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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 11,Unit 3,OK,Victory,!,Be quiet!,Stop!,Well done!,Hello!,Body language,People from different countries have _body language.,different,Our new foreign students are going to arrive very soon.,Body language around the world.,Discussion,A “Dos & Donts” list about ways of greeting for new foreign students.,What do Chinese do when they meet each other?,They usually,_, and sometimes they _.,shake hands and,smile,n,od their heads,Ways of greeting,They are,_.,kiss,ing,and smil,ing,Dont kiss when you meet Chinese.,Do Chinese kiss when they meet each other?,Ways of greeting,She is _.,putt,ing,hands together,Dont put hands together and nod head.,Do Chinese put their hands together and nod their heads when they meet each other?,Ways of greeting,They are,_.,touch,ing,noses,Dont touch noses.,Do Chinese touch noses when they meet each other?,Dos,Donts,Shake,hands,.,Smile,.,Nod,heads.,Dont kiss.,Dont put hands together and nod head.,Dont touch noses.,The list for new foreign students.,Body language around the world.,Discussion,A,“Dos & Dont “ list for us.,How,close,do you,stand when you,talk to a friend?,Stand close,in the Middle East,North America,Dont stand too close to each other in North America.,Give them more personal space.,Do you,touch,people when,you talk to them?,They are,_.,walk,ing,arm in arm,Do the British like touching people?,Dont touch them.,They are,_.,talk,ing,and look,ing,at each other,Do the British look at each other when they talk?,Look at people when you talk to them.,Do you look at,people when you talk,t,o them?,How do you say goodbye?,_.,Wave to say goodbye,Is it polite to wave to say goodbye in Greece?,No, it isnt. Its _ to wave to say goodbye in Greece.,Dont wave to say goodbye in Greece.,rude,Dos,Donts,North America,Britain,Greece,Give them more personal space.,Look at each other when you talk.,Dont stand too close to them.,Dont touch them.,Dont wave to say goodbye.,The list for us.,Suggestions,Shake hands, smile, and nod heads when you greet Chinese.,Give them more personal space.,Look at each other when you talk to British.,Dont stand too close to North American.,Dont touch British.,Dont wave to say goodbye in Greece.,Imperative sentences,(,祈使句,),用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子。,Structure of imperative sentences,1.,Give them more personal space.,2.,Look at each other when you talk.,2.Dont stand too close to them.,1.Dont wave to say goodbye.,主语,?,_,开头,主语?,_,开头,3,. Be careful.,动词原形,Dont,1.,句子的主语通常是,第二人称,,习惯上省略。,2.,结构,(1),肯定祈使句 :(谓语)动词原形,+,其它成分,(2),否定祈使句:,多以,do not,(通常缩写为,dont,)开头。,口 诀,下面的口诀总结了祈使句的一般规律。一起来看看吧,!,祈使句,有特点,,动词原形摆在前,,否定句式也不难,,Dont,放在最前面,其它一律都不变。,Task 1 Choose the correct answer.,1,. _, or youll be late.,A. Hurry up B. Take it down,C. To hurry up D. Hurries up,2. _,talk loudly. The baby is,sleeping right,now.,A. Do,B. Does,C. Dont D. Doesnt,A,C,Exercise,3,. Dont _ too much TV. Its bad for your eyes.,A. watch B. watched,C. watching D. to watch,4,. _ sleep too late. Its bad for your health.,A. Do B. Not,C. Dont D. Please not,C,A,Exercise,Task 2 Fill,in the blanks.,_ (not, be) late for class.,2. _ (not, talk) and _ (read) aloud.,3. _,(be)polite to the teacher,.,4,. _ (look) out! A car is coming.,Dont be,Dont talk,read,Exercise,Be,Look,1. Its important to be careful.,2. Its important to clean and tidy the lab.,3. You cannot touch anything if the teacher,doesnt ask you to.,4. You cannot bring food or drink into the lab.,5. You cannot enter the lab alone.,Be careful.,Clean and tidy the lab.,Dont touch anything if teacher ask,doesnt ask,you to.,Dont bring food or drink into,the lab.,Dont enter,the lab alone.,Task 3,Rewrite the sentences.,What can we do at school?,What cant we do at school?,Discussion,A:,Can,we be late for class?,B: No, We cant be late for class.,Dont,be late for class.,Our class rules.,A:,Shall,we,stand up when we answer a question in class?,B:,Yes, we shall.,Stand up when you answer,a question in class.,Our class rules.,Dont,_ in class.,A: Can we eat in class,?,B: No, We cant eat in class.,eat,Our class rules.,run,fight,play sports,listen to music,friendly,polite,teacher,classmates,CLASS,RULES,1. Dont,be,late for class.,2. Dont run in the,classroom.,3. Dont eat in class.,4. Dont listen to music in class.,5. Dont fight,.,6. Be polite to the teacher.,7. Be friendly to classmates.,summary,Imperative sentences,(,祈使句,),Different body language in different countries.,Our class rules.,


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