Six Sigma general

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Titel,Hoofddeeltekst,Niveau twee,Niveau drie,Niveau vier,DC/vv/1781,44,Bekaert Consulting France,N,Member of the Bekaert Group,What is it? How to implement it?Conditions for success,Six Sigma,F R A N C E,Schneider Electric,21th January 2002,Contents,What is Six Sigma?,As measure for process capability,A methodology,How to implement Six Sigma?,Conditions for success,1,What is Six Sigma?,PROCESS,input,result,Exellent results require excellent processes,Deliver (nearly) always the,desired results,Reduce variability,Ambition :,6 Sigma,Process Capability,( 3.4 defects pm),Six Sigma as measure for process capability,Defects and the Hidden Factory,Manufacturing Variation Causes A Hidden FactoryIncreased Cost - Lost Capacity,Yield After Inspection or Test,Each defect must be detected, repaired and placed back in the process. Each defect costs time and money.,Scrap,Rework,Hidden Factory,NOTOK,Operation,Inputs,Inspect,First Time,Yield,OK,Time, cost, people,90% Customer Quality,To increase a process performance, you have to decrease variation.,Importance of Reducing Variation,Less variation provides,Greater predictability in the process,Less waste and rework, which lowers costs,Products and services that perform better and last longer,Happier customers,LSL,USL,Defects,Process Capability,Inadequate Design Margin,Inadequate Process Capability,Supplier Variation,Inadequate Measurement Capability,average,s s,“Variation” and “Process Capability”,2,3,4,5,6,308,537,66,807,6,210,233,3.4,s,PPM,Process,Capability,Defects per,Million Oppty.,6Sigma?,% Non-Defective,69.1%,93.32%,99.379%,99.9767%,99.99966%,6,6,Cp = 2,Cpk = 1,5,1,5,6,n,= 6,6,and,Cp, Cpk,Why ppm ?,*,1,5, shift,Approach,Classical,New,4,1,0,33,2,0,66,3,1,4,1,33,4,5,1,5,Number of sigma in half the tolerance interval,Cp,5,6,1,66,2,Cpk*,_,0,16,0,5,0,83,1,1,16,1,5,Ppm*,_,_,66.810,6.207,1.350,233,3,4,Cost of quality,(%),_,_,25 %,15 %,10 %,7,5 %,5 %,If we accept 99.9 % good, then.,1 h non drinkable water each month,500 failed surgeries each week in France,In France :,2 babies falling off the labour table each day,1000 lost letters per hour,15000 cheque on the wrong account each day,Companies involved in Six Sigma today :,Some results that were published in the press :,Dupont : benefits exceed $150 million / year (Dow Jones Business News - February 2, 2000).,Dow : Savings of about $250.000 per project. Annual savings $ 1 billion (Chemical week magazine -March 1, 2000).,Black & Decker : Expects earnings per share growth of at least 15 % for the next three years (Reuters News Service - February 15, 2000).,Allied Signal: Cost savings exceeding $800m since 1995,General Electric: most admired company three years running, and consistently increasing growth and profit. Cost savings exceeding $2B,General Domestic Appliances: Cost savings of 7,5m 1999/2000,Companies involved in Six Sigma today :,Generic Six Sigma Metrics,Seasoned Black Belts complete three to five projects annually,$150.000 - $200.000 average savings per project,Annual savings delivered per Black Belt $450.000 - $1.000.000,Rule of thumb for numbers of Black Belts: 1-3% of employees,SIX SIGMA as methodology .,A,systematic approach,for,breakthrough improvement,realisations,using a solid and soundly based,toolset,deployed,throughout,the organization,SIX SIGMA as methodology .,A,systematic approach,for,breakthrough improvement,realisations,using a solid and soundly based,toolset,deployed,throughout,the organization,A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH.,Selection of,projects,Managing the,improvement,projects,Sustaining,the gains,Business strategy & results,Significant gains,Think process,Project filters,Leadership buy-in,Project Management,Training (BB/GB/YB),Teamwork,Review of progress,Reward & recognition,Project level,Organizational level,Selection of projects : PRIORITIZE,Contributing to your,BUSINESS RESULTS,!,Look for,SIGNIFICANT GAINS,within,REASONABLE TIMING,Use the correct,PROJECT FILTERS,!,Value for the customer,Defects per unit,Cost of poor quality,Cycle time,Ensure,LEADERSHIP BUY-IN,Managing for improvement - Training,.,Enhanced improvement,realisation skills,*,Leadership,* Master Black Belt (MBB),* Black Belt (BB),* Green Belt (GB),* Yellow Belt (YB),Control,Define the,problem,6 SIGMA,DMAIC,Analyse,Improve,Measure,Define steps,Confirm,gains, goals,Formalise,customer,supplier relations,Get voice,of,the customer,in,the project,Formalise,the modified,process,Implement,SPC,Evaluate results,Learning,points,Develop measurements,of CTQ,Select critical imputs,Prepare,data collection,Realise,R&R,study,Measure,process,capability,Process,analysis,(value),Data,analysis,Root,cause,analysis,Statistical,data,handling,(,regression, DOE,multi vary,),Imagine solutions,Evaluate,solutions,Choose,optimal solution,Analyse,risks,Plan,implementation,Managing for improvement : The roadmap (1),5/ Verify,validate,1/Define,6 SIGMA,DMADV,3/ Analyse,4/ Design,2/ Measure,Business case,Charter,development,Multi generation,plan,Project,risk,Control,plans,Mistake proofing,Upscaling,Validation,Implementation planing,SIPOC,Stakeholder analysis,Voice,of,the customer,QFD,Q,requirements,Concept,generation,Concept,selection,Mapping,and simulation,Proactive reliability,Tolerancing,DOE,Modelling,Design excellence : the roadmap 2,Apply project management principles., Regular management,reviews of progress,Removing the barriers,Managing for improvement - Roadmap (2),Building upon teamwork,Teambuilding,Access to information,Cross-functional,Support from other departments,Managing for improvement-Mobilizing (1),Reward & recognition,Communication,Visualising results,Managing for improvement-Mobilizing (2),Sustaining the gains : project level,Implement effective,control plans,Conduct regular,training,focussed on the process,Review the improved process,regularly,Sustaining the gains : organizational level,Create a system,to continually,identify and,launch new projects,Creating,critical mass,for achievement culture,Black, green and yellow belt training,Black Belts in daily operations,Deployment,X n,SIX SIGMA as methodology .,A,systematic approach,for,breakthrough improvement,realisations,using a solid and soundly based,toolset,deployed,throughout,the organization,Breakthrough?,Look for,SIGNIFICANT GAINS,50% increase in First Pass Yield,50% reduction in Scrap,50% reduction in Downtime,50% increase in Capacity,Focuses on,HIGH VOLUME,/ high risk products,Project is work at least $250k to the bottom line,PS : applicable for large volume processes !,REASONABLE TIMING :,6 to 8 months,Significant,MOBILIZATION,of the whole company (training, approach, .),SIX SIGMA as methodology .,A,systematic approach,for,breakthrough improvement,realisations,using a solid and soundly based,toolset,deployed,throughout,the organization,already known/used,new (e.g. Statistics),Solid & soundly based toolset,.Think PROCESS,INPUT,OUTPUT,X1,X2,X3,.,Y,The Funneling Effect,Optimized Process,30+ Inputs,8 - 10,4 - 8,3 - 6,Found Critical Xs,Controlling Critical Xs,10 - 15,All Xs,1st “Hit List”,Screened List,MEASURE,Process mapping,Measurement system analysis,Capability studies,ANALYZE,Cause & effects matrix,FMEA,Multi-vari studies,IMPROVE,Design of experiments,CONTROL,Co ntrol plans,Statisctical Process Control (SPC),SIX SIGMA as methodology .,A,systematic approach,for,breakthrough improvement,realisations,using a solid and soundly based,toolset,deployed,throughout,the organization,Deployment throughout the organization,Extensive training program,of all potential project leaders.,Clear and visible,management buy-in and support,.,A,significant number,of improvement,projects,.,SIX SIGMA,imbedded in the systems and procedures,.,Integration,in the organization,2,How to implement Six Sigma?,The implementation strategy :The way we see it,Do,not,create a separate organization!,The implementation of Six Sigma is seen as,a project on its own,until it is,imbedded,in the organization!,Implement in,WAVES,!,Have people to,support,Six Sigma and people who,make it happen.,6 sigma wave implementation,Mobilize key decision makers,Evaluate potential projects,Mobilize key players (leadershipworkshop),Green Belt training,2 weeks,Assess,Deploy and prepare new waves,Prparation,Implementation,Deployment,Black Belt training,4 weeks,Implement the projects,Prepare implementation,The roles,Six Sigma Sponsor/Champion,Facilitate or support implementation of Six Sigma.,Lead by example : believer, partner, challenger, coach, helper, sounding board.,Set clear priorities.,Provide necessary resources.,Define/suggest new projects.,Reviewing progress of projects.,Six Sigma Black Belt,Be catalyst for new culture and overall approach.,Review project charters using filters.,Complete the projects (applying the method and achieve results).,Reporting,Sharing of experiences between other black belts.,The roles,Six Sigma Master Black Belt,Coaches a group of black belts with special emphasis on the methodology.,Supports the project selection process,Conducts several forms of training,Owns six sigma technical development,Six Sigma project sponsor/champion,Supports the project leader,Recognizes the team,Eliminate all obstacles/barriers,Identify project opportunities,Six Sigma Team Members,Stick to agreed timing and actions.,Act as a team.,Communicate with own line management on timely basis.,Six Sigma Green Belt,Complete the project (applying the method and archieve results) (in his own “fields”),Reporting,3,Conditions for success,Success conditions,Strong leadership,Mobilize all key players,Good project charters,Create critical mass,Provide the right training on the right moment.,Support structure,Resources allocation ($ and people),Profile, availability and management of the project leaders (BB, GB),Good monitoring and review of projects.,Strong strategic fit,Communication, communication, communication,Characteristics of a good Six Sigma project,Identifies a problem to be solved, not a solution to be implemented,The problem is of major importance to the organisation,clearly connected to business priorities and strategy,major improvement in performance metrics,major financial improvement,Clear quantitative measures of success,define performance baseline,goals for this project + due date,theoretical perfect performance,Ambitious timing - reasonable scope: doable in 9 to 12 months,Importance is clear to the organisation (to get support),Project has the approval and support of management (resources, barriers),Project charter: contract between project manager and management,Project Titles,Reduce human errors in production,Eliminate degradants,Capacity debottlenecking of XYZ production,Performance improvement plant A,Increase capacity production plants D & E,Optimise visual & semi- auto inspection in production,Cycle time reduction solids production,Improve tablets stability,Reduce Cost of Non-Conformance for suspensions,Reduce scrap & waste in packaging,Resolve in-homogeneity problems,Optimise filling volume control,Reduce cleaning cost,Project Titles (contd),Improve yield at subcontractor,Downtime reduction,Cost competitiveness A & B lines,Improve environmental management,Enhance lab productivity & respons times,Optimise purchase order size,Optimise purchase cost fold box, labels, inserts,Optimise package order size,Optimise purchase process for congress & symposia,Reduction text & design cost,Reduction purchase cost chemicals,Reduction destroyed goods cost,Reduction sea freight costs,Project Titles (contd),Streamline standard costing process,Streamline busisness plan review process,Improve worldwide costing process & systems,Enhance invoice administrative processes,Streamline budget headcount process,Optimise personnel & salary administration process,Optimisation of maintenance cost,Optimise tax accounts,Improve IM desktop activities,Improve technical development process for R123,Reduce deviations in IRF/NDA stability testing,Improve validation effectiveness,Solve DEF stability problems,


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