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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Section Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points,速效提能演练,Unit 1,重点难点探究,Section,重点难点探究,1He was,brought up,in Hannibal,,,Missouri,,,along the Mississippi River.,他在密西西比河沿岸密苏里州的汉尼拔长大。,品味经典,He was brought up by his grandparents.,他是由祖父母抚养大的。,To bring up my taste,,,my mother always takes me to visit the art exhibition.,为了培养我的品位,母亲总是带我去看艺术展览。,词汇精研,In my days,,,children were brought up to respect the law.,在我小的时候,孩子们都接受遵守法律的教育。,You can bring up the matter at the meeting tomorrow.,你可以在明天的会上提出这个问题。,His little son brought up all he had eaten.,他的小儿子把吃下去的东西全部吐了出来。,自我探究,bring up,抚养,;培养;教育;,提出,;呕吐。,归纳拓展,Why dont you bring your brother along?,你为什么不把你弟弟带来?,Science and technology has brought about many changes in our lives.,科学技术给我们的生活带来了诸多变化。,He made every effort to bring down the cost of living.,他竭力降低生活费用。,牛刀小试,选用,bring,的词组用适当的形式完成句子,(1)We have _ a good grain harvest for three years on end.,(2)The central government is taking measures to _ the prices of daily necessities.,(3)Difficulties and hardship have_ the best qualities of the young geologist.,答案:,(1)brought in,(2)bring down,(3)brought out,完成句子,(4)His idea of having weekly family meals together,,,which seemed difficult at first,,,_(,但给他们的生活带来很大的改变,),答案:,has brought about many good changes in their life,2Act I,,,Scene,3,第一幕,第,3,场,品味经典,Firefighters were on the scene immediately.,消防队员立刻赶到现场。,The boy led his mother to the scene of the accident.,这个小孩领着他母亲去了事故发生的现场。,The scene in the hospital is very moving.,在医院的那一场面非常感人。,自我探究,scene,n,C(,戏剧的,),一场;,现场,;场面;,景色,。,词语,意义用法,例句,scene,“,风景;景象;场面,”,,指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指,scenery,的一部分,指某处小范围的景色,大多包括景物中的人及活动。,We saw a happy scene of children playing in the park.,我们看到孩子们在公园里快乐地玩耍的景象。,易混辨析,scene,,,scenery,,,view,,,sight,词语,意义用法,例句,scenery,“,风景;景色,”,,是总称,指某一国家或某一地区的整体的自然风景,为不可数名词。,The West Lake is remarkable for its scenery.,西湖以其风景著名。,view,指人以一定的角度,(,或从远处或从高处等,),所看到的景色,还有,“,观点,”,、,“,看法,”,等意思。,Youll get a fine view of the town from the top of the hill.,在小山顶上,你能很好地欣赏到小城的全貌。,词语,意义用法,例句,sight,指眼睛所看到的景象,可以指美丽的风景,也可以指悲惨的景象,用其复数,sights,表示名胜古迹,人文景观等。,The flowers are a lovely sight in spring.,春天百花盛开十分美丽。,The Great Wall is one of the sights of the world.,长城是世界名胜之一。,牛刀小试,用,scene,,,scenery,,,view,,,sight,填空,(1)We were terrified at the _.,(2)The rocking boats along the river bank make a beautiful _.,(3)We passed through some beautiful _ on our journey through this district.,(4)Standing on the top of the hill we had a good _ of the whole city below.,答案:,(1)sight,(2)scene,(3)scenery,(4)view,(5)(2011,年高考四川卷改编,)Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives _(,孩子们够不着的地方,),答案:,out of childrens reach,3,Permit,me to lead the way,,,sir.,先生,请让我来带路吧。,品味经典,He was permitted to talk to the prisoner.,允许他同犯人谈话。,We do not permit smoking in the office.,我们不允许在办公室里吸烟。,Well have a picnic in the woods,,,weather permitting.,如果天气好,我们将在树林里野餐。,Have you got a driving permit?,你有没有拿到驾照?,自我探究,permit,vt,.&,vi,.,许可,;允许;准许,n,C,许可证,;执照;通行证。,归纳拓展,permit doing sth.,允许做某事,permit of(,常用于否定句,),容许,permission,n,.U,允许,许可,with/without ones permission,获取某人同意,/,没有获得某人许可,ask for permission,请求允许,forbid doing sth.,禁止做,forbid sb.to do sth.,禁止某人做,advise doing sth.,建议做,advise sb.to do sth.,建议某人做,allow doing,允许做,allow sb.to do sth.,允许某人做,牛刀小试,选用上述单词或短语以及所给单词的适当形式完成下列小片段,The salesman (1)_ the child (2)_(buy) the cigarette in the store though the store rules didnt (3)_ it.Whats more,,,he (4)_ him (5)_(bring)more classmates here.As a result,,,his store was closed because in our country,,,cigarette (6)_ sell to the people under 18.,答案:,(1)allowed,(2)to buy,(3)permit,(4)advised,(5)to bring,(6)is forbidden to,4Not at all.,Go,right,ahead,.,不介意,请问吧。,品味经典,Go ahead,,,and you can see the tower right in front of you.,向前走,你就会看到塔就在你的前面。,Go ahead! I want to hear more about your plan.,往下说,我想知道更多你的计划。,I wonder if I could possibly use your car tonight?,我今天晚上能不能用你的汽车?,Sure,,,go ahead.Im not using it anyhow.,当然可以,用吧。反正我也不用。,自我探究,go ahead,前进,;,(,用于祈使句,),可以,;往下说。,归纳拓展,The road ahead looks rather busy.,前面的路看来很拥挤。,The time here is nine hours ahead of London.,这里的时间比伦敦早,9,个小时。,Our plan is ahead of schedule.,我们的计划提前了。,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1)May I open the window to let in some fresh air?,_(,请吧,)!,答案:,Go ahead,(2)Could I ask you a rather personal question?,Sure,,,_(,说吧,),答案:,go ahead,5As a matter of fact,,,I landed in Britain,by accident,.,事实上,我在英国上岸是偶然的。,品味经典,I made this mistake by accident.,我犯这个错误纯属偶然。,I only found it by accident.,我只是无意中找到它的。,I stepped on your foot purely by accident.,我不小心踩了你的脚。,自我探究,by accident,偶然,;无意中;,不小心,。,归纳拓展,I came here on purpose to see you.,我特地来这里看你。,She put salt into her tea by mistake.,她误把盐放进茶里去了。,The night passed without accident.,那一夜平安无事地过去了。,牛刀小试,翻译句子,(1),事实上,青霉素,(penicillin),是非常偶然被发现的。,_,答案:,As a matter of fact/In fact,,,penicillin was found quite by accident.,完成句子,(2)He was killed by the traffic accident,,,which I think happened _(,绝非偶然,),答案:,by no accident,6It was all my,fault,.,这都是我的错。,品味经典,Who broke the cup?,谁把杯子摔了?,Its my fault.I dropped it.,这是我的错,我摔的。,With all his faults,,,he was still a good teacher.,尽管有缺点,他仍不失为一名好老师。,The fault is on both sides.,责任在双方。,自我探究,fault,n,C,过错,;,缺点,;故障。,归纳拓展,I cant find fault in your paper.It is perfect.,从你的文章里我找不出错误,它完美无瑕。,Almost nobody could find fault with his speech.,他的演讲无可挑剔。,牛刀小试,杰克就是这样一个人,他总是挑别人的毛病。,Jack is such a man who _ always _ others.,答案:,is,;,finding fault with,7The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was,spotted,by a ship.,第二天早晨,正当我感到绝望时,一艘海船发现了我。,品味经典,They spotted a ship sailing on the sea.,他们发现一艘轮船在海上航行。,I easily spotted him in the crowd because he was very tall.,因为他个子非常高,我在人群中很容易就认出了他。,自我探究,spot,vt,.,发现,;认出;点缀,n,斑点;污点;,地点,。,归纳拓展,on the spot,在现场;立刻;当场,be spotted with.,满是,的斑点,I was on the spot when the accident happened.,事故发生时我在场。,The night sky is spotted with stars.,夜晚的天空繁星点点。,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1)She is wearing _(,白底红点的裙子,),(2)I cant _(,我看不出他们的区别,),答案:,(1)a white skirt with red spots,(2)spot the difference between them,8The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand,,,which,accounts for,my appearance.,事实上我靠做义工来顶替船费,这就是我为什么衣冠不整的原因了。,品味经典,His illness accounts for his absence.,他因病缺席。,Toms careless driving accounted for the accident.,汤姆的粗心驾驶引起了这场事故。,She could not account for her mistake.,她无法解释自己的错误。,Imports from Japan accounted for 40% of the total.,来自日本的进口货物占进口总量的,40%,。,自我探究,account for,导致,;是,的原因;,做出解释,;占,(,比例,),。,归纳拓展,(1)account,vi,&,vt,.,认为;说明;解释;总计有,n,说明;理由;计算;账目;报道;叙述,(2)on account of,because of,由于,因为,on no account,决不,(,放在句首句子倒装,),(3)take sth.into account,take.into consideration,把,考虑在内,Can you give us a detailed account of your plan?,你能就你的计划给我们做出详尽的说明吗?,The accounts show we have spent more than we received.,账目显示我们已经入不敷出了。,The two accounts of the accident do not agree.,有关这次事故的两则报道不一致。,牛刀小试,翻译句子,(1)On no account must you tell him.,_,答案:,你绝不可以告诉他。,(2)His exam results were not very good,,,but we must take his long illness into account.,_,答案:,他的考试成绩不是很好,但我们必须考虑到他曾长期生病。,(3)(2011,年泰安高一下学期期末考试改编,)Im sorry the traffic is so heavy.,Does that _(,作出解释,) why you are so late?,答案:,account for,9I went to the American embassy to,seek,help,,,but.,我去美国大使馆求助,但是,品味经典,We sought an answer to the question,,,but couldnt find one.,我们寻求这个问题的答案,可是没能找到。,They sought long and hard but found no answer.,他们做了长期的艰苦探索,但没有找到答案。,自我探究,seek,vt,.&,vi,.(,sought,,,sought,),寻找;探索;,寻求,。,归纳拓展,We shouldnt seek after comfort,,,personal fame or gain.,我们不应该贪图安逸,追逐名利。,I sought to change her mind.,我试图改变她的心意。,How can we seek out a really good person for the job?,我们怎样才能找到一个真正适合的人来做这项工作?,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1)The government always _(,设法提高我们的生活水平,),答案:,seeks to improve our living conditions,(2)He went to the West _(,寻找发财之路,),答案:,to seek his fortune,(3)Whenever he has problems,,,he always _(,征求他父亲的意见,),答案:,seeks his fathers advice,(4)The troop is _(,找出敌人,) to destroy them.,答案:,seeking out the enemies,10,On the contrary,,,in fact.If this is your idea of some kind of joke,,,I dont think its very funny.,事实上,正好相反。如果你们认为这是一个笑话,我可不觉得很好笑。,品味经典,Im not sick,;,on the contrary,,,Im in very good condition.,我没有病,与此相反,我非常健康。,It wasnt a good thing,;,on the contrary it was a huge mistake.,那不是件好事,恰恰相反,是个巨大的错误。,自我探究,on the contrary,与此相反,;正相反,(,常作状语,),。,归纳拓展,They did not say the contrary.,他们没有说意思相反的话。,My sisters taste in dresses is contrary to my own.,在服装方面,我妹妹的爱好和我的完全不同。,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1)(2011,年山东新泰高三期末统考改编,)This is not an economical way to get more water,;,_(,相反,),,,it is very expensive.,答案:,on the contrary,(2)The government has decided that the publication of the report would _(,违背,)the public interest.,答案:,be contrary to,11,I wonder,,,Mr Adams,,,if,youd mind us asking a few questions.,亚当斯先生,不知你是否介意我们问几个问题。,品味经典,I wonder who she is.,我不知道她是谁。,句型巧析,自我探究,I wonder if/whether.,是一个固定句式,意为,“,我想知道,是否,”,。其用法主要有以下两点:,(1),用来表示,自己的怀疑,。,I wonder if/whether the rain will continue.,我想知道这雨是否会持续下去。,(2),用来向对方,委婉地提出请求,。,I wonder if you can help me with my English homework.,我想知道你能否帮我做英语作业。,归纳拓展,Its a wonder (that),.,令人惊奇的是,(Its) no wonder (that),.,难怪,Its a wonder that no people were hurt in that accident.,在那次事故中没有人受伤,真是一个奇迹啊。,No wonder he is not hungry,;,he has been eating sweets all day.,难怪他不饿,他一整天都在吃糖果。,牛刀小试,翻译句子,(1),不知道你能否愿意借些钱给我。,I am wondering _.,(2),不知道你能否允许我们下午去游泳。,_,答案:,(1)if you would like to lend me some money,(2)I wonder if you will allow us to go swimming this afternoon.,12Well,,,towards nightfall I,found myself carried out,to sea by a strong wind.,嗯,将近傍晚时我发现我被一阵强风刮到海上去了。,品味经典,When day broke,,,we found ourselves in a small village at the foot of the mountain.,天亮时,我们发现自己来到了那座山脚下的一个小村子里。,When he came to himself,,,he found himself in hospital.,他苏醒过来后,发现自己在医院里。,Then I found myself surrounded by a group of children.,然后我发现自己被一群孩子围住了。,自我探究,find oneself.“,发现自己处于某种境地,”,,而且含有,“,在不知不觉中,”,的意思。该句为,“,find,宾语,宾语补足语,”,结构。,牛刀小试,翻译句子,(1),厨师如果被发现在厨房吸烟,会被立刻解雇。,A cook will be immediately fired if he _ in the kitchen.,(2),我发现自己被一群孩子围住了。,_,答案:,(1)is found smoking,(2)I found myself surrounded by a group of children.,(3)(2011,年高考浙江卷改编,),甚至连最好的作家有时也发现自己找不到好词。,Even the best writers sometimes _.,答案:,find themselves lost for words,13The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost,when,I was spotted by a ship.,第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。,品味经典,I had just locked the door when I realized I had left my key in the room.,我刚锁上门就意识到我把钥匙忘在屋里了。,He was reading newspapers when he heard his name called.,他正在读报,这时听到有人叫他的名字。,自我探究,句中,when,为,并列连词,,意为,“,正在这时,/,那时,(,突然,)”,,相当于,just at that time,。,归纳拓展,when,此用法常出现于下列句式:,had (just) done.when.,刚做完某事,这时,be doing.when.,正在做,这时,be about to do.when.,正要做,这时,be on the point of doing.when.,正要做,这时,I was about to go out when an unexpected visitor came.,我正要出门,一位不速之客来访了。,She was on the point of leaving when I arrived.,我到的时候她正要离开。,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1)(2010,年高考大纲全国卷,改编,),汤姆正要关窗户,突然看到了一只鸟。,Tom _ close the windows _ his attention was caught by a bird.,答案:,was about to,;,when,(2)(2011,年高考浙江卷改编,),一个周五,我们正在打包要出去度周末,这时我女儿听到有人求救的声音。,One Friday,,,we _ to leave for a weekend away _ my daughter heard cries for help.,答案:,were packing,;,when,(3),他刚吃到一半,这时一个熟悉的声音传到了他的耳朵里。,He was about halfway through his meal,,,_.,答案:,when a familiar voice came to his ears,4),杰克刚要离开,这时他注意到一个人从屋子里走了出来。,Jack was on the point of leaving _.,答案:,when he noticed a man coming out of the room,译文助读,THE MILLION POUND BANK NOTE,Act,,,Scene 3,NARRATOR,:,It is the summer of 1903.Two old and wealthy brothers,,,Roderick and Oliver,,,have made a bet.Oliver believes that with a million pound bank note a man could survive a month in London.His brother Roderick doubts it.At this moment,,,they see a penniless young man wandering on the pavement outside their house.,It is Henry Adams,,,an American businessman,,,who is lost in London and does not know what he should do.,RODERICK,:,Young man,,,would you step inside a moment,,,please?,HENRY,:,Who? Me,,,sir?,RODERICK,:,Yes,,,you.,OLIVER,:,Through the front door on your left.,HENRY,:,(,A,servant,opens,a,door,)Thanks.,SERVANT,:,Good morning,,,sir.Would you please come in,?,Permit me to lead the way,,,sir.,OLIVER,:,(,Henry,enters,)Thank you,,,James.That will be all.,RODERICK,:,How do you do,,,Mr.er.?,HENRY,:,Adams.Henry Adams.,OLIVER,:,Come and sit down,,,Mr Adams.,HENRY,:,Thank you.,RODERICK,:,Youre an American?,HENRY,:,Thats right,,,from San Francisco.,RODERICK,:,How well do you know London?,HENRY,:,Not at all.Its my first trip here.,RODERICK,:,I wonder,,,Mr Adams,,,if youd mind us asking a few questions.,HENRY,:,Not at all.Go right ahead.,RODERICK,:,May we ask what youre doing in this country and what your plans are?,HENRY,:,Well,,,I cant say that I have any plans.Im hoping to find work.As a matter of fact,,,I landed in Britain by accident.,OLIVER,:,How is that possible?,HENRY,:,Well,,,you see,,,back home I had my own boat.About a month ago,,,I was sailing out of the bay. (,his,eyes,stare at,what,is,left,of,the,brothers,dinner,on,the,table,),OLIVER,:,Well,,,go on.,HENRY,:,Oh,,,yes.Well,,,towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.It was all my fault.I didnt know whether I could survive until morning.The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.,OLIVER,:,And it was the ship that brought you to England.,HENRY,:,Yes.The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand,,,which accounts for my appearance.I went to the American embassy to seek help,,,but.(,The,brothers,smile,at,each,other,.),RODERICK,:,Well,,,you mustnt worry about that.Its an advantage.,HENRY,:,Im afraid I dont quite follow you,,,sir.,RODERICK,:,Tell us,,,Mr Adams,,,what sort of work did you do in America?,HENRY,:,I worked for a mining company.Could you offer me some kind of work here?,RODERICK,:,Patience,,,Mr Adams.If you dont mind,,,may I ask you how much money you have?,HENRY,:,Well, to be honest.I have none.,OLIVER,:,(,happily,)What luck,!,Brother,,,what luck,!,(,claps,his,hands,together,),HENRY,:,Well,,,it may seem lucky to you but not to me,!,On the contrary,,,in fact.If this is your idea of some kind of joke,,,I dont think its very funny.(,Henry,stands,up,to,leave,) Now if youll excuse me,,,I think Ill be on my way.,RODERICK,:,Please dont go,,,Mr Adams.You mustnt think we dont care about you.Oliver,,,give him the letter.,OLIVER,:,Yes,,,the letter.(,gets,it,from,a,desk,and,gives,it,to,Henry,like,a,gift,) The letter.,HENRY,:,(,taking,it,carefully,) For me?,RODERICK,:,For you.(,Henry,starts,to,open,it,)Oh,,,no,,,you mustnt open it.Not yet.You cant open it until two oclock.,HENRY,:,Oh,,,this is silly.,RODERICK,:,Not silly.Theres money in it.(,calls,to,the,servant,) James?,HENRY,:,Oh,,,no.I dont want your charity.I just want an honest job.,RODERICK,:,We know youre hardworking.Thats why weve given you the letter.James,,,show Mr Adams out.,OLIVER,:,Good luck,,,Mr Adams.,HENRY,:,Well,,,why dont you explain what this is all about?,RODERICK,:,Youll soon know.(,looks,at,the,clock,)In exactly an hour and a half.,SERVANT,:,This way,,,sir.,RODERICK,:,Mr Adams,,,not until 2 oclock.Promise?,HENRY,:,Promise.Goodbye.,百万英镑,第一幕,第,3,场,旁白:,1903,年的夏天。一对年老又富有的兄弟,罗德里克和奥利弗,打了一个赌。奥利弗认为,一个人靠一张百万英镑的钞票在伦敦能活一个月。他的兄弟罗德里克对此表示怀疑。这时,他们看见一个身无分文的年轻人在房子外面的人行道上游荡。他叫亨利,亚当斯,一个美国商人,在伦敦迷了路,不知道该怎么办。,罗德里克:年轻人,请你进来一会儿,好吗?,亨利:你叫谁呀?是叫我吗,先生?,罗德里克:是的,就是你。,奥利弗:从你左侧的前门进来。,亨利:,(,仆人给他打开门,),谢谢。,仆人:早上好先生,请进。先生,请让我来带路吧。,奥利弗:,(,亨利走进来,),谢谢你,詹姆斯,没你的事了。,罗德里克:你好先生,你贵姓?,亨利:亚当斯,亨利,亚当斯。,奥利弗:来,请坐,亚当斯先生。,亨利:谢谢。,罗德里克:你是美国人?,亨利:是的从旧金山来。,罗德里克:你对伦敦熟悉吗?,亨利:一点儿也不熟,这是我第一次来伦敦。,罗德里克:亚当斯先生,不知你是否介意我们问几个问题。,亨利:不介意,请问吧。,罗德里克:可不可以问问,你在这个国家要干点儿什么?你的计划又是什么呢?,亨利:嗯,谈不上有什么计划,我希望能找到工作。事实上,我在英国上岸是偶然的。,奥利弗:这怎么可能呢?,亨利:你看,在美国的时候,我有自己的船。大约一个月前,我开船驶出了海湾,(,他的眼睛盯着兄弟俩留在餐桌上的残羹剩菜,),奥利弗:往下说呀。,亨利:好的。嗯,傍晚时分我发现我被一阵大风刮到海上去了。这都是我的错。我不知道是否能活到早晨。第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。,奥利弗:正是那艘船把你带到了英国。,亨利:是的。事实上我靠做义工来顶替船费,这就是我为什么衣冠不整了。我上美国大使馆求助,但是,(,兄弟俩相顾而笑,),罗德里克:嗯,这一点你倒不必担心,这还是优点呢。,亨利:对不起,先生,你的话我没有听懂。,罗德里克:亚当斯先生,请告诉我们,你在美国干哪个行当?,亨利:我在一家矿业公司工作。你们能不能给我提供一份工作呢?,罗德里克:耐心点儿,亚当斯先生。如果你不介意,我能不能问问,你手头儿有多少钱?,亨利:嗯,老实说,我一分钱都没有了。,奥利弗:,(,高兴地,),老兄,真走运!真有运气!,(,鼓起掌来,),亨利:嗯,这对你们来说可能是运气,但对我来说可不是。事实上,正好相反。如果你们认为这是一个笑话,我可不觉得很好笑。,(,亨利起身准备走,),好了,请原谅,我想我该上路了。,罗德里克:亚当斯先生,请别走。你千万不要以为我们不在意你的感受。奥利弗,把信给他。,奥利弗:是,拿信。,(,从桌上把信拿起来,像送礼品一样递给亨利,),给你信。,亨利:,(,小心翼翼地接过信,),是给我的吗?,罗德里克:是给你的。,(,亨利要拆信,),啊,别拆,你不要拆,现在不是时候,到两点钟你才能打开。,亨利:噢,这真可笑。,罗德里克:这不可笑,这里边有钱呢。,(,叫仆人,),詹姆斯?,亨利:噢,不,我不需要你们的施舍,我只要一份老老实实的工作。,罗德里克:我们知道你工作是很卖力的,这正是我们给你这封信的原因。詹姆斯,请送亚当斯先生出去。,奥利弗:祝你好运,亚当斯先生。,亨利:嗯,怎么不给我讲讲,这究竟是怎么回事呢?,罗德里克:你很快就会明白的。,(,看着钟,),一个半小时以后。,仆人:请这边走,先生。,罗德里克:亚当斯先生,两点钟以前不要拆信,保证吗?,亨利:保证。再见!,速效提能演练,本部分内容讲解结束,点此进入课件目录,按,ESC,键退出全屏播放,谢谢使用,


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