I can buy some chewing gum?,The police wanted to know what she looked like.,Do you know what she was wearing?,In the report, they asked how many security cameras there were in the bank.,The interviewer asked him


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