第5课时 八年级(上)Units1~2

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第,5,课时八年级,(,上,)Units 1,2,英语,人教版,1.,bored,(,无聊的;令人厌烦的,)_,2,wonderful,(,名词,)_,3,myself,(,主格,)_,(,宾格,)_,(,名词性物主代词,)_,(,形容词性物主代词,)_,4,yourself,(,主格,)_,(,宾格,)_,(,名词性物主代词,)_,(,形容词性物主代词,)_,词汇拓展,boring,wonder,I,me,mine,my,you,you,yours,your,5,activity,(,复数,)_,(,形容词,)_,6,building,(,动词,)_,7,difference,(,形容词,)_,8,decide,(,名词,)_,9,least,(,原级,)_,(,比较级,)_,activities,active,build,different,decision,little,less,10.,wait,(,男服务员,)_,(,女服务员,)_,11,hungry,(,名词,)_,12,dislike,(,反义词,)_,(,同义词,)_,13,health,(,形容词,)_,14,once,(,基数词,)_,(,序数词,)_,waiter,waitress,hunger,like,hate,healthy,one,first,15,twice,(,基数词,)_,(,序数词,)_,16,full,(,动词,)_,17,maybe,(,同义词,)_,18,die,(,名词,)_,(,形容词,)_,(,现在分词,)_,two,second,fill,perhaps,death,dead,dying,1.,相当多;不少,_ a few,2,当然;自然,of _,3,决定做某事,_ _ _,sth,.,4,尽力做某事,_ _ _,sth,.,5,给,的感觉;感受到,_ _,重点短语,quite,course,decide to do,try to do,feel like,6,因为,_ of,7,等待,_ _,8,好像要做某事,_ _ _,sth,.,9,几乎从不,_ _,because,wait for,seem to do,hardly ever,10.,一周一次,_ a _,11,充满,_ _ of,12,至少;不少于;起码,_ _,13,例如;像,这样,_ as,14,多于,_ _,once,week,be full,at least,such,more than,15,少于,_ _,16,多久一次,how _,17,垃圾食品,_ _,less than,often,junk food,1.,_ _ you go on vacation?,你去哪儿度假了?,2,Did you go out with _,?,你和别人出去了吗?,No.No,one was here._ was on vacation.,没有,,,这里没有人。大家都去度假了。,3,Did you buy _ _,?,你买特别的东西了吗?,重点句型,Where did,anyone,Everyone,anything,special,4,_ _ the food?,食物怎么样?,_ tasted really good!,每样食物都非常好吃!,How was,Everything,5.,It was sunny and hot,,,so we _ _ _ to the beach near our hotel.,天气晴朗而炎热,,,所以我们决定到我们旅馆附近的海滩去。,6,She says its _ _ my health.,她说这对我的身体有好处。,decided to go,good for,7,_ _ _ do you usually sleep at night?,你晚上通常睡多少个小时?,8,_ _ _ he _ TV?,他多久看一次电视?,How many hours,How often does,watch,1.,复合不定代词,something,,,anything,,,nothing,等的用法,2,动词过去式的规则变化和不规则变化,核心语法,3.,How often,询问频率,4,频度副词的用法,He hardly ever watches TV.,他几乎不看电视。,hardly,【,考点抢测,】,1.,(2017,襄阳,),Can you catch what the speaker is saying, Tina?,Sorry.He,speaks so fast that I,can_understand,him.,A,nearly B,hardly C,probably D,exactly,B,2,(2017,福建,),Joan has made great progress in speaking Chinese.,She _ works hard at it, you know.,A,never,B,seldom,C,always,C,(1)hardly,意为,“几乎不,;,几乎没有”,,,是表示否定意义的频度副词,,,在句中位于实义动词之前,,,助动词或系动词之后,。,(2),对频度副词画线提问用,how often,。,(3),频度副词按其频率高低依次排列顺序为,:,(4),在反意疑问句中,,,若陈述部分含有,hardly,等表示否定意义的词时,,,其疑问部分用肯定形式,。,(5)hardly,位于句首时,,,句子要倒装,。,And remember,,,“,old habits die hard,”,记住:,“,积习难改,”,。,die,【,考点抢测,】,3,(,导学号,:,01924007)(2017,西宁,),His grandmother _ for 6,years.And,he still misses her very much.,A,died B,has died,C,has been dead D,has been died,C,4,Do you know Lucys grandma?,Of,course.She,is a kind woman,,,but she has _ for about a month since she _ in the accident.,A,been dead,;,was killed B,died,;,was killed,C,been dead,;,killed D,died,;,killed,A,(1)die,意为,“消失,;,灭亡,;,死亡”,,,是不及物动词,,,强调动作,,,常用于一般过去时,。,它是非延续性动词,,,不能和表示时间段的状语连用,。,(2)death,是,die,的名词形式,,,意为,“,死亡,”,。,(3)dead,是,die,的形容词形式,,,意为,“,死的,”,,,强调状态,,,可用作定语或表语,。,表示,“,死了多长时间,”,应用,“,have/has been dead,for,时间段,”,。,(4)dying,是,die,的现在分词,,,也可用作形容词,,,意为,“,快死的,”,,,在句中作表语或定语,。,decide,【,考点抢测,】,5,(2017,苏州,),Jack, why have you decided _ Chinese folk music as a course?,To learn more about Chinese culture.,A,take B,taken C,taking D,to take,6,He is too,heavy.He,has decided _ some exercise to keep healthy.,A,to take,B,not to take,C,take,D,A,decide,是及物动词,,,名词形式为,decision,,,其主要用法有,:,(1)decide to do,sth,.,make a decision to do,sth,.,决定做某事,(2)decide,that,从句,决定,(3)decide on/upon doing,sth,.,决定做某事,D,A,9,Now teenagers are very busy with their schoolwork and they have _ time to do exercise.,A,few B,little C,a few D,a little,B,考点,词义,用法,few,不多,;,很少,修饰可数名词的复数形式,,,表示否定意义,。,a few,一些,;,几个,修饰可数名词的复数形式,,,表示肯定意义,。,little,几乎没有,修饰不可数名词,,,表示否定意义,。,a little,一点儿,;,少量,修饰不可数名词,,,表示肯定意义,。,B,11.,(2017,凉山,)_ do you stay up?,Never.I,always go to bed early.,A,How long B,How often,C,How soon D,How much,12,(2017,重庆,),_ will you finish writing the review of the Indian movie,Dangal,?,In two days.,A,How far B,How often,C,How soon D,How long,B,C,考点,词义,用法,how often,多久一次,答语通常是,always,,,usually,,,often,,,sometimes,,,hardly(ever,),,,once/twice a day/week,等表示频率的单词或短语,。,how long,多久,,,多,长时间,答语通常是,(,for)two,days/weeks/months,等表示时间段的短语,。,how soon,还要多久,常用于一般将来时态的句子中,,,其答语通常是,“,in,一段时间,”,。,D,14,Excuse me,,,where is the bookstore?,Go _ the,bridge.Youll,see it on your left.,A,on B,cross C,across D,through,C,考点,词义及用法,through,介词,,,表示从某一范围的一端到另一端,。,它表示的动作是在物体的内部空间进行的,,,通常指穿越沙漠,、,森林,、,窗户等,。,across,介词,,,强调从一定范围的一边到另一边,,,其动作是在物体的表面上或沿着一条线的方向进行的,,,常与表示,“,走,”,一类的动词,(,如,walk,,,run,,,go,,,fly,,,jump,等,),连用,。,cross,动词,,,意为,“,穿过,,,越过,,,渡过,”,。,over,介词,,,作,“,穿过,,,通过,”,讲时,,,表示到达较高的障碍物,(,如树,、,墙,、,篱笆,、,山脉等,),的另一端,。,一、根据汉语意思完成句子,,,每空词数不限。,1.,瞧!大家都激动得跳上跳下。,Look! Everyone is jumping _.,2.,我们又走了两小时。,We walked _,3.,我的同学告诉我要继续前进。,My classmate told me_,up and down in excitement,for another two hours/for two more hours,to keep going,4,多么美丽的一朵花呀!,_it is!,5.,当你有空的时候,,,我们一起绕着这个小镇转转。,When you are free, lets _ the small town together.,What a beautiful flower,walk around,二、根据汉语及括号内的提示,,,将下列句子译成英语。,1,做早操对我们的健康有益。,(be good for),_,2.,他有一百多本书。,(more than),_,3,蒂娜几乎从不吃鸡蛋。她根本不喜欢。,(hardly ever),_,Doing morning exercises is good for our health.,He has more than one hundred books.,Tina hardly ever eats,eggs.She,doesnt like them at all.,4.,他会说外语,,,例如,,,英语和俄语。,(such as),_,5.,我的哥哥每月至少去看两次电影。,(at least),_,He can speak foreign languages,,,such as English and Russian.,My brother goes to the movies at least twice a month.,三、情景交际。,在横线上填写适当的句子补全对话。,A,:,Hi,Tom.Long,time no see.1.,_,B,:,I went to Shanghai on vacation and stayed there for five days.,A,:,2.,_,B:,Yes.It,was my first time,there.Everything,was new and interesting.,A,:,Wow! 3.,_,Where did you go on vacation?,Was this your first time there?,Did you go with anyone in your family?,B,:,Yes, I went with my parents.,A,:,4.,_,B: It was very,hot.I,had to wear my,Tshirt,and shorts.,A,:,I see.5.,_,B,:,I visited quite a few places every,day.They,were wonderful.,A,:,Sounds like a good vacation.,And how was the weather there,?,/And what was the weather like there?,What did you do every day?,一、单项选择。,1,(2017,云南,),_ do you visit your grandparents?,Once a month.,A,How often B,How long,C,How soon D,How far,2,(2017,江西,),Ive just returned from my trip to,London.I,_ many interesting places there.,A,visit B,will visit,C,am visiting D,visited,A,D,3.,(2017,海南,),After two hours drive, the driver decided _ and have a rest.,A,stop,B,to stop,C,stopping,4.,(2017,齐齐哈尔,),Would you like _ to eat?,Yes, please.,A,anything delicious,B,delicious anything,C,something delicious,B,C,5.,(2017,广东,)“A white elephant” means something that is useless, _ it may cost a lot of money.,A,unless B,until,C,since D,although,6.,(,导学号,:,01924008)(2017,徐州,),A bird flew into the kitchen _ the window.,A,across B,above C,through D,under,D,C,7,Why are you so happy,,,Maria?,Our,class_the,volleyball match just now.,A,agreed B,won C,lost D,joined,8,I was so sorry that I couldnt _ the last problem on the math examination paper.,A,take out B,work out,C,put out D,look out,B,B,9,Do you like listening to English songs?,No,,,I _ listen to them because theyre very difficult for me.,A,always B,often,C,usually D,hardly ever,D,10,I am going to take this summer holiday in Taiwan.,Oh,,,really,?,Taiwan is _ a beautiful island that _ people in Guangdong go to visit it every year.,A,so,;,thousands B,so,;,thousands of,C,such,;,many thousand D,such,;,thousands of,D,二、完形填空。,(2017,宜昌,),We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting them and putting them into our _,11,_,Its not as easy as you,think.Its,important to know _,12,_ and when to eat.,Fruit should be eaten on an empty,stomach.If,you eat fruit like that, it will go straight _,13,_the stomach into the intestines,(,肠道,),It will be good to your health and provide you with plenty of _,14,_ for life,activities.Fruit,is the most important _,15,_,But when you eat two pieces of bread and then some fruit, it is _,16,_ from doing,so.Do,you know the reason?,You have probably heard people saying,every time I eat watermelon I burp (,打嗝,),when I eat a banana I feel like _,17,_ to the,toilet.When,the fruit_,18,_with other food, it produces gas (,气体,),Thats why you will feel uncomfortable! Actually this will not _,19,_ if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach.,Eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the,juice.When,you_,20,_want to drink fruit juice, drink only _,21,_ fruit juice, NOT from the bottles or,cans.Dont,drink juice that has been _,22,_up.Dont eat cooked fruits because you dont get the nutrients (,营养成分,),at,all.You,only get the _,23,_,If you have mastered the _,24,_ way of eating fruits, you have the _,25,_ of beauty, health, energy, happiness and a long,life.Dark,circles under the eyes will not appear.,11,A.tables B,plates,C,mouths D,boxes,12,A.how,B,what,C,where D,who,13,A.past,B,between,C,among D,through,C,A,D,14. A,experience B,energy,C,pleasure D,spirit,15.A.course B,discovery,C,food D,direction,16. A,prevented B,protected,C,prepared D,practiced,17.A.returning B,running C,relaxing D,staying,B,C,A,B,18,A.fixes,B,fills C,mixes D,joins,19,A.check,B,spread C,arrive D,happen,20.A.totally B,hardly C,clearly D,really,21. A,expensive B,colorful C,fresh D,medium,22,A.burned,B,heated C,set D,kept,23,A.taste,B,weight C,shape D,sugar,24,A.successful,B,correct C,opposite D,special,25.A.request B,secret C,style D,point,C,D,D,C,B,A,B,B,26.,If you want to know more information about the singing competition, you can _,A,go to,www,.,teen,v,oice,.,com,B,go to,www,.,booksalot,.,com,C,call them at 321703,D,call or text 998456,27,Tom wants to play computer games with his friends, what should he buy?,A,Teen Voice. B,Future World.,C,Best Bike Ride. D,Forest Street.,D,B,28,Which of the following is NOT true?,A,“,Best,Bike,Ride,”,is written by Kim Jams.,B,The new magazine for teenagers is on sale every week.,C,Eleven,year,old,David is allowed to drive a jeep in the desert on Tuesday.,D,Paul and Tina are going to the Big Wheel with their 4yearold son, they should pay $9.50 for the tickets.,C,四、词汇运用。,A),根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。,29,I _(,想知道,) why you were late today.,30,I usually go to the library all by _(,我自己,),31,She can _(,几乎不,) ever go there with us.,32,_(,可能,) you are right,,,but Im not sure.,33,There is nothing _(,严重的,) with your heart.,wonder,myself,hardly,Maybe,serious,B),用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。,34,There are a lot of _(different) between them.,35,Youd _(well) come earlier,tomorrow.I,need your help.,36,One of the _(write) will come to the party this weekend.,37,I can stay in the city for at _(little) two months.,38,Ive seen the movie _(two),,,so I dont want to see it again.,differences,better,writers,least,twice,五、书面表达。,(2017,临沂,),请以,“,My trip to _”,为题,,,根据以下要求与提示,,,用英语写一篇短文,,,记叙你的一次旅行。,要求:,1,请在题目空格处填入你旅行的地点,,,如:,Beijing, Jinan,或,Qingdao,等;,2,短文中不得出现任何真实人名、校名及其他相关信息,,,否则不予评分;,3,不少于,60,词。,提示:,1,Where did you go?,2,What did you do there?,3,How did you feel about the trip?,My trip to,_,Qingdao,I had a,twoday,trip to Qingdao with my friends last summer,vacation.We,had a wonderful time there.,We went to Qingdao by,bus.When,we got there in the afternoon,,,we couldnt wait to go to the beach near our,hotel.The,weather was,nice.Everything,was as beautiful as I,imagined.We,walked along the beach and enjoyed the soft sand,,,the gentle wind and the blue,sea.In,the evening,,,we had a big seafood,dinner.It,was really delicious.,The next morning,,,we went to,Laoshan,Mountain.It,is not very high,,,but there is an old and interesting tale about,it.So,it receives a lot of visitors every year.,I enjoyed this trip so much that I didnt want to go back home.,


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