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I will not be able to meet you at the airport. I have some experiments to do that day.,2. The problem was complicated. He solved it in only two hours with a computer.,3. I was addicted to online games.And I was even absent from school.,I will not be able to meet you at the airport,_I have some experiments to do that day.,because,_the problem was complicated, he solved it in only two hours with a computer.,Although,3. I was _addicted to online games_ I was even absent from school.,so,that,判断句子之间的逻辑关系,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【提升认识】,学生写作中状语从句的典型错误。,1.I didnt give up. Because my mother often told me, “where there is a will, there is a way.”,2. She worked so hard that could catch up with others.,3.Only we keep optimistic can we succeed.,4.I was struggling for my dream, however, success didnt come easy.,5.When he hesitating, a man came up to him.,6.He was frightened, therefore, he decided to,run away as soon as possible.,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,1.I didnt give up. Because my mother often told me, where there is a will, there is a way.”,2. She worked so hard that could catch up with others.,3.Only we keep optimistic can we succeed.,because,when,1.,只有从句,没有主句,2.,从句遗漏主语或宾语,3.,遗漏引导词,she,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,4.I was struggling for my dream, however, success didnt come easy.,5.When he hesitating, a man came up to him.,6.He was frightened, therefore, he decided to run away as soon as possible.,was,and,5.,从句谓语错误,. However,4.,以逗号代替句号,把两个简单句当成一个句子,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,Highlights of Adverbial Clause while writing,1.,状语从句与分词之间的灵活转换,2.,高考状语从句中的倒装,3.,高考状语从句中的省略,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【例文】,假设你是李华。你的外国笔友,Jane,打算七月来中国,特来信了解中国人的社交习俗。请你用英语回一封信,,从以下几个方面做具体介绍。,1.,见面时的问候方式。,2.,对赞美的回答方式。,3.,接收礼物时的回应方式。,4.,餐宴礼节。,1.,状语从句与分词之间的灵活转换,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,Dear Jane,Glad,to hear,from you and youre welcome to China in July. The following are some Chinese customs. Firstly,we greet each other (by) saying “Hello”,or,asking,such questions as “Where are you going?” or “Are you busy?”,to express,our care.,Secondly,_,A,_(,当受到表扬的时候,),we reply with “Oh, no!” or “Im over-praised”,to show,good manners.,Next,_,B,_(,当接受礼物的时候,),we usually say “Its unnecessary” besides “Thanks”,to show,politeness and then put it away.,Finally, _,C,_(,当吃大餐时,), we talk loudly and touch glasses to show our friendliness.,when praised,when receiving a gift,when having dinner,when we are praised,when we receive a gift,when we have dinner,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,2.,高考状语从句中的倒装,(,1),Although,the problem was complicated, he solved it in only two hours with a computer.,Complicated,a,s,the problem was,he solved it in,only two hours with a computer.,(2) I was,so,addicted to online games,that,I was even absent from school.,So,addicted,to online games,was I,that I was even absent from school.,as,引导让步状语从句的倒装,so.that,状语从句的倒装,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,3.,高考状语从句中的省略,2016年全国卷III,假定你是李华,与留学生朋友Bob约好一起去书店,因故不能赴约。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:,1.表示歉意;,2.说明原因;,3.,另约时间,。,If its convenient for you, lets meet at 8:30 outside the school gate.,If not, let me know what time suits you best.,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,1.,He wont go there with us unless he is invited.,He wont go there with us unless invited.,主句和从句的主语一致,,谓语动词是,be,的某种形式,,省略从句中的主语和,be,动词,2. If it is necessary, ring me at home.,If necessary, ring me at home.,从句主语为,it,,谓语动词是,be,的某种形式,省略,it,和,be,动词,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗,请你回复邮件,内容包括:,1.到达时间;,2.合适的礼物;,3.餐桌礼仪。,1.词数100左右;,2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,To begin with, according to our tradition, you are supposed to arrive early, so that you can help the family prepare the dinner, which is meaningful and interesting. Besides, youd better bring some gifts, like a book or a Chinese knot. Whats more, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises while chewing food.,【实战演练】,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,1.,To begin with, according to our tradition, you are supposed to arrive early,so that,you can help the family prepare the dinner, which is meaningful and interesting.,S,upposed to arrive early, you can help the family prepare the dinner,2.,Whats more,when,you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises while chewing food.,Whats more,when,enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises while chewing food.,请试试改写下面的句子吧!,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,Try to make your sentence.,simple,vivid,clear,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,Proverbs,(谚语),1.,Where,there is a will, there is a way.,有志者,事竟成。,2.Actions speak louder,than,words.,事实胜于雄辩。,3.,When,in Rome, do as the Romans do.,入乡随俗。,4. All things are difficult,before,they are easy.,万事开头难。,5.,As long as,you dont lose heart, youll succeed.,只要不灰心,就一定能成功!,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,【,名校课堂,】,获奖,PPT-,高考写作提升状语从句的运用(最新版本)推荐,


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