专四写作- 便条

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Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,*,TEM 4,专四辅导系列:,-TEM 4,便条写作,Note-Writing,Notes Writing of TEM 4,A.,便条,写作,概况及专四新大纲要求,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,便条是一种简单的书信。虽然内容简单,但却有其独特的风格。主要目的是为了尽快地把最新的信息、通知、要求或者活动的时间、地点转告给对方。常见的便条有感谢、留言和通知等。,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,特点:,1.,文内语言尽量通俗简约,清楚明了,直截了当,无需使用过多客套语言。,2.,便条虽简单,但中心务必突出,更要注明活动的时间及地点要素。,3.,便条不需邮寄,不用信封。通常请人代为转交。有时可写在留言板和留言簿上。,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,基本写作格式:,便条内容和类型不尽相同,可以灵活变通。但各类便条必须包括以下几个基本要素;,1,),Date,:便条日期 (,写信日期,通常写在信笺的右上角日期通常有下列两种定法:(,a,)月、日、年:如,August15,200_,(,b,)日、月、年:如,15thaugust,200_,2,),Salutation,:称呼,(,顶格写起,自成一行),3,),Body,:正文,4,)结束语(在正文之后隔两三行偏右方开始写,开头字母大写,最后一个词后面用逗号,,Yours sincerely, Yours truly,5) Signature,:署名 (,在结束语的正下方,),2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,专四新大纲要求:,要求根据提示写大约,50-60,词的通知、便条、请贴等。要求格式正确,语言得体。考试时间,10,分钟。,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,B.,历年试题分析,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,从历年真题的便条题目来看,便条的题材主要是围绕学生们日常生活中常发生的情况来命题。 常见的体裁有告示、祝贺、道歉、请求、拒绝、安慰、留言、邀请等简单的应用文。,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,年份,主题或题目,题材,1995,自行车出售,告示,1996,祝贺同学演讲获奖,祝贺,1997,为没邀请某人而道歉,道歉,1998,入场券转让,告示,1999,安慰病人,安慰,2000,留言劝说应聘,建议,2001,失约道歉,道歉,2002,询问所转让的随身听的情况,询问,2003,婉拒晚会邀请,拒绝,2004,对同学考试失利安慰,安慰,2005,邀请参加音乐会,邀请,2006,希望参加短途旅行并询问两个细节,询问,2007,婉拒加入游泳会的邀请,拒绝,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,C.,八大类便条写作详解,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,1.,告示类别便条,告示类便条具有很强的实用性,它可以用来表达转让信息,也可以表达求购信息。清楚简约地表达是该类便条写作的关键。,1998,年:入场券转让;,1995,年:自行车出售,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,常用句型:,I write to inform you that we have found your bag.,A fax has just come to hand saying that,All the students are invited to attend the party to be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow,。,All the party members of the university are requested to attend the meeting,All students who are interested in calligraphy are warmly welcome.,Please notify the others concerned,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,真题示例:,1995,年真题(自行车出售),2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,March 12, 2007,Dear fellow students,Im very happy to announce you that Id like to sell my bike to anyone who might need it. It is a blue one, half new, and still in good condition. I only charge 100,yuan,for it. Those who are interested please go to Room 303,Huai,Shu,Building.,If you need any further information, please dont hesitate to call me up. My telephone number is 15988888888.,Sincerely yours,Martin,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,2.,道歉类别便条,在你不小心损坏他人东西时,在你失约时,在你违背自己的诺言时,,你需要向别人道歉。道歉类便条的要领是:真诚地表达你的歉意;措辞规范、表达真切、释义明了。,1997,(为没邀请某人而道歉);,2001,(失约),2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,常用句型:,I do apologize for having to send you this letter about,I am sorry that I had to cancel our appointment yesterday.,I am sorry for not answering your letter promptly.,I sincerely hope the postponement of our meeting do not bring you much inconvenience.,l am very sorry indeed to have to refuse your request as it is quite beyond my power to do so.,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,常用句型:,l am very sorry indeed to have to refuse your request as it is quite beyond my power to do so.,I am sorry that I have delayed in answering your letter.,I must apologize for my delay in answering your kind letter.,I am sorry to have put you to so much trouble.,Again I apologize for the need to Please contact me as soon as possible so that we can,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,真题示例:,1997,年真题(为没邀请某人而道歉),2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,December 15, 2007,Dear Victoria,I am excessively sorry for not inviting you to my party. Please accept my sincere apology with gratitude. I hope you will understand me and excuse me for my carelessness.,It all happened by accident. Before the party, I wrote down the names of the guests on a sheet of paper and asked my sister to inform them one by one. But my sister got all the things mixed up.,I wish you would forgive me.,Sincerely yours,Claudia,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,3.,安慰类别便条,安慰类的便条比较常见,因为生活中难免有失意之处,如生病、考试失败、竞选没有成功等,都能引起学生们的伤感和失望。该类便条的要点是:语气真切;态度积极。专四真题中有两次涉及,分别为,1999,年(安慰病人)和,2004,年(对同学考试失利安慰)。,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,常用句型:,I m very sorry to hear the news that,I am very concerned about your health these days.,If you take it easy, you may soon get well,Everything has two sides. Think about the positive side.,Cheer up! Dont be so depressed.,You still have another chance.,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,真题示例:,2004,年真题(对同学考试失利安慰),2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,June 27, 2004,Dear Jane,Ive just learned from the others that you were unhappy for failing in the final exam. Im very sorry to hear the news.,Im very concerned about your mood. I just want you not to be so depressed and not to lose your heart. Cheer up, my dear friend. You still have another chance. I will see you as soon as I can.,Sincerely yours,,,Paul,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,4.,询问类别便条,欲向他人咨询某事而所要咨询的人不在时使用。写作要领:注意清楚简洁地阐释自己的问题,注意对细节的提问。,2002,年(询问所转让的随身听的情况);,2006,年(希望参加短途旅行并询问两个细节),2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,常用句型:,With reference to your advertisement on the local newspaper I want to know more about,I have learned from my friend that it will be held a party on Monday. I just want to know specifically about,It is reported that,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,常用句型:,Would you please be so kind as / kindly to give me more information about,?,I would appreciate your kindness if you can provide me with more details about,I would be very grateful to you if you let me know,Thank you for your time and efforts,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,真题示例:,2006,年(希望参加短途旅行并询问两个细节),2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,June 22,2007,Dear Michael,I am delighted to learn that you are organizing a weekend excursion for the class. Im very interested in such outdoor activities. III join the trip. But I dont know some specific details. What should we bring? Where shall we meet?,Would you please be so kind as to let me know more about it? I am looking forward to your answer,Sincerely yours,Wayne,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,5.,拒绝类别便条,当你收到来自同学、家人或朋友的邀请或其他请求并无法做到时,那么你必须委婉地表达你的拒绝之意。这时,你就需要写一张拒绝类便条。该类便条的语体特征是客气、委婉。,2003,年(婉拒晚会邀请);,2007,年(婉拒加入游泳会的邀请),2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,常用句型:,I would like to accept , but I can not due to,I am writing to apologize for being unable to,I want to thank you for the consideration and courtesy given to me.,Anyway I feel sorry for disappointing you!,I hope and am sure we will have opportunity to cooperate in the future.,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,真题示例:,2003,年,(,婉拒晚会邀请,),2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,September 1, 2007,Dear Lance,Thank you very much for your invitation. Congratulations on your moving into the new house. However, I have decided not to join your house-warming party.,One reason contributes to my declining your invitation. I have to be in Beijing on business trip this Friday and will return until next Monday.,Im sincerely looking forward to your understanding. I do wish that your party will be successful.,Sincerely yours,Adam,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,6.,祝贺类别便条,祝贺类便条的写作步骤为:表祝贺之情,然后说明所做事情的意义,最后表达白己的祝福。该类便条在语体上的要求为:欢快、分享喜悦、流畅,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,常用句型:,It is the most joyful news I have heard for a long time.,I wish you all possible joy and happiness in the world.,I was pleasantly surprised to read in the newspaper that you,We hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life and in your career.,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,常用句型:,Congratulations on your promotion,graduation,success,progress,achievements.,Wish you the best luck and every happiness.,Wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,!,Here is a word of cheer on your birthday from a warm friend. Congratulations and all good wishes to you!,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,真题示例:,1996,年的便条便是祝贺同学演讲获奖,2024/9/20,Notes Writing of TEM 4,January 19, 1996,Dear Gary,I have learned with delight that you won the second prize in the Municipal English Speech Contest. I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations on your success.,I know this is surely owing to your diligence. It is a reward you richly deserve for your long term efforts.,My best wishes for your further success.,Sincerely yours,Tom,2024/9/20,Thank You !,


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