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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,一 语言知识运用,近,3,年海南中考题再现,1,1.,(,2013.,海南,33,题,),Be careful, _ youll make,fewer mistakes in the exam.,A. or B. but C. and,2.,(,2012.,海南,32,题,),Its raining outside. Take your,umbrella, _ youll get wet.,A. so B. and C. or,C,C,2,3.,(,2013.,海南,29,题),We have to go now. Lets,_ goodbye to Grandpa.,A. tell B. speak C. say,4.,(,2014.,海南,35,题,),-,Do you like chatting on the,phone or by QQ?,-_. I prefer to use WeChat(,微信,).,A. Neither B. Either C. Both,A,C,3,5.,(,2012.,海南,33,题),Chinese _ by more,and more people in the world.,A.isspokenB.isspeakingC.speaks,6.,(,2013.,海南,37,题,),To keep the road safer, the new traffic rules must _ by everyone.,A. follow B. be followed C. are followed,7,.,(,2014.,海南,39,题,),-Whos the baby in the photo?,-Its me. The photo _ ten years ago.,A. took B. was taken C. was taking,B,A,B,4,8.,(,2012.,海南,25,题),I really enjoyed _ at the,party last night.,A.IB.meC.myself,9.,(,2013.,海南,27,题,),Miss Yang is a kind teacher. All,the students love _.,A. she B. her C. hers,B,C,5,10.,(,2012.,海南中考,30,题),-,Willyoustayfortheweekend?,-Sorry,I_.Ihavetostudyforatest tomorrow.,A. neednt B. cant C. may not,11.,(,2013.,海南中考,30,题),-Shall we get up at 7:00 tomorrow morning?,- No, well meet at ten. We _ get up so early.,A.cant B.mustntC.neednt,12.,(,2014.,海南,32,题),Now we still _ find the missing plane. What a pity.,A.cant B.mustntC.neednt,C,B,A,6,13.,(,2012.,海南,21,题),Lookat_bike.Itsverynice.,A.aB.anC.the,14 .,(,2013.,海南,26,题),We go to school library once _ week.,A.a B.an C.the,15.,(,2014.,海南,26,题),Uncle Liang often drink,s,_ cup of tea at 4:00 in,the afternoon.,A.the B.an C.a,A,C,C,7,16.,(,2013.,海南,39,题),_ beautiful place Hainan is! A,lot of visitors enjoy their holidays here.,A.HowB.WhatC.What a,17 .,(,2012.,海南,35,题),Excuseme,doyouknow_?,-Sorry,Idontknow.,A.whereMrWanglives,B.wheredoesMrWanglive,C.whereisMrWang,A,C,8,18.,(,2013.,海南,40,题),-Could you tell me _?,-Next Monday. 68381578,A.when will you go toDongfang,B. when you will go the Dongfang,C.When you went to Dongfang,19.,(,2014.,海南,40,题),-Do you know _? -Yes. Its on your table.,A. where my dictionary is,B. where is my dictionary,C. when I bought my dictionary,A,B,9,Thank you !,10,


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