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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,动词时态讲练,动词时态,(,复习,),1.,一般现在时,( V,;,V-s / V-,es,),2.,一般过去时,( V-,ed,),3.,一般将来时,( will / shall + V ),4.,现在进行时,( am / is,或,are + V-,ing,),5.,过去进行时,( was / were + V-,ing,),6.,将来进行时,( will / shall be + V-,ing,),7.,现在完成时,( have / has+ V-,ed,),8.,过去完成时,( had + V-,ed,),9.,将来完成时,( will /shall have + V-,ed,),10.,现在完成进行时,(have / has been + V-,ing,),11.,过去完成进行时,( had been +V-,ing,),12.,将来完成进行时,( will /shall have been + V-,ing,),13.,过去将来时,( would + V ),14.,过去将来进行时,( would be +V-,ing,),15.,过去将来完成时,( would have +,Ved,),16.,过去将来完成进行时,( would have been + V-,ing,),用正确的动词时态填空,1.He _(be) a student. I _(be) a teacher now.,2.The children _(dance) on the grass now.,3.I _(see) a film this afternoon.,4.She _(study) at No.1 Middle School last term.,5.We _ (hand) in our papers already.,6.They _(read) English every morning.,is,am,are dancing,am going to see,studied,have handed,read,7.Its 12 oclock, she _(have) lunch.,8.Do you know if he _(come) back in,an hour.,9.The boy _(break) the glass just now.,10._you ever_ (be) to Beijing?,11.My sister usually _(go) to work at,seven.,12.Look! He _(sit) on the box.,13.There _(be) a football match next week.,is having,will come,broke,Have,been,goes,is sitting,will be,14.Yesterday we _(go) to see her.,15.He _(do) the work yet.,16.She _(carry) water for me on Sundays.,17.What _Tom _(do) now? He _(write) a letter.,18.Tomorrow she _(visit) me.,19.His little brother_ (be) born in,1999.,20.He _(know) you for ten months.,went,has done,carries,is,doing,is writing,will visit,was,has known,21.Farmers_(plant) many trees every year.,22.Listen! They _(sing) there.,23.I think it _(be) fine soon.,24.The girl _ (be) here hours ago.,25.The baby _ just _(drink) milk. Now he is full.,26.Sometimes I _(help) mother with the housework.,27.Our teacher _(have) a meeting. He cant meet you now.,plant,are singing,will be,was,has,drunk,help,is having,28.She _(help) me with my English tonight.,29.The dog _(die) two hours ago.,30.Her mother _ never _(be) to Hong Kong.,31.The child _(watch) TV every night.,32.Dont make any noise, his father _(sleep).,33.Our life _(get) better and better in 2006.,will help,died,has,been,watches,is sleeping,will get,34.Mr Zhang _(go) abroad once a year.,35.Can you _(be) here at 8 tomorrow morning?,36.Last week she _(be) still a doctor.,37.My son _(go) to work, he isnt in.,38.The writer _(be) to England twice.,39.The worker _(work) in the factory,since 1998.,40.Mr Li _(teach) in our school for 15,years.,41.My parents _(get) home late yesterday.,goes,be,was,has gone,has been,has worked,has taught,got,42.This story _(happen) a long time ago.,43,.She _(get) up at 6 in the morning. doesnt,she?,44.Lets go now, he _(wait) for us there.,45.Sometimes my father _(come) back,home very late.,46.What _ Jack _(do) on Sundays?,47._you _(find) your keys? Not yet.,48.He _(know) me since he moved here.,49.When _ you _(buy) the dictionary?,Last Monday.,happened,gets,is waiting,come,does,do,Have,found,has known,did,buy,50.Can you _(mend) the bike yourself ?,51.He doesnt _(like) fish at all.,52.You neednt _(finish) homework first.,53.Must I _(be) here at 7 this evening?,54.Would you _(like) something to eat?,55.She didnt _(do) her lessons just now.,mend,like,finish,be,like,do,56.Will they _(feed) the cats next morning?,57.May we _(come) into the hall now?,58.We wont _(eat) this kind of meat any more.,59.They cant _(go) there next time.,60.Jack didnt _(have) breakfast this morning.,61.Could you _(bring) the book to me,tomorrow morning?,feed,come,eat,go,have,bring,62.You may _(ask) her again next week.,63.Does the truck _(carry) these apples to the town?,64.Do they _(play) tennis every afternoon?,65.My mother doesnt _(stop) me from swimming.,66.Dont _(open) the window, it is cold outside.,67.Will you please _(call) me in ten minutes?,ask,carry,play,stop,open,call,68.This time tomorrow I _ ( fly )to Spain.,69.I_(be) free Friday morning.,I _(see),a friend off.,70. The Robinsons_( stay ) with us again this year.,71. If we dont do so, we _( repeat ),the errors of the past.,72. I _( lose ),my pen; I am unable to do my exercises.,73. The city _ ( take ),on a new look.,shall be flying,wont be,ll,be seeing,will be staying,shall be repeating,have lost,has taken,74.We _( plant ),many trees this year.,75. It _( be ),10 years since I last _ (see ) you.,76. We_ ( start ),at 5 p.m. if it _ (stop) raining by then.,77. I _( give ),my opinion when I _( read ),the book through.,78. I _( go )to the cinema because I _ already _( see ) the film.,have planted,has been,saw,ll,start,has stopped,will give,have read,didnt go,seen,had,79.He _( be ),ill for two weeks when we learned about it.,80.By the end of June they _( treat ),30,000 patients.,81.He decided to go back to work now that he _( get ) well.,82. It was not until I _ ( read ),you letter that I understood the true state of affairs.,had been,had treated,had got,had read,83. He _( press ) the button before we could stop him.,84. After we said goodbye to the villagers, we _( leave ) the village.,85. As soon as he arrived, he _( give ) me a phone call.,86. The taxi _( arrive ),by the time you finish dressing.,had pressed,left,gave,will have arrived,87. In another year or so, you _(forget) all about me.,88. I _( finish ),this one before lunch.,89. He _( learn ) English for six months.,90. The boys _( watch ) TV since seven oclock.,91. We_( see ) quite a lot of each other recently.,will have forgotten,shall have finished,has been learning,have been watching,have been seeing,92. He _( walk ),since ten oclock and he was beginning to feel extremely tired.,93. When I got home, I found that Tom _( write ) his letters.,94. By next summer she _( work ),in the laboratory for three years.,95. On April 2nd, 2010, we _( live ) in the house exactly thirty years.,had been walking,had been writing,will have been working,shall have been living,95.They were sure they _( win ),final victory.,96. Every evening he _ ( go ) and talk with the workers then.,97. He asked me what I _( do ) the next morning.,98. I told him not to come at three oclock because I _( have ) a meeting at that time.,would win,would go,would be doing,should be having,99. She hoped that we _ ( get ),the plan ready before she came back.,I thought they _( tell ),you about it.,They told me that by the end of the year they _( work ),together for thirty years.,I found that next June I _( go ) to this school for two years.,would have got,would have told,would have been working,should have been going,THANK YOU,


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