新目标英语九年级Unit 15 period 4

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 15,Were trying to save the manatees,!,Period 4,the,stuff,?,paper,the,stuff,?,wood,They,are made of,paper.,They,are made of,wood.,由制成,(原材料是可以看得出来的),the,discard,ed,computer,the,discard,ed,soda can,s,the,discard,ed,tile,s,What can we deal with them?,recycle,recycl,ed,material, mtiril ,n. 材料,原料;素材,题材,Do you know what they,are made from,?,由制成,(原材料是看不出来的),Do you know what it is made,from?,shells,Do you know what it is made,from?,glue,Do you know what it is made from?,penguin,It is,made from,a discarded fire-fighting machine,They,are made,out of,trash.,由改制而成,Do you know what it is made from?,lion,It is,made from,a discarded machine,It is,made out of,a discarded machine,Do you know what it is made from?,turtle,It,used to,be a keyboard.,It is made,out of,a discarded keyboard.,Do you know what it is made from?,box,It is made,out of,cans.,can,s,罐子,Do you know what it is made,from?,Do you know what the house,is made from?,It is,made from,bottles.,built out of trash,3a Reading,The House Of Trash,Reading,House parts,Things made from,The walls,The,fence,The,roof,old glass bottles,discarded,tiles,used soda,cans,* Fill in the chart.,built out of trash,be made from,old glass bottles,be built out of,used soda cans,be made from,discarded,tiles,came from,the old buildings that were,pull,ing down,Read the article and answer the questions.,1. Who is Amy Winterbourne?,2. Did she win an award? Whats it?,3. What does she do in her spare time? Why does she do so?,4. What does Jackson Smith think of her?,She is a most unusual woman who lives in a,house made of trash.,Yes. She won an award from the Help Save Our,Planet Society.,She makes model toys out of old TVs and sells,them to raise money for the Childrens Hospital.,He thinks Amy is an inspiration to us all.,You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne, but she is a most unusual woman. She lives in a house that she built herself out of trash. Well, the stuff used to be called trash, but now its called “recycled material.,The house of trash,hear heard -heard,hear of / about 听说、听到,hear from sb. 收到某人的来信,most 这里等于“very,由垃圾改制成,过去被叫做,可回收材料,The windows and doors,came from,old buildings around the town that were being,pull,ed,down,. The walls,are made from,old glass bottles that are glued together. The roof is made from,discarded tiles,. And the fence,is built out of,used soda cans.,pull down 推到,be made of 由制成 (看得出原料),be made from 由制成 (看不出原料),discard = throw away,= is made from,Amy recently won an award from the Help Save Our Planet Society. The president Jackson Smith said, “Amy is an inspiration to us all.,And what does Amy do in her spare time? She makes model toys out of old TVs, and sells them to raise money for the Childrens Hospital.,win,an,award 获奖,在她空闲时间,制作玩具模型,为筹钱,Share your questions:,Who taught her how to make her house?,What isnt made out of trash in her house?,When did she start making her trash house?,Where is the house?,Why did she use trash to build a house?,How long did it take to build her house?,What questions would you like to ask Mrs. Winterbourne?,writing,be made from,used to be,out of,hat,What are they made from?,trash can cover,school bag,old pants,scarf,carpet,Joe Winterbourne loves the clothes his,mother makes for him. At school, everyone calls,him Mr. Recycling. His hat,is made from,a trash,can cover. His scarf,used to be,the carpet in his house. Do you know what is his schoolbag made from? His mother made it,out of,a pair of old pants!,Survey,Mr Or Ms Recycling,Who recycles the most in your class?,Survey the students in your class.,Do you,Names,recycle paper?,turn off lights in the house?,Report: Vivian recycles the most in my class. She,made of magazines,made of tins,made of tins,made of tins,made of tins,made of paper cups,made of CDs,made of plastic caps,We want to live in a modern apartment.,we also need blue sky,green trees and clean water.,Lets protect our,planet,! Everyone has the duty!,Self Check,support endangered recycle wear pull down,Why are you _ a coat? Its not very suitable for this hot weather.,Our school soccer team needs more _. They arent doing very well.,Pandas are _ animals. There arent many of them left.,Its important to _ paper to save the trees.,That apartment block is old and dangerous. It should be _.,wearing,support,endangered,recycle,pulled down,Fill in each blank with the correct word given.,Selfcheck,Use the information below to write,conversations and then practice then with,you partner.,2,Sample dialogue 1,A: What are three things you are supposed,to do?,B,: Im,supposed to,go home after school,finish my homework and go to bed at ten.,A: What are you supposed to do when you,meet your teacher?,B,: Im supposed to greet my teacher.,Sample dialogue 2,A: What happened yesterday?,B,: I missed the bus. I was late for school.,A: Why did you miss the bus?,B,: I got up late.,Sample dialogue 3,A: Give me that book.,B,: Please ask politely.,A: Im sorry.,Could you please,give me that book?,B,: Of course. Here you are.,A:What are three things you are,supposed to do?,B: Im,A:,A:What happened yesterday?,B: Yesterday, I,A:,A:Give me that,B: Please ask politely.,A:Im sorry. Could you ,B:,A:How do you feel about ,B: It makes me ,A:,A:Do you need some help?,B: Yes, Im ,A:,A:Have you ever won anything?,B: Yes, I ,A:,Homework:,1.Write a report about the survey made in class.,2. Complete the conversations below.,I. 根据汉语提示完成以下英语句子,每空一词。,1. 比尔对我们大家来说是个鼓舞人心的人。,Bill is _ us all.,2. 你业余时间通常做什么?,What do you usually do_ ?,3. 屋顶是用废弃的瓦片做的。,The roof was _ discarded tiles.,4. 我从没听说过这个地方。,I have never _ this place.,5. 格林街上的旧房子必须全部撤除。,All the old houses on Green Street have to be,_ .,an inspiration to,in your spare time,made of,heard of,pulled down,. 从括号中选择适当的词汇完成句子.,1. I think people should stop _ (riding, to ride) in cars and start riding bikes.,2. The stuff was _ (call, called) trash.,3. We can make lots of toys _ (out of, by) wood.,4. Polar bears are endangered animals. There arent many of them _ (leave, left).,5. The paper is made _ (of, from) wood.,riding,called,out of,left,from,People grow rice in the South of China.,(,改为被动语态,),Rice_ _ in the South of China.,2. My brother joined the army in 2002.,(,改为同义句,),My brother _ _ in the army since 2002.,is,grown,has,been,Exercises,3. The children ate up all the apples.,(改为被动语态),All the apples _ _ up by the children.,4. The young man goes to the cinema once a,month.(对划线局部提问),_ _ _ he _ to the cinema?,5. To give is better than to receive.,(用it做形式主语),_ _ _ to give _ receive.,were,eaten,How,often,does,go,It,is,better,than,6. Mr. Smith is a doctor. Mr. Green is a,doctor, too. (改为同义句),_ Mr. Smith _Mr. Green _,_.,7. James is an American student.,(改为同义句),James comes from _ _.,Both,and,8. To learn a foreign language well is not,easy.(用it做形式主语),_ _ _ _ to learn a foreign,language well.,are,doctors,from,America,It,is,not,easy,9. Farmers provide fresh vegetables for,city people.(改为同义句),Farmers provide _ _ _ _,_.,10. They built a new house last year.,(改为被动语态),A new house _ _ last year.,city,people,with,fresh,vegetables,was,built,


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