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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Working the land,Book 4 Unit 2,晨背佳作 积累素材,话题词汇,1.agriculture,n,.,农业,2.farming,n,.,耕种,3.village,n,.,乡村,4.rural,adj,.,农村的,5.farmer/peasant,n,.,农民,6.beach,n,.,沙滩,7.major in,以,为专业,8.cut down trees,砍伐树木,9.supply,sth.to,sb,./supply,sb,. with,sth,.,提供某物给某人,10.the struggle for survival,求生,话题佳作,高三年级举办了一次讨论会,请你根据下表写一篇活动情况的英文报道。,活动时间,上周五,活动地点,学校报告厅,讨论主题,未来会是怎样的?,参与对象,高三年级学生,讨论内容,乐观派,未来随着科技的发展,交通更方便;人类会过上更高质量的生活,寿命更长,悲观派,未来自然资源更少,耕地更少;环境污染更严重;交通事故更多。,学生感受,当务之急是采取措施保护自然资源,减少环境污染。,参考词汇:,悲观的,pessimistic,佳作欣赏,Last Friday,,,a discussion on the theme,“,What will the future be like,?,”,was held among students in Senior Three in the lecture hall. Some students are quite optimistic,,,believing that in the future,,,with the development of science and technology,,,transportation will be more convenient and human beings,,,who will enjoy higher quality of life,,,will live much longer.,However,,,other students,,,a little pessimistic,,,hold that,as natural resources further decrease,,,farmland will become less.,What,s worse,,,pollution will be more serious and more traffic accidents will happen. After that,,,we realize we should take immediate measures to protect natural resources and reduce environmental pollution,.,名师点睛,本文信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。文章一开头就指出了活动的时间、地点、人物和讨论的主题,然后就讨论的内容作了详尽的论述,最后是学生讨论后的感受。文章中使用了现在分词作伴随状语、定语从句、宾语从句、时间状语从句、不定式作目的状语等高级句式,此外,however,,,what,s worse,等关联词语的运用使文章行文连贯,过渡自然。,基础排查点拨要点,语篇训练提升能力,内容索引,教材升华综合运用,基础排查点拨要点,A,.,写作必记单词,1.struggle,v,i,.&,n,.,斗争;拼搏;努力,struggle,同,作斗争;与,抗争,struggle,.,为争取,而斗争,struggle,one,s feet,挣扎着站起来,重点单词,1,against/with,for,to,2.rid,vt,.,摆脱;除去,(1)rid.of.,使,摆脱或除去,get/be rid of,摆脱掉;除掉,(2)You should rid,of that bad habit.,你必须改掉那个坏习惯。,3.equip,vt,. &,vi,.,配备;装备,(1),n,.,设备,(,不可数,),(2)equip.,.,用,装备,equip,sb,.,(doing),sth,.,使某人为,(,做,),某事而准备,(3),(equip) with new scientific farming methods,,,they have,been able to use less farmland than in the past.,yourself,equipment,with,for,Equipped,4.confuse,vt,.,使迷惑;使为难,(1),adj,.,迷惑的,adj,.,令人困惑的,(2)The audience is often left,(confuse) about whether the,meeting is over and when they can get up and leave.,5.regret,vt,.,遗憾;惋惜;,n,.,遗憾;懊悔,(1),adj,.,后悔的;遗憾的,(2)Jerry did not regret,(,give)the,comment but felt that he could,have expressed it differently.,(3)I regret,(,say)I,cannot accept your suggestion.,confused,confusing,confused,regretful,giving,to say,6.focus,n,.,焦点;中心点;,vt,.,集中;聚焦,(1)focus.on/upon.,把,集中于,(2)With his attention,(,focus)on,his homework,,,he forgot all,about what I had told him.,(3)Most of us are more focused,our tasks in the morning than we,are later in the day.(,填介词,)(2016,全国,),(4)Anxious all the time,,,I was unable to keep,(focus) for more,than an hour at a time.(2016,北京,),focused,on,focused,7.reduce,vt,.,减少;减缩,(1)reduce.,.,把,减少到,;使,陷入某种状态,(2)Hunger reduced them to,(steal).,(3)Any huge task seems easier when,(,reduce)to,baby steps.,(2014,浙江,),ment,n,.,评论;议论;,v,i. &,v,t,.,表达意见;作出评论,comment,/make comments,对,评论,to,stealing,reduced,on(upon,),on (upon),comment,作及物动词时,其宾语通常只能是,that,从句,一般不接名词或代词作宾语,若语义上需接名词或代词作宾语,则通常用,comment on/upon,sth,.,结构。,用法点拨,B.,阅读识记单词,9.decade,n,.,_,10.hunger,n,.,_,vt,.&,vi,.,(1)hungry,adj,.,_,(2)be hungry,渴望,(,做,),(3)To help you do that,,,your brain increases your hunger,new experiences.(,填介词,)(2016,北京,),11.disturbing,adj,.,_,disturb,v,t,.,十年;十年期,饥饿;欲望,(,使,),饥饿,饥饿的,for/to do,引起烦恼的;令人不安的,打扰,for,12.expand,vt,. &,vi,.,_,13.circulate,vt,. &,vi,.,_,circulation,n,.,_,14.freedom,n,.,_,free,adj,.,_,表示做某事的自由,,freedom,后通常接不定式,习惯上不接,for/of doing,sth,.,。,用法点拨,使变大;伸展,循环;流传,循环;流传,自由;自主,自由的,15.therefore,adv,.,_,16.export,vt,. &,vi,.,_,import,v,. &,n,.,_,17.occupation,n,.,_,(1)occupy,v,t,.,_,(2),occupation of,占据,;占有,in,occupation of,被,占领,occupation,以,为职业,因此;所以;因而,输出;出口,进口,工作;职业;占领,占据;占领,in,the,by,18.chemical,adj,.,chemistry,n,.,_,chemist,n,.,_,19.production,n,.,_,produce,v,.,_,product,n,.,_,20.discovery,n,.,_,(1)discover,v,t,.,(2)But,freedom is not like,computers. It cannot,once for all.(discover)(2015,江苏,),化学的;关于化学的,化学,化学家,生产;制造,生产,产品,发现;发觉,发现,discovering,discovering,be discovered,21.soil,n,.,_,22.root,n,.,_,take root,生根;扎根,23.skim,vt,.,_,24.underline,vt,.,_,25.summary,n,.,_,(1),v,.,总结;概括;,n,.,总数;总计;金额,(2),sum,简言之,土壤,根;根源,浏览;略读,画底线标出;强调,总结;摘要;概要,sum,in,1.,寻找;搜寻,(1)in search,寻找,in one,s/the search,寻找,(2)And the whole family went on a search,Nepal.(,填介词,)(2015,福建,),高频短语,2,注意区别下列短语:,search,sb,.,搜身,search for,sb,.,寻找某人,用法点拨,search for,of,for,for,2.,幸亏;由于,因为,Many businesses started up by college students have taken off,thanks to,the comfortable climate for business creation.(2016,江苏,),由于良好的创业环境,许多大学生的创业项目已经成功。,3.,对,感到满意,(1)She finished her meal and gave a,(,satisfy)smile,.,(2)The story has a,(satisfy) ending.,(3),(satisfy) that I,d done a good job,,,I would happily return,the comb to Dad.(2015,陕西,),(4),my satisfaction,,,the bookshelf just takes the books.(,填介词,),thanks to,be satisfied with,satisfied,satisfying,Satisfied,To,4.,宁愿;宁可,(1)We would rather our daughter,(,stay)at,home with us,,,but it,is her choice,,,and she is not a child any longer.(2014,陕西,),(2)I would rather,(laugh) at than,(quarrel) with him.,would rather,后跟从句时,从句中动词用一般过去时表示与现在或将来事实相反,用过去完成时表示与过去事实相反。,用法点拨,would rather,stayed,be laughed,quarrel,5.with the hope of,怀有,的希望,6.,逐渐增强;建立;开发,7.,导致;造成,(,后果,),(1)lead,sb,.,the nose,牵着某人的鼻子走,(2)Our Party leads us,building socialism.,党领导我们建设社会主义。,(3)He led me,that he had a lot of influence.,他让我相信他很有影响力。,build up,lead to,by,in,to believe,8.,转向;求助于,(1)He was the one I always,turned to for,strength and security.(2011,重庆,),他总是我向其寻求力量和安全感的一个人。,(2)In the street,,,there wasn,t a single person,whom she could turn for help.,(,填介词,),9.keep.free from/of,使,免受,(,影响、伤害等,),;使,不含,(,有害物,),turn to,to,if so,如果是这样的话,是,if,引导的条件状语从句的省略形式,表示肯定意义;如果表示否定意义,则用,if not,。,if,构成的其他省略形式:,if any,如果有的话;,if possible,如果可能的话;,if necessary,如果必要的话;,if ever,如果曾经发生过的话,1.,,,what did you do to grow them?,如果这样的话,你做了些什么来种植这些植物?,经典句式,3,用法点拨,If so,2.Yuan,Longping,grows,super hybrid rice.,袁隆平种植的是被称为,“,超级杂交水稻,”,的稻种。,3.Since then,,,finding ways to grow more rice,.,从那以后,发现培育更多水稻的方法成为他毕生的目标。,4.He,time for his hobbies.,他宁愿把时间花在自己的爱好上。,what is called,has been his life goal,would much rather keep,5.Crops such as peas or soybeans put important minerals back into the,soil,,,such as wheat or corn,rich,and fertile soil.,像豌豆和大豆这样的农作物将重要的矿物质带回土壤,从而使之适宜,于种植要求土壤肥沃的农作物比如小麦和玉米。,making it ready for crops,that need,现在分词短语作结果状语,表示自然而然的结果,其逻辑主语往往是前面整个句子;动词不定式作结果状语,表示出乎意料的结果。,用法点拨,(1)Newly-built wooden cottages line the street,,,turning,the old town into a dreamland.,新建的小木屋沿街排成一行,将这个古老的小镇变成了一个梦幻之地。,(2016,北京,),(2)Anxiously,,,she took the dress out of the package and tried it on,,,only,to find,it didn,t fit.,她迫不及待地从包裹中拿出裙子试穿,结果发现它不合身。,(2014,天津,),教材升华综合运用,.,教材与语法填空,Famous scientist as he is,,,Yuan,Longping,considers himself 1.,_,farmer. He grows 2.,is called super hybrid rice. As a young man,,,Yuan,Longping,saw the great need for increasing the rice output. At that time,,,hunger was a disturbing problem in China. He wanted to increase rice harvests without 3.,(expand) the area of the fields. In 1973,,,a special strain of rice made 4.,possible to produce 20% more of the crop in the same fields. Thanks 5.,his research,,,the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of 6.,_,(hungry).,a,what,expanding,it,to,hunger,Using his hybrid rice,,,farmers are producing harvests twice as 7.,(large) as before. He is now circulating his rice knowledge in less developed countries 8.,_,(increase) their rice harvests and he wants to export his rice so that it can be grown around the,globe.Though,he 9.,_,(struggle) for the past five decades,,,Yuan,Longping,is quite satisfied 10.,his,life.In,his spare time,,,he enjoys listening to violin music,,,playing,mah-jong,,,swimming and reading.,large,to increase,has struggled,with,.,教材与短文改错,Over the past half century,,,using chemical fertilizers become very common in,farming.Many,farmers welcomed themselves as a great way to stop crop disease and increased,production.Recently,,,however,,,scientists have been found that long-term use of these fertilizers can cause damage to the land and,,,even more dangerous,,,to people,s healthy.,has,them,increase,health,finding,With these discoveries,,,some farmers are beginning to turn to organic farming,,,that is simply farming with using any,chemicals.There,is many different organic farming,methods.All,of them have the same of goal,:,to grow good food and avoid damage the environment or people,s health.,which,without,are,damaging,.,教材与微写作,写作素材,(,关于发展,),1.,在这个地区,饥饿,曾是个,令人困扰的,问题,,导致,了很多人死亡。,2.,在过去的,十年,里,,多亏了,政府的帮助,农民们成功地,抵制,了土地的沙漠,扩大,化。,3.,具备,了新的农耕技术,,谷物,和其他,粮食,的,产量,都增加了。,4.,人们,满足于,他们目前的生活。,提示:,加蓝,部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用定语从句,过去分词短语作状语等。,连句成篇,(,将以上句子连成一篇,50,词左右的英语短文,),Hunger,,,which used to be a,disturbing,problem in this area,,,led to,a lot of,deaths.In,the past,decade,,,thanks to,the government,s help,,,farmers have succeeded in the,struggle,against the,expanding,desert.,Equipped,with new farming methods,,,the,output,of,grain,and other,crops,has,increased.People,are satisfied with,their present life.,语篇训练提升能力,.,阅读理解,.,七选五,.,完形填空,.,阅读理解,October sixteenth is World Food Day. This day is also the anniversary of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (,F.A.O.).The,UN agency leads international efforts to defeat world hunger. It was created in 1945.,The F. A. O. says more than one hundred fifty countries are to hold special events to celebrate World Food Day. At F. A. O. headquarters in Rome,,,for example,,,runners will compete in a five-kilometer race through the city,s historical area. Events in other countries include discussions among experts,,,press conferences and musical programs.,The message of this year,s World Food Day is,“,investing in agriculture for food security,”,. The F. A. O. says,,,“,During the early 1990s,,,the foreign aid for agriculture was nine thousand million dollars each year. But now,,,it has declined to less than five thousand million dollars a,year.,”,Yet,,,the F. A. O. estimates that more than eight hundred and fifty million people around the world do not get enough food.,The UN agency notes that seventy percent of the world,s hunger lies in the farmers who grow small amount of food. Many also face problems of feeding themselves. The F. A. O. says agricultural aid could help small farmers make a profit from their crops. Farmers would also be able to feed their families throughout the year and reinvest in their farms.,They could buy better seeds,,,equipment and chemical fertilizers to help their crops grow.,Muhammad,Yunis,,,the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to improve the lives of poor people,,,as well as his Bangladesh microfinance organization,,,the,Grameen,Bank,,,has lent small amount of money to poor people who are unable to get traditional loans,,,especially women. Minister,Yunis,says that he plans to give his share of the one million three hundred thousand dollars Nobel award to good causes. He says he wants to establish an eye hospital and start a project to produce low-cost food for the poor.,1.To celebrate the World Food Day,,,how many kinds of activities are mentioned in the passage?,A.Two,.,B.Three,.,C.Four,.,D.Five,.,细节理解题。根据第二段可知,为庆祝今年的世界粮食日将举办:,a five-kilometer race,,,discussions among experts,,,press conferences,,,musical programs,四种活动,故选,C,。,答案,解析,1,2,3,4,2.Which of the following statements is TRUE?,A.The,F.A.O.is,established to invest in agriculture for food security.,B.The,foreign aid for agriculture has reduced by nearly 50% in recent decades.,C.The,Grameen,Bank has provided large amount of loans for poor farmers.,D.Yunis,will donate his entire Nobel award to help solve the hunger for the poor.,细节理解题。根据第三段,“,During the early 1990s,,,the foreign aid for agriculture was nine thousand million dollars each year. But now,,,it has declined to less than five thousand million dollars a year.,”,可知对农业的国外援助从,20,世纪,90,年代到现在的几十年中已经下降了接近百分之五十,故选,B,。,答案,解析,1,2,3,4,3.With agricultural aid,,,farmers can,.,A.promote,the production of crops,B.produce,low-cost food,C.invest,money in other fields,D.buy,better food,推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句,“,They could buy better seeds,,,equipment and chemical fertilizers to help their crops grow.,”,可知对农业的救助奖金充足的话,农民会有资金对他们的农业生产进行在种子、设备和化肥等方面的再投资。因此可以增加庄稼的产量,改善农业生产状况,故选,A,。,答案,解析,1,2,3,4,4.The writer wrote the passage mainly to,.,A.give,an introduction of the F.A.O.,B.inform,us of the situations of the world food,C.appeal,for more investment in agriculture,D.show,how to deal with the world,s hunger,答案,解析,主旨大意题。结合全文,可知,,F. A. O.,的成立旨在解决农民的温饱问题,作者写这篇文章的目的是号召全世界重视对农业的资金投入,帮助解决更多农民的饥饿问题,故选,C,。,1,2,3,4,.,七选五,(2016,江西师范大学附属中学月考,),Many of us are so busy with work,,,school and home life that often there is no time left over to do something that you enjoy. What follows are some ways to carve out that essential time you need to slow down,,,enjoy life and relax yourself.,Evenings with yourself.,1,If others ask you to do things those nights,,,just tell them you have plans. Use the time for gardening,,,reading,,,exercise,,,thinking or the ultimate luxury of doing nothing!,答案,解析,E Try to save certain weeknights just for you.,根据上文中的句子,“,Evenings with yourself.,”,和下文的,“,If others ask you to do things those nights,,,just tell them you have plans.,”,与,E,项中的,“,weeknights just for you,”,相互应。故选,E,。,Monthly treat. Schedule a treat for yourself once a month.,2,Maybe you get a spa treatment,,,go to see a movie,,,a haircut,,,play golf or whatever treat you,re always thinking about but rarely get to. Schedule it in and it will happen!,答案,解析,A It could be on your lunch break,,,a weekend or it could be leaving work early.,根据上文,“,Schedule a treat for yourself once a month.,”,一个月款待自己一次,可知,A,项,“,这可能是在午餐休息时间,一个周末或早早下班。,”,符合语境。故选,A,。,3,Sports,,,theater,,,concerts or any other event you would enjoy. Schedule the plans with a friend later. If you have the tickets already in hand,,,it will force you to make it happen.,答案,解析,D Buy tickets in advance.,根据后文,“,If you have the tickets already in hand,,,it will force you to make it happen.,”,可知,D,项,“,提前买票,”,符合语境。,tickets,是关键词。故选,D,。,Leave work on time. Huh,?,4,If this is you,,,make it a point to leave work exactly on time at least once a week,,,if not more. And then enjoy that time! Leave work at work.,G Yes,,,many of us stay at work late on a regular basis.,答案,解析,根据上文,“,Leave work on time.,”,,语气词,“,Huh,?,”,及下文可知,G,项符合语境。,Join a group. Here are some ideas of groups that can allow you some time away from work and home,:,singing group,,,gardening group,,,astronomy society,,,book club,,,biking club,,,ski club,,,etc. What are you interested in,?,Strike while the iron is hot.,5,If you can,t find a club,,,consider starting one yourself!,A. It could be on your lunch break,,,a weekend or it could be leaving work early.,B. Don,t ignore your friends.,C. Look up a club in your area today and join!,D. Buy tickets in advance.,答案,解析,根据后文,“,If you can,t find a club,,,consider starting one yourself,!,”,可知,,C,项,“,今天在你的地区找一个俱乐部并参加。,”,符合语境。这里,club,是关键词。故选,C,。,C Look up a club in your area today and join!,E. Try to save certain weeknights just for you.,F. It is suggested that you join as many groups as possible.,G. Yes,,,many of us stay at work late on a regular basis.,.,完形填空,(2016,重庆南开中学月考,),Our,“,Mommy and Me,”,time began two years ago. My next-door neighbor and fellow,1,,,Christie,,,and I were out in our front yards,,,watching seven children of about age 6 ride their,2,up and down.,1.A.worker,B.sister,C.father,D.mother,worker,工人;,sister,姐妹;,father,父亲;,mother,母亲。我隔壁邻居孩子的妈妈和我一块在院子里,看七个孩子骑车,根据语境可知是妈妈,故选,D,项。,答案,解析,(2016,重庆南开中学月考,),Our,“,Mommy and Me,”,time began two years ago. My next-door neighbor and fellow,1,,,Christie,,,and I were out in our front yards,,,watching seven children of about age 6 ride their,2,up and down.,2.A.horses,B.bikes,C.cars,D.toys,horse,马;,bike,自行车;,car,车;,toy,玩具。根据语境可知选,B,项。,答案,解析,“,I wish I could take one of my children,3,alone,,,”,said Christie.,3.A.off,B.over,C.out,D.in,Christie,说,我多么希望我能单独带着其中一个孩子外出呀!,take,sb,. out,带某人出去,故选,C,项。,答案,解析,Then we,4,a plan,:,When Christie takes one of her children out,,,I,ll,5,her other three.,4.A.worked out,B.threw,away,C.gave,up,D.looked,into,work out,制订出;,throw away,扔掉;,give up,放弃;,look into,调查。然后我们制定一个计划。根据语境可知选,A,项。,答案,解析,Then we,4,a plan,:,When Christie takes one of her children out,,,I,ll,5,her other three.,5.A.see,B.watch,C.witness,D.control,see,看到;,watch,看;,witness,目击;,control,控制。当,Christie,带走其中的一个孩子时,我照看她的其他三个孩子。根据语境可知选,B,项。,答案,解析,And when she takes care of two of mine,,,I,ll take,6,out.,6.A.nobody,B.everybody,C.someone,D.none,nobody,没有人;,everybody,每个人;,someone,某个人;,none,没有人。当她照顾我的两个时,我带其中一个人出去。根据语境可知选,C,项。,答案,解析,The children were extremely quick to,7,the idea of,“,Mommy and Me,”,time. Christie,s daughter,,,McKenzie,,,went first.,7.A.accept,B.receive,C.refuse,D.feel,accept,接受;,receive,收到;,refuse,拒绝;,feel,感觉。孩子们很快接受了这个单独与妈妈相处的想法。根据下文语境可知选,A,项。,答案,解析,When she returned,,,the other children showered her with tons of,8,.,8.A.emotions,B.candies,C.faces,D.questions,emotion,情绪;,candy,糖果;,face,脸;,question,问题。当她回来时,其他的孩子问了她许多的问题。根据语境可知选,D,项。,答案,解析,McKenzie was smiling,9,.,9.A.forcedly,B.luckily,C.broadly,D.strongly,句意为:,McKenzie,开心地笑了。,forcedly,强迫地;,luckily,幸运地;,strongly,强壮地。,答案,解析,Christie looked refreshed and,happy.,“,She,s,like a,10,child when there,s no one else around,,,”,Christie shared with me quickly. Because her mother was all to herself,,,McKenzie didn,t have to make an effort to gain,11,.,10.A.normal,B.different,C.similar,D.brave,normal,正常的;,different,不同的;,similar,相似的;,brave,勇敢的。,Christie,与作者分享,McKenzie,和她单独出去后回来发生的变化,即当没有人时,,McKenzie,像变了一个人。根据语境可知选,B,项。,答案,解析,Christie looked refreshed and,happy.,“,She,s,like a,10,child when there,s no one else around,,,”,Christie shared with me quickly. Because her mother was all to herself,,,McKenzie didn,t have to make an effort to gain,11,.,11.A.awards,B.attention,C.results,D.appointment,award,奖赏;,attention,注意;,result,结果;,appointment,约会。她不用尽力地去赢得注意。根据语境可知选,B,项。,答案,解析,Just as Christie had noticed changes,12,McKenzie,,,I also discovered something different in each of my children during our,13,times.,12.A.in,B.on,C.over,D.off,当,Christie,注意到女儿的变化时,我也发现独处期间自己孩子的变化。,changes in McKenzie,表示,“,McKenzie,的变化,”,故选,A,项。,答案,解析,Just as Christie had noticed changes,12,McKenzie,,,I also discovered something different in each of my children during our,13,times.,13.A.lonely,B.hard,C.alone,D.old,lonely,孤独的;,hard,困难的;,alone,单独的;,old,老的。根据语境可知选,C,项。,答案,解析,For example,,,I am always,14,when my daughter,,,who is,15,close to me,,,holds my hand frequently.,14.A.tired,B.embarrassed,C.disappointed,D.surprised,tired,疲倦的;,embarrassed,尴尬的;,disappointed,失望的;,surprised,吃惊的。比如,很少与我亲密的女儿不断地来握住我的手,我感到很吃惊。根据语境可知选,D,项。,答案,解析,For example,,,I am always,14,when my daughter,,,who is,15,close to me,,,holds my hand frequently.,15.A.seldom,B.always,C.nearly,D.constantly,参考上题解析。,答案,解析,My stuttering(,口吃的,) son,,,Tom,,,doesn,t stutter once during our,16,since he doesn,t have to struggle for a chance to speak.,16.A.ceremonies,B.meetings,C.activities,D.challenges,ceremony,仪式;,meeting,会议;,activity,活动;,challenge,挑战。我那口吃的儿子


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